Studies Review publishes manuscripts in German, Austrian, and Swiss-German
history, literature, culture studies, political science and government,
and some related fields. GSR publishes in the language of submission, English
or German.
manuscripts should normally be no longer than 25 typed pages, including
full endnotes (not footnotes). The endnotes should contain all appropriate
information, including publisher and date of publication of books cited.
Style followed should be MLA, University of Chicago Press, or current German
style. Persons should submit two copies, with return first class United
States postage and a full return address, including
Gerald R. Kleinfeld, Editor
GSR will endeavor to respond to submitted manuscripts within a reasonable period of time. Each received manuscript will be sent an acknowledgement by e-mail, or by post card if e-mail is not available. Book
reviews are solicited, and no submitted book reviews will be considered.
Individuals seeking to be added to the reviewer list should send a complete
up-to-date vita, including e-mail address, and indicate which areas and
fields are to be considered
Judith Ricker
Authors wishing to have their books reviewed in German Studies Review should have the publisher send a copy of the book for review purposes to Professor Ricker. |
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