1. Zweiter Weltkrieg: Historie versus Legendenbildung
Fri 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Walker
Moderator: Geoffrey P. Megargee United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Commentator: Ronald Smelser Univ of Utah
Anmerkungen zur Luftkriegsdebatte
Klaus A. Maier
Securing the Domestic Front in WW II: Wehrkraftzersetzung and the Reichskriegsgericht
Steven R Welch University of Melbourne
Hitler als Kriegs- und Feldherr
J�rgen F�rster Universit�t Freiburg
2. Modernity and the Baroque 1: Nietzsche and Baroque Moralistik
Fri 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Juneau
Another Genealogy of Morals: Nietzsche, Gracian, and the Baroque
Kathleen Merrow Portland State Univ
"Man gelte nicht fur einen Mann von Verstellung": The Right of Self-Representation in Gracian
Sebastian Neumeister Institut fur Romanische Philologie, Freie Universitat Berlin
Allegory and Trauerspiel: Constantia and the Baroque Theater of Cruelty (Andreas Gryphius, Catharina von Georgien, 1657)
Jane O. Newman Department of Comparative Literature, University of California, Irvine
3. Austrian Literature I: The Austrian Civil Imaginary
Fri 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM MacArthur
Moderator: Gerhard H. Weiss University of Minnesota
Commentator: Paul Michael L�tzeler Washington University
H�flingsbrust und Kaiserschenkel:
Postheroische M�nnlichkeit und (Anti-)Austriazismus bei Grillparzer und Sealsfield
Brigitte Prutti Univ of Washington
History and the Process of Civilization: Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach�s "Das Gemeindekind"
Peter C Pfeiffer Georgetown University
Transcending Central Europe:
On Robert M�ller's Exoticism
Ulrich Bach Stanford University
4. Space and Identity in Turkish-German Cinema
Fri 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Suite 650
Moderator: Julie Klassen Carleton College
Commentator: Richard W. McCormick University of Minnesota
Chronotopes of Exile: Spaces of Loss, Longing, and Entrapment in the Films of Tevfik Baser
Angelica Fenner University of Toronto
Border Crossings and Identity in Recent Turkish-German Cinema
Tim Gruenewald Universtity of Washington
Kanak Pride and Visual Alterity: Turks, Germans, and the Borders of Europe
Randall Halle University of Rochester
5. Germany and the Holocaust I: Re-viewing the Past
Fri 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Wright-A
Moderator: Brad Prager University of Missouri, Columbia
Commentator: Barbara Mennel University of Florida, Gainesville
Shooting Perpetrators and Victims: Documenting Persecution in Peter Forgacs's "Free Fall" (1996)
Jaimey Fisher University of California, Davis
Narrative Transgression in Edgar Hilsenrath's "Der Nazi und der Friseur" and Maxim Biller's "Harlem Holocaust"
Erin McGlothlin Washington University in St. Louis
"Beauftragter im Sinne der deutschen Geschichte": Oliver Hirschbiegel's "Der Untergang" (2004)
Michael D. Richardson Ithaca College
6. The Political Culture of Court Society I: Insult in Politics, Culture, and Academia in Eighteenth-Century Brandenburg-Prussia
Fri 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Crystal Ballroom
Moderator: Almut Spalding Illinois College
Commentator: James Goodale Bucknell University
"My Dear Brother in Christ": Epistolatory Hierarchy in Eighteenth-Century Brandenburg-Prussia
Thomas Bach LeMoyne College
Duplicitous Behavior: Anti-Habsburg Sentiment in Friedrich II of Prussia's Opera "Montezuma"
John Magnum Los Angeles Philharmonic
Insult and Ridicule: Extraordinary Avenues of Comunication and Power at the Court of Friedrich Wilhelm I of Prussia
Benjamin Marschke Montana State University - Billings
7. Living Space in Modern Germany
Fri 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Usinger
Moderator: Gregory A Eghigian Penn State University
Commentator: Andrew Stuart Bergerson University of Missouri, Kansas City
Consumer Living Space: Pedestrian Malls and Suburban Shopping Centers in Germany and the US
Jan Logemann Penn State University
�Wohnung der Zukunft� or �Massenverwahrung�? The Rise of Functionalist Architecture, Material Rupture, and the Domestic Space in the New Apartments of East Germany
Eli Rubin Western Michigan University
From Bauhaus to Bosporus: Everyday Space in the Work of Bruno Taut
Jennifer Jenkins University of Toronto
8. Fighting Fascism: Three Postwar Variations
Fri 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Schlitz
Moderator: Robert P. Ericksen Pacific Lutheran University
Commentator: Geoffrey J Giles Univ of Florida
Rational Utopias for Children: German Technology Museums after Fascism
Connie Moon Sehat Rice University
Letters from Exile: The Briefwechsel of Hannah Arendt and Hermann Broch in their 1940s American exile.
Donald L. Wallace University of California, San Diego
Reeducating Bremen
Bianka Adams U.S. Department of Defense
9. Diasporic Genealogies: Jewish Writing in Germany around 1800
Fri 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Pabst
Moderator: Leslie Morris University of Minnesota
Commentator: Sven-Erik Rose Miami University
Towards Knowledge /Towards Wisdom: Moses Mendelssohn as Literary Critic
Stephan Braese Universit�t Bremen
Mendelssohn�s Greek Roots
Liliane Weissberg University of Pennsylvania
"There is neither truth nor falsity � there are just thoughts or no thoughts whatsoever:" Reading Maimon's Lebensgeschichte as Philosophy
Jason Peck University of Minnesota
Voices from the Neighborhood: Hebrew, Yiddish and German Beginnings in Modern Jewish Literature
Andrea Schatz Princeton University
10. Occupied by the French
Fri 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Miller
Moderator: Karin Breuer Ithaca College
Commentator: Anthony J Steinhoff Univ. of Tennessee-Chattanooga
�Vive l�Empereur!� Westphalians under Napoleon
Todd Berryman Department of History/University of North Carolina
�Occupied� Alsace, 1914-1918
Christopher Fischer Indiana State University
Reconciliation under Occupation: German and French Encounters after World War II
Elana Passman Loyola College
11. Towards a Transnational and Interdisciplinary German Studies 1: Germany and Transnationalism: International Solidarity and National Identity in the German Democratic Republic
Fri 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Mitchell
Moderator: Noel D. Cary College of the Holy Cross
Commentator: Lynne Fallwell Center for Worker Education
�Our Tables are Bountiful�: East German Charity,
International Solidarity, and National Identity
Gregory Witkowski Ball State University
Geopolitical and Cognitive Mappings: Critical Solidarity with Latin America in East German Theater
Jamie Trnka Cornell University
Instrumentalizing Peace: Music and the Peace Movement in East Germany and Poland during the Early Cold War
David Tompkins University of Tennessee
12. American Occupations: Germany 1945-1949; Iraq-- 2003-2005 (Session Sponsored by German Historical Institute, Washington, DC)
Fri 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Oak
Moderator: Christof Mauch GHI
Commentator: David P. Conradt East Carolina University
Denanazification and De-Baathification
Rebecca Boehling University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Emigre and Homeland Politicians
Reiner Pommerin Technische Universit�t Dresden
Any Sense in the Parallels?
Robert Gerald Livingston German Historical Institute
13. After Fifty Years: Remembering Thomas Mann
Fri 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Monarch
Moderator: Elisabeth W�gh�ll-Nivre Stockholm University
Commentator: Jennifer E Michaels Grinnell College
History and Humanism on the Magic Mountain
Tobias Boes Yale University
Goethe und Thomas Mann: Eine Wahlverwandtschaft zwischen Klassik und Moderne
Frederick A. Lubich Old Dominion University
Thomas Mann's "Freud und die Zukunft": Ein Gleichnis
Diana Reese Cornell University
14. Refiguring the "New Woman" in the History of Germany's Long Twentieth Century
Fri 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Wright-B
Moderator: Geoffrey C Cocks Albion College
Commentator: Meike G. Werner Vanderbilt University
Fantasies of Universality? Neue Frauen, Race and Nation in Weimar and Nazi Germany
Uta G. Poiger University of Washington, Seattle
�Neue Frau� und Frauenbewegung als Spannungsverh�ltnise: die 1920er, 1950er und 1970er Jahre
Irene Stoehr
New Women and the �Crisis of Modernity� before and after the First World War
Kathleen Canning University of Michigan
15. Home and the Nation
Fri 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Golda Meir
Moderator: Lorie A. Vanchena Creighton University
Commentator: Dave Hamlin Fordham University
"The National Spirit of the German Home":
Celebrating Christmas in the Third Reich
Joseph Perry Georgia State University
Die Kinderstube � Toys, Consumption and the Nationalization of Middle-Class Childhood
Bryan Ganaway Presbyterian College
Preserving the Foundation: Imagining the Family after 1848
Jason Tebbe University of Illinois
16. "I Am the Last Prussian": Kuno Graf von Westarp and German Politics, 1900-1933
Fri 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Wright-C
Moderator: Joseph W Bendersky Virginia Commonwealth University
Commentator: Barry Jackisch
Something Borrowed, Something Blue: Integrating the Old Conservative Party into the New DNVP, 1918-1920
James Retallack University of Toronto
Die "Eigenart der Frauenarbeit": Kuno Graf von Westarp und die Frauenpolitik der DNVP
Kirsten Heinsohn Institute for the History of German Jews
German Conservatism at the Crossroads: Kuno Graf von Westarp and the DNVP Leadership Crisis, 1928-1930
Larry E. Jones Canisius College
17. Genres of German and Jewish Connections
Fri 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Suite 649
Moderator: Lisa Jennings Valparaiso University
Commentator: Frederick A. Lubich Old Dominion University
Das deutsch-j�dische Gespr�ch als Literatur:
Anmerkungen zur rhetorisch-�sthetischen Funktion deutsch-j�discher Gegenwartsliteratur
Thomas Kniesche Brown University
Performing "Jewishness" in the DEFA Film "The Actress"
Kai Herklotz University of California, Irvine
Beschreibung eines Konflikts: Israel-Palestine in current German travel literature.
Joachim Warmbold Tel Aviv University
18. Germany's Crisis Areas
Fri 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Suite 663
Moderator: Gerold Schmiedbach Industrie- und Handelskammer, Darmstadt
�N�tzliches Schaffen� versus �angels�chsischen Kapitalismus� �
Reaktivierung des Gemeinschaftsbegriffs bei den Diskussionen um Hartz IV?
Andrea Woeldike
Modernisierung des Landes Niedersachsen: Vorschl�ge f�r den Bund?
Wolfgang G. Gibowski Vertretung des Landes Niedersachsens beim Bund
"Federalism, Fiscal Policy, Finanzausgleich: Recent Developments."
Wade Jacoby Brigham Young University
19. Women's Despair, Women's Genius
Fri 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Kilbourn
Moderator: James C Albisetti Univ of Kentucky
Commentator: Katrin V�lkner
� 'Entzweiung mit sich selber':
Madness and Creativity in Bettine von Arnim�s Die G�nderode. �
Cathie Grimm Albion College
Weibliche Irrsterne": The Female Genius in 19th-Century Germany
Denise Della Rossa Idaho State University
Die Frauenbewegung als Notlage?
The Gendering of Despair in the Imperial Women�s Movement
Catherine Dollard Denison University
Melancholy, Reproduction, and Artistic Production in Franziska zu Reventlow's --Ellen Olestjerne-- and Gabriele Reuter's --Das Tr�nenhaus--
Lisabeth Hock Wayne State University
20. The Radio Play in Post-War German Society
Fri 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Regency
Moderator: Karen R. Achberger St. Olaf College
Commentator: Paula Hanssen Webster University
Die Welt als Schauergeschichte: D�rrenmatts H�rspiele �N�chtliches Gespr�ch mit einem verachteten Menschen� und �Die Panne�
Charlotte Schalli� University of British Columbia
Memory and the Nibelungenlied in Peter Hirche�s N�he des Todes
Ginny Lewis Northern State University
German radio play and the phenomenology of listening
Ingvild Folkvord Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Ilse Langner�s H�rpsiel Iphigenie Smith kehrt heim: A Lesson in Distraction
Lynn Kutch Lehigh University
21. Elfriede Jelinek: Illness, Ethics, Translation
Fri 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Regency
Moderator: Paul Michael L�tzeler Washington University
Commentator: Nancy Nobile University of Delaware
Jelinek's "Krankheit oder Moderne Frauen": Body Politics and Gender
Nele Hempel University of Memphis
The Ethical Dimension of Jelinek's Prose
Steve Dowden Brandeis University
Translating Jelinek: The Art of Compromise
Bettina Brandt Montclair State University
22. Modernity and the Baroque 2:Gershom Scholem and the Heretic
Fri 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Juneau
Moderator: Sharon Gillerman University of Southern California
Commentator: Paul Reitter University of California, Berkeley
Scholem, Heresy and the Modern
Benjamin Lazier Reed College
Perspectives on Scholem and Sabbatean Heresy
Matt Goldish Department of History, Ohio State University
Heresy in the Seventeenth Century
Allison Coudert Univ. of Ca., Davis
23. The Politics and Ideology of the Radical Right, 1900 to 1934
Fri 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Kilbourn
Moderator: Pieter Judson Swarthmore College
Commentator: Geoff Eley University of Michigan
"A Liberalism Which Does Not Deserve Its Name?" The Left Liberal Roots of National Socialism, 1914-1934
Eric A. Kurlander Stetson University
"Race, Hygiene, and Bio-Politics in the Wilhelmine Right: Pan-German Nationalism and the Logic of Ethnic Cleansing"
Dennis Sweeney University of Alberta
�Continuity and Change on the German Right: The Pan-German League and Nazism, 1918-1939�
Barry Jackisch
24. Towards a Transnational and Interdisciplinary German Studies 2: Playing Indian? Native Americans and German Tourists, Hobbyists, and Activists in the Post-War Era
Fri 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Mitchell
Moderator: Gerd Gem�nden Dartmouth College
Commentator: Rudy J. Koshar Univ of Wisconsin Madison
�Praying with the Indians� � Constructing Spirituality in Aboriginal Cultural Tourism
Siegrid Deutschlander Univeristy of Calgary
The Joys of Playing with fire: German and Other Identities on Indianist Playgrounds
Petra Tjitske Kalshoven McGill University
Red Power: Liselotte Welskopf-Henrich and Indian Support Groups in East and West Germany
H. Glenn Penny University of Iowa
25. Archivische Quellen zur/trotz �berwachung und Unterdr�ckung in Deutschland und �sterreich 1890 bis 1989
Fri 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Golda Meir
Moderator: Ronald Smelser Univ of Utah
Commentator: Evan B Bukey University of Arkansas
Die Politische Polizei im Deutschen Kaiserreich
Rainer Hering Staatsarchiv Hamburg
Quellen �ber nationalsozialistische �berwachung und Repression am Beispiel der Stadt Linz
Walter Schuster Archiv der Stadt Linz
Literarische Gegenwelten. Das Archiv unterdr�ckter Literatur in der DDR
Matthias Dr. Buchholz Stiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur
26. Was macht eine CDU/CSU Regierung anders?
Fri 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Regency
Wolfgang Bergsdorf University of Erfurt
Roland Freudenstein Hamburg State Govt.
David P. Conradt East Carolina University
Ursula Maennle Hanns Seidel Foundation
Clay Clemens College of William and Mary
27. Being/Becoming a Man: Varieties of Masculinity in Germany between 1740 and 1800
Fri 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Miller
Moderator: R. Andre Wakefield Pitzer College
Commentator: Randolph Trumbach Baruch College
Temporal Men and the Eternal Bridegroom:
Moravian Masculinity in the 18th Century
Katherine Faull Bucknell University
Masculinity, Race, and Sexuality: African Images in Early Modern German Society
Vera Lind Northern Illinois University
Making the Classical Man: Masculinity and Education in Late-Eighteenth Century Schnepfenthal
Heikki Lempa Moravian College
28. Expelling the Past: Extreme Means as a Form of Vergangenheitsbew�ltigung
in Contemporary Literature and Film
Fri 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Suite 664
Moderator: Albert Gouaffo Universit� de Dschang/Cameroun
Commentator: Richard Sperber Carthage College
Verdr�ngung oder Verschiebung?: Die DDR als Spiegelbild des westdeutschen Terrorismus im zeitgen�ssischen Roman und Film
Stefanie Hofer Virginia Tech
Nations Built on Plaster Foundations Cannot Last: Kerstin Hensel's Post-Unification Novel Gipshut as a Dystopian Vision of the GDR and Reunified Germany
Jill Twark East Carolina University
Cleansing the Social Body: Post-Unification Literary Attempts at Expelling the Stasi
Kristie A. Foell Bowling Green State University
29. Verwissenschaftlichungsprozesse in der deutschen Gesellschaft nach 1945
Fri 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Oak
Moderator: Alan Beyerchen Ohio State University
Commentator: Richard F. Wetzell German Historical Institute
Die Verwissenschaftlichung der Politik in der Bundesrepublik, 1949�1977
Anja Kruke
The German Labor Administration�s First Crisis: The End of Totalerfassung and the Turn to Science, 1955 to 1970
David Meskill Harvard University
HOMO MUNITUS: The East German observed
Gregory A Eghigian Penn State University
Experten f�r Humankapital: Zur Verwissenschaftlichung betrieblicher Personalpolitik in westdeutschen Unternehmen, 1945�1980
Ruth Rosenberger Universitaet Trier
30. "Befangenheit ist das Normale"?: German/Jewish and Jewish/German Relations Today
Fri 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Kilbourn
Moderator: Jeffrey M Peck Georgetown Univ./AICGS
Commentator: Atina Grossmann The Cooper Union
Beyond the Holocaust? Teaching About Jews in German Class
George Peters Michigan State University
What Am I Doing Here? Field Research in Germany�s Jewish Studies
Joachim Schloer Universit�t Potsdam
What are We Doing Here? Constructing German Identities in Israel -- An Oral History Project
Anne Rothe Wayne State University
The Schizophrenic Israeli Jew � The War After the War Against Nazi Germany
Moshe Zimmermann Koebner Center for German History
31. Die Besatzungspolitik der Siegerm�chte und die mentale Umkehr der Deutschen nach Krieg und Zivilisationsbruch
Fri 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Suite 650
Moderator: Hans-Juergen Schroeder Universitaet Giessen
Commentator: Reiner Pommerin Technische Universit�t Dresden
Besatzungspolitik und de Mentalit�tswechsel der Deutschen nach 1945
Konrad H Jarausch Univ of North Carolina
Der sowjetische Weg zur Realisierung des Potsdamer Minimalkonsenses
Manfred Wilke Freie Universit�t Berlin
Schl�sselregion Ruhrgebiet; Die britische Besatzungspolitik gegen�ber der der KPD (angefragt)
Till K�ssler Ludwig-Maximilian-Universit�t M�nchen
32. Spatial Economies in Berlin
Fri 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Wright-C
Moderator: Craig Decker Bates College
Commentator: Karen Till University of London
�Mediating Figures: The Weimar City Film and Theories of Modernity�
Barbara Mennel University of Florida, Gainesville
�Berlin Discourse and the Spatial Turn in Cultural Studies�
Sabine Hake University of Texas at Austin
�Staging the global city: Pollesch@Volksb�hne�
Katrin Sieg Georgetown University
33. German and Austrian Jewish Pacifist Writings in the First World War and Beyond
Fri 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Suite 663
Moderator: Joachim Warmbold Tel Aviv University
Commentator: William Collins Donahue Duke University
"The most famous Jewish pacifist was Jesus of Nazareth...": Jewish-German Pacifist Clementine Kr�mer's (1873-1942) Stories of War and Visions for Peace and Tolerance
Elizabeth Loentz University of Illinois at Chicago
The Jewish Experience, Pacifism, and Animal Rights. Elias and Veza Canetti, Claire Goll, and Gertrud Kolmar
Dagmar C. G. Lorenz University of Illinois at Chicago
The Final Days of Teleological Optimism about the �Natural� Triumph of Pacifism:
A Secular Jewish-German Pacifist in the World War I Era
Virginia Iris Holmes Einstein Papers Project, Caltech
34. Gods and the Divine in Medieval German Culture (sponsored by YMAGINA (Young Medievalist Germanists in North America))
Fri 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Usinger
Moderator: Rasma Lazda-Cazers The University of Alabama
Commentator: Niklaus Largier UC Berkeley
Remembering to be Remembered: Conceptions of memoria in Twelfth-Century German Saints� Lives
Claudia Bornholdt University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Saints and Self-Portraits in the Pictorial Narratives of Artist Sibilla von Vondorf (c. 1440-1524)
Anne Winston-Allen Southern Illinois University
Deixis und Wahrnehmung:
Die Publikumslenkung durch den sp�tmittelalterlichen Spielproklamator
Glenn Ehrstine University of Iowa
35. J�disches Mitteleuropa � mitteleurop�isches Judentum
Fri 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Wright-A
Moderator: Winfried R. Garscha Zentrale oesterreichische Forschungsstelle Nachkriegsjustiz
Commentator: Gregory Weeks Webster University Vienna
Die donauschw�bische Besiedlung des K�nigreiches Ungarn und die Juden
Georg Kastner Andr�ssy Gyula Universit�t Budapest
Die j�dische Gemeinde von Graz
Gerald Lamprecht Centrum f�r J�dische Studien
Mythos Czernowitz
Dieter A. Binder University of Graz
36. Misplaced: The Aesthetics of Dislocation in Contemporary German Cinema
Fri 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Pabst
Moderator: Christina Gerhardt University of California at Berkeley
Commentator: Carsten Strathausen University of Missouri at Columbia
Dislocating the Border of Fortress Europe in Hans-Christian Schmid�s Lichter
Kristin Kopp University of Missouri, Columbia
Ossil�nder? The Foreign East in Hannes St�hr's Berlin is in Germany
Jennifer M. Kapczynski Washington University
Free Fallin�: Tom Tykwer and the Aesthetics of Standstill
Lutz Koepnick Washington University
37. Western (re)visions of East German Culture: GDR Literature, Music and Art after the Wende
Fri 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Wright-C
Moderator: Richard J Rundell New Mexico State Univ
Commentator: Bill Niven The Nottingham Trent University
East German Literature and Reunification: Continuities and Discontinuities
Stephen Brockmann Carnegie Mellon University
Hanns Eisler in a Post-Communist Age
Vera Stegmann Lehigh University
Reevaluating the Staatsk�nstler Myth: Bernhard Heisig and the Post-Wall Reception of East German Painting
April Eisman University of Pittsburgh
38. Between Collaboration and Resistance:
Different Experiences of the Napoleonic Wars in German Central Europe
Fri 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Wright-B
Moderator: Jean Quataert Binghamton University
Commentator: Katherine Aaslestad West Virginia University
War and Identity. Collaboration and Resistance in the Rhineland during the Napoleonic Empire
Michael Rowe King's College London
National War or Resistance Against Exploitation? The Impact of Military Recruitment, Economic Exploitation, and Religion in Bavaria, Baden and Wurtemberg
Ute Planert Universit�t T�bingen
Commerce and Accommodation: Saxony under Napoleon
Robert Beachy Goucher College
A Prussian �Sonderweg�? Experiences of French Occupation and Patriotic Mobilization in Prussia
Karen Hagemann University of North Carolina
39. Reading Hans Grimm
Fri 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Suite 649
Moderator: Anke Finger University of Connecticut
Commentator: John Noyes University of Toronto
Reading Style Against Theme: or, how literature�even Hans Grimm�s�eludes monochromatic political interpretation
Sara Eigen Vanderbilt University
Hans Grimm and Helene Voigt-Diederichs: A Friendship Between Writers
Meike G. Werner Vanderbilt University
Hans Grimm und die �Lippoldsberger Dichtertage� zwischen 1934 und 1960
Anne Chr. Nagel
40. Scientific Temporalities in the Nineteenth Century: Progress, Technology, and Myth
Fri 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Suite 650
Moderator: Lisabeth Hock Wayne State University
Commentator: George S Williamson University of Alabama
Moses He� and the Cosmology of History
Elizabeth Neswald National University of Ireland, Galway
Herder's anthropology in Marx's early conception of Man
Bradford Whitener Lewis & Clark College
Revolutions in High-Speed Communication: Kleist, Fontane, and the Telegraph
John Lyon University of Pittsburgh
The Myth in the Form: Storm's Schimmelreiter and Late 19th-Century Culture
Derek Hillard Kansas State University
41. Modernity and the Baroque 3: Carl Schmitt and the Christian-Jewish Tradition
Fri 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Juneau
Moderator: Anson Rabinbach Princeton University
Commentator: Peter Caldwell
The Roots of Schmitt's Antisemitism and Its Impact on His Thought
Raphael Gross Leo Baeck Institute, London
Grotius and Schmitt on War: Readings and Controversies
Martin Van Gelderen European University Institute
Hobbes and Schmitt on Sovereignty and Protection
Peter Schroeder University College London
42. Exoticism, Imperialism and Travel Literature
Fri 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Wright-B
Moderator: Sukanya Kulkarni University of Toronto
Commentator: John Noyes University of Toronto
"Indienfahrt" zum "Sadhu an der Teufelswand": German Travel Accounts about India at Two Beginnings of Centuries
Joerg Esleben University of Ottawa
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: De-Exoticizing Oriental Women in Ida von Hahn-Hahn's "Orientalische Briefe"
Ulrike Brisson
Monistic Visions and Colonial Consciousness: Ernst Haeckel's "Indische Reisebriefe"
Perry Myers Albion College
"Traveling Without Baggage�: The Authority of V�lkerschauen in Fin-de-si�cle Germany
David Kim Harvard University
43. Rosenstrasse Revisited - Mixed Marriage, Deportation, and Street Protests in Nazi Germany, March 1943
Fri 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Regency
Moderator: Henry Friedlander Brooklyn College, CUNY
Commentator: Evan B Bukey University of Arkansas
Impacts of Intermarriage on German Group Identities in the Early Twentieth Century
Christopher Griffin Florida State University
Auschwitz und die Berliner "Fabrikaktion" Februar/Maerz 1943
Joachim Neander Independent Scholar Krak�w
Der Protest in der Rosenstrasse 1943 und die Kirchen
Antonia Leugers TU Dresden
The Meaning of Dr. Gerhard Lehfeldt's Contemporary Report Relating to the Rosenstrasse Protest and its Postwar Fate
Nathan Stoltzfus Florida State Univ
44. German Refugee Intellectuals After 1933: New Approaches
Fri 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM MacArthur
Moderator: Andreas Daum University at Buffalo (SUNY)
Commentator: Georg Iggers SUBY/Buffalo
German-Speaking Refugee Intellectuals: New Archival Research
John M Spalek SUNY Albany
Franz Borkenau: Between Communism and Anti-Communism, 1900-1957
Mario Kessler Zentrum fuer Zeithistorische Forschung
J�rgen Kuczynski: A German-Jewish Marxist Scholar in British Exile
Sven Axel Fair Schulz
45. The Political Culture of Court Society II: Sexual Politics at Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Courts
Fri 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Crystal Ballroom
The Gender and Politics of Access: Habsburg Elites and the Theresian Court
Rita Krueger Temple University
Impotency and Promiscuity: The Problem of Royal Sexuality in Prussia and France, 1740-1797
Thomas Biskup Universitaet Potsdam
Women at Court: Female Office Holders at the Seventeenth-Century Viennese Court
Katrin Keller Institut fuer Geschichte-Wien
Networks of Royal Sisters as Sites of Cultural Transfer: The Case of Four Danish Princesses
Mara Wade University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
46. New Research on Art in Nazi Germany
Fri 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Usinger
Moderator: Marion F. Deshmukh George Mason Univ
Commentator: Paul B Jaskot DePaul University
Werner Peiner, Hermann Goering, and Albert Speer: The Problem of Art Patronage in Nazi Germany
Nikola Doll Deutsches Historisches Museum
The Use of Art in Nazi Germany�s Foreign Relations
Keith Holz Western Illinois University -- Macomb
Gerdy Troost: Hitler�s Other Chosen Architect
Despina Stratigakos Harvard University
Franz Radziwill�s "Still Life with Fuschia" and the Problem of Inner Emigration
James Van Dyke Reed College
47. Towards a Transnational and Interdisciplinary German Studies 3: Transnational Approaches to Cold War Germany
Fri 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Mitchell
Moderator: Jennifer Jenkins Washington University in St. Louis
Commentator: Konrad H Jarausch Univ of North Carolina
Wozu Wissenschaft? Standortbestimmungen in der Rockefeller Foundation und der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft im Kalten Krieg
Carola Sachse Institut f�r Zeitgeschichte
Hygienic Modernity and Decolonization during the Cold War
Young-Sun Hong State University of New York, Stony Brook
�Wir und die farbige Welt�: Religion and Race in West German pacifism, 1945-1969
Andrew Oppenheimer University of Chicago
"One, Two, Many": Cuba in West Berlin
Jennifer Hosek Stanford University
48. Zwischenzeiten/Zwischenr�ume: Arresting Historical Time in 20th-Century Film and Literature
Fri 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Suite 649
Moderator: Folke-Christine Moeller-Sahling University of Southern Indiana
Commentator: John E. Davidson Ohio State University
The Cinematicization of Time in Konrad Wolf�s I Was Nineteen (1968) and Naked Man on the Sportsground (1974)
Evelyn Preuss
�Is ne lange Geschichte [�] Mu�te schon n bi�chen Zeit haben.� Time and Storytelling in Uwe Timm�s Die Entdeckung der Currywurst
Nikhil Sathe Ohio University
�Leere Zwischenzeiten�: Waiting in the Liminal Space of the Magic Mountain
Jennifer William Purdue University
�Seit gestern ist morgen auch noch ein Tag.� �
Zum Zeitkonzept in Jurek Beckers Roman Jakob der L�gner
B�rbel Such
49. Islam in Germany Today
Fri 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Miller
Moderator: Gerald R Kleinfeld German Studies Association
Commentator: David P. Conradt East Carolina University
Die Entwicklung eines europaeischen Islam - Deutsche Perspektiven
Tilman Lanz Department of Anthropology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
How Turks became Muslims in Germany
Michael Werz Hessen Universities Consortium
Der Islam im Westen, Der Westen im Islam - Beispiel Deutschland
Peter Graf University of Osnabr�ck
50. Aesthetics and Self-Awareness in Early Modern Germany
Fri 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Schlitz
Moderator: Hans Adler University of Wisconsin-Madison
Commentator: Gerald L. Soliday University of Texas-Dallas
The Interpretation of Lucas Moser's Signature on the St. Magdalene Altarpiece: Individualism or Humility?
Amy Morris Wittenberg University
"German" Taste? Nationalization of Aesthetic Judgment and Musical Style in Early-Eighteenth-Century Music Discourse
Rebekah Pryor Pare University of Wisconsin, Madison
The Inspiration of a New Landscaping Ideal:
Joseph Addison and his Positive Impact on Kant
Yu Liu Niagara County Community College
Watching Buildings in Goethe and Benjamin
Daniel Purdy Penn State University
51. The Many Forms of Memory Work
Fri 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Pabst
Moderator: Thomas Sebastian Trinity College
Commentator: Michael T Jones Univ of Kentucky
Restored, Reassessed, Redeemed:
The SS Past at the Collegiate Church of St. Servatius (Quedlinburg)
Annah Krieg University of Pittsburgh
The New Ruin: Bernd and Hilla Bechers' Industrial Photography
Kathryn Steinbock University of Michigan
Grenz�berschreitungen in Christoph Heins Nachwendetexten
Axel Hildebrandt Mount Holyoke College
52. Sexuality in Austria in the Twentieth Century
Fri 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Kilbourn
Moderator: Guenter Bischof Univ of New Orleans
Commentator: Dagmar Herzog Graduate Center, City University of New York
Educating Reasonable Lovers: Sex Counseling in Austria in the First Half of the Twentieth Century
Maria Mesner Vienna University
Sexual Encounters Across (Former) Enemy Borderlines, Part 1
Ingrid Bauer University of Salzburg
Sexual Encounters Across (Former) Enemy Borderlines, Part 2
Renate Huber Johannes Kepler University of Linz
A Scandal in the Seminary
Pieter Judson Swarthmore College
53. German and Yiddish: New Contexts
Fri 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Oak
Moderator: Hinrich C Seeba University of California
Commentator: Leslie Morris University of Minnesota
Das Lied vun die Kuggel: German and Yiddish Schiller parodies
Amy Blau
Aron Bernstein and Berthold Auerbach: Jewish Ghetto, German Dorf
Sarah Bailey University of California, Berkeley
Home Affront: German and Yiddish Inter-War Encounters in D�blin's Berlin Alexanderplatz
Samuel Spinner Columbia University
The Yiddishizing of Heinrich Heine: The Case of Moyshe Leyb Halpern
Jeffrey Grossman University of Virginia (on leave)
54. Berlin as Musical Weltstadt
Fri 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Walker
Moderator: Marc Silberman Univ of Wisconsin
Commentator: David C Large Montana State University
Berlin�s Search for a Musical Identity, 1800-1870
Celia Applegate Univ of Rochester
Musical Weltstadt or Den of Iniquity? Berlin from 1870 to 1945
Pamela Potter Univ of Wisconsin
Jonny spielt auf: Entartete Musik? Ernst Krenek's Opera and the Berlin Context
Jennifer Ward University of Wisconsin
Musical Rivalry and Tradition in the Two Berlins, 1945-1990
Elizabeth Janik Old Dominion University
55. Postwar Concerns
Fri 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Golda Meir
Moderator: Thomas Kovach University of Arizona
Commentator: Scott Denham Davidson College
Schriftstellern war der widerwaertigste Beruf, den sie sich vorstellen konnte: Authorship and Autobiography in Irmgard Keun's "Ferdinand, der Mann mit dem freundlichen Herzen".
Geoff Wilkes University of Queensland
Siddartha and the Baal Shem:
Orientalism, Modernism, and Redemption
in the Work of Martin Buber and Hermann Hesse
Robert W Whalen Queens University of Charlotte
Mothers Care? Models of Motherhood and their Ethical Implications in post-WWII women�s literature
Michelle Mattson Rhodes College
56. Disappearing Nations in German (Language)Literature
Fri 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Suite 663
Moderator: John Zilcosky
Commentator: Christopher Clark Department of German, NYU
Rumjana Zacharieva: Negotiating Identities in Post-Communist Bulgaria and Germany
Erika Berroth Southwestern University
The Disappearance of Nations in Libuse Monikova's Fiction
Dawn McKenna University of Toronto
Re-Constituting Memory and History: Ilse Tielsch's Trilogy of Novels
Xenia Harwell Adjunt , Univ. of Notre Dame
57. Female Men and Male Women: Masculinity and Its Discontents
Fri 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Monarch
Moderator: Sabine Hake University of Texas at Austin
Commentator: Kevin Amidon Iowa State University
"Aus der Fassung gebracht": Androgyny and feminine Masculinity in Hofmannsthal's 'M�rchen der 672. Nacht'
Ulrike Nichols University of Michigan
Male Maternity, �Blackness�, and Modernity in Marinetti�s �African� novel �Mafarka the futurist�
Christine Kanz Universit�t Bern
"Girlkultur": Colonial Masculinity in the Metropolis
Jonathan Wipplinger University of Michigan
Of Racecar Drivers and Rogues: Lesbian Masculinity in the Weimar Republic
Amy Young Fort Hays State University
58. Germany in Europe
Fri 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Wright-A
Moderator: Duane Swank Marquette University
Commentator: Wade Jacoby Brigham Young University
The Politics of Military Reform in Germany 1992-2004: Policy Leadership Within Domestic Constraint
Tom Dyson London School of Economics
Deutschlands Beitrag zur Herausbildung einer europ�ischen Diplomatie
Claudia Dunlea Florida Atlantic University
German Social Democratic �Chauvinism� and the Idea of Europe, 1914-1924
Tania Maync University of Chicago
What�s for Dinner? Variations in European Support for Genetically Modified Food
Alice Holmes Cooper Univ of Mississippi
59. Conceptualizing Contingency: G�nderrode, Goethe, Kant, and Kleist
Fri 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Suite 664
Moderator: Stephan K. Schindler Washington University
Commentator: Elke Siegel Yale University
Mutable Immortality
Kelly Barry Columbia University
Contingency, Economics, and Style in Kleist's Journalistic Writings
Zachary Sng Brown University
Eine Art Wahnsinn: Contingency and Intellectual Intuition in Goethe�s Theory of Metamorphosis
Jocelyn Holland
Contingency and Creativity: Kleist and the Self-Programming of Modern Art
Edgar Landgraf Bowling Green State University
60. New Directions in the History of Modern German Religion, Religious Identities, and Religious Culture.
Fri 4:15 PM - 6:00 PM Kilbourn
Moderator: Till Van Rahden Universitaet Koeln
Commentator: Michael B. Gross East Carolina University
German Masculinities and the Religious Divide
Lisa Swartout Indiana University South Bend
Rethinking the Notion of the Secular City in late Nineteenth-Century Germany
Anthony J Steinhoff Univ. of Tennessee-Chattanooga
"Lived Religion� in German Catholicism, 1870-1914: A Challenge to the Ecclesial Paradigm
Jeffrey Zalar Georgetown
61. Towards a Transnational and Interdisciplinary German Studies 4: Resistance Without Borders: Transnational Protest in the 60s and 70s
Fri 4:15 PM - 6:00 PM Mitchell
Moderator: Andrea Gogr�f Voorhees
Commentator: Belinda Davis Rutgers University
Insurgencies of Illusion: Vietnam and the (West) German Revolutionary Subject, 1968
Petra Rethmann McMaster University
The Transnational Move �from Protest to Resistance�
Karin Bauer McGill University
Conservative Backlash or Permanent Emergency: Negotiating Spatio-Temporal Disorders in the Aftermath of the German Autumn 1977
Maria Stehle Connecticut College 5576
Transnational Acts: Emine S. �zdamar�s Prose Theatre of Protest Memories
Claudia Breger Indiana University, Bloomington
62. "Fireworks on the Danube": A Commemorative Trip to the Donautal to Mark the 60th Year since Liberation
Fri 4:15 PM - 6:00 PM Pabst
Moderator: Nancy E Rupprecht Middle Tennessee State University
Commentator: Robert Herzstein University of South Carolina
An American Germanist confronts the German Past in Passau
Susan Lee Pentlin Central Missouri State University
From Baroque Eden to Seat of Early Nazi Movement
Anna Rosmus Independent Scholar
Aus der Geschichte lernen - Wirkungen des 8. Mai 1945
Heinrich Oberreuter Universitt Passau
63. Goethe and Schiller at War
Fri 4:15 PM - 6:00 PM Usinger
Moderator: Karin Schutjer University of Oklahoma
Commentator: Elisabeth M. Krimmer University of California, Davis
The Theater of War: Goethe's Wartime Journalism and the Staging of Schiller's "Wallenstein".
Eric Denton Universitaet Regensburg
The Erotics of War in Goethe�s �Kriegsgl�ck�
Patricia A. Simpson MSU- Bozeman
War Play: Friedrich Schiller and the Battles of History
Jan Mieszkowski Reed College
64. Generational Holocaust Writing: A Comparative Approach
Fri 4:15 PM - 6:00 PM Oak
Moderator: Bettina Brandt Montclair State University
Commentator: Erin McGlothlin Washington University in St. Louis
Producing Generationally-Inflected Holocaust Writing
Irene Kacandes Dartmouth College
Holocaust Memories: Second Generation Literature in the U.S., Germany, and the Netherlands
Pascale Bos University of Texas at Austin
Is there a Post-Holocaust
Gary Weissman University of Cincinnati
Gender and Generations: Consequences of the Holocaust
Jaye A. Houston claremont graduate university
65. The Early Poetry of Bertolt Brecht: The Figures of God, the Criminal, and the Corpse
Fri 4:15 PM - 6:00 PM Wright-A
Moderator: Timothy B. Malchow Valparaiso University
Commentator: Marc Silberman Univ of Wisconsin
The Figure of God in the Psalms of Bertolt Brecht
Jennifer Bjornstad Valparaiso University
Murder and Morality in Brecht�s Early Poetry
K. Scott Baker University of Missouri - Kansas City
The Philosophy of De-Composition: Brecht�s Poetic Corpses
Volker Kaiser University of Virginia
66. Feminine Identity in Baroque Literature
Fri 4:15 PM - 6:00 PM Schlitz
Moderator: Barbara Becker-Cantarino Ohio State University
Commentator: Volker Langbehn San Francisco State University
Weder Lust noch Freud: Rape as Guarantor of Social Order in Grimmelshausen's Landst�rtzerin Courasche
Stephen Carey Georgia State University
Theodosia: A Voice of Mercy in Andreas Gryphius� Trauerspiel Leo Armenius?
Karina Marie Ash University of California at Los Angeles
A Whore, a Hag, a Witch and a Devil: Narrative Discourse in Grimmelshausen�s Landstorzerin Courasche
Veronika Tuckerova City University of New York (CUNY)
67. Real and Imagined Spaces of the Viennese Concert Hall
Fri 4:15 PM - 6:00 PM MacArthur
Moderator: Nicholas Vazsonyi Univ of South Carolina
Commentator: Steven Whiting University of Michigan
Art of Cantor Salomon Sulzer: Musical Orthodoxy at the Interface of Synagogue and Concert Hall in 19th Century Vienna
Caroline Sawyer SUNY College at Old Westbury
Politics at the Philharmonic: On Music Reception and Constructions of Social Identity in Liberal Vienna
David Brodbeck Univ. of California, Irvine
Gustav Mahler�s Landscapes: Constructions of Space in Music and the Visual Arts in Fin-de-Si�cle Vienna
Laura Dolp
68. German Anthropology in the Early Twentieth Century: Race, Culture, Empire
Fri 4:15 PM - 6:00 PM Wright-B
Moderator: Suzanne Marchand Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
Commentator: H. Glenn Penny University of Iowa
Seeing Race: the Popularization of German Anthropology in the early Twentieth Century
Andrew Evans SUNY New Paltz
Academic and Administrative contexts in the Development of fieldwork in German New Guinea
Buschmann Rainer California State University Channel Islands
From Theory to Action: German Anthropology in the Third Reich
Gretchen Schafft American University
69. Law and Agency in the Early Modern State
Fri 4:15 PM - 6:00 PM Miller
Moderator: Gerald L. Soliday University of Texas-Dallas
Commentator: Ann Goldberg University of California, Riverside
Melancholy Murderers: Suicide by Proxy and the Insanity Defense
Kathy Stuart University of California, Davis
Negotiating Inheritance in the Prague Courts in the Late Sixteenth Century
James Palmitessa Western Michigan University
The Problem of Perjury in the Eighteenth Century
Eileen Crosby Center for European Studies, Harvard University
70. Diplomacy and Memory in Postwar West Germany
Fri 4:15 PM - 6:00 PM Regency
Moderator: Richard S Levy University of Illinois at Chicago
Commentator: Daniel E. Rogers University of South Alabama
�Herbert Blankenhorn and the Uses of Postwar Testimony�
Thomas W Maulucci Jr SUNY Fredonia
"A Prolonged Power Struggle: Ausw�rtiges Amt, Ministry of Finance, and the Question of Compensation for Victims of NS-Persecution"
Susanna Schrafstetter University of Nebraska-Lincoln
"Reagan in Bitburg 1985: Transatlantic Politics of Memory"
Raimund Lammersdorf Bayerische Amerika-Akademie/Bavarian American Academy
71. Perceptions of Death in Twentieth-Century Germany
Fri 4:15 PM - 6:00 PM Suite 650
Moderator: Alon Confino Univ of Virginia
Commentator: Frank Biess University of California-San Diego
State Reactions Towards Suicide in the Third Reich and the GDR
Christian Goeschel Darwin College, Cambridge University
Resignifying Death and the Making of East and West Germans
Monica Black University of Virginia
Terror and Democracy: Living with War and Death in Post-war Germany
Svenja Goltermann Universit�t Bielefeld
72. Federalism, Party Politics, and Public Policy in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland
Fri 4:15 PM - 6:00 PM Wright-C
Moderator: Gunther M Hega Western Michigan University
Commentator: Matthew Doppke University of Notre Dame
"The End of Swiss Exceptionalism? The Challenge of Right-Wing Populism in Switzerland"
Damir Skenderovic University of Fribourg
PISA and the German States
Elisabeth Muhlenberg University of Illinois at Chicago
Important or Impotent? Radical-Right Political Parties and Policy Making in the German and Austrian L�nder
Marcella Myers Western Michigan University
Reforming Federalism and Education Policy in Germany and Switzerland
Gunther M Hega Western Michigan University
73. Revisiting Questions of Gender, from Wilhelmine through Nazi Germany
Fri 4:15 PM - 6:00 PM Walker
Moderator: Donald G Schilling Denison University
Commentator: Julia Roos University of Minnesota
Sexualities and Socialism: Working with Foucault
Anne Lopes Metropolitan College of New York
Ambiguous Screening of Sexuality in the Third Reich
Christelle Le Faucheur University of Texas, Austin
Gender and Labor through the Looking-Glass: The Impact of Work on Women�s Reproductive Lives in Early Twentieth-Century Germany
Patricia Stokes Ohio University
74. Politics, Literature, and Culture
Fri 4:15 PM - 6:00 PM Golda Meir
Moderator: Kerstin Mueller Vassar College
Commentator: Kristie A. Foell Bowling Green State University
Between Polyphony and Monologue: A Study of Anna Seghers' "Sowjetmenschen"
Min Zhou University of Minnesota, Morris
From Industrial to Post-Industrial Society: A Challenge for Working-Class Literature
Martin M. Kley University of Texas at Austin
"Only in My Name." German Individualist Anarchism and the Crisis of the Left
Constantin Parvulescu University of Minnesota
From Industrial to Post-Industrial Production: A Challenge for Working-Class Literature
Martin M. Kley University of Texas at Austin
Literatur als Antifiktion - Authentische Schreibweisen in Prosa der 70er Jahre
Christoph Zeller Vanderbilt University
75. Bernhard Schlink: Questions and Answers
Fri 4:15 PM - 6:00 PM Suite 649
Moderator: Diana Reese Cornell University
Commentator: Mila Ganeva Miami University
What To Do When The Other Is A Perpetrator? Levinas And Der Vorleser
Muriel A. Cormican University of West Georgia
Bernhard Schlink�s �Der Vorleser� � Arthurian Romance Revisited?
Peter Boehm
Bernhard Schlink's "Selb" Detective Stories
Volker Neuhaus
76. Turks, Jews, Germans
Fri 4:15 PM - 6:00 PM MacArthur
Moderator: Rita Chin University of Michigan
Commentator: Rita Chin University of Michigan
�We are not Immigrants, We are a Minority�: German Jewish Trope as a Political Discourse Model for German Turks
Gokce Yurdakul University of Toronto
The Turkish, Jewish, German Triad in the Novels of Senocak, Kara, Billar and Rabinovici
Y. Michal Bodemann University of Toronto
Ideal Workers, Ideal Wives: The Gendered Nature of Guestworker Integration in West Germany
Julia Woesthoff Michigan State University
77. "Wer was wissen will, muss zahlen": Historie und aktueller Paradigmenwechsel in der deutschen und �sterreichischen Hochschul(finanzierungs)politik
Fri 4:15 PM - 6:00 PM Juneau
Ernst Aichinger Austrian Cultural Forum
Sylvia W�lfel Studentenstiftung Dresden
josef leidenfrost bmbwk
J�rgen Nautz Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin and University of Vienna
78. Auschwitz: Inside the Nazi State. A Roundtable on the 2005 BBC/PBS Documentary
Sat 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Monarch
Doris L. Bergen Univ of Notre Dame
Henry Friedlander Brooklyn College, CUNY
Charles W. Sydnor, Jr. Commonwealth Public Broadcasting Corporation
Christopher Browning University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
79. Modernity and the Baroque 4: Benjamin and Martyrdom
Sat 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Juneau
Walter Benjamin and Martyrdom: Retrieving What the Enlightment Dismissed
Elizabeth Stewart Dept. of English, Yeshiva University
Martyrdom as a Phenomenon of Transition. Martyrdom and Prostitution. Relics and Merchandise
Gabriele Sorgo
Laeuterung durch Leiden. Beschreibungen von Konversionen bei Hinrichtungen in den Litterae annuae SJ (Boehmen und Oesterreich).
Gernot Heiss University of Vienna
80. Crossing Borders: Transnational German Studies I
Sat 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Oak
Moderator: Gisela Brinker Gabler Binghamton University
Commentator: Patricia A Herminghouse University of Rochester
German � Germanistik � German studies: the Remaking of German Philology in Sweden
Elisabeth W�gh�ll Nivre Stockholms universitet
Internationalization and Transnationalization of German Studies
Elzbieta Dzikowska University of Wroclaw
Von Verlusten, Wiederentdeckungen und Umorientierungen: �ber Literatur in
Zeiten der Europ�ischen Universit�tsreform
Rita Svandrlik Universit� di Firenze
81. Redemptive Wagner: Performance, Politics, and Love
Sat 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Miller
Moderator: David Brodbeck Univ. of California, Irvine
Commentator: Nicholas Vazsonyi Univ of South Carolina
"Liebestod" and Staging the Impossible
Angela Lin Vanderbilt University
Aesthetic Revolution and Racial Redemption:
Wagner�s Siegfried and the Politics of Cultural Despair
F. Corey Roberts Northern Illinois University
The Feuerbach Ending
Greg Vitercik Middlebury College
82. Representations of the RAF
Sat 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Wright-C
Moderator: Jennifer Hosek Stanford University
Commentator: Karin Bauer McGill University
A Voice of Reason Amidst Public Hysteria: Heinrich B�ll's Confrontation with the Bildzeitung's War on Terrorism
Julie Klassen Carleton College
RAF-Narratives between Personal Memory and Public History
Sabine von Dirke University of Pittsburgh
On the RAF Exhibit at the Kunstwerke Berlin
Christina Gerhardt University of California at Berkeley
83. The Political Culture of Court Society III: Rulers and Representations
Sat 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Crystal Ballroom
Spiel der Macht: Theater und hoefische Kommunikation
Helga Meise Departement d'Etudes Germaniques
"Rites de Passage" and/or "Instruments of Power"? Funeral Ceremonies of German Rulers Around 1800
Hubertus Bueschel University of Bielefeld
The Figure of the Ruler in Machiavelli and Marlowe, Shakespaere and Gryphius: Revising the Medieval Picture?
Michael Szurawitski Abo Akademi University
84. Changing Perceptions in German Security Policy and Thinking
Sat 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Regency
Moderator: Jutta Helm Western Illinois University
Commentator: Gale A Mattox
Terrorism and German Security Policy
Mary Hampton Air Command & Staff College DEI
"Mismanaging National (In)Security: Muslims, Migration and Malaise in Post-911 Germany"
Joyce M Mushaben University of Missouri St Louis
National Security and the Generation of �68
Elizabeth L.B. Peifer Auburn University Montgomery
85. Serial Thrills: Public Spaces and Public Personas in the Life and Work of Vicki Baum
Sat 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Pabst
Moderator: Esther Bauer University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point
Commentator: Jill Suzanne Smith Union College (NY)
"In the Limelight of the Fashion Show: Vicki Baum and the Mannequin Novels of the 1920s and 1930s"
Mila Ganeva Miami University
"Life Without a Secret:" The Creation of Vicki Baum"
Nina Sylvester UCLA
�Vicki Baum: Fashion and the Masquerade of Femininity�
Lorna Sopcak Ripon College
86. Science for All? Wissenschaft and the Public in the Wilhelmine Era
Sat 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Wright-B
Moderator: Anson Rabinbach Princeton University
Commentator: Beth Irwin Lewis
Popularizing the Orient at the Fin de Siecle
Suzanne Marchand Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
Nature domesticated? German Aquarium-Keeping before World War I
Lynn K. Nyhart U.W.--Madison
Meat makes meat? Debating Diet and the Social Question in Wilhelmine Germany
Corinna Treitel Washington University in St. Louis
87. Bertha von Suttner: Nobel Peace Award Recipient 1905 - A Reappraisal of Her Achievement and Legacy
Sat 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Usinger
Moderator: Ernst Aichinger Austrian Cultural Forum
Commentator: Sandi E. Cooper The College of Staten Island
"All Eyes on the 1899 Hague Peace Conference: Bertha von Suttner's Debut in International Politics"
Christine Maria Klapeer University of Innsbruck
"Bertha von Suttner and Her Significance for the Second Wave of Austrian Feminism"
Christine Klapeer University of Innsbruck
"Bertha von Suttner's Peace Prize: The History of a
Controversial Nobel Prize"
Regina Braker Eastern Oregon State College
88. Weimar Modernism I: Gender and Politics
Sat 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Suite 663
Moderator: Jaimey Fisher University of California, Davis
Commentator: Nele Hempel University of Memphis
Towards the New Woman? Femininity and Cultural Production in Weimar
Birgit Maier-Katkin Florida State University
Political Romanticism? Carl Schmitt and the Agonies of Weimar
Michael T Jones Univ of Kentucky
The �Other State� of Reportage: Erik Reger�s _Union der festen Hand_
Devin Fore Columbia University
Maternalism as Social-Critical Discourse in Early Expressionism
Douglas B. McBride Hunter College, CUNY
89. Recycling the Past (Sponsored by: YMAGINA (Young Medievalist Germanists in North America))
Sat 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Suite 650
Moderator: Sara S. Poor Princeton University
Commentator: Alexandra Sterling-Hellenbrand Appalachian State University
The Fisher King, Curly, and Parzival
Siegfried Christoph University of Wisconsin-Parkside
Negotiating Identity: Contemporary German Art and the Medieval Past
Rasma Lazda-Cazers The University of Alabama
Das Mittelalter im Zeichen Europ�ischer Geschichtspolitik
Rainer Gruhlich
90. Austria, Germany, Israel: The First Years
Sat 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM MacArthur
Moderator: Guenter Bischof Univ of New Orleans
Commentator: Klaus Larres
Adenauer, Heuss, and the Jews in Germany and America
Jay Geller University of Tulsa
"He'll become an anti-Semite here anyway." Karl Hartl, the first Austrian diplomat in Israel, 1950 � 1955
Rolf Steininger Universit�t Innsbruck
The United States and the Establishment of West German-Israeli Diplomatic Relations
Hanns Juergen Kuesters
91. G�nter Grass: Issues of Time and Memory
Sat 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Walker
Moderator: Thomas Sebastian Trinity College
Commentator: Jill Twark East Carolina University
A Nation of Victims? Trauma and Narrative in G�nter Grass�s The Tin Drum and Crabwalk
Elisabeth M. Krimmer University of California, Davis
Reading the Urban Time/Space: Danzig/Gdansk as a Transnational Memoryscape in Grass� Unkenrufe and Chwin�s Hanemann
Joanna Stimmel Middlebury College
Collapse of Chronology in G�nter Grass's Ein weites Feld and Im Krebsgang
Gary Lee Baker Denison Univ
92. Homoerotics and the Sexual "Other": Policing German Cultural Identity through Imperial, Reformist, and National-Socialist Discourses
Sat 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Wright-A
Moderator: Celia Applegate Univ of Rochester
Commentator: Jean Quataert Binghamton University
"Queer Eyes and Straight Guys: Homophobia and Homoeroticism in Imperial Germany and the Third Reich"
Timothy Pursell
"Racializing Sex: Homosexuality, Colonialism and German National Identity"
Daniel J. Walther Wartburg College
"The Rites of Artgenossen: Organizing Homosexual Political Culture in Weimar Germany"
Glenn Ramsey
93. Strategies of Survival and Advancement in German Dictatorships: Professionals in Industry in Nazi Germany and the GDR
Sat 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Schlitz
Moderator: Andrew Port Wayne State University
Commentator: Andrew Port Wayne State University
"Surviving the Swastika"? The Advancement of Zeiss Managers in Nazi Germany and the GDR
R�diger Stutz Friedrich-Schiller-Universit�t Jena
Shadows of the Past: National Socialist Backgrounds of the GDR�s Functional Elite
Axel Salheiser Friedrich-Schiller-Universit�t Jena
�Wunderwaffen of a Different Kind: Nazi Scientists in East German Industrial Research�
Dolores L. Augustine St. John's University, New York
Continuities in the Identity Construction of Industrial Chemists, 1940 - 1970
Georg Wagner-Kyora Universit�t Hannover
94. Violence and Representations of Violence from an Interdisciplinary Perspective
Sat 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Golda Meir
Moderator: Susanne Baackmann
Commentator: Albrecht Classen University of Arizona
Violence in recent Turkish-German cinema: The return to irrationality and moral values
Andrea Reimann University of Illinois at Chicago
‘Das innere Bewu�tsein der Liebe f�r seine Pflicht mache den tapfern Mann.’
Sentimental masculinity in warfare and German aesthetic discourse.
Michael Gratzke Department of German, University of St Andrews
Gewalt und Krieg aus interdisziplin�rer Sicht: Uwe Timms Roman Morenga als Beispiel
Monika Albrecht Sungshin Women's University
95. Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies: Advice for Fellowship Applicants (ABD, Postdoc)
Sat 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Kilbourn
Veronika Fuechtner Dartmouth College
Wedigo de Vivanco Freie Universitaet Berlin
Katherine Roper Saint Mary's College of California
Konrad H Jarausch Univ of North Carolina
96. Towards a Transnational and Interdisciplinary German Studies 5: Is there a German Diaspora?
Sat 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Mitchell
Moderator: Nancy R. Reagin Pace University
Commentator: Stefan Senders Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Germans from Russia: the Political Network of a Double Diaspora
Renate Bridenthal Brooklyn College, City University of New York
Jews in London: Reconsitution of a Traumatized Community"
Marion Berghahn
"Preserving the German Diaspora in Africa: The Cooperative Work of the Colonial Frauenbund and the Weimar Colonial Bureaucracy"
Krista Molly O'Donnell William Paterson University
97. Gender and Nation: Constructing Identity in (Auto)Biography
Sat 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Suite 649
Moderator: John Pustejovsky
Commentator: Francien Markx Ohio State University
Gender Discourse in Therese Huber's "Johann Georg Forster's Briefwechsel,nebst einigen Nachrichten von seinem Leben" (1829)
Barbara Becker-Cantarino Ohio State University
German National Discourse in Amalia Schoppe's (1791-1858) Autobiographical Writings
Folke-Christine Moeller-Sahling University of Southern Indiana
"Mein g�nzlicher Mangel an ausschlie�ender Vaterlandsliebe." Nation und Geschlecht in Friederike Bruns Autobiographie
Gudrun Loster-Schneider Universit�t Mannheim
98. Towards a Transnational and Interdisciplinary German Studies 6: Counter-Knowledges: Black European Studies in the Netherlands and Germany
Sat 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Mitchell
Moderator: Sara Lennox University of Massachusetts
Commentator: Fatima El-Tayeb University of California San Diego
�Den Diskurs f�lschen!�: Afro-deutsche Selbsterm�chtigung, postkoloniale counter-textuality und der Kampf um citizenship in der Weimarer Republik
Tobias Nagl University of Massachusetts
Racism and Research: the Dutch Case
Philomena Essed University of Amsterdam
Definitionen Europas?
Wei�e Ursprungsmythen, Nation und
Rassifizierung im Kontext der EU-Erweiterung(en)
Peggy Piesche Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz
99. Modernity and the Baroque 5: Heidegger and Baroque Catholicism
Sat 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Juneau
Moderator: Rudiger Campe Department of German, The Johns Hopkins University
Commentator: Anson Rabinbach Princeton University
Baroque Catholicism in Martin Heidegger's Oeuvre ? Controversies in the Philosophical and Theological Reception Today
Norbert Kapferer University of Wroclaw, Faculty of Social Sciences
Abraham a Sancta Clara: Ein Barockprediger auf der Buhne
Ulrike Gleixner
Baroque Catholicism and Its Critics
Marc Forster Connecticut College
100. Crossing Borders: Transnational German Studies II
Sat 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Oak
Moderator: Patricia A Herminghouse University of Rochester
Commentator: Gisela Brinker Gabler Binghamton University
Canadian Germanistik: Myths and Opportunities
Petra Fachinger Queens University
German Studies in Ireland and Great Britain: Changing Contexts and New Opportunities
Christiane Schonfeld (o = o-umlaut) National University of Ireland
Australian Germanistik in an Age of Globalisation: Navigating the Local and the Global
Alison Lewis
101. Sex and Commerce in Three Postwar Regimes
Sat 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Walker
Moderator: Till van Rahden
Commentator: Uta G. Poiger University of Washington, Seattle
Selling Sex under Socialism: East German erotica
Josie McLellan Department of History
Unifications � East German letters to Beate Uhse
Dorothee Wierling
Advertising Indecency: The Erotica Industry and the Limits of Federalism in the Early Federal Republic
Elizabeth Heineman University of Iowa
102. Kleinkunst: Voices between Literature and Politics
Sat 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Golda Meir
Moderator: Jennifer William Purdue University
Commentator: Mary Paddock Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
Friedrich Hollaender and Blandine Ebinger�s Lieder eines armen M�dchens
Alan Lareau University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Voces populi: Voices in the Satire of Gerhard Polt
Christopher Wickham University of Texas at San Antonio
Degenhardt's Rollenlieder
Richard J Rundell New Mexico State Univ
103. The Political Culture of Court Society IV: The Politics of Splendor
organized by:
Society for German Renaissance and Baroque Literature (SGRABL)
Sat 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Crystal Ballroom
The Splendor of Illustration in Early Modern Funeral Books of the German Empire
Jill Bepler Herzog August Bibliothek
Staging Shias in Silesia:
Andreas Gryphius�s Catharina von Georgien
Bethany Wiggin University of Pennsylvania
"A luster, which no age can diminish": Splendor in the Promotion of Natural History
Cecilia Pick Eastern Oregon University
104. Reassessing German Popular Culture in the 20th century: A Preoccupation with Borders
Sat 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Kilbourn
Moderator: Anja Restenberger Georgia State University
Commentator: Esther Bauer University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point
East German television: Between Politics, Culture, and Entertainment
Henning Wrage Humboldt Universit�t zu Berlin
Reinventing the Communist Science Fiction Novel in East Germany: Continuities and Discontinuities
Sonja Fritzsche Illinois Wesleyan University
The Popularity of Adventure Novels in Wilhelmine Germany:
Imperial Desires & the �Political Unconscious�
Sukanya Kulkarni University of Toronto
105. The New German Man: The (Re-)construction of Masculinities in Interwar Germany
Sat 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Usinger
Moderator: Robert Goodrich Northern Michigan University
Commentator: Raffael M Scheck Colby College
ManPower: Militarism, Masculinity and Track and Field in Weimar Germany
Erik Jensen Miami University
Vom Eros zur Politik � Hans Bl�hers M�nnerbundkonzeption zwischen Antifeminismus und Antisemitismus
Claudia Bruns Universit�t Trier
The Party Does Indeed Fight Like a Man: The Construction of a Masculine Ideal in the German Communist Party, 1919-1933
Sara Sewell Virginia Wesleyan College
106. Roundtable: The 2005 National Elections in Germany (Sponsored by the Washington Office of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation)
Sat 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Monarch
Carl Lankowski Foreign Service Institute, US Dept of State
Heinrich Bortfeldt FHTW Berlin
Dieter K. Roth Univ. Heidelberg
R�diger Lentz Deutsche Welle B�ro Washington
107. Weimar Modernism II: Visual Cultures
Sat 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Suite 649
Moderator: Fatima Naqvi Rutgers University
Commentator: Angelika Fuehrich Johns Hopkins University
Berlin Childhoods: Film Versions of "Emil und die Detektive"
Todd Herzog University of Cincinnati
The Bauhaus Parties: Where Popular Culture and Modernism Mingled
Susan Funkenstein University of Wisconsin-Parkside
�Das Klingelzeichen der Geschichte�: Benjamin, Broch and the Legacy of the Kaiserpanorama
Ilinca Iurascu University of Pennsylvania
�Looking at Kandinsky in 1914: Abstraction Experienced through Empathy�.
Riccardo Marchi University of South Florida
108. Forging National Culture: From Schottelius to Friedrich Schlegel
Sat 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Suite 663
Moderator: Nancy Kaiser University of Wisconsin-Madison
Commentator: Hans Adler University of Wisconsin-Madison
Justus Georg Schottelius and the Language Wars
Henry Erik Butler Emory University
The Laws of Epic Poetry and the Imaginary Epic Community in the Poetics of Goethe and Schiller.
Charlton Payne University of California, Los Angeles
Rewriting Lessing's Freimaurergespraeche:
Herder's and F. Schlegel's Historical Turns in regard to Lessing's Ernst und Falk
Monika Nenon University of Memphis
109. Simon Wiesenthal, the Eichmann Trial, and the Dealing with Austria�s Nazi Past after the State Treaty of 1955
Sat 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Wright-C
Moderator: Kurt Tweraser University of Arkansas/Fayetteville
Commentator: Patricia Heberer Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Die sechziger Jahre in der Wissenschaft: Aufbruch zur Aufarbeitung der Zeitgeschichte vor dem Hintergrund neo-nationalsozialistischer und antisemitischer Umtriebe an den Universit�ten
Brigitte Bailer DOeW
Simon Wiesenthal's Contribution to the History of Austrian Nazism
Gerhard Botz University of Vienna
The Eichmann Trial and Austria�s Nazi Past
Winfried R. Garscha Zentrale oesterreichische Forschungsstelle Nachkriegsjustiz
110. After the Avant-garde: New Perspectives on Experimental Film from the GDR, the FRG, and Austria
Sat 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Pabst
Moderator: Richard Langston The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Commentator: Randall Halle University of Rochester
Falling for �America�: Elke Krystufek�s Escapist Fantasies and Failed Dissociations
Christina Schmid University of Minnesota
Kirsten Winter's Film Experiments: History and Media-Theory
Larson Powell Texas A&M; University
�Blackbox DDR�- Experimental GDR Film around the �Wende�
Reinhild Steingrover Eastman School of Music/University of Rochester
111. French Eagles and Germania: Mobilizing the "Third Germany" during the First French Empire
Sat 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Schlitz
Moderator: Linda S. Frey University of Montana
Commentator: Geoffrey Wawro University of North Texas
1809: Year of Transition for the Rheinbund Armies
John Gill National Defense University
Vaterland or La Patrie: France's "German" Departments during the End of the French Empire, 1813-1814
Harold D. Blanton US Naval War College
A Matter of Timing: The "German" Victory of 1814 and Napoleon's First Abdication
Michael V. Leggiere Louisiana State University in Shreveport
112. The Politics of Nineteenth-Century German Jewry
Sat 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Wright-A
Moderator: Jeffrey Grossman University of Virginia (on leave)
Commentator: Keith Pickus Wichita State University
Representing national history in 19th century Germany: The claim for one nation and Jewish responses
Carsten Schapkow University of Oklahoma
Jews, Germans of Jewish Descent, and German Colonialism, 1884-1910
Christian Davis Salem College
Slandering the Slanderers: Hirsch Hildesheimer and Jewish Self-Defense in the Early Kaiserreich
Barnet Hartston Eckerd College
113. Victims and Perpetrators: (Re)Presenting the Past in Post-Unification Culture
Sat 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM MacArthur
Moderator: Rosmarie T. Morewedge Binghamton University, SUNY
Commentator: Margaret McCarthy Davidson College
Victims and Perpetrators: The German-Czech-Jewish Conflict in Texts by Peter H�rtling and Pavel
Kohout and Films by Nadja Seelich
Valentina Glajar Texas State University
Remembrance in Berlin-Sch�neberg: Two Art Installations thematizing Victim/Perpetrator
Margit M Sinka Clemson University
Patterns of Loss: Dieter Forte's Memories of the Air War
Susanne Vees-Gulani University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Victims or Perpetrators: (Re)Presenting the Mass Rape of German Women in 1945
Laurel Cohen-Pfister Gettysburg College
114. �sterreichs Gr�nderv�ter nach 1945: Mythos und Legendenbildung einer Politikergeneration
Sat 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Wright-B
Moderator: Guenter Bischof Univ of New Orleans
Commentator: Andreas Pribersky Vienna University
Wilhelm Brauneder:
Karl Renner - zweimal Staatsgr�nder 1918 und 1945
Karl Renner - zweimal Staatsgr�nder 1918 und 1945
Wilhelm Brauneder Institut f�r Rechts- und Verfassungsgeschichte
Von der Schenkenstra�e auf den Ballhausplatz: Leopold Figls Weg 1945-1955
josef leidenfrost bmbwk
Bruno Kreisky: Ambivalente Images eines �sterreichischen Politikers
Maria Mesner Vienna University
115. Memory, International Justice, and the Nazi Past
Sat 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Walker
Moderator: Petra Tjitske Kalshoven McGill University
Commentator: Mark Ruff St. Louis University
"Albert Speer�s Twenty Years: Nazi Memory and Cold War Security"
Norman Goda Ohio University
"Memory as Diplomatic Leverage: Bishop Theophil Wurm and War Crimes Trials, 1948-52"
JonDavid Wyneken Concordia University-Portland
"Remembering Hitler�s Europe: Pro-Nazi Spaniards since 1945"
Wayne Bowen Ouachita Baptist University
116. Three Examples of the Jewish Experience in Germany, 1914-1950
Sat 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Regency
Moderator: Geoffrey J Giles Univ of Florida
Commentator: Francis R Nicosia Saint Michael's College
�Every True Friend of the Fatherland�: Hugo Preuss, Gustav Schmoller and Max Warburg in the debate over the �Jewish Question,� 1916-17.
Erik Grimmer-Solem Wesleyan University
Berlin Underground: Hidden Jews in WWII Berlin
Uta Larkey Goucher College
Holocaust Survivors Reconstructing Gender in the Displaced Persons Camps of Germany, 1945-1951
Margarete Myers Feinstein University of California, Los Angeles
117. The Cultures of Berlin Psychoanalysis 1918-1943
Sat 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Miller
Moderator: Sara Hall University of Illinois at Chicago
Commentator: Darcy Buerkle Smith College, Dept. of History
Nordic Souls and a Jewish Science: Arnold Zweig and Berlin Psychoanalysis in Palestine
Veronika Fuechtner Dartmouth College
Psychoanalysis in Berlin: The Work of Karl Abraham
Andr�s Nader University of Rochester
Psychoanalysis, Sexology and Radical Feminism: Karen Horney in Berlin
Samara Heifetz New York University
Nordic Souls and a Jewish Science: Arnold Zweig and Berlin Psychoanalysis in Palestine
Veronika Fuechtner Dartmouth College
118. Women's Economic Citizenship: Jewish and Non-Jewish Women Entrepreneurs in Germany and Austria from the 1920s to the 1960s
Sat 2:00 PM - 3:45 PM Wright-A
Moderator: Elizabeth Heineman
Commentator: Kathleen Canning University of Michigan
Taking over a Jewish Family Business: The Paradox of Women�s Economic Citizenship in Vienna after World War II
Irene Bandhauer-Schoeffmann Universit�t Klagenfurt
Jewish and Non-Jewish Female Entrepreneurs and Businesswomen in Berlin 1918 -1933
Ulrich Baumann Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe
Founding and Taking over a Business: Non-Jewish Women Entrepreneurs in germany, 1920s to 1950s
Christiane Eifert Universitaet Bielefeld
119. Modernity and the Baroque 6: Norbert Elias and Court Society
Sat 2:00 PM - 3:45 PM Juneau
Die Geburt der Moderne im Lichte der Theorien von Norbert Elias, Max Weber und Michel Foucault
Alois Hahn Universitat Trier
Norbert Elias, Baroque Ceremonial and the Cultural Turn
Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger Universitat Munster, Historisches Seminar
The Baroque Court and Critical Perspectives on the Modern
Helen Watanabe-O'Kelly University of Oxford
120. Crossing Borders: Transnational German Studies III
Sat 2:00 PM - 3:45 PM Oak
Moderator: Jennifer E Michaels Grinnell College
Commentator: Sabine G�lz University of Iowa
The Politics of Disappearance: Germanistik in Hong Kong
Susan Ingram York University
Germanistik in Slowenien aus literaturdidaktischer, geschlechtsspezifischer und kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive
Neva Slibar University of Ljubljana
Germanistik in Kamerun zwischen Lehre und Forschung: Eine Bestandaufnahme in kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive
Albert Gouaffo Universit� de Dschang/Cameroun
121. The Role of the Funktionspartei in German Coalitions: Is the Model Working?
Sat 2:00 PM - 3:45 PM MacArthur
Moderator: Erich G Pohl Universit�t Heidelberg
Commentator: Wolfgang Bergsdorf University of Erfurt
The future of the FDP as a coalition partner
Christian S�e California State University, Long Beach
The Greens as �Funktions- oder Programmpartei�? Red-Green and Beyond
E. Gene Frankland Ball State University
122. Prussia and the French Imperium
Sat 2:00 PM - 3:45 PM Suite 650
Moderator: Marsha L. Frey Kansas State University
Commentator: Matthew Levinger Lewis & Clark College
Loyal Rebels and Unruly Prussians: Two Centuries of the Napoleonic Wars in German School History Texts
Sam Mustafa Ramapo College of New Jersey
Scharnhorst and His Writings: Military Reformer or Radical Revolutionary?
Charles E. White
123. Schmitt, Strauss and the American Political Right
Sat 2:00 PM - 3:45 PM Suite 649
Moderator: John Namjun Kim University of California at Riverside
Commentator: Carsten Strathausen University of Missouri at Columbia
[Speaker TBD]
"Redesigning Democracy: The Resurgence of Carl Schmitt and American Political Thought"
Peter Uwe Hohendahl Cornell University
"The Cosmopolitan State of Exception: Schmitt, Agamben, and the Global Force of Law"
Max Pensky Binghamton University
"Exterminating the Enemy: Schmitt, Strauss, and the Neoconservatives"
shadia drury University of Regina
124. L'Eminence Grise: Multiple Directions Behind the Scene
Sat 2:00 PM - 3:45 PM Usinger
Moderator: Todd Herzog University of Cincinnati
Commentator: Lutz Koepnick Washington University
The Author as Auteur: Billy Wilder�s French Interlude
Gerd Gem�nden Dartmouth College
Baker, Dietrich, and National/International Politics
Patrice Petro University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Post-War French Interventions
Nora M Alter University of Florida
125. Reading Fairy Tales Against the Grain
Sat 2:00 PM - 3:45 PM Suite 663
Moderator: Steve Dowden Brandeis University
Commentator: Nancy Kaiser University of Wisconsin-Madison
Oral Origins of the Grimms' Fairy Tales
Jane Curran Dalhousie University
The �Wild Man� and Fairy Tales by Women Authors
Linda Kraus Worley University of Kentucky
Who Needs A Man Anyway? Reading "Rapunzel" and Her Sisters Against the Grain
Bettina Matthias Middlebury College
126. Germany and the Holocaust II: Identification and the Screen
Sat 2:00 PM - 3:45 PM Walker
Moderator: Irene Kacandes Dartmouth College
Commentator: Ingeborg Majer O'Sickey State University of New York, Binghamton
Screening Hannah Arendt in Brauman and Sivan's Film "The Specialist"
Darcy Buerkle Smith College, Dept. of History
Performance and Projection: Screening Theresienstadt
Brad Prager University of Missouri, Columbia
In the Nazi Cinema
Michael Rothberg University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
127. Hamburg: 18th-Century Communication and Information Hub
Sat 2:00 PM - 3:45 PM Miller
Moderator: Katherine Aaslestad West Virginia University
Commentator: Mara Wade University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Elise Reimarus (1735-1805) and the Hamburg Theater 1780
Almut Spalding Illinois College
Communicating Networks: Ferdinand Beneke (1774-1848) and His Diaries
Frank Hatje Universitaet Hamburg
The Hamburg Hub of International Plots to Rescue Lafayette
Paul Spalding Illinois College
128. Cultures of Contest: Sport and Society from Republic to Reich
Sat 2:00 PM - 3:45 PM Pabst
Moderator: Erik Jensen Miami University
Commentator: Julia Sneeringer Queens College & the Graduate Center, City University of New York
Americanization, Aryanization, Narration: Stories of Max Schmeling
Theodore Rippey Dept of German, Russian & E Asian Languages
The Modern Athletic Body and the Modernist Apparatus of Vision
Michael Mackenzie DePauw University
Sports and the Complexities of Nazification: The Example of G�ttingen between the World Wars
David Imhoof
129. Between History and Literature: Archaeology in Nineteenth-Century Germany
Sat 2:00 PM - 3:45 PM Regency
Moderator: Bettina Arnold
Commentator: Brent O. Peterson Lawrence University
Archaeology, Professional Legitimacy, and German-Jewish Identity in Theodor Fontane�s Frau Jenny Treibel (1892)
David Johnson University of Alabama in Huntsville
Archeology as Spectacle: Heinrich Schliemann's Media of Excavation
Kathrin Maurer University of Arizona
Archaeology and the Discovery of Bavaria�s Ancient Pasts
Brent Maner Kansas State University
130. Post-Holocaust German/Jewish Relations: Explorations in Recent German Literary Culture
Sat 2:00 PM - 3:45 PM Wright-C
Moderator: Kristin Kopp University of Missouri, Columbia
Commentator: Anne Rothe Wayne State University
Normalizing the Abnormal: The Reception of Joshua Sobol�s Ghetto in Germany
Kerstin Mueller Vassar College
Martin Walser�s Inability to Mourn
Thomas Kovach University of Arizona
Shattered Dreams: The Discourse on the German-Jewish Symbiosis in Victor Klemperer�s Diaries
Arvi Sepp University of Antwerp / Justus Liebig University of Giessen
131. Naturalizing and Nationalizing Germany�s Borderlands, 1850-1930
Sat 2:00 PM - 3:45 PM Monarch
Moderator: Katherine Pence Baruch College - CUNY
Commentator: Celia Applegate Univ of Rochester
A Taste for Nature: Tourist Economies and the Nationalization of the Rhine, 1800-1914
Thomas Lekan University of South Carolina
Disciplining the Wild East: Prussian Foresters, Polish Peasants, and the Ethnic Frontier, 1871-1914
Jeffrey K. Wilson University of New Orleans
The Problems of Place: Saxon Border Communities in the Great Depression
Caitlin Murdock California State University, Long Beach
132. Staging the Woman in the Long Nineteenth Century I
Sat 2:00 PM - 3:45 PM Suite 664
Moderator: Friederike B Emonds University of Toledo
Commentator: Edgar Landgraf Bowling Green State University
The Stage of Letters: Auguste Brede
Laura Deiulio Christopher Newport University
Performing Femininity: The Pedagogical Project of Caroline Rudolphi's *Gem�lde weiblicher Erziehung* (1807)
Beatrice Guenther Bowling Green State University
"Ihr Damen! Beispiel nehmt an diesem Frauenzimmer!" The Performance of Femininity in Elise Hahn-B�rger's DIE ANTIKE STATUE AUS FLORENZ.
Wendy Arons University of Notre Dame
133. The Power of Guilt and the Difficulty of Forgiveness: Responses to a Tradition
Sat 2:00 PM - 3:45 PM Schlitz
Moderator: John Pustejovsky
Commentator: Volker Kaiser University of Virginia
Is Communal Forgiveness Possible? A Response to Hannah Arendt
Pol Vandevelde Marquette University
The Tradition as Stronghold Against Excesses. Gadamer�s Philosophical Hermeneutics in the Light of the German Experience During the Time of Nazism
Sebastian Luft Marquette University
Victims and Perpetrators: Changing Perceptions of Guilt in Germany�s Public Memory
Holger Afflerbach
134. Religion and Culture, Religion and Politics: Examples from the Wilhelmine, Weimar, and Postwar Eras
Sat 2:00 PM - 3:45 PM Golda Meir
Moderator: Mark Ruff St. Louis University
Commentator: Gerhard Besier Hannah-Arendt-Institut f�r Totalitarismusforschung an der TU Dresden e. V.
Thy Will Be Done: Tension between National and Religious Identity in 20th-Century German Catholicism
Martin Menke Rivier College
Wilhelmine Catholic Cinema and the Catholic Working Classes
Robert Goodrich Northern Michigan University
135. Left, Right and Center: German Politics from 1914 to 1934
Sat 2:00 PM - 3:45 PM Wright-B
Moderator: James C Albisetti Univ of Kentucky
Commentator: Larry E. Jones Canisius College
German Social Democratic "Chauvinism" and the Idea of Europe, 1914-1924
Tania Maync University of Chicago
Nationalist Socialism and Social Democracy
The Junge Rechte in Weimar Social Democracy and the Rise of National Socialism
Stefan Vogt Universiteit van Amsterdam
Unlikely Opponents: Nazi Hostility Toward Their Conservative Coalition Partner in 1933
Hermann Beck University of Miami
136. Beyond "Landeskunde": Teaching Culture in the German Classroom (Sponsored by AATG)
Sat 2:00 PM - 3:45 PM Kilbourn
Moderator: George Peters Michigan State University
Commentator: Peter C Pfeiffer Georgetown University
Integrating Arab-German Writers in the German Curriculum
Mohamed Esa
Putting Culture into Context: Service Learning, German and Intercultural Competence
Isolde Mueller St. Cloud State University
Understanding Modernity through 18th & 19th Century German Literary and Discursive Texts
Terri Hennings Academic Year in Freiburg
137. The Media of Identity in Nineteenth-Century Germany
Sat 2:00 PM - 3:45 PM Mitchell
Moderator: Katherine Roper Saint Mary's College of California
Commentator: Elizabeth A Drummond University of Southern Mississippi
Contested Communities: Thoughts on the construction of identity in the public sphere
Troy Paddock Southern CT State University
Art History as Cultural Geography: The Development of Byzantine Architectural History in 19th-Century Germany
Jeanne-Marie Musto Bryn Mawr College
Prussians and Poles: the Story of a Failed Marriage in Fontane�s Vor dem Sturm
Agnieszka B. Nance Tulane University
138. Privacy and Politics in Post-1945 Germany
Sat 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Schlitz
Moderator: Heide Fehrenbach Northern Illinois University
Commentator: Dagmar Herzog Graduate Center, City University of New York
"'Almost Rebels': Activist Judges, Natural Law, Unnatural Acts, and the Movement to Abolish Paragraph 175 in the 1960s"
Robert Moeller University of California
"Private Rights in the GDR"
Paul Betts University of Sussex
"Fatherless Society"-the Promise of Democratic Child-Rearing. Alexander Mitscherlich and West German Political Culture, 1950-1970
Till van Rahden
139. Modernity and the Baroque 7: Hofmannsthal and Geselligkeit
Sat 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Juneau
Die Zerstoerung von Traditionen auf dem Theater. Zu einigen Aporien Hofmannsthals am Beispiel seines Trauerspiels "Der Turm"
Christoph Konig Deutsches Literaturarchiv
Unbinding the Baroque: Richard Alewyn's Readerly Reception of Hofmannsthal
Max Reinhart University of Georgia
Imperial Fantasies: Overcoming the Baroque in Central Europe and the Rise of Early Modern Studies
James A. Parente University of Minnesota
140. Austrian Literature II: Cultural Revisions
Sat 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM MacArthur
Moderator: Joseph W Moser University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Commentator: Stephan K. Schindler Washington University
Adalbert Stifter als literarische Integrationsfigur
des deutsch-tschechischen Dialogs seit 1989
Peter Becher
Leiblichkeit, Name und Menschenrecht bei Hermann Broch
Thomas Sebastian Trinity College
Bastardizing Ovid with Jelinek: The Feminist Poetics of Friederike Mayroecker
Fatima Naqvi Rutgers University
Robert Schindel at 60: The Problem of the Holocaust Survivor as Literary Star
Hillary Herzog University of Kentucky
141. Representing the City
Sat 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Wright-A
Moderator: Rita Svandrlik Universit� di Firenze
Commentator: Muriel A. Cormican University of West Georgia
Told from the Window and Seen from the Steeple:
Intermediality between City Literature and Visual Arts in 19th century Berlin
Laura Traser-Vas University of Cincinnati
Marking the Postwar City: Art, Space and Memory in Divided Berlin
Claudia Mesch Arizona State University
Vienna and New York as Postmodern Urban Texts:
Lilian Faschinger's "Wiener Passion" and Paul Auster's "Smoke"
Eva Kuttenberg Pennsylvania State University, Behrend
142. Reframing Memory and Rethinking the Unmasterable Past?
Sat 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Wright-C
Moderator: Jutta Helm Western Illinois University
Commentator: Eli Rubin Western Michigan University
Reshaping Public Memory and Reevaluating the Past: Germans as Victims of World War II
Pawel Lutomski Stanford University
Breaking Taboos: Changing Public Memory and its Interaction with Contemporary Politics
Mary Hampton Air Command & Staff College DEI
History on Display in the Former German Democratic Republic:The East German Museum fuer Deutsche Geschichte, 1952-1990
David Marshall University of Tennesse, Knoxville
143. Perpetrator Stories: The Uses of German History in Contemporary German Literature and Film
Sat 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Usinger
Moderator: Susanne Lenne Jones University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee
Commentator: Susanne Vees-Gulani University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Ready for his Close-up? Representing Hitler in Der Untergang
Christine Haase University of Georgia
Nazis in Vegas: Enraptured Fascist Bodies on Screen at the Millennium
Richard Langston The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
From Nazi-Fathers to �Good Germans�: Recent Texts about the Nazi Period by Uwe Timm and Peter Schneider
Katharina Gerstenberger University of Cincinnati
Private History, Public Memories? The Nazi Past in Recent German Film
John E. Davidson Ohio State University
144. Environmental Changes and Critical Responses in Preindustrial and Industrial Settings
Sat 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Regency
Moderator: Dorothee Brantz German Historical Institute/ SUNY Buffalo
Commentator: Christof Mauch GHI
Red Environmentalists: Communists, Fishermen, and Pollution in Weimar Era Hamburg
Charles E. Closmann University of North Florida
Taxes, Settlers, Fields and Trees: Environmental CHange in the Village of Schlalach 1760-1800
Marion Gray Western Michigan University
Urban Environmental Activism: Berlin in the 1970s and 1980s
Keith Alexander German Historical Institute/ Shepherd University
145. Anticatholicism and Liberalism: Jewish, Freigeistig and Transconfessional Positions in the German Kulturkampf
Sat 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Crystal Ballroom
Moderator: Michael Geyer Univ of Chicago
Commentator: Uffa Jensen University of Sussex
�Liberaler Antikatholizismus: Deutschland im Zeitalter der europ�ischen Kulturk�mpfe�
Manuel Borutta Freie Universit�t Berlin
�The Anticlericalism of Freigeistig Democrats and Materialist Socialists from 1869 to 1880: A Fourth Confession in the German Kulturkampf?�
Todd Weir Columbia University
"Jews and the German Kulturkampf: Anticlerical and Anti-Catholic Themes in the Writings of Jewish Liberals of the 1860s and 1870s"
Alexander Joskowicz University of Chicago
146. The Voices of Pop Culture
Sat 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Suite 649
Moderator: Anke Biendarra University of California, Irvine
Commentator: Sabine von Dirke University of Pittsburgh
Kann man Herzen fragen?
Herzmetaphorik, Metaphernbelebung und allegorische Referenzen in den Songtexten der Gruppe Rammstein.
Bernhard Debatin Ohio University
Mythos RAF: Institutional Censorship, Politics and Pop
Ilka Rasch University of Michigan
Autoren, DJs und DJ-Autoren: Literarische Rhythmen in der deutschen Popliteratur
Florence Feiereisen University of Massachusetts
147. German Imaginings in Texts about the Americas from the Seventeenth to the Nineteenth Century
Sat 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Miller
Moderator: Ulrike Gleixner
Commentator: Merry Wiesner-Hanks Department of History, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
A Case of Empire Envy? German Jesuits and A Female Mystic
from Spanish America
Ulrike Strasser Department of History, University of California, Irvine
Pocahontas � fr�he deutsche Versuche, einen amerikanischen Mythos zu erz�hlen
Stephan Kraft Germanistisches Seminar der Universitaet Bonn
Mysterious Conspiracies: The Society of Jesus in Nineteenth-Century German-American Novels (Klauprecht, Boernstein, Von Reizenstein)
Gerhild Scholz Williams Washington University
148. Towards a Transnational and Interdisciplinary German Studies 7: Networks of Empire: German Encounters with the Wider World, Part I
Sat 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Mitchell
Moderator: Angelica Fenner University of Toronto
Commentator: Eric D Weitz University of Minnesota
In Admiration of Well-Run Empires: Germany's Fascination with South African Racial Policy, 1890-1914
Sara Pugach The Ohio State University
Hypotheses and early findings on some European ideological origins of fundamentalist Islam and secular totalitarianism in the Middle East
Jeffrey Herf
The 'other' empire: Zanzibar and German East Africa
Jennifer Kopf University of Kentucky
The Clash of Civilizing Missions: German Views of the French Empire between the Two World Wars
Daniel Becker Brandeis University
149. J.M.R. Lenz's Family Politics
Sat 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Golda Meir
Moderator: Liliane Weissberg University of Pennsylvania
Commentator: Patrizia C. McBride University of Minnesota
Healing the State: Lenz� �Soldatenfamilie� between Tradition and Avantgarde
Wilfried Wilms University of Denver
�Weg mit den V�tern!� -- Weg mit den V�tern?"
The �Apotheosis� of the Father in Lenz� Die beyden Alten (1776)
Christine Lehleiter Indiana University
Alienation, Dramatic Form, and Family Concept in J.M.R. Lenz
Karl-Heinz Maurer Rhodes College
150. Austria and the Rheinbund in 1809
Sat 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Suite 663
Moderator: Michael V. Leggiere Louisiana State University in Shreveport
Commentator: John Gill National Defense University
Austria's Design for Russian Neutrality in 1809
Llewellyn D. Cook Jacksonville State University
"I Know the Heart of a Soldier, I Don't Know That of a Traitor": The Westphalian Officer Corps and the War of 1809
Michael F. Pavkovic Hawai'i Pacific University
Austria, Archduke Charles, and the Rheinbund in the War of 1809
Lee W. Eysturlid
151. Legitimating Mass Murder: Nazi Ideology and Propaganda during the Second World War and the Holocaust
Sat 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Wright-B
Moderator: Gerhard L Weinberg University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Retired
Commentator: Alan E Steinweis Univ of Nebraska
Die Berufung des Ostens. Alfred Rosenberg und die Vernichtung des europ�ischen Judentums
Ernst Piper
Instrumentalization of Volksdeutschen in German World War II Propaganda: Replacing/Erasing Jews and Other Victims
Doris L. Bergen Univ of Notre Dame
The Visual Aspect of Nazi Ideology and Propaganda during World War II and the Holocaust: Wandzeitungen and Plakaten
Jeffrey Herf
152. The Development of the Idea of Freedom in the United States and in Europe (Germany, France and Poland)
Sat 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Suite 664
Moderator: Robert P. Ericksen Pacific Lutheran University
Commentator: Suzanne Brown-Fleming United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
The Concept of Freedom in North America in the 20th Century in Comparison with Germany
Gerhard Besier Hannah-Arendt-Institut f�r Totalitarismusforschung an der TU Dresden e. V.
The Concept of Freedom in North America in the 18th and 19th Century in Comparison with Germany
Gerhard Lindemann Hannah-Arendt-Institut f�r Totalitarismusforschung e. V. an der TU Dresden
The Idea of Freedom in Poland
Katarzyna Stokłosa Hannah-Arendt-Institut f�r Totalitarismusforschung an der TU Dresden e. V.
Limitations on Political Liberty in the Democratic Constitutional State � a Comparison of Germany, France and the USA
Uwe Backes Hannah-Arendt-Institut
153. Staging the Woman in the Long Nineteenth Century II
Sat 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Monarch
Moderator: Beatrice Guenther Bowling Green State University
Commentator: Angela Lin Vanderbilt University
Reinventing Female Authorship on the Modern Stage:
Elsa Bernstein's Social Experiment in Wir Drei
Friederike B Emonds University of Toledo
"All the City's a Stage: Berlin and Wilna in the
Writings of Friederike Helene Unger and Therese Huber"
Diana Spokiene McMaster University
"Geschichte will ich nicht schreiben, nur ein Trauerspiel": Anna Boleyn (1886) by Queen Elisabeth of Romania and Marie von Kremnitz
Sabine Sievern George Mason University
154. Carl Schmitt and German Conservatism: Trends, Ethics, Power
Sat 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Kilbourn
Moderator: Larry E. Jones Canisius College
Commentator: Jeffrey Seitzer
Meinecke, Schmitt, and the Machiavellism of Ethics
William W Rasch
The Ethics of Power: Reevaluating Carl Schmitt's Decisionism
David Tse-chien Pan Penn State University
From F�hrerstaat to Godfather of American Conservatism: Carl Schmitt Historiography
Joseph W Bendersky Virginia Commonwealth University
155. "Und das ist auch gut so": LGBT/Queer Studies and Contemporary German Culture
Sat 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Pabst
Moderator: Christopher Clark Department of German, NYU
Commentator: Robert Tobin Whitman College
Figuring German-Jewish Gay Marriages in Contemporary Literature and Film
Gary Schmidt Mount Holyoke College
The New Berlin: Metropolitan Space and Queer Desires
Rolf J Goebel Univ. of Alabama in Huntsville
Transdilletantism at Work: Copy me � I want to travel
Katrin Pahl The Johns Hopkins University
Mode oder Methode?: Ann�herungsversuche an Queer Studies als Poetologie des Perversen
Christian Klein Bergische Universit�t Wuppertal
156. Questions of Place and Role: German Emigre Soldiers in the U.S. Army, Austrians in the Wehrmacht, Russlanddeutsche in the FRG
Sat 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Suite 650
Moderator: Katherine Roper Saint Mary's College of California
Commentator: Geoffrey C Cocks Albion College
From Immigration to Liberation: the Contributions of German emigre soldiers in the U.S. Army during World War II
Patricia Kollander Florida Atlantic University
Caught in Two Shadows: The Russlanddeutsche in the Federal Republic
Jeremy Rabideau University of Notre Dame
The 'Ostmaerker' in the German Wehrmacht: The mindset of the Austrian contingent in the German army, 1939-1945
Thomas Grischany University of Chicago
157. Habermas and Literature
Sat 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Oak
Moderator: Kristin Rebien Princeton University
Commentator: David L Colclasure
Focussing on the Essay through the Lens of the Public Sphere: Adorno, Enzensberger, Habermas and Meinhof
Franz Peter Hugdahl Cornell University
Writin about the Rage of 1968: Philosophical vs. Literary Justification of Violence
Andrea Albrecht University of California, Berkeley
From Ethical Universalism to Geopolitics: Contemporary German Literature and the Disillusionment of "Communication Theory"
Thomas Borgard Universit�t Bern, Institut f�r Germanistik, Unitobler
158. Protecting the Child and Family in the 20th Century
Sun 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Miller
Moderator: Petra Tjitske Kalshoven McGill University
Commentator: Ann Taylor Allen University of Louisville
Preserving the "Christian Family" in Late Weimar: Catholic Strategies in Rural Bavaria
John Abbott Purdue University - Calumet
Balancing Children�s Needs with State Priorities:
Adoption Policy in Weimar and National Socialist Germany
Michelle Mouton University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Attitudes towards Adoption in the 20th Century
Roland Spickermann University of Texas - Permian Basin
159. Modernity and the Baroque 8: Aby Warburg and the Mannerist/Baroque Image
Sun 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Juneau
Moderator: Michael Steinberg
Commentator: Michael Steinberg
Bronzino, Laocoon, and Darwin: More Snakes for Warburg
Spyros Papapetros School of Architecture, Princeton University
Carl Justi's Valasquez: Art History on the Baroque and Historical Fiction
Andreas Beyer Kunsthistorisches Seminar, Universitat Basel
Imaging: Warburg, Heidegger, Schmitt, Spinoza (and Lenin)
Geoffrey CW Waite
160. Writing, Hermeneutics, and Resistance in the Nazi Era
Sun 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Walker
Moderator: Cora Granata California State University Fullerton
Commentator: Helmut Walser Smith Vanderbilt University
Some Reflections on Persecution and the Art of Writing Under National Socialism
Eugene Sheppard Brandeis University
Persecution and the Art of Reading: Jewish Diarists under Nazi Occupation
Alexandra Garbarini Williams College
Struggling Against Linguistic Violence: Germans of Jewish Ancestry, Racialized Identities, and Diary Writing in Nazi Germany
Thomas Pegelow Grinnell College
161. Towards a Transnational and Interdisciplinary German Studies 8: Networks of Empire: German Encounters with the Wider World, Part II
Sun 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Mitchell
Moderator: Stephen Brockmann Carnegie Mellon University
Commentator: David Hoyt Northwestern University
The Politics of Transnational Persuasion: John Heartfield, Willi M�nzenberg and the International Media of the Popular Front
Cristina Cuevas-Wolf University of California, Riverside
Entrenched Constructions of Human Rights:
The Culture of Berlin Dada and the Legacy of German Colonialism
Brett Van Hoesen University of Iowa
Afrika als europ�ische Aufgabe. Das Projekt einer Europ�ischen Kolonialakademie von 1942
Holger Stoecker Humboldt Universitat
162. Austrian Writers and Literary Prizes
Sun 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Suite 650
Moderator: Nikhil Sathe Ohio University
Commentator: Felix W Tweraser Utah State University
�Mapping the Landscape of Austrian Literary Prizes on the Back of Friedrich
Scott Denham Davidson College
�Thomas Bernhard�s Literary Awards As the Beginning of a Dialogue With the Public�
Joseph W Moser University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
�Elfriede Jelinek und Preise in absentia�
Maria-Regina Kecht Rice University
163. Reason Under Wraps: Publicity and the Rational Self in Modern Central Europe
Sun 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Monarch
Moderator: Corinna Treitel Washington University in St. Louis
Commentator: Thomas Broman
The Humboldts� Marriage and the Gendering of Intellectual Space
Ian McNeely
Freunde and Naturforscher: Emotion, Intimacy, and Rational Communication in Late 18th and Early 19th Century German Natural Science
Denise Phillips University of Tennessee
Breeding Uncertainty: Science and Liberalism in a Viennese Family
Deborah Coen Harvard Society of Fellows
164. Lifestyle Revolutions in West and East Germany, 1950s-1980s
Sun 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Wright-A
Moderator: Belinda Davis Rutgers University
Commentator: Edward Larkey University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Das Private ist politisch? �Lifestyle Revolution� und Politik im westdeutschen �Underground� der sp�ten 60er Jahre
Detlef Siegfried Forschungsstelle f�r Zeitgeschichte
"Hamburg bei Nacht": The Reeperbahn as Tourist Destination in the 1950s and 1960s
Julia Sneeringer Queens College & the Graduate Center, City University of New York
Baustein West und Bauplan Ost. Zur politischen Transformation jugendkultureller Stile in der DDR
Michael Rauhut Humboldt Universitaet
165. Gender and Performance
Sun 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Schlitz
Moderator: Christopher Wickham University of Texas at San Antonio
Commentator: Katharina Gerstenberger University of Cincinnati
�Frau als �Biocon� � Reinmar Cunis und Donna Haraway�
Sunka Simon Swarthmore College
Skewering Stereotype: Ralf K�nig�s Gay Characters
James W. Jones Central Michigan University
�Braune Hexen auf der B�hne�: Representing Leni Riefenstahl, Eva Braun, and Emmy Goering in Contemporary German Drama
Glenn R Cuomo New College of Florida
166. Generating Kinship in Nineteenth-Century Literature
Sun 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Golda Meir
Moderator: Daniel Purdy Penn State University
Commentator: Michel Chaouli Indiana University
Mammals, Mothers, and Bottle-feeding in Goethe�s Wahlverwandtschaften
Stefani Engelstein University of Missouri
Uncanny Kinship: Live Burial as Family Ritual
Laurie R. Johnson University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Artificial Procreation and Modern Antisemitism in Achim von Arnim�s Die Majoratsherren
Katja Garloff Reed College
Fiction as a Medium of Identification from Goethe�s Iphigenie to Fontane�s Effi Briest
Fritz Breithaupt Indiana University
167. Crime and Punishment: Leniency, Clemency and Failed Justice in Postwar Trials of Nazi Perpetrators
Sun 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Usinger
Moderator: Alan E Steinweis Univ of Nebraska
Commentator: Mark Roseman Indiana University
�Granting Absolution: Vatican Nuncio Aloisius Cardinal Muench and the Catholic Clemency Campaign�
Suzanne Brown-Fleming United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
� 'How to win friends for the States? Open the Landsberg Prison gates!':German- American negotiations over the release of convicted war criminals, 1948-1958."
Valerie Hebert University of Toronto
"Forever Judging the Past: The Changing Course of Postwar West German Nazi Trials.�
Rebecca Wittmann University of Toronto
168. Interrogating the 1914-1918 Divide: Gender and Violence in Early Twentieth-Century Germany
Sun 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Wright-C
Moderator: Eric D Weitz University of Minnesota
Commentator: Dirk Schumann German Historical Institute
"Catastrophe, Crisis, and Conflict: Gendered Violence, 1914-1924"
Sace Elder Eastern Illinois University
Preaching the Holy War: German Protestantism's Crisis of Belief and Ethics in the First World War
Mark Correll
�Gender, violence, and the bounds of appropriate political action, 1900-1918�
Elun Gabriel St. Lawrence University
169. The Imagined Border: Fears, Fantasies, and Violence in the Making of East and West Germans
Sun 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Oak
Moderator: Alon Confino Univ of Virginia
Commentator: Heide Fehrenbach Northern Illinois University
Marauders and Mayhem: Border Build-up in East and West
Edith Repogle Sheffer University of California-Berkeley
Escape, Death, and Legitimacy at the Inter-German Border:
The Strange Case of Werner Weinhold
Pertti Ahonen University of Sheffield
�Everybody has a Chance:� How Postwar Germans Came to Live with the Bomb
Frank Biess University of California-San Diego
170. Transatlantic Views: German America
Sun 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Walker
Moderator: Brent O. Peterson Lawrence University
Commentator: Gerhard H. Weiss University of Minnesota
The Travel Writer and Ethnographer Johann Georg Kohl: A Cosmopolitan in the Age of Nationalism?
Dieter K. Buse Laurentian University
Antislavery Satire and Picaresque Crime Thriller: Reinhold Solger�s German-American Literature (1860-62)
Lorie A. Vanchena Creighton University
The American Revolution in German Literature
Roland Dollinger
German-American Public Memory and Ethnic Identity: Monuments and their Functions in Transatlantic Relations
Katja Rampelmann Alexander von Humbldt-Foundation
171. Revisiting The Jewish Question
Sun 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Kilbourn
Moderator: Laura Deiulio Christopher Newport University
Commentator: Dagmar C. G. Lorenz University of Illinois at Chicago
"Marx�s �Real Jews� and Proletarians"
Sven-Erik Rose Miami University
"German Epic / Jewish Epic: Exodus in 'Hermann und Dorothea' and �Israel in der W�ste�"
Karin Schutjer University of Oklahoma
"Hebbel's Jewish Question"
Martha B. Helfer Rutgers University
"Heroes, Marxists, Fascists: Jews in the Imagination of the German New Left"
William Collins Donahue Duke University
172. Issues in Laender Politics
Sun 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM MacArthur
Moderator: Charlie Jeffery
Commentator: Meredith Heiser-Duron Foothill College and Stanford University
Why Women Run (and Don't Run) for Parliamentary Office: Cross-Cultural Evidence from the German Laender
Louise K. Davidson-Schmich University of Miami
The PDS in Eastern State Parliaments
Daniel Hough Department of International Relations and Politics, University of Sussex
The NPD in the Saxony Landtag
Jonathan R. Olsen University of Wisconsin-Parkside
173. New Media and the Futures of German Cultural Studies
Sun 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Pabst
Moderator: Kathleen Condray University of Arkansas
Commentator: Hinrich C Seeba University of California
The Architectural History of Berlin and the Implications of New Media
John Maciuika University of Virginia
�Is there a text in this class?�: German Cultural Studies and �Hypermedia Berlin�
Todd Samuel Presner University of California Los Angeles
Where to Now? The Virtual and Beyond in German Cultural Studies
Jeffrey M Peck Georgetown Univ./AICGS
174. Collective Identities in Contemporary German-Language Literature I
Sun 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Regency
Moderator: Erika Berroth Southwestern University
Commentator: Richard W. McCormick University of Minnesota
Transnational Identities in Contemporary Literature and Cinema
Christina Kraenzle York University
The Wende and German Identity in Thomas Brussig's Wie es leuchtet
Timothy B. Malchow Valparaiso University
Transcending Borders: Deterritorialized Identities in Recent German Prose
Anke Biendarra University of California, Irvine
175. Diplomacy in Hitler's Germany
Sun 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Wright-B
Moderator: Francis R Nicosia Saint Michael's College
Commentator: Peter Hoffmann McGill University
Dogma uber Alles: Nazi-Soviet Relations,1933-1935
Mark Kuss Our Lady of Holy Cross College
"Hitler's Man in Washington: Hans Luther as Ambassador, 1933-1937"
Edmund Clingan Queensborough Community College/CUNY
The End of Globalization and the Logic of Nazi Imperialism and Anti-Semitism, 1937-1941
David Furber Cornell, Ithaca College, SUNY Cortland
176. Issues of Performance in Premodern German Literature
Sun 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Suite 663
Moderator: Jean E Godsall-Myers Widener University
Commentator: Siegfried Christoph University of Wisconsin-Parkside
Parting Company: The Dramatis Personae in the Tagelied
Mary Paddock Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
Marriage in Late-Medieval German Passion and Nativity Plays
Albrecht Classen University of Arizona
"Das Schlaraffenland" and Sacred Role Reversal
Rosmarie T. Morewedge Binghamton University, SUNY
177. German Film and the Law
Sun 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Suite 649
Moderator: Sky Arndt-Briggs University of Massachusetts
Commentator: Veronika Fuechtner Dartmouth College
"Outbreak: Battling the Spread of Cinema in Wilhelmine Germany"
Scott Curtis Northwestern University
"Shaping the Text, Defending the Law: Film Censorship Practice in Weimar Germany"
Sara Hall University of Illinois at Chicago
"Lots Weib": East German Film and the Limits of the Law
Jennifer Creech Department of German, Scandanavian and Dutch, University of Minnesota Twin Cities
178. Modernity and the Baroque 9: Panel Discussion--Where Do We Go from Here?
Sun 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Juneau
Peter Burgard German Department, Harvard University
Peter Caldwell
Peter Uwe Hohendahl Cornell University
Michael Steinberg
179. Psychology and Ideology of the Everyday
Sun 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Walker
Moderator: Ann Goldberg University of California, Riverside
Commentator: Andrew Stuart Bergerson University of Missouri, Kansas City
Characterizing Charakterologie: Psychology, Morphology, and the Everyday
Nitzan Lebovic UCLA
Psychiatrists Go to the Cinema: Weimar Medical Science and the Mental Hygiene of the Masses
Andreas Killen City College of New York, CUNY
Shopping and its Discontents: Consumer Alltag in Wilhelmine and Weimar Germany
Paul Lerner
180. Towards a Transnational and Interdisciplinary German Studies 9: Roundtable on Methodological Challenges
Sun 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Mitchell
Claudia Breger Indiana University, Bloomington
Fatima El-Tayeb University of California San Diego
Young-Sun Hong State University of New York, Stony Brook
Stefan Senders Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Gregory Witkowski Ball State University
Sara Pugach
181. Integration: Legende und Wirklichkeit in der Fr�hphase der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Sun 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Wright-C
Moderator: Alan Beyerchen Ohio State University
Commentator: John R. Gillingham University of Missouri
Integrationspropaganda in der Anfangsphase der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Hans-Juergen Schroeder Universitaet Giessen
Integration auf der Leinwand? Fl�chtlinge und Vertriebene im westdeutschen Film der Nachkriegszeit
Hanno Sowade Stiftung Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Erinnerung und Integration.
Donauschwaben in Westdeutschland und in den USA nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg
Thomas Kailer Historisches Institut, Neuere Geschichte 1, Justus-Liebig-Universit�t Gie�en
182. Postwar Issues: East and West
Sun 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Kilbourn
Moderator: Marion F. Deshmukh George Mason Univ
Commentator: Alfred C. Mierzejewski University of North Texas
From Gr�nberg to Zielona G�ra. Polonization of local communities in the "Recovered Lands," 1945-1956
Marek Suszko University of Illinois, Chicago
'A generation twice betrayed'? The �Hitler Youth generation� and the transition from Nazism to communism in post-war East Germany, c. 1945-49
Alan McDougall University of Guelph
Modern Architecture and the Representation of the State: The GDR and FRG between 1945 and 1970
Deborah Ascher Barnstone Washington State University
�The Impact of the Cold War on the Official Memory of World War II in the Two German States�
Gilad Margalit University of Haifa
183. Nazi Germanization Measures in Comparison: Moravia, the Warthegau, Ukraine
Sun 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Wright-A
Moderator: Richard Blanke University of Maine
Commentator: Christian Gerlach University of Pittsburgh
"Making the Warthegau German: Arthur Greiser and the Politics of Nazi Ethnic Cleansing"
Catherine Epstein Amherst College
"The Role of Nazi Scholars in the Germanization of Ukraine, 1941-1944"
Wendy Lower Towson University
"Germans and Other Germans: The Politics of Occupation in Iglau/Jihlava"
Chad Bryant UNC Chapel Hill
184. Fluid Identities
Sun 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Suite 663
Moderator: Monika Albrecht Sungshin Women's University
Commentator: Vesna Kondric Horvat Universit�t Maribor
Exile, Foreignness and Imagined Home:
Aglaja Veteranyi�s _Warum das Kind in der Polenta kocht_
Silke Schade University of Cincinnati
From East to West: Emerging German Society in the Autobiographical Works of Wladimir Kaminer
Kathleen Condray University of Arkansas
The Embodied Subject:
Identity Trans/formation and Social Change in Afro-German Literature
Deborah D. Janson West Virginia University
Jenseits von "Heimat": das Nomadische als globale Schreibstrategie in der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur
Elke Segelcke Illinois St University
185. Sexuality and Socialism (Session Sponsored by Women in German)
Sun 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Monarch
Moderator: Katrin Sieg Georgetown University
Commentator: Hillary Herzog University of Kentucky
�Sowing the Seeds of Sexual Revolution? Popular and Expert Contestations of �Socialist� Sexual Morality in the German Democratic Republic
of the 1950s and 1960s�
Erik Huneke
�(Re)imagining the East German Sexual Subject�
Dara Bryant Michigan State University
�Power to the Proper People: Prostitution, Respectability & Male Chauvinism in Turn-of-the Century Socialist Discourse�
Jill Suzanne Smith Union College (NY)
�Towards a New Morality? The Weimar Left and Prostitution Reform�
Julia Roos University of Minnesota
186. Writing Popular Culture: Rainald Goetz
Sun 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Golda Meir
Moderator: Jennifer Bjornstad Valparaiso University
Commentator: Paul Fleming New York University
The "Ethics" of Pop Art in Rainald Goetz
Martin J�rg Sch�fer New York University/Universit�t Paderborn
Rainald Goetz's Chronotypes: "Kronos" and "1989"
Ulrich Plass Wesleyan University
An "Aesthetics of Non-Resistance" - Rainald Goetz's Diary "Abfall fur alle"
Elke Siegel Yale University
187. Das Zeitalter der extremen Belastungen. Deutscher Stress im 20. Jahrhundert
Sun 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Suite 664
Moderator: Rebecca Boehling University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Commentator: Martin Menke Rivier College
The Silence of the Refugee-Children: The Physical and Psychological Impact of War, Flight and Expulsion on Germans after World War II.
Volker Ackermann
Der Stress der Unternehmer. Semantische Innovationen im Umfeld des "totalen Krieges."
Stefan Unger
�Rastlos�: Die deutsche Kriegswirtschaft im Stre�.
Lutz Budrass Ruhr-Universitaet
Stress and the Prosecutors and Judges in
West German Trials of National Socialist Perpetrators.
Frank M Buscher Christian Brothers University
188. German Foreign Policy: New Challenges and Old Legacies
Sun 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Wright-B
Moderator: Rich Freeman Marquette University
Commentator: Lynn Kamenitsa Northern Illinois University
Der deutsch-polnische Dialog nach 1990 aus der polnischen Perspektive. Ein Versuch �ber die Grenzen des (Un)m�glichen.
Maciej Mackiewicz University of Poznan
German Domestic and Foreign Policy Debates Concerning Turkish Accession to the EU
Meredith Heiser-Duron Foothill College and Stanford University
German Foreign Policy: Fusion of Interests and Norms?
Regina Karp Old Dominion University
Why German-US Relations Still Matter to the Transatlantic Alliance More Than One Year after War in Iraq
Michaela Hertkorn Seton Hall University
189. Confessional Positions and Political Options in the 1940s and 1950s
Sun 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Suite 650
Moderator: Gerhard Lindemann Hannah-Arendt-Institut f�r Totalitarismusforschung e. V. an der TU Dresden
Commentator: Gerhard Besier Hannah-Arendt-Institut f�r Totalitarismusforschung an der TU Dresden e. V.
Politische Orientierung und Wahrnehmung des Katholizismus in der evangelischen
Kirche der Nachkriegszeit und Adenaueraera
Gerhard Ringshausen Universit�t L�neburg
Bishop von Galen and German Protestants
Beth Griech-Polelle Bowling Green State University
Catholicism and Interconfessional Politics: The Catholic Church and the Christian Democratic Union
Maria D Mitchell Franklin & Marshall College
190. I See Something You Don't See: Opening Perspectives on the Aesthetic
Sun 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Miller
Moderator: Sara Eigen Vanderbilt University
Commentator: William W Rasch
Exotic Aesthetics
John Zilcosky University of Toronto
Against Moralizing the Aesthetic
Michel Chaouli Indiana University
Form and Function Beyond the Human Scale:
The Point of Beauty
Dorothea von Muecke Columbia University
Art as Knowledge: What Montage Enables One to See
Patrizia C. McBride University of Minnesota
191. Roundtable: The Leo Baeck Institute at Year 50: New Research in German Jewish Studies
Sun 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM MacArthur
Frank Mecklenburg Leo Baeck Institute
Atina Grossmann The Cooper Union
Jeffrey M Peck Georgetown Univ./AICGS
Y. Michal Bodemann University of Toronto
192. Urban Examples Abroad: Observing Cities across the Atlantic
Sun 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Oak
Moderator: Ann Taylor Allen University of Louisville
Commentator: Anja Schueler
American Images of the German City, from Home Town to
Brian Ladd University at Albany, State University of New York
A Half Century of German Views of Cities in America: 1870s-1920s
Andrew Lees Rutgers University, Camden Campus
The Transatlantic Trade of Cultural and Social Goods
Thomas Adam University of Texas at Arlington
193. Generational Discourses and Experiences in 20th-Century Germany
Sun 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Pabst
Moderator: Juergen Reulecke Justus-Liebig-University Giessen
Commentator: Thomas Kohut Williams College
�Generations of Nazis, generations of perpetrators. How much can generational models explain?�
Mark Roseman Indiana University
From "Weimarians" to "1968ers": Party-Political Generations in the Former West Germany
Daniela Muenkel University of Hannover, Germany
Generational Discourses After the First and Second World War
Lu Seegers University of Siegen
194. Collective Identities in Contemporary German-Language Literature II
Sun 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Regency
Moderator: Sonja Fritzsche Illinois Wesleyan University
Commentator: B. Venkat Mani University of Wisconsin-Madison
Constructing a Monster: the Impossibility of a Hybrid Identity in Christa Wolf�s Medea. Stimmen.
Anja Restenberger Georgia State University
Speaking Europe: Imagined Authenticities in the Work of Yoko Tawada
Lisa Jennings Valparaiso University
How Jewish is it? How German is it?
Translations of Jewish Memory in the Work of W.G. Sebald
Leslie Morris University of Minnesota
Between Memory and Fiction: The Interplay of Text and Images in the Construction of a Collective East German Memory
Wendy Graham Westphal Indiana University, Bloomington
195. �sterreichischer Patriotismus: Late Arrival - No Departure
Sun 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Schlitz
Moderator: josef leidenfrost bmbwk
Commentator: Rolf Steininger Universit�t Innsbruck
Die �sterreichischen �lieux de memoire�
Emil Brix MFA
Die schwierige (Re)Pr�sentation der 2. Republik: Hymne, Nationalfeiertag, Wappen u.�. im Streit der politischen Meinungen
Andreas Pribersky Vienna University
�sterreichische Identit�t � Kontinuit�ten und Br�che im 20. Jahrhundert
Franz Schausberger European Union - Committee of the Regions
196. The Geo-Politics of Self and Other: Umsiedler, Jews and Central European Identity before and after the Wende
Sun 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM Usinger
Moderator: Meike G. Werner Vanderbilt University
Commentator: Meike G. Werner Vanderbilt University
Petra Tjitske Kalshoven McGill University
After the Russians, Before GDR: Memory Work and the Making of East German Identities in the Province
Anke Finger University of Connecticut
The Return of the Displaced: Umsiedler/Vertriebene and the Search for a Central European Identity
Friedemann Weidauer University of Connecticut
Crossing Borders, Transgressing Tradition: Jewish Identities in 21st Century Central European Film
Sebastian Wogenstein University of Connecticut