The German Studies Association is the national and international association of scholars in all fields of German Studies. Its interests span the period from early times to the present Federal Republic of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. |
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2003 Conference Information
GSA Preliminary Program for 2003 Thursday, September 18, 2003 Special Discussion Session for Chairs/Heads of German Departments Moderator: Britta Baron, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)
Thursday, September 18, 2003 Screening of George Tabori: Der Schriftsteller als Fremder (2001)
Friday, September 19, 2003
1. German-American Relations in Crisis TBA 2. Krieg und Krankenmord. Neue Forschungen zur nationalsozialistischen "Euthanasie" Moderator: Sheila Faith Weiss, Clarkson University "Working towards Hitler's Doctor Karl Brandt: Reflections on the Origins and Development of the 'Euthanasia' Programme" "Through a Glass Darkly: Reflections on the Victims of 'Euthanasia' through the Example of Kaufbeuren" "Zentren und Peripherien des Krankenmords. Überlegungen zur regionalisierten "Euthanasie" 1942-1945" Commentator: Henry Friedlander, City University of New York 3. Revisiting Alltagsgeschichte. Praxis in Everyday Life and the Discipline of History I: Politics in Everyday Life Moderator: Geoff Eley, University of Michigan "Making the Cold War: Everyday Symbolic Practice in Postwar Berlin" "Inventing the German Resistance: Perceptions and Politics of Resistance in Postwar Germany" "Life Bubbles from Below: Alltagsgeschichte and the Study of Class" Commentator: Dorothee Wierling, Forschungsstelle für Zeitgeschichte in Hamburg 4. Antisemitismus, Antifeminismus, Anti-Parlamentarismus. Politische Ausgrenzungsstrategien in Deutschland von 1890 bis 1933 Moderator: Meike G. Werner, Vanderbilt University "'Die Gleichheit der Menschen kann nicht unser Ziel sein.' Ausgrenzungsstrategien des extremen Nationalismus in Deutschland zwischen 1890 und 1933" "Strategien der Ausgrenzung im Kampf um Gleichheit? Die proletarische Frauenbewegung und der Antisemitismus zwischen 1890 und 1914" Commentator: Raffael Scheck, Colby College 5. Indelible Images: The German Visual Archive after World War II Moderator: Kerstin Barndt, University of Michigan "Buildings or Bodies? Using Photographs of the Bombing of Dresden, 1945-1975" "Bilder vom Unfassbaren: Die Dokumentarfilme von der Befreiung der Konzentrationslager und ihre Wirkung auf das deutsche Publikum, 1945/46" "Dislocations East and West: Images of Umsiedler and Vertriebene in Postwar German Cinema" Commentator: Brigid Doherty, Princeton University 6. Millennial Masculinities: Marginal and Hegemonic Configurations in Recent German Film Moderator: Claudia Breger, Indiana University "German Masculinity: Enlightenment Under Siege" "The Death Of Masculinity: Jörg Buttgereit's Nekromantik Films" "Sexual And Cultural Hybridity: Homosexuality, Transgenderism, and Turkish-German Masculinities" Commentator: Barbara Kosta, University of Arizona 7. Beyond Berlin: German Cities Confront the Nazi Past Moderator: Rudy Koshar, University of Wisconsin, Madison "Munich's Struggle to Create an NS-Dokumentationszentrum" "The Reich Party Rally Grounds Revisited" "Memory and Modernity: The Zeche Zollverein in Essen" Commentator: David Clay Large, Montana State University 8. Women Authors Engaging Mythology: Grete Weil, Christa Wolf, and Ilse Langner Moderator: Karen Achberger, St. Olaf College "Building Cultural Bridges Through Myth: Grete Weil's Meine Schwester Antigone and Der Brautpreis" "Feminist Mythopoesis? Cultural Translations in Weil's Meine Schwester Antigone and Wolf's Medea. Stimmen" "(Re)scripting Women's Lives: Ilse Langner's Tradition of Mythological Drama" Commentator: Yvonne Ivory, Duke University 9. GDR Military Intelligence and the West Moderator: Simone Lässig, German Historical Institute, Washington D.C. "Die 'Westarbeit' des Ministeriums für Staatssicherheit: Forschungsstand und Kontroversen" "Intelligence from NATO - GDR Military Espionage against the West" "GDR Military Intelligence - Denmark and the Baltic Sea Area" Commentator: Vojtech Mastny, National Security Archive, Washington D.C. 10. The Poetics of Excess Moderator: John Zilcosky, University of Toronto "Mortal Words, Expiring Poems: Celan and Heidegger on Death as Possibility" "The Dramaturgy of Excess: Wagner and the Allegorization of Operatic History" "Aesthetics as Excess: Kant and the Turn to Aesthetics" Commentator: John Zilcosky, University of Toronto 11. Begegnungen mit George Tabori Moderator: Thomas Fox, University of Alabama "Quintessential Tabori Yet Again/With a Twist: Eternal Feminity" "George Tabori's Hybrid Spaces" "Begegnungen mit Georg Tabori" Commentator: Thomas Fox, University of Alabama 12. The Private Sphere and Public Order: West German Debates about Education, Family, and Sexuality in the 1950s and 1960s Commentator: Uta G. Poiger, University of Washington, Seattle "Dismantling Patriarchy: Democracy, Fatherhood, and Judicial Politics-the Stichentscheid -Decision of 1959" "Sexuality and Crime: Ex-Nazis, Re-emigré Jews, and the Liberalization of West Germany" Commentator: Maria Höhn, Vassar College 13. Wer/Wem gehört: Music and German Identity in the Twentieth Century Moderator: Julie Brown, Royal Holloway, University of London "Endstation Moses und Aron : On Hearing (and) Schoenberg" 'The Invention of Tradition': Eisler, Steinitz, and Volkslieder in the GDR" "Perpetual Performance: Alban Berg's Lulu " Commentator: Pamela Potter, University of Wisconsin, Madison 14. Parents, Children, and Gender in Modern Germany Moderator: Christine Kanz, Universität Bern "What does my child need?" Advice Literature for Mothers in Imperial Germany" "Fathers in an Age of Motherhood: German Father-Diaries in the Nineteenth Century" "Daddy's Home: Re-creating the Family in the Soviet Zone of Germany, 1945-1949" Commentator: Ann Taylor Allen, University of Louisville 15. On German Orientalism Moderator: Thomas Stamm-Kuhlmann, Universität Greifswald "The Oriental Archives of the Old Testament: Making the Enlightenment Bible Strange" "The Second Oriental Renaissance, 1880-1930" "The Orientalist Style of Jung's Red Book Pictures" Commentator: Susannah Heschel, Dartmouth College 16. BeziehungsspieleHandlungsräume: Freunde, Kameraden, Kumpel und Partner Moderator: Silke Roth, University of Pennsylvania "Die Freundschaft ist ein Jüngling' Freundschaft und Geschlechterbeziehungen in der Aufklärung" "Interventionen: Freundschaften zwischen Frauen und Männern im Umfeld der politischen Umwälzungen des 19. Jahrhunderts" "Gefährten, Kameraden, Partner: Zum Wechselspiel von Liebe und Egalität" Commentator: Gisela Brinker-Gabler, State University of New York, Binghamton 17. Was ist es wert zu wissen? Wissenschaftskritik, Bildung und Wahrheit bei Nietzsche Moderator: Andrew Lees, Rutgers "Bildungsverlust: Von Hegel zu Nietzsche" "Nietzsche, Wahrheit und 'Genetic Fallacy'" "Was ist es wert zu wissen? Friedrich Nietzsche über den 'kalten Dämon der Erkenntnis'" Commentator: Gerhard Richter, University of Wisconsin 18. Music and the Public Sphere in Nineteenth-Century Germany Moderator: David E. Barclay, Kalamazoo College "The Spaces of Public Music-Making in Nineteenth-Century Germany" "Orchestra Wars: Civil Society, Official Culture and the Amateur Musician" "Popular Song and the Political Public Sphere" Commentator: George S. Williamson, University of Alabama 19. Theorizing the Visual Field: Historical Constructions of Spectatorship Moderator: Richard Langston, University of North Carolina "'SO ists! Die Sonn erstarrt für unsers Hauptes Glantz / Die Welt für unser Macht': Spectatorship and Subjection in German Baroque Drama" "Das Publikum als Menschheitskörper. Zur imaginären Kollektivbildung in der Dramaturgie des 18. Jahrhunderts" "Shot/Reverse-Shot and the Conceit of the Absent Public" Commentator: Hal Rennert, University of Florida Friday, September 19, 2003 20. Roundtable: How Did We Get to Here? A Retrospective on German-US Relations Moderator: Michael Huelshof, University of New Orleans Arthur Hanhardt, University of Oregon 21. Language and Genocide: German Official Discourses on the Holocaust Moderator: Wendy Lower, Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum "The Language of Annihilation: Words and Meanings in German Police Reports" "Determining 'People of German Blood,' 'Jews,' and ' Mischlinge ': The Reich Kinship Office and the Competing Discourses of Nazism, 1941-1943" "The Chancellors of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Politics of Describing the Holocaust" Commentator: Francis R. Nicosia, St. Michael's College 22. Revisiting Alltagsgeschichte. Praxis in Everyday Life and the Discipline of History II: Agency in Everyday Life Chair: Peter Fritzsche, University of Illinois "The Nazi Reformatio Vitae and the Ethics of Everyday Life" "Agency and the Alltag of New Left Politics" "The Logic of Violence: Agency, Identity and the Collapse of the Weimar Republic" Commentator: Mark Landsman, Columbia University 23. Reconfiguring German Studies in the Age of Normalisation Moderator: Paul Cooke, University of Leeds "A Crisis in German Studies?" "A Social Science-Based Approach to German Studies" "German Studies as a 'Kulturwissenschaft'' Commentator: John Davidson, The Ohio State University 24. Goethe and the Specular Moderator: Tuska Benes, University of Pennsylvania "Goethe, Friedrich, Runge: On Painting" "Goethe's Narcissistic I/Eye" "The Gender of Hope: 1815" Commentator: John B. Lyon, University of Pittsburgh 25. Cinematic Flanerie: The Camera Gazing at the City Moderator: Keith Bullivant, University of Florida "The Object Looks Back: Cinema, Animism, and Modernity" "The Exploded Panorama: Berlin Flanerie After the 1945 Collapse" "Gendering Flanerie: Male and Female (Camera) Eyes Gazing at the City" Commentator: Nora Alter, University of Florida 26. (Re)Inventing Austria Inside and Out Moderator: Volker Langbehn, San Francisco State University "Austria: Land of Music and Skiing" "The Mozart Republic" "Austria: Made in Hollywood" Commentator: Douglas Brent McBride, Hunter College, CUNY 27. Capitalism, Commercialism, and Marketing around 1900 Moderator: Carolyn Kay, Trent University "Spectacle, Fantasy, and a Cultural Critique of Wilhelminian Capitalism" "Colonizing the Consumer Imaginary: German Advertising and the African Colonial Subject around 1900" "Marketing German Identity: The Wagner Industry" Commentator: Eric A. Kurlander, Stetson University 28. German-Jewish-American Relations in the Postwar Era: New Research on the Local Level Moderator: Barbara Dietz, Eastern European Institute, Munich "From Schieder to Pate? The Rothfelsstreit and Conservative Academic Internationalism in Contemporary Perspective" "The Black Market in Postwar Germany: Probing the Realities and Stereotypes of the Interaction among Jewish Displaced Persons, Germans and Americans" "German-Jewish Émigrés in the Occupation of Germany: Impact, Perceptions, and Receptions" Commentator: Atina Grossmann, The Cooper Union 29. The Presence of the Past (1945-1989) in Contemporary German Literature Moderator: Paul Michael Lützeler, Washington University, St. Louis "Flight and Expulsion in Recent Novellas by Grass and Treichel" "The Double Presence of the Past in Barbara Honigmann's Alles, alles Liebe! " "'Grenzenlos erleichtert'? An Artist at the Wende in Judith Hermann's Sonja " Commentator: Peter C. Pfeiffer, Georgetown University 30. Three Small Parties That Matter: The Greens, the FDP, and the PDS in German Politics Moderator: Christian Søe, California State University, Long Beach "Power, Identity, and Party Organization: The Greens, 1998-2003" "Testing the Will to Believe: The FDP and the Rise and Fall of Project 18 " "Die PDS in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern - Zwischen Regieren und Opponieren" Commentator: Mary N. Hampton, University of Utah 31. Monarchy, Democracy and the Nation Moderator: David E. Barclay, Kalamazoo College "Ernst Moritz Arndt in der deutschen Nationalversammlung" "The Cologne Cathedral, the Paulskirche Parliament and Monarchic Nationalism in 1848: The Political Ambiguity of German Nationalism" "Die verletzte Ehre der Nation: Der 'wahre Anlass' für den deutsch-französischen Krieg" Commentator: James C. Albisetti, University of Kentucky 32. Zionists, Germans, and the East Moderator: Douglas McGetchen, University of California, San Diego "Ostjuden , Orientals, and the Future of Zionism: Arnold Zweigs De Vriendt kehrt heim " "Images of the East on the Magic Mountain: Symbolic Geographies and the Dialectical Imagination" Commentator: Noah Isenberg, Wesleyan University 33. Constructions of Music and Race in Late 19th and Early 20th-Century German Thought Moderator: Kevin Amidon , Iowa State University "Music and Constructions of Race in the German South Seas" "Otto Weininger and Musical Discourse" "The Concept of Race in Pre-1933 Musical Discourse" Commentator: Celia Applegate, University of Rochester 34. Aggression, Aggression-Controls, and Civilization Moderator: Maribeth E. Polhill, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras "Aggression -- its Consequences and Cure in Book 14 of Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival " "Late-Medieval Deconstruction of the Cruel Husband: Poets against Male Aggression and Marital Abuse" Commentator: Will Hasty, University of Florida 35. Local, National, and Transnational Public Spheres: The GDR Example Moderator: David Crew, University of Texas, Austin "'Mach-Mit': Activities in the Local Public Sphere" "Politischer Skandal und Öffentlichkeitswandel in der späten DDR" "Transparent Man" on Transnational Display: Exhibiting East Germanness in the Third World Commentator: Geoff Eley, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 36. The Influence of the Churches on German Society in the 1960s - 1980s Moderator: Robert P. Ericksen, Pacific Lutheran University "The Changing Role of the Catholic Church in West German Politics" "Der westdeutsche Protestantismus auf dem Weg in die Minderheit" "American Liaison Officers to Churches in Germany and Eastern Europe in the 1970s and 1980s" Commentator: Suzanne Brown-Fleming, Center For Advanced Holocaust Studies, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington D.C. 37. Föderalismus und Diktatur. Das Beispiel Sachsens im 20. Jahrhundert Moderator: Heinrich Oberreuter, Universität Passau "'Gaupartikularismus' im Führerstaat? Sachsen im Dritten Reich 1933-1945" "Zwischen Föderalisierung und Liquidierung: Sachsen 1945-1952" "Die Neubildung Sachsens 1989/90. Friedliche Revolution und Föderalisierung" Commentator: Günther Heydemann, Universität Leipzig 38. Air War and Literature Moderator: Wilfried Wilms, Union College "'It Began with Coventry': On Justifying Area Bombing" "Resistance to Memory: A Case for Public Forgetting" "Towards an Understanding of German Literary Responses to the Air War" Commentator: Patrizia McBride, University of Minnesota
Luncheon Speaker: "Deutsche Universitätsreform:
Friday, September 19, 2003 39. Re-evaluating Semisovereignty in Post-Unification Germany Moderator: Burkard Eberlein, York University "Semisovereignty in the 1990s: From Asset to Liability?" "Federalism and Semisovereignty" "Environmental Policy: The Law of Diminishing Returns?" "European Policy" Commentator: Donald Kommers, University of Notre Dame 40. Panel Discussion: German Media Theory: The Digital, the Global, and Beyond Moderator: Sabine Hake, University of Pittsburgh "Contaminated Theoryscapes, Or: Cross-Atlantic Mediations of German Film Studies" "Communication Medium Rare: Niklas Luhmann's and Hartmut Winkler's "Medium" Theories" "Narrative Film/Theory Reconsidered" "Seeing Reality" "Der Stand der Dinge": Film + German Studies = German + Film Studies? 41. Writing Military History in the 20th Century Moderator: Volker R. Berghahn, Columbia University "'The war was lost when the Battle of the Marne was lost': Writing the History of the Battle of the Marne" "Fighting Historians and Writing Historians in Germany: The example of World War I" "Defending the Past and Preparing for the Future: Naval Historiography in the Inter-War Period" "Das Militärgeschichtliche Forschungsamt als eine Einrichtung moderner militärgeschichtlicher Forschung und Vermittlung historischer Bildung in den Streitkräften" Commentator: Gerhard Hirschfeld, Universität Stuttgart 42. Women against Peace? Female Support of War Efforts and Cold War Strategies in Twentieth Century Germany Moderator: Doris L. Bergen, University of Notre Dame "A General's Daughter, a Soldier's Mother: Lily Braun's Love for War, 1914-1916" "Photojournalist in Nazi-Occupied Europe: The Wartime Career of Lieselotte Purper" "'einen Soldaten für die Front freimachen.' Oral History-Projekt mit ehemaligen Wehrmachthelferinnen, 'ganz normalen' Frauen" " 'Friedensklärchens' Feindinnen ein Frauennetzwerk des Kalten Krieges" Commentator: Christine von Oertzen, German Historical Institute, Washington, DC 43. International Reactions to the Holocaust since the 1960s Moderator: Alan E. Steinweis, University of Nebraska "'The ordinary people will ensure that justice be done': Anglo-German Negotiations for the Compensation of Victims of National Socialist Persecution" "'Can a man not change?': Nazi Crimes and the Rotary Club Controversy of 1976" "Martyrdom and Memory: John Paul II at Auschwitz" "Auschwitz und die Deutschen im Spiegel polnischer Schullektüren" Commentator: Jeffrey Herf, University of Maryland 44. German-Turkish Culture and the New Europe Moderator: Michelle Mattson, Iowa State University "Emine Sevgi Özdamar's Hof im Spiegel (2001):Towards a New Critical Grammar" "Writing Against the Grain: Zafer Senocak as Public Intellectual and Writer" "Who's Afraid of a Uniform? Redressing Authority in Film Comedy" "Elusive Turks. Characterization and Interpretation of Turks in Austria by Frischmuth and Rabinovici" Commentator: David Ciarlo, University of Wisconsin, Madison 45. Ruins Of Modernity I Moderator: Julia Hell, University of Michigan "A Photographic Genre: Depopulated Cities" "Ridges and Ruins: Generic Topographies in German Film History" "Ruins as Models: Displaying Destruction in Post-War Germany" Trabants, Studebakers, and Modernist Pasts in Germany and the U.S." Commentator: AndreasHuyssen, Columbia University 46 . Modell Deutschland : The State of the Debate Moderator: Wade Jacoby, Brigham Young University "Rethinking Modell Deutschland : Macro vs. Micro-Level Reform of the German Political Economy" "Ideas, Institutions and the Exhaustion of Modell Deutschland " "From Conflict to Integration - The Austrian Social Partnership and the "Germany's Poor Economic Performance in the Last Decade: It's the Commentator: Reiner Pommerin, Technische Universität Dresden 47. Heinz Schlaffer's Die kurze Geschichte der deutschen Literatur Moderator: Nina Berman, The Ohio State University "What is German Literature? A Twenty-First-Century Perspective on the 'Early Modern' Period" "Literary History and Memory Loss" "Die kurze Geschichte der deutschen Literatur : Einsprüche aus feministischer Sicht" "The Best, the Worst, and the Topography of Fascination" Commentator: Gisela Brinker-Gabler, Binghamton University 48. Martin Walser's Tod eines Kritikers as a Work of Literature Moderator: Helmut Pfanner, Vanderbilt University "Der Glückliche und die Unglücklichen: Beobachtungen zu Martin Walsers "Ist Tod eines Kritikers ein Schlüsselroman?" "Ethics and the Teufelsdreieck of Tod eines Kritikers " "Walser's Tod eines Kritikers in the Context of His Earlier Work" Commentator: Stephen Brockmann, Carnegie Mellon University 49. Sport, Culture and Politics in the Postwar German-speaking World Moderator: Stuart Taberner, University of Leeds "Kaiser Franz and the Communist Bowl: Cultural Memory and Munich's Olympic Stadium" "'Aus! Aus! Aus! Deutschland ist Weltmeister!!!' Die Fussball-Weltmeisterschaft 1954 und der Selbstfindungsprozess der Bundesrepublik" "'His Rise is the Rise of Our Entire State': Champion Cyclist Täve Schur as Socialist Hero in the 1950s GDR" "The 'Austrification' of Soccer and Skiing .On Sport Space and National Identity" Commentator: Andrei Markovits, University of Michigan 50. "Asozialität": Discourses and Governance between Democracy and Dictatorship in 20th Century Germany Moderator: Claudia Koonz, Duke University "Vagabonds, Prostitutes, and the Concept of the Asocial, 1900-1929" "'Asoziale' im Nationalsozialismus" "Abweichendes Verhalten, Modernisierung des Sozialstaats und das Ende des Arbeitshauses in der alten Bundesrepublik" "The 'Negative Milieu' of State Socialism: Ascribing "Asozialität" in the East German welfare dictatorship" Commentator : Sandrine Kott, Université de Poitiers/École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris 51. Crisis of Judgment I: In the Eye of the Law: Perception, Surveillance and Spectacle In the Eye of the Law: Perception, Surveillance and Spectacle Moderator: Peter C. Caldwell, Rice University "Sovereign Photography: Carl Schmitt's Der Begriff des Politischen and Erich Salomon's Berühmte Zeitgenossen in unbewachten Augenblicken " "Bending the Law: The Crisis of Justice in the Weimar Republic" "Social Judgment and Sensory Discipline in Weimar Visual Culture" "Kafka's Surveyor and Legal Revelation from Benjamin to Derrida" Commentator: Benjamin Robinson, Northern Illinois University 52. German Social Democracy and the Transfer of Policy to East Central Europe Moderator: William Paterson, Institute for German Studies "Who Learns from Whom? The SPD and Frameworks for Transferring Policy" "Learning from the West? German Social Democracy and the Polish SLD" Commentator: Dieter Dettke, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Washington, D.C. 53. Genetics and Politics in Twentieth-Century Germany Moderator: Ann Taylor Allen, University of Louisville "Familiengeheimnisse: Geneologie, Rassenforschung und Politik in Deutschland, 1890-1933" "'The Sword of Our Science' as a Foreign Policy Weapon: The Political Function of Human Geneticists in the International Arena during the Third Reich" "The Genetics of Mind. The Rise of Constructivism in the German Debate on Biological Sciences" Commentator: Carola Sachse, MPG Präsidentenkommission "Geschichte der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft im Nationalsozialismus" 54. Vom Winde verweht?: German Scientists and Engineers Abroad "'We can get real advantages. And if we don't, someone else will.' Zur Abwanderung deutscher Naturwissenschaftler nach 1945" "Normaler Technologietransfer? Deutsche Raketenwissenschaftler in Ägypten 1957-1963" "Die Wissenschaftsbeziehungen zwischen Deutschland und Spanien im 20. Jahrhundert" "The 'Great Eastward Trek': Soviet Captivity and the Formation of an East German Technical Elite" Commentators: Dieter Hoffmann , Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin and Michael Neufeld, National Air and Space Museum 55. Film, Television, and Cultural Politics Moderator: Jacqueline Vansant, University of Michigan-Dearborn "Home is on the Havel: DEFA's Revisioning of the "Heimatfilm" in Alter Kahn und junge Liebe (Hans Heinrich 1957)" "The Scandal That Never Was: Disability in Fassbinder's Chinesisches Roulette " "Offering an Alternative to the Mainstream: Formal Innovation in Alexander Kluge's Television Discourse" Commentator: David Bathrick, Cornell University 56. Lost in Space?: Travel at the Turn of the 21st Century Moderator: Alexander Honold, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin "Time Travel: Touring Sights of Remembrance in Sebald's Austerlitz and Die Ausgewanderten " "Virtual Travel" "The Art of Losing One's Way: Sebald and the Travel Writing Tradition" "Labyrinths" Commentator: Helmut Schneider, Universität Bonn 57. Text, Time, and Image in Walter Benjamin Moderator: David Hamlin, Brown University "A Matter of Distance" "Melancholy and The Theory of Images in Walter Benjamin's Arcades Project" "Walter Benjamin and the 'temporal turn' in 20th Century Thinking" "'Stillstellung' vs. 'Verflüssigung': Constellations of Image and Text in Walter Benjamin and Peter Weiss Commentator: David Weberman, Georgia State University
6:00 PM 7:00 PM NO-HOST COCKTAIL RECEPTION 7:00 PM 9:30 PM Presidential Address Patricia Herminghouse, University of Rochester "The German Secrets of New Orleans"
Saturday, September 20, 2003 58. Recent Developments in Eastern German Political Leadership Moderator: Jennifer A. Yoder, Colby College Berlin and Brandenburg: Two Different Models of State Leadership? After Gera: The New National Leadership of the PDS and Its Challenges Leading the Bundestag: The Schroeder Approach Commentator: Helga Welsh, Wake Forest University 59. Roundtable: How Much German in German Studies? Moderator: Margit Sinka, Clemson University Robert Di Donato, Miami University, Ohio 60. Visions and Revisions of Violence: Constructions of Modernism in West Germany Moderator: Lutz Koepnick, Washington University, Saint Louis "Speculators of the Negative" "French (Object) Lessons: Border Crossings, the Crisis of the Subject and the False Promise of Violence in New Realism" "Verbal Terrorism: Rolf Dieter Brinkmann's Machine Gun Poetics of the Late 1960s" Commentator: Mariatte Denman, Duke University 61. Public Policy in Germany Moderator: Forest Grieves, University of Montana "Bridging the Knowledge Policy Gap? The Role and Significance of Think Tanks in German" "European Integration and Public Sector Reform: Towards a New Public Management in Germany?" "Germany's Non-Wars Against Smoking: Why Germany Lags in Tobacco Control" Commentator: Arthur Gunlicks, University of Richmond 62. Masculinities in Margins: Gender and Masculinity in Central Europe between 1800 and 1914 Moderator: Vera Lind, German Historical Institute, Washington D.C. "Men Dancing, Men Walking. Defining Male Habitus in Early Nineteenth-Century Germany" "Mens sana in corpore sano: Masculine Ideals in the German Turnverein and Czech Sokol" "Masculinity and Morality: Catholicism, Confessional Conflict, and the Debate over Clerical Celibacy in Imperial Germany" Commentator: Till van Rahden, Universität Köln 63. Nazi Cinema Studies: What Is at Stake? Moderator: Yvonne Houy, Pomona College "The Nazi Avant-Garde: The Kultur and Unterricht Films of Wilfried Basse" "The Sixth Jew: Hans Zerlett's Robert und Bertram (1939) and Problems of Spectatorship in Third Reich Film Studies" "Ferdinand and the Führer" Commentator: David Imhoof, Susquehanna University 64. Ruins of Modernity II Moderator: Katja Garloff, Reed College "Ruined Railways and the German/Jewish Question in Freud and Sebald" "Layered Time: Ruins as Lacunas and as Presence in Israeli and German Landscapes" "Dead Bodies and Ruins, or Reflections on the Post-Fascist Gothic" "Writing Against Ruins: Hanne Darboven and the Vergegenwärtigung of Modernity" Commentator: Thomas Pfau, Duke University 65. Too Little Too Late? Nazi Art Theft and Restitution Efforts after World War II: The Case of Austria Moderator: Günter Bischof , University of New Orleans "The Austrian Federal Office for Heritage Protection: Assisting in the Looting during the War, Administering Restitution after the War" "Coming to Terms with the Past: The Collections of Albin-Egger-Lienz Paintings in East Tyrol" "Historical Truth Impossible? Nazi-Looted Schiele Paintings and the New York and Los Angeles Court Cases" Commentator: Jonathan Petropoulos, Claremont McKenna College 66. Constructions of Urban Turkish Gender Identities in Germany Moderator: Sonja Fritzsche, Illinois Wesleyan University "The King of Marxloh: Ahmet Öner, Boxing, and Turkish-German Regionalism" "Practices of Resistance: Turkish Women in Duisburg-Marxloh and the Production of Neighborhood Space" " Kurz und Schmerzlos and the Critique of Subaltern Masculinity" 67. Kriegsherren: Protagonisten deutscher Militärpolitik in Kaiserreich, Republik und Diktatur Moderator: Jay W. Baird, Miami University (Ohio) "Ludendorff: Hitlers Vater?" "Groener: Preussens Erbe und Weimars Auftrag" "Halder: Der verhinderte Generalstabchef" Commentator: Dennis Showalter, Colorado College 68. Imagining the German East, 1871-1921 Moderator: Marline Otte, Tulane University "Escaping Germany or Saving Germany? Separatism in the Eastern Borderlands, 1918-1921" "Teaching Germanness: Schooling a New Generation of Germans on the Eve of World War I" "Poland or Prussia? Creating a Heimat in the German East, 1871-1914" Commentator: Vejas Gabriel Liulevicius, University of Tennessee 69. Language and German Conceptions of Culture in 1800 Moderator: Barnet Hartston, Eckerd College "The 'Living Word': Hamann, Herder, and the Historicization of Linguistic Community" "Schleiermacher and the Emergence of Linguistic of Anthropology" "The German Study of Sanskrit in the Nineteenth Century" Commentator: Sara Pugach, The Ohio State University 70. The German Student Movement and America Moderator: Detlef Junker, Universität Heidelberg "Right or Left? Perceptions of America in the West German Student Movement of the 1960s" "New Left Alliances: German-American Networks in the Student Movements of the Early 1960s" "Angela Davis and the West German Feminist Movement." Commentator: Belinda Davis, Rutgers University 71. The Politics of the Modern Self Moderator: Andreas Daum, University of Buffalo (SUNY) "The Occult Self" "The Problem of the Individual in an Ethical Gesellschaft " "Sexual Subjectivity and the Modern Optimism for Social Reform" Commentator: Dennis Sweeney, University of Alberta 72. Image, After-Image, Affect: Art and the Real, 1750-1830 Moderator: Franz Futterknecht, University of Florida "Learning to See: 18th Century Visual Knowledge" "Vision and Affect: Embodied Spectatorship in 18th-Century Writing" "Fugitive Images and Visual Memory in Goethe's Discourse on Color" "Sculptural Ornament and the Language of 'Verwilderung' in Clemens Brentano" Commentator: Jay Sherry, Brooklyn, NY 73. Gender and Class Conflict in Early 19th-Century Literature Moderator: Christine Anton, Berry College "The Gender of German Romanticism" "Overcoming Tragedy: Theater and Bourgeois Power in Karl Gutzkow's Richard Savage" "Towards a Critique of Violence in Kleist's Der zerbrochne Krug" Commentator: Patricia Simpson, Montana State University 74. (Post)Soviet Jewish Immigration To Germany Moderator: Jeffrey Peck, York University "The Jewish Emigration from the Soviet Union to Germany: History, Politics and Integration Patterns" "Are Russian Jews Postcolonial? Soviet Jewish Immigrants in Germany and their Literature" "From Victims of Anti-Semitism to Postmodern Hybrids: Representations of (Post)Soviet Jews in Germany" Commentator: Galili Shahar, Freie Universität Berlin 75. Distinction, Consensus and the Role of Consumer Goods in the GDR Moderator: Adelheid von Saldern, Universität Hannover "Showcase Showdown: Tensions Over Global and Domestic Consumption in the GDR" "A Consensus of Modern Socialist Wohnkultur ? The Example of Plastic Consumer Goods in the Home in the German Democratic Republic from the 1950's to the 1970's" "Race and Economy in Soviet-Style Regimes: The East German Case, 1971-1989" Commentator: Patrice Poutros, Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, Potsdam Saturday, September 20, 2003 76. Roundtable: The Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies: What Applicants Need to Know Moderator: Patricia Herminghouse, University of Rochester Wedigo de Vivanco, Freie Universität Berlin 77. Gerhard Schröder and German-American Relations Moderator: Gerald R. Kleinfeld "Partnerschaft mit Spannungen: Gerhard Schröder und die deutsch-amerikanischen Beziehungen" Commentator: Gerald R. Kleinfeld; Wade Jacoby, Brigham Young University 78. Rising Stars, Falling Stars: The Future of Austrian Party Politics After the November 2002 Elections Moderator: Alexander J. Motyl, Rutgers University "Liberal and Conservative: The Österreichische Volkspartei (ÖVP) in Search of a Double-Headed Profiling" "Beyond Left and Right: Who Are the Forces of Political Changes in Austria Today?" "'Knittelfeld:' The Self-Destruction of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ): Mischief or Misfortune?" Commentator: Lonnie Johnson, Fulbright Commission, Vienna 79. Topographies of Jewish and German Identities in Contemporary German and Austrian Literature Moderator: Amir Eshel, Stanford University "The Non-Place of East Central Europe: Repetition, Echo, Text" "The-Name-of-the-Father: Figurations of Identity in Contemporary German Literature" "Double-Vision: Oscillating Places and Identities" Commentator: Paul Michael Lützeler, Washington University, St. Louis 80. Public Opinion, Public Performance, and the Transformation of Politics in the Federal Republic, 1949-1969 Moderator: Diethelm Prowe, Carleton College "Advertising, Public Opinion Research, and the Americanization of Politics in West Germany, 1949-1957" " Westbindung as Performance: Kennedy, de Gaulle, LBJ, and the West German Experience with Charismatic Leadership" "Selling Social Triage: Public Relations and Civil Defense in West Germany, 1955-1965" Commentator: Thomas Schwartz, Vanderbilt University 81. Radio and Newsreel Propaganda in Nazi Germany Moderator: David Bathrick, Cornell University "Representations of Jews on the Volksempfänge r" "His Master's Voice: Goebbels, World War II, and the Jews" "Documentary Film and the Limits of Propaganda in the Third Reich" Commentator: Anson Rabinbach, Princeton University 82. Soziale Wohlfahrt zwischen privater und staatlicher Verantwortung in Deutschland Kontinuitäten und Diskontinuitäten Moderator: Brett T. Fairbairn, Centre for the Study of Co-operatives, University of Saskatchewan "'In Deutschland scheint die Zivilgesellschaft zwar eine Zukunft aber keine Vergangenheit zu haben': Der Stellenwert der sozialen Philanthropie im Deutschen Kaiserreich" "Mäzententum in Weimar eine unbekannte Größe" "Der Spendenmarkt in der Bundesrepublik: Zur Geschichte der Philanthropie in Deutschland 1945-1989" Commentator: Jean H. Quartaert, Binghamton University 83. Representations of Terrorism in Literature, Film and the Visual Arts Moderator: Jay Rosellini, Suffolk University, Boston "Terrorism in the German Novel: F.C. Delius' "Deutscher Herbst" Trilogy" "The Terrorist's Face: Personalizing Terrorism in German Film" "The Phantom Effect": The Return of the Dead in Gerhard Richter's October 18, 1977 Cycle 84. Who Are the Victims? Czech and Polish Discourses on the Vertreibungen . Moderator: Pavel Cernoch, Charles University "The Czechs and Expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia" "We Both Committed Wrongs, But Victimhood Is Ours! Polish Perspectives on the German Expulsions" "When Victims are Perpetrators and Perpetrators Victims: Czechs and Germans Face the Legacy of a Tragic Decade" Commentator: Ann Phillips, U..SA.I.D., Washington 85. Telling Pasts: Memory, Identity, and Gender in Recent German Narratives Moderator: Christine Haase, University of Georgia "Desire and Perpetrator Memory in Lukas Hartmann's Die Frau im Pelz " "Memory and (Auto)biography in Monika Maron's Pawels Briefe " "Body Memory, History, and Healing in Christa Wolf's Leibhaftig " Commentator: Azade Seyhan, Byrn Mawr College 86. Diplomats, Soldiers and Spies: Nazi Atrocities and their Legacy through the Eyes of State and Military Professionals Moderator: Katherine Roper, St. Mary's College "A German Diplomat and the Fate of German Jews: The Case of Heinrich Wolff" "Military Necessity and Reprisals: The Case of Carl-Heinrich von Stülpnagel" "A Nazi Spy: Wilhelm Höttl, the Holocaust and Allied Postwar Intelligence" Commentator: Dennis Showalter, Colorado College 87. The Artist and the Metropolis Moderator: Norbert Puszkar, Austin Peay State University "The Arrested Gaze: Shocking Shop Windows in Mackay and Mann" "Georg Simmel, Grossstadterfahrung , and the Debate About Culture" "Transformed Spaces: Tonio Kröger Discovers a Volksbibliothek " Commentator: Todd Kontje, University of California, San Diego 88. Revisiting the Canon: Contributions by Women Writers Moderator: Derek Hillard, Kansas State University "Renaissance Redux: Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach's 'Künstlernovelle' Agave " "The Making (and Unmaking?) of an Austrian Icon: Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach" "Hedwig Dohm's Prose Works Revisited" Commentator: Martha B. Helfer, University of Utah 89. Goethe and the Enlightenment Moderator: Deborah Hertz, Sarah Lawrence College "Re-Coding the Semantics of Intimacy: Goethe's The Sorrows of Young Werther " The Realzeitung and the Inferiority Complex in Vienna's Enlightenment" Commentator: Franz Futterknecht, University of Florida 90. Protest, Political Tradition, and the Cold War in Germany Moderator: Jeremy P. Varon, Drew University "Pacifism and Peace Advocacy from Weimar to Bonn" "Political and Social Traditions in the Protests against Nuclear Weapons in Britain and the Federal Republic of Germany, 1957-1964" "Traditionsbildung und Gegenwartsverortung in der westdeutschen 'Gegenkultur' der späten 1960er Jahre" Commentator: Thomas Lindenberger, Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, Potsdam 91. The State and the Self in the German Democratic Republic Moderator: Katherine Pence, City University of New York "The Problem of Privacy: State, Citizen, and GDR Domestic Life" "'Messe Uncles' and 'Messe Air': The Leipzig Trade Fairs as Ideal and Experience in Late Socialism" "The Travels of Gudrun Linke: Ideology, the Stasi, and the Making of a Self in East Germany" Commentator: Mary Nolan, New York University 92. On Wissenschaft , Philosophy, and Politics in the Early 19th Century Moderator: Robin E. Judd, Ohio State University "Vom falschen Umgang mit der Natur: Zu den Abweichungen von Goethes geologischem Entwurf im literarischen Spätwerk" "Naturphilosophie und Politik am Beispiel von Lorenz Oken" " Kastanienwäldchen or University: A 19th-Century Theory of German Studies" Commentator: Volker Depkat, Universität Greifswald 93. New Directions in the History of Anti-Semitism Moderator: Meike G. Werner, Vanderbilt University "Anti-Semitism as Speech Act" "Anti-Liberalism and Anti-Semitism in Catholic Germany, 1871-1914" "Nationalism and Anti-Semitism: The Case of Paul de Lagarde" Commentator: Doris L. Bergen, University of Notre Dame 94. Rhetorical and Political Modes of Reconstruction in Postwar German Science Moderator: Mark Walker, Union College "Reconstructed Science? Heisenberg and Instrumental Rationality between the Third Reich and the Federal Republic" "Target Heidelberg: Chemical Warfare Research of Nobel Prize Laureate Richard Kuhn in the Nazi-Era and its Postwar Exploitation through Allied Military Intelligence" "The Quest for Recognition. The Compensation of Refugee Scientists in Postwar West Germany" Commentator: Luncheon Speaker: Günter Bischof, University of New Orleans Saturday, September 20, 2003 95. Love It or Leave It? Amerikakritik and Anti-Americanism in Germany and Austria Moderator: Carole Fink, The Ohio State University "Missverständnis Amerika. Antiamerikanismus als Projektion" "Fremde Freunde? Das Bild der USA in Deutschland nach dem 11. September 2001" "' Moralische Vergiftung der Seele' : Anti-Americanism in Postwar Austria" Commentator: Frank Trommler, The University of Pennsylvania 96. Emerging Issues in German Security Moderator: Tom Dyson, London School of Economics "Crisis in Trans-Atlantia: The U.S., Germany, and NATO" "German Security Policy: The Logic of Appropriateness; the Logic of Outcomes" "The Trans-Atlantic Crisis and German Security Through the Lens of the German Media" Commentator: Ann Phillips, U.S.A.I.D. 97. The Near, the Far and the In-Between: Immigration, Integration, and Turkish Identity Moderator: Silke Roth, University of Pennsylvania
"Split Personalities or Dual Identities: Generational Change among Turkish-German Youth" "For Us or Against Us: Assessing Immigrants' Reactions to the 2000 Naturalization Reforms" Commentator: Helga Welsh, Wake Forest University 98. The Pasts of Contemporary German Cinema Moderator: Richard Rundell, New Mexico State University "Hitler's Willing Weightlifter: Germany's Past in Werner Herzog's Invincible " "So-called 'Terrorists': Volker Schlöndorff's Die Stille nach dem Schuss " "Reworking the 90s: Erleuchtung garantiert " Commentator: David A. Brenner, Kent State University 99. Behavioral and Rationalist Methods in the Study of German Politics Moderator: William Patch, Grinnell College "The East German Transition Game" "Austria's Path to Dictatorship: The Strategies of the Elites (1927-1933) " "Bordering East and West: Division and Reunification among Neighbors" Commentator: Thomas Saalfeld, University of Kent at Canterbury 100. (National) Identities and (Gender) Boundaries in Film Moderator: Carol Poore, Brown University "Transnational Cinema in Vienna and Budapest 1934-1937" "Cold War for Cultural Control: The Battle Over the Film Industry in Early Postwar Austria" "Castration Anxiety Revisited: Germany as 'Mother' in Kutlug Altman's Film Lola & Bilidikid " Commentator: Stefan Soldovieri, University of Toronto 101. Re/Membering Veterans: Trauma and Community among Germany's War Victims, 1914-1939 Moderator: Robert Whalen, Queens University "Re-Arming the Disabled: Medicine and the Wiedereingliederung of the War Wounded, 1916-1922" "The Militant Hysteric: Trauma, Politics, and the Memory of World War I, 1918-1939" "Montaging Masculinity: Soldier Portraits and the Weimar Photomontages of Marianne Brandt" Commentator: Jane Caplan, Bryn Mawr 102. Germany and the World Wide Web: Theory, Ethics, and Use of the Internet in Germany Moderator: Jörg Waltje, Ohio University "Political and Theoretical Dimensions of Cybermanifestos in German-speaking Countries" "Online Journalism Ethics in Times of Global Conflicts: Attitudes and Opinions of German and U.S.-American Web Journalists" "Simultaneous Use of Internet and Television News on the Iraq Conflict: Commentator: Werner Patzelt, Technische Universität Dresden 103. The Evolution of German Capitalism: Still a Coordinated Market Economy? Moderator: Gregg Kvistad, University of Denver "Leaving Tradition behind: Deutsche Bank, Allianz, and the Dismantling of 'Deutschland AG'" "State of the Corporation: State Power, Politics, and Policymaking and Corporate Governance in the United States, Germany, and France" "Institutional Change in the German System of Industrial Relations" Commentator: Richard Deeg, Temple University 104. Austria-Hungary in 1914: Accidental Death or Terminal Disease? Moderator: Emil Brix, Austrian Foreign Office "Austria-Hungary and the Great Powers" "Anxious Warriors: The Austrian Military" "Domestic Arrangements: Well-tempered Discontent or rien ne va plus ? Commentator: Sam Williamson, University of the South 105. Transatlantische Beziehungen in der Ernährungspolitik Deutschlands, der Schweiz und den USA im 20. Jahrhundert Moderator: Susanne Heim, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, "Quakers and the German Idea of Welfare, 1918-1933" "Begegnung zweier Wissenschaftskulturen. Die Reisen deutscher Ernährungwissenschaftler in die USA im Rahmen der deutschen Auslandshilfe und ihre Folgen für die bundesdeutsche Ernährungsaufklärung und beratung" "Food Habits, Nutritional Science, and Rationing Systems during World War II: Commentator: Susanne Heim, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum 106. Textures of the Modern The Emergence of "Fordist" Vienna Moderator: Mary Nolan, New York University "Vienna after 1945: Urban Fordism in the Shadow of Amnesia" "Youth Culture as a Media Event" "Burda Fashions: Home-Dressmaking in Austria from 1950 to 1970" Commentator: Dr. Lutz Musner, Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften, Wien 107. Fury: Aspects of Medieval German Literature Moderator: Glenn Ehrstine, University of Iowa Arofels swert daz lieht gevar : Rage, Revenge, and the Question of Willehalm's Sanctity Von zürnenden küneginnen und siechen ungesunden : Fury in medical discourse and the Nibelungenlied The Fire-Breathing Dietrich von Bern: Fury and Degenerate Heroism in the Rosengarten Commentator: Alexandra Sterling-Hellenbrand, Goshen College 108. Aspects of Goethe Moderator: Elizabeth A. Drummond, University of Southern Mississippi "The Education of Representation: Goethe's Wilhelm Meister's Lehrjahre " "Fausts Verjüngung" "Schiller's Skull and the Correspondence: Goethe's Contextualization of the Briefwechsel" Commentator: Donovan J. Anderson, University of Dallas 109. European Scholars and Ethnopolitics during Third Reich Moderator: Eric D. Weitz, University of Minnesota "Georg Leibbrandt and Karl Stumpp and the Fate of Jews and Russian Germans in Ukraine" "Romanian-German Collaboration: The Case of Sabin Manuila" "Historiker und Kulturwissenschaftler als ethnopolitische Experten in der SS: Wilfried Krallert und Fritz Valjavec" Commentator: John Connelly, University of California, Berkeley 110. Marginalization and Assimilation of Jews and Protestants in 19th-Century Germany Moderator: Suzanne Marchand, Lousiana State University "Between Belief and Practice: Religion and German Jewish Life 1840-1914" "The Schwabes of Ovelgönne: Schutzjuden and Social Mobility in the Era of the French Revolution and the Vormärz " "Protestant Ghetto? A Re-examination of Confessional Relations in 19th-Century Germany" Commentator: Andrew Lees, Rutgers University 111. Reshaping Space and Society in Germany, 1900-1960 Moderator: Nathan Stolzfus, Florida State University "How Green Was the Garden? Revisiting the German Garden City Movement" "Modernizing the Waters: Planning and Pollution in the Lower Elbe Region" "Rationalizing Nature: Landscape Planning and Environmental Reform in Weimar Germany" Commentator: Nathan Stolzfus, Florida State University 112. The Public Sphere and Political Theater Moderator: David Hamlin, Brown University "The Architectonics of Public Science: Rudolf Virchow's Pathologisches Museum" "Funerals as Political Theater: Interring Kaiser Wilhelm I and Wilhelm Liebknecht" "Hugenberg's First Big Mistake: The Misfiring of German Nation-Building in Posen Province in the Late Kaiserreich " Commentator: Ronald J. Ross, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee 113. Women's Work: Philanthropy and Cultural and Historical Mediation Moderator: Nicholas Vazsonyi, University of South Carolina "Philanthropy as an Agent for Social Change? The Charity Work of Empress Frederick of Germany and Its Impact" "Women Travelers in the 19th Century: Cultural Mediators or Reinforcers of Imperialist Thought?" "Capitalist Enterprise, Women's Work, and the Mediation of German History: Mrs. Chapman Coleman, Luise Mühlbach, and D. Appleton & Co." Commentator: Linda Kraus Worley, University of Kentucky Saturday, September 20, 2003 114. Recent Developments in German Foreign Policy Moderator: Gerlinde Bernd, University of California, Davis "German Views of Turkey's EU Application" "German-US Relations from Pre-Bush to Post-9/11 Bush: Why They Matter to the Transaltantic Relationship" "The Politics of German Defence Policy: Cognition, Contingency, and the Role of Policy Leadership in Bundeswehr Reform" "German-French Leadership in the European Union: "Stotternder Motor" ohne Alternative? " Commentator: Graham Timmins, University of Stirling 115. Hans Rothfels als Historiker im 20. Jahrhundert: Ein Historikerleben zwischen Deutschland und den USA vor und nach 1945 Moderator: John L. Harvey, The Pennsylvania State University "Hans Rothfels in Königsberg und Berlin: Vom Revisionismus zum Volkstumskamp?" "Hans Rothfels im Chicagoer Exil: Traditionsbewahrung oder Transformation?" "Hans Rothfels in Tübingen und München" Commentator: Hartmut Lehmann, Max-Planck-Institut für Geschichte 116. Jews and the Boundaries of Normality in Early 20th Century Germany and Austria Moderator: Julia Roos, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities "Returning to Normal/Repossessing the Past? Property, Memory and Austrian Jewish Identities" "Inventing the Kleptomaniac: The Pathologies of Female Consumption in Weimar Germany" "Acting Out and Being Gone: Suicide and Early Psychoanalysis" "German-Jewish Anti-Zionist Voices before 1945: The Example of Joseph Roth" Commentator: Ann Goldberg, University of California, Riverside 117. Dissonances in Visual Culture and Modernity: Architecture, Film, and Photography Moderator: Jennifer Michaels, Grinnell College "Modernity as a Home: Adolf Loos's Cultural Criticism" "Returning the Gaze; Textuality and Mechanical Reproducibility in Peter Altenberg's Appropriated Photographs" "Ernst Jünger, Photography, and the Imperial Gaze of the Worker" Commentator: Larson Powell, Texas A&M University 118. Revisiting East German Popular Culture: Science Fiction, the Comic Book, and Romance Film Moderator: Anke Pinkert, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign "Science Fiction in the Soviet Sector: Ludwig Turek's The Golden Ball " "DDR-Populärkultur 1949-1990 zwischen Karl Marx and Karl May" "' Bis daß der Tod euch scheidet' : East German Romantic Drama and the Politics of Everyday Life" Commentator: Peggy Piesche, University of Leiden, The Netherlands 119. The Quest for a Credible Anti-Semitism: " Judenforschung " in the Third Reich Moderator: Susannah Heschel, Dartmouth College "A Case Study: The Two Faces of an Anti-Semite" "The Dissemination of Racial Phobia as Knowledge" "Vernichten und Erinnern: 'Judenforschung' als Musealisierungsstrategie" Commentator: Alan Steinweis, University of Nebraska-Lincoln 120. Gender Relations in the New Millennium: "The More Things Change." Moderator: Jutta Helm, Western Illinois University "Gender-Mainstreaming: A New Feminist Paradigm for Germany? " "What Gender are MdL? Explaining Why Eastern and Western Parties Did (or Did Not) Adhere to Voluntary Gender Quotas for the Landtage between 1990 and 2000" Commentator: Joyce Marie Mushaben, University of Missouri, St. Louis 121. Roundtable: Austrian Studies: Partners in the Quest to Understand Europe Moderator: Josef Leidenfrost, Austrian Ministry of Education, Science and Culture Emil Brix, Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs 122. Zur politologischen Aktualität philosophischer Positionen Moderator: Hans Adler, University of Wisconsin, Madison "Kants Beitrag zur europäischen Verfassungsdebatte" "Jürgen Habermas: Das doppelte Missverständnis - Zur Interpretation der Bundesrepublik Deutschland" "Ernst Nolte: Verteidiger der liberalen Systems? " "Cultural Criticism and Politics in Max Weber and Hannah Arendt" Commentator: Olaf Leisse, Universität Erfurt 123. Metaphor, Ritual, and Rätsel in Post-Romantic German Literature Moderator: Donovan Anderson, University of Dallas "Metaphor as Metatext in Gottfried Keller's Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe " "Kleist abgeschaut: Zufall oder 'Gottes furchtbare Hand'--Die Bestrafung des Abel Hradschek in Fontanes Kriminalnovelle Unterm Birnbaum " Commentator: Lynne Tatlock, Washington University, St. Louis 124. Geschichtsphilosophien und Geschichtstheorien im 20. Jahrhundert Moderator: Larry Frohman, State University of New York, Stony Brook "Überlegungen zu einer geschichtsphilosophischen Erklärung des National-sozialismus" "Zur Problematik des Historismus und der 'Überwindung des Historismus' in der Weimarer Republik" "Critical Reflections on the Politics of Modernity in the Philosophical Anthropology of Helmuth Plessner" Commentator: Richard Wolin, CUNY Graduate Center, New York 125. Encountering the East in Medieval Literature Moderator: Sara S. Poor, Princeton University "Imperialist Propaganda and the Middle High German Crusader Lyric" "Military Intelligence in Konrad's Rolandslied" " Des Turken Vasnachtspil : Encountering the East at the Nuremberg Carnival" Commentator: Rasma Lazda, University of Alabama 126. The State and Civil Society in Postwar Germany Moderator: Maria Höhn, Vassar College "Collective Action and Expellee Integration in Post-1945 Germany" "West German Politicians and the Re-establishment of the German Jewish Community" "German Schoolteachers and the Creation of the German Democratic Republic" Commentator: Rebecca Boehling, University of Maryland, Baltimore County 127. Germany and The Prospect of War in the Age of Normalization International Perspectives Moderator: Stephen Brockmann, Carnegie Mellon University "The Presentation of German Wartime Suffering in Recent German Fiction" "Through the Eye of a Camera: Crime, Politics, and Aesthetics in the Wehrmacht " Nie wieder Krieg! Nie wieder Auschwitz!: Fighting for Normality in the Balkans" "Germany and the Iraq Crisis, 2001-2003" Commentator: Elliot Neaman, University of San Francisco 128. New German Studies and the Global Metropolis: Berlin and Its Others Moderator: Perry Myers, Texas A&M University "'The Outer Edge of the Wave': Berlin, Mutability, and Globalization" "Berlin der 20er Jahre im interkulturellen Flanieren" "Global Berlin and Other Simulations" Commentator: Peter Beicken, University of Maryland, College Park 129. Enlightenment and Interpretation: China in Leibniz and Wolff Moderator: François Raffoul, Louisiana State University "Rationality, Experience, and Cultural Exchange in Leibniz" "Reason and Interpretation: Leibniz, Wolff, and the Chinese" "Wolff's China Speech in Halle: Its Significance and Impact" Commentator: Daniel Selcer, Duquesne University 130. Identitätskonstruktionen in Ostdeutschland: Die Präsenz der Vergangenheit in der Gegenwart Moderator: Elizabeth Heineman, University of Iowa "The National People's Army Since Unification: East German Army Officers in the New German State" "Die Erfindung der Ostdeutschen" "Arbeiterliche Identität ohne Erwerbsarbeit" Commentator: Daphne Berdahl, University of Minnesota 131. Beyond Bonn and Berlin: The International Implications of Ostpolitik Moderator: Thomas Schwartz, Vanderbilt University "German Ostpolitik and the Middle East" "United States-West German Tensions over Ostpolitik, 1969-1971: Start-up Problems or the Manifestation of Deeper Differences?" "'Hotbed of Hypocrisy': The Superpowers and Ratification of the Eastern Treaties, 1972" Commentator: Bernd Schäfer, German Historical Institute, Washington, DC 131a. Party Organization and Party Behavior Moderator: Alice Cooper, University of Mississippi "Behavior in the Social Democratic Party of Germany and the Socialist Party of Austria, 1945-1959" "The Christian Democratic Union as a Corporatist Catch-All Party: Explaining the CDU's Frauenpolitik " German Social Democracy in the Twenty-First Century" Commentator: Christopher Allen, University of Georgia
Sunday, September 21, 2003 132. Turning Points in German History Moderator: Simone Lässig, German Historical Institute, Washington D.C. "1848" "1900" "1923" Commentator: Siegfried Weichlein, Humboldt Universität Berlin 133. Der Elysée-Vertrag von 1963: Dreh- und Angelpunkt der deutsch-französischen Beziehungen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg? Moderator: Dirk Schumann, German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C . "Annäherung im Zeichen des Misstrauens. Die deutsch französischen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen nach 1945" "Die diplomatischen und militärpolitischen Dimensionen des Elysée-Vertrages "Gab es einen ,kulturellen Teil' im Elysée-Vertrag von 1963?" "Der Elysée-Vertrag von 1963. Ein Erinnerungsort der deutsch-französischen Beziehungen?" Commentator: Colette Mazzucelli, Columbia University 134. Preserving Order and Decency: State Policing of Deviant Behavior and Radical Thinking in Cold War Germany Moderator: Annette F. Timm, University of Calgary "Subversive Sun Seekers: Policing Deviant Masculinity Among Wismut Miners, 1953-58" "Radicals in a Democracy: The Life and Death of the K-Gruppen " "Coming to Terms with International Crime in the Federal Republic in the 1970s" 135. German Intellectuals between Renewal and Restoration, 1945-1970 Moderator: Eric D. Weitz, University of Minnesota "Catastrophe and Democratic Renewal: German Left-Intellectuals before the Cold War, 1945-1948" "The Languages of Republicanism and the Foundation of West Germany" "The Generation Gap in Postwar Journalism: Media Elites and the Democratization of West Germany, 1945-1970" Commentator: Diethelm Prowe, Carleton College 136. The Specter of Terrorism: The Red Army Fraction in the 1970s and Beyond Moderator: Anson Rabinbach, Princeton University "Of Walls and Veils: The Red Army Faction's Carcereal Politics of the 1970s" "'Sympathy with the Devil': The Radical Left and Terrorism During the 'German Autumn'" "Prada-Meinhof: Avant-Garde Goes Radical Chic" Commentator: Dagmar Herzog, Michigan State University 137. The Monumental, the Recycled, and the Pornographic Past: Television Histories in Austria and Germany Moderator: Inge Marszolek, Universität Bremen "Monumentales Geschichtsfernsehen: Die ORF Dokumentarreihe Österreich II (1982-1986)" "Geschichte mit Bildern Bilder der Geschichte: Produktion und Archivierung von Filmaufnahmen aus dem Nationalsozialismus und ihre Wiederverwertung im bundesdeutschen Fernsehen" "The Radicalization of German Memory in the Age of its Commercial Reproduction: Hitler and the Third Reich in the TV Documentaries of Guido Knopp" Commentator: Michael Geisler, Middlebury College 138 . Popularizing German History in the 1950s Moderator: Sonja Fritzsche, Illinois Wesleyan University "From Wunderkinder to Kellerkinder : History and Identity in German Films of the 1950s" "The Case of Richard Sorge: Secret History in 1950s Spy Fiction" "'Einwohner von Trizonesien': (Re)Making History in 1950s German Schlager " Commentator: Uta G. Poiger, University of Washington 139. Sozialdemokratische Kanzler und Amerika: Transatlantische Beziehungen in der Ära Brandt, Schmidt and Schröder Moderator: Helga Welsh, Wake Forest University "Zwischen Weltwirtschaftskrise, Doppelbeschluss und Spannungen im Ost-West-Verhältnis nach dem sowjetischen Einmarsch in Afghanistan: Helmut Schmidt und die transatlantischen Beziehungen" "Vom Mauerbau zur Ostpolitik: Willy Brandt und Amerika" Commentator: Dieter Dettke, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Washington 140. W.G. Sebald in His Own Words Moderator: Gerald A. Fetz, University of Montana Gordon Turner, University of East Anglia 141. Colonial and Postcolonial Discourses in Literature Moderator: Scott Roulier, Lyon College "Death in the Name of God and Civilization 1 Gustav Frenssen's Peter Moors Fahrt nach Südwest " "The Limits of Violence: Döblin's Colonial Nature" "'Much Addicted to Thieving': Western Representations of Easter Islanders and their Mimetic Subversion in Uwe Timm's Kopfjäger " "Benjamin's Übersetzung in Postcolonial Thought" Commentator: Rolf J. Goebel, University of Alabama, Huntsville 142. Childhood in Central Europe 1749-1832 I Moderator: Anthony Krupp, University of Miami "Childhood Onstage: J. W. Goethe, G. Büchner, and Beyond" "Naive Modernity: J. H. Campe's Aesthetics of Enlightenment Childhood" "The Child as Pedagogical Victim: K. P. Moritz's Project for Educational Reform" Commentator: Andreas Gailus, University of Chicago 143. Ambiguities of Enlightenment: History, Literature, Philosophy Moderator: Hal Rennert, University of Florida "Lessing on Tragedy and the Tragic" "Communicative Reading in the German Enlightenment" Commentator: Deborah Hertz, Sarah Lawrence College 144. Sexual Conflict and Sexual Identity: Feminists, Homosexuals, and Misogynists 1900-1954 Moderator: Tracie Matysik, University of Texas, Austin "The Wrath of the 'Countess Merviola': Homosexual Response to Public Attack in Germany and Austria, 1900-1908" "'A Dark, Impenetrable Wall of Complete Misunderstanding': Men and Women View Women and Men in German Sex Reform Before World War I" "Rereading Weininger: Margarete Susman's Reflections on Sex and Gender" Commentator: Katrin Sieg, Georgetown University 145. Liberal Philosophy of Culture with a European Intention Moderator: Richard Crouter, Carleton College "Cultural History and Political Transformation: Ernst Troeltsch and the Religious Implications of Germany's Political Future" "Naturgesetz und Humanität in der Weltpolitik" "Reflecting on Wartime Experience: Ernst Troeltsch's Search for a 'European Cultural Synthesis'" Commentator: Walter W. Wyman, Jr, Whitman College 146. On History, Philosophy, Politics, and Literary Production Moderator: Elizabeth A. Drummond, University of Southern Mississippi "Jakob Burkhardt and Adalbert Stifter: Cultural History as an Aesthetic Refuge " "Within the Flow of History: Wilhelm Dilthey, George Eliot, and 19th-Century Historicism" "Bismarck, Fontane, and the Polish Question" Commentator: Harry Ritter, Western Washington University 147. Globalisation and Rising Competitiveness in Higher Education: Recent Developments in Europe Moderator: Lonnie Johnson, Fulbright Commission, Vienna "More Autonomy for European Institutions of Higher Education: Can Organisational Reforms (also) be Justified from a Pedagogical Point of View? " "Brave New World of Supply and Demand in Higher Education: The Changing Status of Students and University Services, Fees and Liability" "Entrepreneurial Universities in Europe: State of the Art, Changes to Come" Commentator: Alexander J. Motyl, Rutgers University Sunday, September 21, 2003 148. Deutsch-französische Beziehungen anlässlich des 40-jährigen Jubiläums des Elysée-Vertrages Moderator: Wolfram Hilz, TU Chemnitz "Die Beziehungen zwischen der DDR und Frankreich 19491989" "Frankreich und die Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands 1989/90" "Wissenschaftsbeziehungen zwischen Deutschland und Frankreich und die deutsch-französische Hochschule" "Der deutsch-französische Kulturkanal ARTE" "Intellektuelle in Deutschland und Frankreich" Commentator: Andreas Daum, State University of New York, Buffalo 149. Germany's Central and Eastern European Neighbors Moderator: Pawel Lutomski, Stanford University "Germany and Central Europe: Hegemony Re-examined" "Germany and the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe after Enlargement: "German Ostpolitik beyond the Cold War: Relations with the New Russia" Commentator: Benjamin Frommer, Northwestern University 150. Aspekte der neuen Bundesländer Moderator: Rob Willingham, University of Texas, Austin "Von der Planwirtschaft in die Marktwirtschaft. Betriebe und Belegschaften im Transformationsprozess der 1980er zu den 1990er Jahren" "Das Parteiensystem in den neuen Bundesländern" "Jugendliche in den fünf neuen Bundesländern" "Die PDS am Ende?" Commentator: Andreas Sobisch, John Carroll University 151. Realms of Imagination: Race and Space in German Colonialism Moderator: Birthe Kundrus, Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung "Shopping for Exoticism: The Umlauff Enterprise (1868-1943) and Its Trading in Ethnic Artifacts" "Colonial Mapping in Berlin" "Gender, Mobility and the Transfer of Culture - Raggy in South West Africa" Commentator: Kristin Kopp, Harvard University 152. Comparative Perspectives on Sinti German and Black German Experience Moderator: Sara Lennox, University of Massachusetts, Amherst "Neither Foreigners nor Aliens: The Intermingling Stories of Sinti Germans and Black Germans" "Alternate Historiography: Comparative Studies of Sinti German and Black German Narratives" "Pushing the Limits of Multiculturalism: Liberal Media and Radical Refugees in Hamburg" Commentator: Deniz Göktürk, University of California, Berkeley 153 . German Cinema of the 1990s: Visions and Revisions of Tradition Moderator, Robert Di Donato, Miami University "Visions and Revisions of the Heimatfilm in the 1990s" " Western and Eastern : The Western Genre in Contemporary German Film" "Cleaning up the Post-Wall Rubble: Berlin Films of the 1990s" "'In the Shadows of Consensus': New German Cinema and Films of the late 1990s" Commentator: Cecilia Novero, Pennsylvania State University 154. Mapping Multicultural Identities Moderator: Dieter Sevin, Vanderbilt University "Memories of Migration in Germany and the US: Intersections between Özdamar's Karawanserei and Morrison's Beloved" "Chance Encounters or The Surrealist Beauty of Contemporary Commentator: Elke Segelcke, Illinois State University 155. Deutsche Wirtschaftseliten im 20. Jahrhundert Moderator: Frank Buscher, Christian Brothers University "Der Verein Berliner Kaufleute und Industrieller" "Die Wirtschaftselite als Persönlichkeit: Zur Selbstdarstellung von Unternehmern und Managern des Ruhrgebiets während der Zwischenkriegszeit" "Der Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie" "Der Wandel des Unternehmer-Begriffs in der deutschen Wirtschaftselite 1945-1970" Commentator: Volker Ackermann, Universität Düsseldorf 156. Governing the Body: Twentieth-Century Legislation on Abortion and Sexual Reproduction Moderator: Carolyn Kay, Trent University "Abortion 1930: Politics of Medical Discourse for the Welfare of its Nation? " "Representation of Paragraph 218: The Abortion Clause in Weimar Film and Fiction" "Feminism and Abortion Reform in the 1960s and 1970s: A Comparison Between Sweden and West Germany" "Embryonenschutz und weibliche Selbstbestimmung ein Widerspruch? " Commentator: Donna Harsch, Carnegie Mellon University 157. Das Präsidialgewalt in der Weimarer Republik Moderator: Larry Eurgene Jones, Canisius College "Friedrich Ebert als Reichspräsident" "Was the Brüning Cabinet 'Presidential?'" "Die charismatische Überhöhung der Präsidialgewalt unter Hindennburg" Commentator: Dieter K. Buse, Laurentian University
158. The Federal Republic and European Integration History: New Itineraries Moderator: Wolf D. Gruner, Universität Rostock "Adenauer's Willingness to 'Pay for Europe'" "The Federal Republic and European Defense, 1950-1965: Between Sin, Redemption, and Nuclear Ambitions" "Consensus for Integration: Public Opinion and European Integration in the Federal Republic, 1945-1966? " Commentator: John R. Gillingham, University of Missouri, St. Louis 159. Childhood in Central Europe 1749-1832 II Moderator: Angela Borchert, University of Western Ontario "Palingenesis in Print: Juvenalia, Rebirths, Sequels in Herder and Jean Paul" "Professor of the History of Myself: The Autobiography of Childhood in Goethe and Jean Paul" "Können wir werden, was wir waren? Concepts of Childhood in Tieck and D. Schlegel" Commentator: Anthony Krupp, University of Miami 160. Literature and Class Conflict in Weimar Moderator: Richard Sperber, Carthage College "Harry Domela: Der falsche Prinz . 'Der Kaiser ging und ein Obdachloser reist als sein Enkel durch die Weimarer Republik'" "Thomas Mann and the Sources of Democratic Doubt" "From Education to Action: The Political Function of Brecht's Lehrstücke in Weimar Germany" Commentator: Glenn Cuomo, New College of Florida 161. Crisis of Judgment II: Illegal Precedents: Adjudicating Sovereignty in Literature and Law Moderator: Beatrice Hanssen, University of Georgia "Matriarchal Magic: Bachofen in Weimar" "Choosing Between Christ and Barabas: Max Weber and Political Decision in the Weimar Republic" "Political Junkies: Bad Examples and the Crisis of Judgment in Weimar Modernity" "Violence and the Crisis of Judgment during the Early Period of the Weimar Republic" Commentator: William Scheuerman, University of Minnesota 162. Savior, Victim, Sexual Revolutionary: The Threat and Power of the Independent Woman in Reconstruction Germany Moderator: Donna Harsch, Carnegie Mellon University "Finding a Way Home: Civilian Evacuees, the Family, and Victim Status in Postwar Germany and France" "Victims, Whores, or Fallen Girls? Allied and German Attitudes Towards Female VD Cases in Occupied Germany" "The Beate Uhse Myth: Marketing and the Creation of a Post-Fascist Sexual Sensibility in West Germany" Commentator: Jennifer Evans, Carleton University 163. The Freikorps: Construction of a Myth and its Political Legacy Moderator: Michael Epkenhans, Otto-von-Bismarck-Foundation, Friedrichsruh "'You had a great cause': Settlement and Memory of the Freikorps in the Baltics, 1919-1935" "German Freikorps in the East: War, Memory, and Fiction" "The Freikorps as Model and Myth in German Political Life, 1918-1935" Commentator: James Diehl, University of Indiana 164. The Transatlantic Dimension of German Democracy: Individual Mediators and the Re-establishment of Civic Culture, 1945-1955 Moderator: Konrad H. Jarausch, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill "Historians and Political Scientists as Mediators? Concepts of Democracy on the Transatlantic Highway" "Amerikanische Verfassung und deutsches Grundgesetz. Der Staatsrechtslehrer Hermann von Mangoldt im Parlamentarischen Rat" "German Journalists and 'the Boundless Continent' after 1945: America as a Theme in the Narrative Refashioning of the Political Self" Commentator: Mark E. Spicka, Shippensburg University 165. National Socialism and the Intergenerational Alliances Moderator: Harry Ritter, Western Washington University "'My father wasn't a murderer!' Belated Rehabilitations of the 'War Generation'" "Borrowed Images. Family Narratives in Perpetrator and Victim Societies, and How the Third Generation Visualizes Events that Happened Long before Their Birth" Commentator: Jacqueline Vansant, University of Michigan, Dearborn 166. Die DDR zwischen Moskau und Bonn 1949-1989: Aussenpolitik, Wirtschaft, Propaganda Moderator: Clemens Vollnhals, Hannah-Arendt-Institut für Totalitarismusforschung, TU Dresden "'Von der Sowjetunion lernen?' Wirtschaftspropaganda in der DDR" "Driving the Soviets Up the Wall: Soviet-East German Relations and the Decision to Build the Berlin Wall" "Profit und Propaganda. Energieversorgung zwischen Röhrenembargo und 'Druschba'" "'Aus der Konfrontation erwachsen und in die Konkurrenz geboren': Die Aussenpolitik der DDR 1949 bis 1990" Commentator: Christian F. Ostermann, Cold War International History Project 167. Living with Europe: Germany and the Politics of Constraint Moderator: Andrei Markovits, University of Michigan "Living with Europe: Power, Constraint, and Contestation" "The Europeanization of the Federal Government: Bureaucratic Fusion versus Governmentall Bifurcation" "On the Cusp of Accommodation and Transformation: The Europeanization of German Foreign and Security Policy" "The Bundestag: Europeanization, Institutional Incrementalism, and Behavioral Reticence" Commentator: Gregg Kvistad, University of Denver
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