The German Studies Association is the national and international association of scholars in all fields of German Studies. Its interests span the period from early times to the present Federal Republic of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. |
Membership Form
German Studies Association Membership Form (If you want to do this online and pay by credit card, click the option to the left instead. Remember, GSA Membership is calendar year based and if you join online, you will be charged for the full calendar year. If you use the printable form, you can designate your membership to begin January 1st of next year.) For a printable version of this membership form, click on "Download Printable Membership Form" to the right - send to: Prof. Gerald A. Fetz, Membership:
Membership dues may be paid by: 1) personal check drawn in US dollars on a US bank. 2) Master Card or Visa (give card number, name on card, and expiration date). 3) bank money order in US dollars. Kindly understand that the different rates are for "residents" and not "citizens," since the different rates reflect postage requirements for the mailing of publications. To apply for membership, complete this form and send it, together with your check (payable to German Studies Association) or credit card information, to:
Memberships are for the CALENDAR YEAR. When you join, you will receive all publications for that year, and will be billed automatically on January 1 of the following year for your renewal. Individual Membership Form Calendar Year _____ _____________________________________________________ (Prof., Dr., Mr., Ms.) First Name, Last Name Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ a full 9-digit zip code is required of US residents e-mail: ______________________________________________ If your mailing address does not include your discipline, and your university or college, kindly list those below: Discipline: ____________________________________________ Institution: ___________________________________________ Signature: ___________________________________________ Please sign the membership form. Please check the amount enclosed: ____ US$55 (for members residing in North America) ____ US$40 (for students residing in North America) ____ US$65 (for members residing elsewhere) ____ additional amount for Sustaining Members Forms of payment: 1) check on US bank in US dollars 2) Master Card or Visa 3) money order in US dollars If you wish to pay by credit card, please complete the following information: 1. _______ Master Card ______ Visa 2. Name on card: ______________________________________ 3. Number on card: ____________________________________ 4. Expiration date: ___________________ 5. Siganture (again, to allow us to charge the card) _____________________________________________________ 6. Answer this question, please! Do you wish us to charge this credit card annually for your renewal dues, pending a letter from you to us cancelling this agreement? _______ |
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