The Prize Committees for 2002


New committees will be appointed for 2003. In the case of nominations for book prizes for 2003, publishers and individuals are asked to wait until the committees for 2003 have been appointed and their membership placed on the web site.

Books and Nominations may be sent to the Chair of the Book Prize Committees. The Article Prize Committee accepts no nominations.


DAAD Book Prize
(for 2002 in literature and culture studies; for specific criteria, see Guidelines)

Richard Rundell, New Mexico State Univ., Chair
Department of Languages and Literatures, Box 3L
Las Cruces, NM 88003-8001 USA

Sheila Johnson, Univ. of Texas, San Antonio
Hal Rennert, University of Florida

DAAD Article Prize
(for 2002 in history and political science; for specific criteria, see Guidelines)

Wendy Lower, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Chair
Nathan Stoltzfus, Florida State University
Günther Bischoff, University of New Orleans

Sybil Halpern Milton Book Prize

Ann Taylor Allen, University of Louisville, Chair
Department of History
Louisville, KY 40292

Jennifer Michaels, Grinnell College
Annegret Ehmann, Berlin