October 7, 1999
Cocktail Party Hosted by Emory University 6:00 PM-8:00 PM Ballroom Foyer Pre-Conference
Lecture 6:00 PM-7:30 PM Glenmar Room
Friday, October 8, 1999 Sessions 8:30 AM-10:15 AM 1.
Zehn Jahre danach: Wann fällt die Mauer in den Köpfen?
Moderator: Dieter Dettke, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung �Einheitserwartungen
und Enttäuschungen: Die Mauer in den Köpfen der Deutschen in
Ost und West�
Platz für (N)Ostalgie: Ostdeutsche Identität und Mentalität
im vereinten Deutschland�
Joyce Marie Mushaben, University of Missouri-St. Louis
Martin Walser Stirs it Up Again I
Moderator: Alexander Mathäs, University of Oregon �In
Search of Private Memory: Martin Walser�s �Ein springender Brunnen� and
his �Friedenspreisrede��
springender Brunnen�: Martin Walser�s �interesseloses Interesse� an der
deutschen Vergangenheit��
Debates on the Holocaust Memorial: Martin Walser�s �Friedenspreisrede��
Commentator: Gerald A. Fetz, University of Montana 3.
50 Jahre NATO � 44 Jahre Bundeswehr
Moderator: Jürgen Förster, Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt, Potsdam �Deutschland
als Schlachtfeld in der nuklearen Planung der NATO 1949-1957�
oder �Kommiss a.D.�? Die Rolle der Bundeswehr in Belletristik und Film
während der fünfziger und sechziger Jahre�
America in Germany�. Militärpräsenz als Chance kultureller Begegnung�
Commentator: David Clay Large, Montana State University 4.
Banality of Evil? Nazi Careers
Moderator: Peter Black, Holocaust Memorial Museum �Das
System Himmler�
und das Reichsministerium für die besetzen Ostgebiete�
Diplomats and Colonizers: SA-Leaders in the Foreign Ministry and Ministry
for Occupied Eastern Territories�
Commentator: Ronald Smelser, University of Utah 5.
Literature and Nationalism
Moderator: Myong Ju Lee, Stanford University �German
Political Poetry and Nationalism: Max Schneckenburger�s �Die Wacht am Rhein��
Translation and the Foreign in German Linguistic Nationhood: German Philology,
Wolfgang Became German: Nationalism and Orientalism in Parzival Reception�
Commentator: Alan Leidner, University of Louisville 6.
Money, Value, Labor
Moderator: Richard F. Wetzell, University of Maryland �Working
Beyond Labor�
Physics, Biology and Mind: Late Nineteenth-Century Cultural Energetics
and Proto-Fascist Theories of the State�
Ego-Effect of Money�
Commentator: Nicholas Rennie, Rutgers University 7.
The Emergence of Mass Culture in Late Eighteenth-Century
Moderator: Joseph Knippenberg, Olgethorpe University �The
Valorization of Novelty: The Fashion Journal, Fashion, and the Emergence
of Mass Culture in Late Eighteenth-Century Germany�
und Ohnmacht: The Emergence of the Mass from the German Enlightenment�
als Geschichte: Cosmopolitan Self-Consciousness in Mass Culture Criticism�
Commentator: Susan Gustafson, University of Rochester 8.
Human Rights in Democratic Germany: National Identity, Religion, and Mission
Moderator: Stewart A. Stehlin, New York University �Menschenrechte
and German National Identity�
Jehovah�s Witnesses� Request for Acknowledgement of the Status of a Corporation
under Public Law in Germany: Background, Present State of the Case, and
Empirical Aspects�
Tourists in Kenya: Informal Development Aid�
Commentator: Alice Bullard, Georgia Institute of Technology 9.
Consumer Cooperatives and the Mittelstand in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Moderator: Peter Steinbach, Freie Universität Berlin �Von
der Allianz zur Gegnerschaft. Konsumgenossenschaften und Mittelstand im
Deutschen Reich vor 1914�
und Konsumgenossenschaften�
Co-operatives and Mittelstand 1945-54: Popular Organizations, Ideology,
and the Cold War�
Commentator: Bernd Weisbrod, Universität Göttingen 10.
Austausch und Identität: Rollentausch, Kleidertausch, Geldtausch
Moderator: Bettina Mathes, Humboldt Universität �Kleidertausch
und Gender-Crossing an der Schwelle der bürgerlichen Moderne: Goethes
Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre�
Kleid und bare Münze: Tausch und Täuschung in der Komödie
zwischen Shakespeare und Gryphius�
Sprache und Geld als Maske in der Komödie�
Commentator: Barbara Becker-Cantarino, Ohio State University 11.
That Old Time Rock 'n' Roll: Goethe, Bettine von Arnim, Beethoven,
and Their Critics
Moderator: Max Reinhart, University of Georgia �Collecting
the Rocks of Time: Goethe, the Romantics, and Early Geology�
Many Notes: The Critical Reception of Beethoven�s Compositions and Eighteenth
Century Aesthetics�
Beethoven and a Million Love Letters�
Commentator: Michael T. Jones, University of Kentucky 12.
The Body and Identity in Modern German Literature
Moderator: Susan Anderson, University of Oregon �Whose
Life is it Anyway? Politics and the Body in the Novels of Monika Maron
and Libu�e Moníková�
Bernhard�s Brides and Bachelors in Korrektur, Even�
and Testimony: Ruth Klueger�s �weiter leben� and Christa Wolf�s �Kindheitsmuster��
Commentator: Britta Kallin, University of Cinncinnati 13.
The Kohl Legacy
Moderator: Charles Lees, School of European Studies, University of Sussex �Kohl�s
Impact on the CDU/CSU: A Mixed Legacy�
Legacy for Germany in Europe�
System Kohl�
Commentator: Peter H. Merkl, University of California at Santa Barbara 14.
The New Populism and the Other: Aspects of the Current Debate in Austria
Moderator: Gerhard Weiss, University of Minnesota �Haider�s
Reach for Power�
a More Inclusive Society: Contemporary Austrian Writers Take Issue with
the Politics of Exclusion�
of Austrian-Turkish Relations: Barbara Frischmuth�s �Die Schrift des Freundes��
Commentator: Harry Ritter, Western Washington University 15.
Construction Sites: Gendered National Identity in the Law, Religion, and
Domestic Practice
Moderator: Heide Fehrenbach, Emory University �The
Imagined Hausfrau: National Identity Among Bourgeois Women in Imperial
Memory, Roman Catholic Identity and National Identity in Postwar West Germany,
Legislation of Gender and the Issue of National Identity�
Commentator: Rebecca Boehling, University of Maryland-Baltimore 16.
Foreign Policy Perspectives at Century�s End
Moderator: Forest Grieves, University of Montana �German
and American Perspectives on Euratlantic Relations�
American Elite and the Future of German-American Relations�
erste außenpolitische Bilanz der Regierung Schröder/Fischer�
Commentator: Mary N. Hampton, University of Utah 17.
Dissonant Identities: Sound, Culture, Politics
Moderator: Vera Stegmann, Lehigh University �Sound,
Realism, and Identification�
Simone�s Performances of Brecht/Weill Songs�
Ventriloquism: Dubbed Voices on German Screens�
Commentator: Lutz Koepnick, Washington University Session 8:30 AM-11:00 AM 18.
Moralische Entscheidungssituationen in der deutschen Geschichte des 20.
Moderator: Peter Hoffmann, McGill University �Antifaschisten
gegen den Hitler-Stalin-Pakt�
in der Diktatur: Plädoyer für eine Entmoralisierung der Aufarbeitungsdebatte�
Verbrechen als historische Mission: Ambivalenzen des Moralischen im Selbstverständnis
des Nationalsozialismus�
Moral, Kalkül: Der 20. Juli als Extrembeispiel einer moralischen Entscheidungssituation
in der deutschen Geschichte�
Commentator: Frank Stern, Ben Gurion University of the Negev Friday, October 8, 1999 Sessions 10:30 AM-12:15 PM 19.
Kulturpolitik in Domestic and Foreign Policy in Germany During the Interwar
Moderator: Klaus Schwabe, Technische Universität Aachen �School
Teachers, National Socialism, and the Politics of Culture at the End of
the Weimar Republic�
Kulturpolitik in Palestine, 1920-1939�
Landesgruppe of the NSDAP in Palestine: The Influence of a Local Nazi Party
Branch on German Policy Toward Palestine�
Comment: Francis R. Nicosia, Saint Michael�s College 20.
Historicizing Trakl
Moderator: Richard Detsch, University of Nebraska, Kearney �Grete
Trakl's Incurable Condition�
Trakl, Egon Schiele, and the Austrian Tradition�
Commentator: Theodor Fiedler, University of Kentucky 21.
Thoughts on the Atlantic Divide
Moderator: Atina Grossmann, Cooper Union �Germanic
and Ango-Saxon Intellectual Styles: Rereading Johan Galtung�
at Cross-Purposes: Transatlantic Misunderstandigs�
or the History of a European-American Conflict�
in Transatlantic Perspective�
Commentator: to be determined 22.
Violence and Terror at the End of the Third Reich
Moderator: Alan E. Steinweis, University of Nebraska-Lincoln ��The
Revolution Devours Its Children�: Terror on the Home Front in the Context
of Approaching Defeat in 1945�
Geheime Staatspolizei in der Endphase des Krieges�
und Mythen um das Ende der nationalsozialistischen Konzentrationslager�
Commentator: Sybil Milton, Unabhängige Expertenkommission Schweiz - Zweiter Weltkrieg 23.
Kulturdämmerung: Sites of Resistance to the Kulturnation
Moderator: Jeanette Clausen, Indiana University-Purdue University, Fort Wayne �Of
Hip-Hop and Being German: The Influence of American Subculture on Postwall
German Identities�
Wave Meets Problem Film: Laughing with Afro-German Lesbians�
German Orientalism: Michael Roes�s �Rub� Al-Khali� in the Context of Gay
Reflection on the Kulturnation in the 1990s�
Commentator: Katrin Sieg, Indiana University 24.
Postcolonial Theory and the German-Jewish Experience
Moderator: Marcia Klotz, University of Calfornia at Irvine �De-Orientalizing
Judaism, or Moses Mendelssohn and the Pygmies�
Männerbund to Urhorde: The Colonial and Postcolonial Context of Freud�s
Theory of Cultural Formation�
to be Tried: Roger Casement, Leopold Bloom, and Max Nordau�s Jews�
Commentator: Susannah Heschel, Dartmouth College 25.
Gender Relations in the Republic of Letters
Moderator: Daniel Rabuzzi, Luther College �Gleichheit
auf dem Prüfstand. Hippel und Wollstonecraft im Urteil der zeitgenössischen
Eighteenth-Century �Feminism��
vernünftige und beständige Liebe�: Geschlechterbeziehungen in
der Freundschaftskultur der Aufklärung�
Commentator: Marion W. Gray, Kansas State University 26.
Exhibiting Germany: Museums, Culture and National Identity
Moderator: Celia S. Applegate, University of Rochester �Schaustelle
Berlin: Constructing City Space through Museumspeak�
of Lebensraum: The Neanderthal Museum and Nature Park under National Socialism�
and the Search for the Self: Pursuing the Enlightenment Project in
Commentator: Marion Deshmukh, George Mason University 27.
Lies, Sex, and Silence: Revisiting Lessing, Goethe, and Kleist
Moderator: Birgit Tautz, Lawrence University �The
Language of Silence as a Principle of Enlightenment in the Works of G.E.
als Inszenierung. Der bürgerlicher Trauerspiel als
�Die Marquise von O.�: The Problem of Truth, Lies and Representation�
Commentator: Karen Kenkel, Stanford University 28.
Formen und Probleme der Literaturgeschichtsschreibung
Moderator: Walter Pape, Universität zu Köln �Schwieriges
Erbe: Die Literaturgeschichtsschreibung des 19. Jahrhundert aus heutiger
Sinn der Literaturgeschichtsschreibung und die Herausforderung der Postmoderne�
stelle ich eine Epoche dar? Aus der Praxis der Literaturgeschichtsschreibung
(am Beispiel der Literatur um 1900)�
Commentator: Linda Kraus Worley, University of Kentucky 29.
New Developments in Party, Campaign, and Union Politics
Moderator: David M. Keithly, National Defense University �Union
Politics in Postindustrial and Globalized Societies: The Cases of Austria,
Germany and Switzerland in the 1990s�
als �political entrepreneurs.� Zur Selbstfinanzierung im Bundestagswahlkampf�
PDS vor der Entzauberung�
Commentator: Andreas Sobisch, John Carroll University 30.
Representations of German and Austrian Colonialism
Moderator: Glenn R. Cuomo, New College of the University of South Florida �The
�Vertical Colony.� Germany�s �War� in the Himalayas 1929-1939�
nicht vergessen�: Colonial Propaganda in Weimar Germany and the Beginnings
of Multi Media�
An Internal Colony of the Habsburg Empire�
Commentator: Rolf Goebel, University of Alabama in Huntsville 31.
�After the Party, the Hangover:� Barriers to Reform
Moderator: Jutta Helm, Western Illinois University �Financing
the German Federal System: Problems and Prospects�
Water on a Grease Fire: Red-Green Enviornmental Conflicts�
and its Discontents: The Constitutional Division of of Fiscal and Legislative
Workers, German Products: The Adaptability of German Institutions for Vocational
Regulations and Industrial Standards�
Commentator: Christian Søe, California State University, Long Beach 32.
Educating the Masses: Intersections of Bildung, Consumer Culture, and Nationalism
around 1900
Moderator: Laurie Johnson, Vanderbilt University �Mitigating
the Sensational: Ethnographic Collections, Commerce and Bildung in Wilhelmine
Massenartikel� for All Germans: Langewiesche�s Blaue Bücher as Middlebrow
um 1900: Leserinnen, Kritikerinnen und der literarische Markt�
Commentator: Kirsten Belgum, University of Texas at Austin 33.
Secular Dreams? Encounters between Literature and Psychoanalysis
Moderator: Ann Goldberg, University of California at Riverside �Der
Sturm und Drang oder die Geburtstrauma des �Menschen��
Search for the Soul: Goethe�s Influence on Freud�s Literary Approach to
the Problem of Naturalism versus Organicism�
and Narcissism: Henriette Hardenberg and Sigmund Freud�
Commentator: Benjamin Robinson, Stanford University 34.
German Language Study and German Studies: A Challenge and
Moderator: Patricia Herminghouse, University of Rochester �The
Preparation of German Studies Professionals: A View and Challenge from
Second Language Acquisition Research�
the Focus of German Studies�
German Studies without a Study of German�
Commenator: Lynne Tatlock, Washington University 35.
Historical Memory, New Left Violence, and Gender
Moderator: W.M. Senner, Arizona State University �Deadly
Abstractions: The Red Army Faction and the Politics of Historical Memory�
on Gender and the German Autumn�
Violence, and Gender in the New German Cinema: Representations of �Terrorism�
in the Films of Margarethe von Trotta, Volker Schlöndorff, and Helke
Commentator: Michelle Mattson, Iowa State University LUNCHEON
Sessions 2:00 PM-4:30 PM Friday, October 8, 1999 36.
Roundtable on Nazi Germany and the Holocaust: The Status of Research
Moderator: Claudia Koonz, Duke University Panelists:
Family Ties: Homely, Unhomely, Uncanny
Moderator: Jutta Ittner, Case Western Reserve University ��Und
wenn ich morgen früh zufällig tot sein sollte, so wundern Sie
sich weiter nicht.� Zur Vater-Tochter-Beziehung in Arthur Schnitzlers �Fräulein
Laios Complex: Fatherhood at the Turn of the Century�
Herr, nach dem sie sich sehnte�: The Spector of the Father in Elfriede
Jelinek�s �Die Klavierspielerin��
Place Like Home: Modernist Innerlichkeit and Exoticism�s Final Frontier�
Commentator: David Kenosian, Haverford College 38.
German Politics in Europe
Moderator: Gerhard Hirscher, Hanns Seidel Foundation �Deutsche
Positionen zur �Agenda 2000��
in der EU�
in Europe�
deutsche Politik in Europa im Jahr der deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft�
Commentator: Reinhard C. Meier-Walser, Hanns Seidel Foundation 39.
Jewish Consciousness and Anti-Semitism in the Nineteenth Century
Moderator: Lorie A. Vanchena, University of Missouri �Memoir
or Spiritual Autobiography? The Personal Narrative of the Jewish
Salonnière Henriette Herz�
and Racial Anti-Semitism: The Case of German-Jewish Writing in the 19th
on Trial: Anti-Semitic Scholarship in the German Courtroom, 1870-1895�
Fairy Tale Jew�
Commentator: Marilyn Reizbaum, Bowdoin College 40.
Figures of Masculinity
Moderator: James Parente, University of Minnesota �Querbeziehungen:
Reading Sameness in the Early Modern Prose Novel�
Kaiserschnitt: Das Phantasma der Selbstgeburt aboluter Macht in Lohensteins
Spirituality, Masculinity, and Class: The Pietistic �Patriarch��
und Frauen. Zwei distinkte soziale Gruppen?�
Commentator: Thomas Robisheaux, Duke University 41.
German Colonial Studies and the Problem of Knowledge Boundaries
Moderator: Katharine Kennedy, Agnes Scott College �Modeling
German Colonial Discourse and the Colonial Process�
Colonialism:� Power-Knowledge in the German Empire�
Colonial Studies and the Crisis of Legitimation�
Wild East: German Colonial Discourse and the Case of the Forgotten Eastern
Commentator: Geoff Eley, University of Michigan 42.
The Myth of Synergy: Jews and Gentiles in 18th and 19th Century
Moderator: Maggie McCarthy, Davidson College �On
the Civil Improvement of Women and Jews in Late Eighteenth-Century Germany�
of Childhood: Goethe and the Jews�
in the Blank: Isaac Tannhäuser�s Autobiography as a Missing Voice
in �Die Judenbuche��
and Nonotheism in the Era of Bismark: Heymann Steinthal and the Problem
of Hebrew Mythology�
Commentator: Joseph Knippenberg, Oglethorpe University 43.
Goethe and the Question of National Identity
Moderator: Jonathan M. Hess, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill �Goethe,
Hölderlin, and the Task of German Culture: Effacing or Redeeming a
National Character?�
Identität durch Goethe? Mehr Nein als Ja�
Wandering Germans and Wandering Jews�
Hermann und Dorothea: A New Arminius?�
Commentator: Fritz Breithaupt, Indiana University 44.
Creating Their Place in History
Moderator: Paula Hanssen, Webster University �Emplotting
History: The German Fall as Tragedy and Melodrama�
Are We in History?�
and the Critique of Intellectuals�
East and West: Bertolt Brecht and Karl Jaspers in Divided Germany�
Commentator: Richard W. McCormick, University of Minnesota 45.
Vergangenheit und Gegenwart: The Analysis of Recorded Memories
Moderator: Bernd Schäfer, Hannah-Arendt-Institut für Totalitarismusforschung �Vergangenheitsbewältigung:
Die Kräfte des Eskapismus + Aktivismus�
Story as Historian? �Live� With Simone Shoemaker�
Memories of the Holocaust: An Analysis of American and German News Magazines�
Truths: Oral History Interviews and the Stasi Archives�
Commentator: S. Samples, Mount St. Mary�s College 46.
Grand Ideas, �Little� Genres: Diary, Vignette, Love Letter, and Travelogue
Moderator: Helga Schutt Watt, University of Denver ��Du
hast mich nicht verstanden, meine Teuerste�: Das Geschlechterverhältnis
im �Liebesbrief� unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Korrespondenz
zwischen Heinrich Christian Boie und Luise Mejer (1777-1785)�
Schatten der großen Namen: über Tageblätter, Taschenbücher
und Almanache oder die vergessene Karriere der Minna S. Lesarten und Kommentare
zu Apochryphen der Goethezeit�
of the Crowd: Narrative Strategies for the Production of Social Harmony
in E.T.A. Hoffmann�s �Des Vetters Eckfenster��
Travels, Cross-Modern Selves: Women Traveling in the Nineteenth Century,
�Urnomadic Subjects��
Commentator: Jeannine Blackwell, University of Kentucky 47. to be determined 48.
A Roundtable on Austria in the Early Cold War: Gerald Stourzh�s Use of
the New Sources in His State Treaty History Um Einheit und Freiheit
Moderator: Günter Bischof, University of New Orleans �The
Russian Perspective�
American Perspective�
British and German Perspectives�
Austrian Perspective�
Commentator: Gerald Stourzh, University of Vienna 49.
Expanding Germandom: Racial Planning and Ideology in the New Order, 1933-1945
Moderator: Norman J.W. Goda, Ohio University �The
National Socialist Dream of the German Middle-African Empire, 1933-1943�
into Germans: Himmler, the Falange, and the Visigothic Ideal�
Landscape to Mold Volksdeutsche into Reichsdeutsche in Annexed Poland,
Search for �Good Blood�: Racial Selection/Germanization in the Occupied
Commentator: Richard Blanke, University of Maine 50.
German Dilemmas at the End of the Century
Moderator: Gerald R. Kleinfeld, Arizona State University �No
Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Exposing German Institutions to New Problems�
Bonn Republic between Berlin and Brussels: Germany in the European Union�
Changing Face(s) of Citizenship: German Minorities at the Millenium�
Commentator: Wolf Gruner, Universität Rostock 51.
German Film Directors in Hollywood: Film Emigration from 1933-1949
Moderator: Ingeborg Majer-O'Sickey, State University of New York, Binghamton �Fritz
Lang in Hollywood�
Luck: Visions of Woman in Weimar Germany and Hollywood Film Noir�
Noir and the Experience of Exile�
Commentator: Sabine Hake, University of Pittsburgh 52.
Paul Celan
Moderator: Gertrud Pickar, University of Houston �Kaddish
for Spinoza: Secularization and Commemoration in Paul Celan�
the Bears: The Weight of Memory in Paul Celan�
Vaters Väter Unruhe und Stolz�: Paul Celans Allegorien von Vater und
Madness and the Limits of Representation in the Poetry of Paul Celan�
James K. Lyon, Brigham Young University
PM-6:00 PM
Saturday, October 9, 1999 Sessions 8:30 AM-10:15 AM 53.
The Exile Experience: Mallorca, Brecht�s Collaborators, and Stefan Zweig
Moderator: Dieter Sevin, Vanderbilt University �Brecht�s
Collaborators in Exile: Margarete Steffin, Ruth Berlau and Elisabeth Hauptmann�
als Exilort deutschsprachiger Schriftsteller in den 30er Jahren�
Living Memorial to a True European: Stefan Zweig�s Autograph Collection
and the British Library�
Commentator: Helmut Pfanner, Vanderbilt University 54.
Crises at the Austrian Borders
Moderator: Rolf Steininger, Universität Innsbruck �Hungary
and Austria 1953-1957: New Evidence from the Austrian State Archives�
Austrian Legation in Prague and the Czechoslovak Crisis of 1968�
Hot Peace after the Cold War: Protecting the Austrian Border during the
War in Slovenia, 1991�
Commentator: Vojtech Mastny, National Security Archive 55.
J.M.R. Lenz: Macht � Körper � Politik
Moderator: Karen Achberger, St. Olaf College �Briefe
an den Vater: Figurationen des Vaters in den Schriften von J.M.R. Lenz�
Bilder, Statuen: Lenz� Body Image�
Power of Sex: J.M.R. Lenz between Eighteenth-Century Eroticism and Twentieth-Century
Identity Politics�
Commentator: Helga Madland, University of Oklahoma 56.
Nazi Germany from Inside and Out
Moderator: David N. Coury, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay �Thea
von Harbou�s Position in the Nazi Film Industry�
Nation Imagined? Three Exile Novels, From the Outside Looking in on Nazi
Could be as Happy as Wisconsin�: Defining Enemy Culture in America�
Commentator: Stephen Brockmann, Carnegie Mellon University 57.
German Policy Issues: Between Drift and Direction
Moderator: Clay Clemens, College of William and Mary �The
German Economy: Shocks to the System�
Security Policy at the Crossrsoads: Mixed Signals Still Point to NATO�
Than Meets the Eye: A Reconsideration of German Hegemony�
Commentator: Michael G. Huelshoff, University of New Orleans 58.
Humboldt, Nietzsche, Dilthey: Ideas and Experience in the 19th Century
Moderator: Ross Lewin, Deep Springs College �Humboldt
and Gadamer�
Masks and the Masque of Faust II�
Consciousness or Letting Art Speak to Philosophy: Reconsidering Wilhelm
Dilthey�s Aestheticism�
Commentator: Anna Dempsey, James Madison University 59.
Einfluß der SED auf die westdeutsche Friedensbewegung gegen den NATO
Doppelbeschluß 1979-1983
Moderator: Manfred Wilke, Freie Universität Berlin �The
German Peace Movement Across Five Decades�
Einflußnahme der SED auf die deutsche Friedensbewegung�
Friedensbewegung in der evangelischen Kirche der 80er Jahre�
Commentator: Gerald R. Kleinfeld, Arizona State University 60.
Mediated Vision
Moderator: Arthur Groos, Cornell University �From
Body to Book: Mediating between Performance and the Written (Vernacular)
Word in the Thirteenth-Century�
verschriftlichte Blick: Zur Poetik der Visualität in der höfischen
Literatur des Mittelalters�
� Fleisch malen. Malerei als incarnazion (Cennino Cennini)�
Commentator: Ann Marie Rasmussen, Duke University 61.
Outsiders in Early Twentieth-Century German Culture
Moderator: Geoff Baker, Rutgers University �Wissenschaft
and the Jewish/German Relationship in the Early Twentieth Century�
and Older �Friends�: Stories from �Der Eigene��
of Alterity: (Homo)sexuality and Economics in Brecht�s �Im Dickicht der
Commentator: Imke Meyer, Bryn Mawr College 62.
Visions of the Nazi Holocaust: Sources, Preparation, and Memory
Moderator: Robert E. Hertzstein, University of South Carolina �The
Pre-Nazi Town That Chose a Jewish Sex Symbol: Gender, Anti-Semitism, and
Politics in Passau, 1919-1929�
Goebbels� Use of the Cinema to Prepare Germany for War in 1939�
Childhood During the Holocaust�
Commentator: Donald M. McKale, Clemson University 63.
Women and Children as Focus of Political Transformation of
Moderator: David Meier, Dickinson State University �Organized
Womanhood in the British Zone of Occupation of Germany, 1945-1950�
Rape Children and the Abandonment of the �Social Contract� in Mecklenburg
in 1946�
Commentator: Maria Mitchell, Franklin & Marshall College 64.
Multicultural Germany
Moderator: Dennis R. McCormick, University of Montana �Outsiders,
Foreigners, Aliens: Responses to the German Question in Works by Dohm,
Dische, Dörrie, and Ören�
gegen süppkültür: Feridun Zaimoglus Koppstoff und die Anti-Rants
der Kanakas�
allophone Dichter Cyrus Atabay�
Commentator: Joanne Miyang Cho, The William Patterson University of New Jersey 65.
Strategies of Political and Social Reform in Umbruch Germany, 1890-1933
Moderator: Paul B. Jaskot, DePaul University �Reform
and �the Social� in the Wilhelmine Era: Liberalism, Authoritarianism, and
German Modernity�
of Old Age in the German and French Labor Movements in the Late Nineteenth
and Twentieth Centuries�
a �Usable Past�? The Stein Centenary and the Crisis of Local Government
in 1931�
Commentator: Julia E. Sneeringer, Beloit College 66.
Representations of Reality in Film and Cyberspace
Moderator: Lynda J. King, Oregon State University �Berlin
in the Movies after 1945�
Through Entertainment: Billy Wilder�s �A Foreign Affair� and the Postwar
Reeducation of Germany�
Museums: Software for Cyberspace?�
Commentator: Barbara Mennel, University of Maryland, Baltimore County 67.
Defining Germany: Discourses of Nature and Technology in German Nationalism
Moderator: Todd Kontje, University of California, San Diego �Nature
and Nation: The �German Forest� as National Metaphor, 1871-1914�
Nationalism and Masculinities in Germany and Britain, 1890-1930�
Build a Powerful Dam Against the Polish Flood�: Technology, Nature and
the Struggle for the Eastern Marches, 1886-1914�
Commentator: Andrew Zimmerman, Columbia University 68.
Domestic Fictions of the Emergent Nation
Moderator: Marjanne E. Goozé, University of Georgia �Domesticity
and the Nation in Nineteenth-Century Fiction�
flüchtig genossene Rheinpanorama�
View from the Margin: Regional History as National History in Gustav Freytag�s
Die Ahnen, 1872-80�
Celia Applegate, University of Rochester
Moderator: Gerald A. Fetz, University of Montana �Identität
und Erinnerung - Eine kulturgeschichtliche Analyse der
Walser on Memoirs and Memorials�
gutes Gewissen ist keins�: Überlegungen zu Martin Walsers Roman �Ein
springender Brunnen��
Walser: �Ein springender Brunnen.� Language as Life and Literature�
Commentator: Peter Blickle, Western Michigan University Saturday, October 9, 1999 Sessions 10:30 AM-12:15 PM 70.
Global Human Experience, Capitalism, and Nature: The Construction of New
Grand Narratives in History
Moderator: Georg G. Iggers, SUNY Buffalo �World
History and Grand Narrative�
the Theory of Capitalism Still Useful to Conceptualize World History? The
Case of the German Historical School of National Economy�
and Environment: Global Thinking or Empirical Research?�
Commentator: Eckhardt Fuchs, German Historical Institute 71.
Rassismus und Gewalt im Nationalsozialismus
Moderator: Henry Friedlander, Brooklyn College, City University of New York �Beraubung,
Verteibung, Germanisierung: nationalsozialistische Politik in Slowenien,
Ermordung der östereichischen Zigeuner�
im Ghetto in Lodz: Probleme einer Ghettogesellschaft�
Commentator: Charles W. Sydnor, Jr., Central Virginia Public Broadcasting 72.
Skepsis in Literatur und Philosophie
Moderator: Klaus Vieweg, Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena �Humean
Skepticism in Post-Kantian Perspective: The German Discussion�
und Negativität: Der deutsche Romantiker K.W.F. Solger und die Skepsis�
skeptische Milieu der Moderne und die moderne Literatur�
Commentator: Bernd Hüppauf, New York University 73.
The German Middle Ages in Modern Times
Moderator: Max Reinhart, University of Georgia �Die
Herausbildung der Deutschen Philologie im frühen 19. Jahrhundert.
Zur Wissenschaftsbildung in der Moderne�
unendliche Mittelalter. Betrachtungen zur Postmoderne unserer Vergangenheit�
Remaking of the Middle Ages and the Making of a Nineteenth-Century Bestseller:
Eros and Christian Aesthetics in Josef Viktor von Sheffel�s Ekkehard�
Commentator: Jean Godsall-Myers, Widener University 74.
German National Identity and Music in the Early GDR
Moderator: Celia Applegate, University of Rochester �Nationaloper
and National Legitimacy in the German Democratic Republic: Hanns Eisler�s
�Johann Faustus��
Kultur schliesst nicht das Vergnügen aus�: The Formation of a GDR
Schlager Public�
Mendelsohn to Musik und Gesellschaft: The Search for a Progressive Musical
Tradition in East Berlin, 1945-1951�
Commentator: Pamela M. Potter, University of Illinois 75.
City Scripts: Literary Institutions in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Tiefurt/Weimar
Moderator: Daniel Purdy, Columbia University �A
Space of Sensibility: Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi in Pempelfort/Düsseldorf�
Montagsklub and Its Cultural Position in Eighteenth-Century Berlin�
Legacy of Duchess Anna Amalia: Ephemorographos in Tiefurt�
Commentator: Ann C. LeBar, Eastern Washington University 76.
Die Zukunft der �Berliner Republik�
Moderator: Peter Pottinger, Universität Koblenz-Landau �Fünfzig
Jahre Bundesrepublik: Auf dem Wege in eine �Berliner Republik��
für Arbeit: A New Beginning for the Berlin Republic?
in der deutschen Frage seit 1945�
Commentator: Josef Klein, Universität Koblenz-Landau 77.
Race and Ethnicity in Contemporary German-Language Theater
Moderator: Barbara Mennel, University of Maryland, Baltimore County �Intercultural
Dialogue on Stage: Turkish-German Playwrights�
and Antifacism in Elfriede Jelinek�s �Stecken, Stab und Stangl��
Representation, and Resistance: Marlene Streeruwitz�s Play �Bagnacavallo��
Commentator: Susan Cocalis, University of Massachusette, Amherst 78.
Challenge and Adaptation in German Federalism
Moderator: James Sperling, University of Akron �Strength
in Diversity? The Changing Nature of German Federalism�
im wiedervereinigten Deutschland: Verlauf - Ergebnisse - Folgen�
oder Lernen? Die Rezeption von �zero tolerance� und �community policing�
in der deutschen Polizei�
Commentator: Arthur B. Gunlicks, University of Richmond 79.
The Culture of Hypnosis
Moderator: Andreas Daum, German Historical Institute �The
Creative Unconscious: Occultism, Hypnotism, and Art in Imperial Germany�
the Occult and the Symbolist Movement�
as Subject: Hypnosis in Turn-of-the Century Popular Culture�
Commentator: Paul Lerner, University of Southern California 80.
Beyond the National Narrative? Political Socialization in Germany,
Russia and the United States: Schoolbooks and Curricula in Transition
Moderator: Carl Lankowski, AICGS �Beyond
the National Narrative?�
Citizenship in Textbooks�
der �vaterländischen Geschichte�: Der europa- und weltgeschichtliche
Horizont russischer Schulbuchautoren�
Commentator: Daniel Levy, Columbia University 81.
Popular Culture: Humor, Science Fiction, Theater, and the Movies
Moderator: Keith Bullivant, University of Florida �The
Politics of German Comedy�
German Science Fiction as Critical Space: Authors Johanna and Günter
im Hotel� 1929/30 and 1959: From the �Golden Twenties� to the Wirtschaftswunder�
Commentator: Mark Rectanus, Iowa State University 81.
Emigration als Chance: Theoretische Arbeiten deutscher Jüdinnen
Moderator: Meike Werner, Vanderbilt University ��Mitten
auseinandergerissen.� Margarete Susman in Exile�
Historians on the Margins. Margarete Rothbarth and Lucie Varga�
politisch Nahe und philosophisch Ferne. Hannah Arendt and the Question
of Identity�
Commentator: Stephen D. Dowden, Brandeis University 83.
Sacred Cows and Gored Oxen: The German Economy in Flux
Moderator: Wade Jacoby, Grinnell College. �Power
Politics: The Transformation of the German Electricity System�
without Capitalists? A Bottom-Up View of Industrial Tranformation
and the Erosion of the �German Model��
Commentator: Christian Kleinschmidt, Bochum 84.
The 1848 Generation in Old and New Worlds
Moderator: Joanne Schneider, Rhode Island College �Der
Dresdener Maiaufstand und die Revolution in Baden: Kommunikation, Wahrnehmung
und Mobilität in der Revolution von 1848/49�
the Atheist? The Religious and Political Background of the �Godless� North
German Kindergarten�
Mass Migration of Germans from Schleswig-Holstein to the United States:
Theodor Olshausen and Joseph Pulitzer at the Westliche Post in St. Louis�
Commentator: Frederik Ohles, Illinois College LUNCHEON
Sessions 1:45 PM -3:15 PM 85.
Das Schweigen zum Sprechen bringen�: The impact of World War II on Three
Generations in Austria - Soldiers in the German Army, Their Children and
Moderator: Jacqueline Vansant, University of Michigan-Dearborn ��We
Were Just Brave Fighters and Saved Europe from the Brutal Communists� �
The Interpretation of World War II by the Austrian Veterans Association�
- Children of Perpetrators and Bystanders�
Third Generation�
Commentator: Anna E. Rosmus, US Holocaust Memorial Museum 86.
Does the Past have a Future?
Moderator: Christopher Wild, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill �The
Vanishing German Renaissance�
for Interdisciplinary Scholarship in Modern German Studies�
Culture and Postmodern Theory: To Colonize or Decolonize?�
and Medieval German Literature�
Commentator: Lynne Tatlock, Washington University 87.
New Perspectives on the German Resistance Against National Socialism
Moderator: Erich J. Hahn, University of Western Ontario �Historicizing
the German Resistance?"
in the Resistance to Hitler: General Karl Heinrich von Stülpnagel
and the Reprisals Against Jews in the Ukraine in 1941 and in France in
and Success: Adam von Trott and America, 1939-1940�
Commentator: Robert E. Hertzstein, University of South Carolina 88.
Rethinking Critical Positions Through Goethe
Moderator: Ruth Dawson, University of Hawaii �Mapping
Goethe�s Wilhelm Meister onto Wim Wender�s Wrong Move�
and Garber�Goethe Style�
Masquerade: Goethe�s Confessions of a Public Life�
Commentator: Alice Kuzniar, University of North Carolina 89.
Societal Change and Political Responses in Germany
Moderator: Gunther M. Hega, Western Michigan University �Germany
and the Politics of Cultural Diversity�
to the Politics of Inclusion in Germany�
Democratic Rules through East German Politics�
Globalization of German Environmental Policy�
Commentator: Christoph Hanterman, Ventura College 90.
Twentieth Century Thinkers: Freud, T. Mann, Benjamin
Moderator: Carsten Strathausen, University of Missouri �The
Limit of Expression in Benjamin�s �Goethes Wahlverwandschaften��
Search for the Soul: Goethe�s Influence on Freud�s Literary Approach to
the Problem of Naturalism Versus Organicism�
Manns Burleske Tristan: Pastorin Höhlenrauch und Hekabe, die Novellenhandlung
und Richard Wagners Ring�
Commentator: Gerhard Richter, University of Wisconsin, Madison 91.
Limits of Herrschaft in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Empire
Moderator: Charles Herber, George Washington University �Cultural
Tactics of Political Repression in Seventeenth-Century Bohemia�
Away with Murder: The Social Tactics of Political Repression in Small Imperial
Ends of Impudence: C.D.F. Schubart, W.L. Wekhrlin and the Limits of Anti-Authoritarian
Commentator: Karin J. MacHardy, University of Waterloo 92.
Coming to Terms with the Female Sonderfall: Women�s Work and Gender Politics
in East and West Germany
Moderator: Mary Nolan, New York University �Technikpolitik
als Geschlechterpolitik: Frauenbildungspolitik im Zugzwang technikpolitischer
Grundsatzentscheidungen in der DDR�
und Hausarbeitstag: Zur Politik der Doppelbelastung in der DDR�
Rights for a Special Workforce: The Legal Introduction of Women�s Part-Time
Work in West Germany, 1955-1969�
Commentator: Donna Harsch, Carnegie Mellon University 93.
East German Responses to the Holocaust
Moderator: Peggy Piesche, University of Utrecht �The
Holocaust in East German Film�
Anti-Semitism, Anti-Zionism: The East German Government�s Failure to Respond
to the Holocaust�
Commentator: Maria Kroll, Mississippi State University 94.
Mixing Memory and Desire: West German Cultures of the 1950s
Moderator: Rudy Koshar, University of Wisconsin-Madison �Industrial
Design as Moral History�
as a Culture of Normalities: Germany, 1933-1950s�
�Sexual Misery� of the 1950s�
Commentator: Elizabeth Heineman, Bowling Green State University 95.
Violence and Identity in Contemporary Literature
Moderator: Jutta Arend, College of the Holy Cross �Three
Media�One Story? Marie-Thérèse Kerschbaumer�s Holocaust Narrative�
Priska Kreuz and Her Nightmare Garden of Memories in Mariella Mehr�s �Brandzauber��
Violence, and Subjectivity: Herta Müller�s �Herztier��
Commentator: Patricia Herminghouse, University of Rochester 96.
Austria in the Nazi Era
Moderator: Geoffrey J. Giles, University of Florida �Popular
Opinion in Nazi Austria�
Heirs of Lueger�
Nazi View of Post-War Austria: Friedrich Rainer and the British Foreign
Commentator: Sybil Milton, Unabhängige Expertenkommission Schweiz - Zweiter Weltkrieg 97.
The Federal Republic of Germany at Fifty
Moderator: William Chandler, University of California at San Diego �Identity
at the End of the Century�
Future of the PDS as a Regional Party�
Politics of the New Middle�
Commentator: M. Donald Hancock, Vanderbilt University 98.
Resistance or Integration: the Language of Emancipation in Imperial Germany
Moderator: Anna Kuhn, University of California, Davis �Language,
Space, and Representation in Hauptmann�s Die Weber�
as Mutiny: Johannes R. Becher and the Intensity of War�
Perversion or Self-Love: Incest, Mimicry and the Question of Antisemitism
in Thomas Mann�s �Wälsungenblut��
Commentator: Nina Berman, University of Texas at Austin 99.
Jewish German Intellectuals Since 1945: Return, Dissent, Revival
Moderator: Leslie Adelson, Cornell University �Critiquing
the Critics: Broder, Brumlik, and Wolffsohn�
Culture of Dissent: Jewish Writers and Filmmakers and the Re-Casting of
Jewish Obsession with Things German�
Commentator: Atina Grossmann, Columbia University 100.
Liberalism and Liberal Culture in Imperial Germany
Moderator: James Retallack, University of Toronto �Liberal
Nation-Builders: German Statisticians and the Measuring of Nationalitites,
Liberalism and the Frauenfrage, Antifeminism, and the Kulturkampf�
kommunaler Liberalismus aund kommunale Wahlrechtsfragen: Zur Bedeutung
des kommunalen Wahlrechts für die Kommunalpolitik in Deutschland am
Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts�
Mäzenatum und �gelebte Bürgerlichkeit� in den Kommunen des wilhelminischen
Commentator: Larry Eugene Jones, Canisius College 101.
Moving from Self to Selves: German Women Writers of the 19th Century
Moderator: Ann Taylor Allen, University of Louisville �Von
Kopf bis Fuß auf Liebe eingestellt: The Construction of (Feminine)
Authorship in Bettina von Arnim�s Goethe�s Briefwechsel mit einem Kinde�
Büchner: Writing in Private and Public Spheres�
Otto-Peters and Neue Bahnen�
Commentator: Lynda Hoffman-Jeep, University of Louisville Saturday,
October 9, 1999
The German/Austrian Jewish Experience in Literature
Moderator: Katja Garloff, Reed College �Reclaiming
Heimat: Memoirs by Jewish American Reemigres�
Jewry: Pose and Parody in Contemporary German-Jewish Literature�
Europe There Was No Jewish Postman: German-Jewish Identity and Anti-Semitism
in Martin Gumpert�s Autobiographies�
Commentator: Robert G. Weigel, Auburn University 103.
Social Activism and Women�s Culture in the Nineteenth Century
Moderator: Martha Helfer, University of Utah �Problems
of Evidence and Interpretation in Late Nineteenth-Century Feminism: The
Berlin Socialist Women�s Movement�
Salomon, 1893-1914: A Social Reformer in the Kaiserreich�
dem Weg ins neue Frauenleben: Ein Einblick ins Lebensgefühl deutscher
Frauen am Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts�
der Inneren Mission oder evangelische Sozialarbeiterin? Die Antwort
der Inneren Mission auf die Etablierung der sozialen Arbeit bürgerlicher
Frauen durch die bürgerliche Frauenbewegung�
Commentator: Ann Taylor Allen, University of Louisville 104.
Elites in Nazi Germany
Moderator: Dagmar Reese, University of Washington �Hochschullehrer
in nationalsozialistsichen Deutschland�
Banking Elite in Nazi Germany�
und traditionelle Eliten zwischen bürgerlicher Gesellschaft, aristokratischer
Lebenswelt und nationalsozialistischem Zivilisationsbruch�
Commentator: Jane Caplan, Bryn Mawr College 105.
Negotiating Justice: Practice in the Courts of Early Modern Germany
Moderator: David Sabean, University of California at Los Angeles �Negotiating
Honor and State Authority: The Settlement of Manslaughter in Zürich
und �innerer Gerichtshof�. Peinliche Strafjustiz im Hochstift Osnabrück
in Court: Uses of the Ehrverletzungsklage in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century
Commentator: David Luebke, University of Oregon 106. to be determined Barrington 107.
Theater and Music, Brecht and Eisler
Moderator: Kristina R. Sazaki, College of the Holy Cross �Hanns
Eisler�s Film Music: Theory and Practice�
Drama of Reconciliation: Between German Genre Theory and American Performance
as Political Entrepreneur in the GDR�
Poor BB�Brecht in the Nineties�
Commentator: Patrizia C. McBride, University of Minnesota 108.
Female Voices, Versatile Angles�Intersections of Biography, Poetics, and
Reception in Modern Austrian Literature
Moderator: Jennifer E. Michaels, Grinnell College ��Kühle
Sterne�: The Recent Reception of Hertha Kräftner�s (1928-1951) Poetry
and Prose�
Frauen wie die Perserin��Thomas Bernhard und Ingeborg Bachmann�
of Freedom and a Sentence to Silence�Marlene Streeruwitz� Poetics of Motherhood�
Commentator: Brett R. Wheeler, Georgetown University 109.
Visions of History
Moderator: Janet Lungstrum, University of Colorado, Boulder �Architects
of the Future: Marble, Glass, and the Modernist Imagination�
Kiefer and the Angel of History�
Album� as Paul Klee�s �Guernica�: What the Artist Revealed, What he Obscured
in the Painting in 1937�
Commentator: Ingeborg Hoesterey, Indiana University 110.
German and American Responses to Globalization: Innovation, Taxation, Immigration
Moderator: Jackson Janes, AICGS �Innovation�
Commentator: Carl Lankowski, AICGS 111.
Democracy as Experience: Changes in Germany�s Political Culture
Moderator: Hanna Schissler, New York University �Narrative
Refashioning of the Self in the Transition from Dictatorship to Democracy:
German Biographies After 1945 and After 1989�
im geteilten Deutschland in den fünfziger und sechziger
the Classroom to the Bedroom to the Streets: The 1960s and the Transformation
of the German Political Culture�
ostdeutsche Demokratiediskussion in der Wende 1989/90�
Commentator: Diethelm Prowe, Carleton College 112.
Cultural Divides and Historical Narrative: Interdisciplinary Reflections
Moderator: Angelika Bammer, Emory University �Viruses
of the Mind in the Racism of the Third Reich�
einsamen Gewissen: Die Walser-Debatte und der Ort des Nationalsozialismus
im Selbstbildnis der Berliner Republik�
Tales of Turks, Germans, and Jews: Cultural Alterity, Historical Narrative,
and Literary Riddles for the �90s��
Commentator: Lora Wildenthal, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 113.
Roundtable: Research Centers in Comparative Perspective. An
Participants are representatives of the research centers. Commentators:
Brita Baron, DAAD
The Foreign Policy of Germany Under the Red-Green Coalition
Moderator: Reimund Seidelmann, University of Giessen �Germany�s
Rule in Peace-Making in the Balkan�
and Change in Germany�s Foreign Policy After 1999�
Relations-the Desirability and Feasability of a Transformed Agenda�
Commentators: Karsten Voigt, Foreign Ministry, Bonn 115.
German Protestants Face German Guilt, 1945-1950
Moderator: Susannah Heschel, Dartmouth College �Muß
Luther nach Nürnberg? Deutsche Schuld im Lichte der Lutherliteratur
Evasion: �Persilscheine� and other Guilt Avoidance Measures�
the Allies Make a Concentration Camp out of Germany? Paul Schütz (1891-1985),
the Third Reich, and the Question of German Guilt�
Commentator: Peter Steinbach, Freie Universität Berlin 116.
German-Soviet Economic Relations: The First Forty Years, 1919-1949
Moderator: Edward N. Peterson, University of Wisconsin, River Falls �The
Economic Motivation Behind Rapallo: German Policy Toward Soviet Russia,
Economic Considerations Behind the Nazi-Soviet Pact�
was Trump? Security, Ideology and Economics in Soviet Policy toward Germany,
Commentator: Edmund Clingan, University of North Dakota 117.
Comrades and Criminals: The Politics of War Crimes in Postwar Germany
Moderator: Frank Buscher, Christian Brothers University ��Ich
will schweigen�: Justice and Politics in Karl Dönitz� Release from
�No Comrades Either: The �Kamaradenschinder� Trials in West Germany, 1948-1961� Frank Biess, Brown University �Nazi
Crimes on Trial in Germany 1945-1999�
Commentator: Jeffrey Herf, Ohio University Session 4:30 PM-6:30 PM 118.
Special Plenary Session of the Association
Sunday, October 10, 1999 Sessions 8:30 AM-10:15 AM 119.
War Crimes and Political Culture in Germany and Austria After World War
I and World War II
Moderator: Günter Bischof, University of New Orleans �Die
Verbrechen der österreichisch-ungarischen Armee im Ersten Weltkrieg
und ihre Nicht-Bewältigung nach 1918�
und Humanitätsverbrechen im politischen, juristischen und historiographischen
Diskurs nach dem 1. und 2.Weltkrieg�
und/oder Pardonierung � Inwieweit konnte Justiz in Österreich und
Deutschland nach 1945 identitätsstiftend sein?�
Commentator: Kurt Tweraser, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville 120.
Adorno and German Jewish Studies
Moderator: Frank Stern, Ben-Gurion University �Mimesis
and Antisemitism, or Rereading Wagner Through Adorno�
Distorted Politics, and the Sociology of Religion�
from Abroad.� Adorno�s Theory and Practice of Critical Intervention�
Commentator: Marc A. Weiner, Indiana University 121.
The Shifting Status of the Object: Ordering and Classifying Knowledge in
the Late Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
Moderator: Susan-Judith Hoffmann, University of Guelph ��Hüte
dich vor Namen-Registern von Würmern�: Lichtenberg on Natural History�
and the Organization of Knowledge in Friedrich Schlegel�s Transcendental
Reading of Romanticism and the Politics of Appropriation�
Commentator: Peter McIsaac, Duke University 122.
Dissolving Borders: The Germanies, The Low Countries, and the Baltic 1550-1800
Moderator: Michael T. Jones, University of Kentucky �Aufklärung
in the Baltic: Cross-Border Influences�
the Reformation: Dutch Refugees and the Second Reformation in Wesel�
Bankrupts, and Stock-Jobbers: Doing Business in Hamburg, Amsterdam, and
Antwerp, 1650-1795�
Commentator: to be determined 123.
Contemporary German Literature
Moderator: Helga G. Braunbeck, North Carolina State University �Romantisierung
der Erzählgrenzen: Hans Joachim Schädlichs Erzählungen �Satzsuchung�
und �Oktoberhimmel��
Schulze�s �Simple Stories�: Still Waiting for the Wenderoman?�
Scheinhardt: Botschafter zwischen zwei Kulturen�
Commentator: Nima Mina, University of Utah 124.
Social Capital vor Ort: Old and New Networks in the Young Länder
Moderator: Joyce Marie Mushaben, University of Missouri-St. Louis �The
Communitarian Heritage of the GDR�
und soziale Bürgerinitiativen in den neuen Bundesländern�
Capital and Institutional Restrictions�
Commentator: Caroline King, Georgetown University 125.
Visual Representations of Nazi Racism and Crimes
Moderator: Harry Ritter, Western Washington State University �Images
of the Jew in Nazi Feature Films: Hans Zerlett�s Robert und Bertram (1939),
Erich Waschneck�s Die Rothschilds (1940), and Veit Harlan�s Jud Süß
(1940) �
Absence: Representations of Crime and Guilt in Staudte�s Postwar Film The
Murderers Are Among Us�
Representation of Nazi War Crimes in Allied Documentary Films, 1945-1946�
Commentator: Jay W. Baird, Miami University 126.
Royalty, Nobility, and Culture in the Kaiserreich
Moderator: Anne Lopes, Audrey Cohen College �Graf
Nicholas von Seebach and the Political Uses of Avant-Garde Opera and Theater
in Dresden�
Ladies of the Kaiserreich: A Critique of Recent Historiography�
Last Hope for a Liberal Germany? Some New Views of the Life of Empress
Wilhelm II als Kirchenpatron und �friedlicher Kreuzfahrer�: die deutschen
Kirchen und der Besuch in Jerusalem im Jahre 1898�
Commentator: Andrew Lees, Rutgers University at Camden 127.
History and Memory in Postwar Germany: War, Scarcity, and US Aid
Moderator: Willard Allen Fletcher, University of Delaware �Wehrmacht
und Weltkrieg in der Erinnerungskultur der Nachkriegszeit (1945-1960)�
Truth: The Fictional Portrait of Material Scarcity in Postwar Germany,
zum westdeutschen Wiederaufstieg: Das deutsch-amerikanische Wirtschaftsabkommen
vom 15. Dezember 1949�
Commentator: Klaus Schwabe, Technische Universität Aachen 128.
Denunciation in Germany, 1933-1989: A Comparison of Conduct, Legal Standards,
Official Regulation, and Agents
Moderator: Jens Hacker, Universität Regensburg �Denunciation
in Germany, 1933-1955: Aspects of Historiography, Methodology, and Theory�
Anti-fascist to Stalinist Interest: Aspects of Denunciation in East Germany,
Reports as Reflections of Reality?�
Commentator: Robert Gellately, Clark University 129.
Fictions of History: (Ab)use of History in Twentieth-Century Literature
and Film
Moderator: Jeremy Varon, University of California, Santa Barbara �Making
a Spectacle of Ourselves: The Impolitic End of Thomas Mann�s �Mario und
der Zauberer��
and Her Sisters: Bernhard Schlink�s �Der Vorleser� and the Portrayal of
Germans as Victims�
of Remembering: Recent Holocaust Fictions on Film�
Commentator: Eva Kuttenberg, University of Dallas 130.
Rebuilding Berlin�Architecture, Aesthetics, Power
Moderator: Gerd Gemünden, Dartmouth College �Constructing
an Image, Building Berlin�
aus der Landschaft gesehen�: Reflections on Ernst Bloch and on the Contemporary
English-speaking Reception of Berlin�
Libeskind�s New Jewish Museum and the Aesthetics of Memory�
Commentator: Francesca E. Rogier, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 131.
Faith and Politics in Imperial Germany
Moderator: Margaret Lavinia Anderson, University of California at Berkeley �Body
Matters: Religious Diversity and National Unity in the Turnerbewegung�
Diversity, and Difference: Jews, Protestants, and Catholics in Breslau
Schools during the Kulturkampf�
Pride and National Glory: Faith, Identity and Politics in Frankfurt/ Main,
Commentator: Helmut Walser Smith, Vanderbilt University 132.
Reintroducing the Individual: German-American Relations and the German
Ambassadors in Washington, 1901-1933
Moderator: Gerald R. Kleinfeld, Arizona State University �Discourses
of Powerful Men: The Diplomacy of Interpersonal Relations in US-German
Relations during Theodore Roosevelt�s Presidency, 1901-1909�
Reinhold: The Man Who Should Have Been Ambassador�
Diplomats in Washington: German-American Relations and Ambassadors Wiedfeldt,
Maltzan, and Prittwitz�
Commentator: Thomas Alan Schwartz, Vanderbilt University 133.
Women�s Responses to the Restoration
Moderator: Alan Leidner, University of Louisville �The
Romance as Political Allegory in the Novels of Caroline de la Motte Fouqué
and Karoline Pichler�
Traum, ob Wirklichkeit, das fragt sich hier:� Annette von Droste-Hülshoff
und die Schauerromantik�
der Moden: Zur Bedeutung der Kleidung bei Caroline de la Motte Fouqué�
Commentator: Birgit Tautz, Lawrence University 134.
Sophie von La Roche
Moderator: John B. Lyon, Colby College �Conquering
Softly? Women and The New Wold in Sophie von La Roche�s Erscheinung am
See Oneida�
La Roche and Weimar�
of/as Female Power in Sophie von La Roche�s History of Lady Sophie Sternheim�
Monika Nenon, University of Memphis
Moderator: Konrad Jarausch, University of North Carolina �Serving
in the Educational Trenches: Administrative Challenges in Munich�s Girls�
Heimat and Colonized People: The German Colonies in Wilhelmine Schoolbooks�
in Deutschland im 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert: Eigendynamiken professionellen
und wissenschaftlichen Wissens im Überschneidungsbereich von Pädagogik
und Medizin�
der Internationalisierung: Ausändische Studenten an deutschen Hochschulen,
James C. Albisetti, University of Kentucky
Moderator: Alan Beyerchen, Ohio State University �Estonia�s
Gestapo: The Estonian Political Police in Tallinn, 1941-1942�
Lithuanian Security Police in Nazi-Occupied Vilnius, 1941-1944�
Latvian Security Police and Nazi Occupation Policy, 1941-1944�
Commentator: Martin C. Dean, US Holocaust Memorial Museum 137.
The Politics of the German Aristocracy, 1918-1945
Moderator: James Retallack, University of Toronto �Catholic
Conservatives Between the Center and the DNVP: A Study in the Politics
of the Rhenish-Westphalian Aristocracy, 1918-1933�
König zum Führer? Gründe und Ausmaß der Annäherung
des deutschen Adels an die radikale Rechte und the Nationalsozialismus
im Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus�
Commentator: Shelly Baranowski, University of Akron 138.
�Überhaupt ist vieles viel verschiedener�: Resistence in East German
Moderator: Thomas Fox, University of Alabama �Christoph
Heins Auffassung von Chronik und die Aufgaben der DDR-Literatur, untersucht
am Beispiel von �Die Einladung zum Lever Bourgeois� und �Die russischen
Briefe des Jägers Johann Seifert��
war nie in Troja�: The Dismantling of GDR Ideology in Christa Wolf�s �Kindheitsmuster�
and �Kassandra��
Blick auf ein altes Kapitel: Das Motiv der Republikflucht in Hermann Kants
�Die Aula��
Commentator: Reinhard Andress, Saint Louis University 139.
Towards a Cinema of Exile: Crossing Borders, Genders, and National Identity
Moderator: Angelika Bammer, Emory University ��Made
in 1933��German-Jewish Directors and the Concept of Exile�
it Black: Robert Siodmak�s Hollywood�
on Exile Cinema�
Exiles and Transgender Film�
Commentator: Johannes von Moltke, University of Michigan 140.
German Culture, Multiculture, and Imperialism
Moderator: Maria Mitchell, Franklin and Marshall College �Benjamin�s
�Einbahnstrasse�: Cultural Citation and Colonial Authenticity�
Architecture: Multiculturalism and Imperialism on Display�
Question of Integration in Multicultural Germany�
Commentator: Roland Dollinger, Sarah Lawrence College 141. to be determined 142.
Germany and Europe: Between Party Politics and Statecraft
Moderator: William E. Paterson, University of Birmingham �Germany:
Between Social Democracy and National Interest�
European Social Democracy: Germany�s Pivotal Role�
Industrial Relations and the Labour Market: The Impact of Unification and
the Single European Market�
Citizenship or a new German Sonderweg? Immigration and Citizenship
in the Berlin Republic�
Commentator: Clay Clemens, College of William and Mary 143.
In and Out of Austria: Kafka, Bachmann, and Society
Moderator: Jean Leventhal, Wellesley College �Interkulturelle
Germanistik im Unterricht am Beispiel von Franz Kafka und Frida Kahlo�
Metamorphosis of Kafka�s Artist�: The Transition from Dysfunctional Citizen
to Vital Member of Society�
Commentator: William Collins Donahue, Rutgers University 144.
Cultural and Political Production in Weimar and Nazi Germany
Moderator: Katherine Roper, Saint Mary�s College ��Join
the Party of the Contented�: Women, Politics, and Advertising, 1924-1928�
of Work: Hugo Stinnes in the Cultural Imagination of the Early Twenties�
Position of Music in Weimar and Nazi Cultural Policy�
Policy and Political Culture: The Example of the SS Barracks in Nuremberg�
Commentator: Barbara Copeland Buenger, University of Wisconsin-Madison 145.
Rethinking the Premodern
Moderator: Kathryn Starkey, University of North Carolina �Clashing
Values: The Nibelungenlied and the German Nationalism in the Modern Era�
Medieval: The Middle Ages in the Movies�
Spott, grenzloses Gottvertrauen und unbändige Unternhemungslust: Sidonia
Zäunemanns eigenwilliges Plädoyer für die �gelehrten Frauenzimmer��
Querelle des Femmes Debate in the all-female Sprachgesellschaften of Early
Modern Germany�
Commentator: Bettina Mathes, Humboldt Universität 146.
The Politics of Deviance: Psychiatry and Society from the Kaiserreich to
the Third Reich
Moderator: Geoff Eley, University of Michigan �German
Psychiatry and the Problem of Explaining Criminal Behavior, 1880-1945�
Mellage Case: The Insane Asylum and the Politics of Incarceration in Wilhelmine
of the Psychopaths:� Psychiatrists and Hysterics through Defeat, Revolution,
and Inflation, 1918-1924�
Commentator: Doris Kaufmann, Max-Planck Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte 147.
Resacrilizing the Secular: Protestantism and the Making of Modern Germany
Moderator: Dagmar Herzog, Michigan State University �Public
Ritual and the Bourgeois Religious Project in Imperial Germany�
the Good Fight: Protestant Youth and the Battle Against Schund und Schmutz�
or Religiosity? The Cultural Meanings of the Protestant Vote for Hitler�
Commentator: Doris Bergen, University of Notre Dame 148.
Ten Years After the Wall: Political-Cultural Foundations of the New German
Capital Berlin
Moderator: Reiner Pommerin, Technische Universität Dresden �The
Political Culture of Cold War West Berlin�
fleißig, fleißig, unsere DDR wird dreißig��: Aspekte
des Wandels der Festkultur in der DDR�
or Conclusion: The Function of the Holocaust Memorial in the �Berlin Republic��
Walser: The Voice of the New German Republic�
Commentator: Jeffry Diefendorf, University of New Hampshire 149.
Technology in German Studies: From Theory to Practical Applications
Moderator: Viola Westbrook, Emory University �Far
From Quiet on the Distance Learning Front: Teaching and Learning German
on TV�
Real Issues Surrounding Virtual Cultural Immersion in the German Classroom�
Technology in Contemporary German Literature�
Commentator: Bettina Cothran, Georgia Institute of Technology 150.
Brecht in Berlin: Interdisciplinary Aspects
Moderator: Stephen Brockmann, Carnegie Mellon University �The
Relation of Brecht�s �Threepenny Opera� to the Zeitoper and Weimar-Era
�Kalendergeschichten� and the Politics of Nationhood�
and Film�
Marc Silberman, University of Wisconsin, Madison
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