The German Studies Association is the national and international association of scholars in all fields of German Studies. Its interests span the period from early times to the present Federal Republic of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

German Studies Review

The latest information on the scholarly journal of the German Studies Association may be found by clicking on this link:

German Studies Review , the scholarly journal of the German Studies Association, is published three times each year, in February, May, and October. The journal publishes articles and book reviews in history, literature, culture studies, political science, as well as interdisciplinary topics relating to the German-speaking areas of Europe encompassing primarily, but not exclusively, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Articles and reviews are published in English or German. Each issue contains at least six articles and sixty book reviews. German Studies Review is a journal of first publication, and all submissions are peer-reviewed. German Studies Review is included in Historical Abstracts , Current Contents , Current Geographical Publications , and other indices, and is assigned the acronym GerSR for the MLA International Bibliography . German Studies Review is published by the German Studies Association and Carleton College.

Library subscriptions to German Studies Review are US $45 per year (domestic); US $45 per year (Canadian); US $50 per year (foreign); single copies US $17. Library subscription requests and all other orrespondence regarding advertising, manuscripts, and other journal business should be sent to:

Prof. Diethelm Prowe
Editor, German Studies Review
Carleton College
Department of History
Northfield, MN 55057-4025 USA

Individual subscriptions are part of German Studies Association memberhip. Annual dues are US $55 for North American residents, and US $65 for residents of other locations. Members also receive the Association Newsletter and a considerable discount for registration at the annual GSA conferences. Membership forms are on the internet at: Correspondence regarding the Association should be addressed to the President or the Secretary-Treasurer.

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