Note: The Session Times, Conference Program and Index of Participants on this web site are PRELIMINARY, and may be changed. Refer to the printed program for all final dates and times of sessions.



Thursday, October 3, 2002

No-Host Cocktail Party
6:00 PM ­ 8:00 PM
Grand Foyer and Royal Palm Court



Friday, October 4, 2002
Sessions 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM

1. Roundtable on Terrorism and the Transatlantic Alliance since 9/11 Terrace Pavilion
2. The Romantic Eighteenth Century: Lessing, Winckelmann, Herder Salon Seven
3. Hölderlin and the Political Garden Salon Two
4. Das Fremde und das Eigene: Orientalism and Heimatliteratur Clarendon
5. The "Normality" of German Foreign Policy Eaton
6. Culture, Religion, and Politics in the Eastern States Brittany
7. Das NPD-Verbot im Kontext des Rechtsextremismus in Deutschland Stratford
8. New Perspectives on the Radical Right in Weimar Germany Pacific Salon Five
9. Vom Volkstumskampf zur sozialistischen Brüderlichkeit? Deutsche
und Tschechen im 20, Jahrhundert Sunrise
10. Foundations of the Bundesrepublik: New Perspectives Pacific Salon Six
11. Conservatism, Radical Nationalism, and the Jewish Question in Weimar
and Nazi Germany Pacific Salon Four
12. Demythologizing Memory: Identity and Yearning in the Works of
Cordelia Edvardson, Ruth Klüger, Lore Segal, Martha Blend, and
Elfriede Jelinek Windsor
13. "Papa's Kino" Goes to War: Movies and Memory in Adenauer Era Hampton
14. Nazi Entertainment Cinema I: Machineries of Spectacle Sheffield
15. Bernhard Schlink Fairfield

Friday, October 4, 2002
Sessions 10:30 AM­ 12:15 PM

16. Past Present: The Legacy of Nazism in Contemporary German Hampton
17. The Worlds of Victor Klemperer Sunrise
18. On Berlin Ground Windsor
19. Nazi Entertainment Cinema II: (Dis)continuities Sheffield
20. Archive ­ Ort des vergessens? Sunset
21. How Jewish are German Studies? (I) Pacific Salon Four
22. Roots of Civil Society: Political and Economic Competition in Austria
and Czechoslovakia Crescent
23. The Anti-Fascist Fight: Constructing the Fascist as Enemy From
Weimar to Postwar Germany Pacific Salon Five
24. Denken und Handeln in der Weltanschauungsdiktatur Stratford
24a. Rufer im Streit: German Intellectuals in the Fray Fairfield
25. Politicans, the State, and Corruption Eaton
26. The Challenges of Economic Governance in Unified Germany Brittany
27. Räume weiblichen Handelns: Weimar-Jena um 1800 Dover
28. Enlightenment, Counter-Enlightenment, and Romanticism ex nihilo Pacific Salon Six
29. Creating an Eternal Nation: Popular Science and Historical
Knowledge in Imperial Germany Pacific Salon Seven
30. Sex and the City in the Imperial Period Garden Salon Two
31. Mennonites, Prostitutes, Catholics, and Jews Ascot
32. The German Economy and Transatlantic Relations after 9/11 Terrace Pavilion

12:30 PM ­ 1:45 PM
Grand Ballroom

Speaker: Lilian Faschinger
reading from her works



Friday, October 4, 2002
Sessions 2:00 PM­ 4:30 PM

33. Uwe Timm Eaton
34. Imagining Catastrophe II: German Culture after 1945 Crescent
35. Representing Nazi Perpetrators and Victims Windsor
36. The Films of Michael Haneke Sheffield
37. Comic Books and Society: Mirror, Mirage or Moral Voice? Pacific Salon Seven
37a. Early Modern Laughter Rituals Ascot
38. Paradigm Shifts Circa 1900 Fairfield
39. Between Germany and South Africa: Intellectual Confrontations
in and beyond the German Colonial Empire Clarendon
40. Conservatism in West Germany from the 1950s to the 1970s Pacific Salon Five
41. Wehrmacht in der Nationalsozialistischen Diktatur Terrace Pavilion
42. Gustav Stresemann: Party Leader and Foreign Minister in Imperial
and Weimar Germany Sunrise
43. De(con)structive Characters: Composing and Decomposing the
Historical Subject in Modern German Aesthetics and Culture Pacific Salon Four
44. Creating Citizens, Creating Aliens Sunset
45. Governance and Policy-Making in Germany Stratford
46. The PDS in the Berlin 2001 Election: Consequences for the
Bundestagswahl 2002 Garden Salon Two
47. Identity, Cultural Belonging, and Germanness in the Wake of War: Brittany
48. Sturm und Drang and Cultural Studies Dover
49. Re-Locating the Feminine Pacific Salon Six
50. Lessing Reception in the 20th Century Hampton

4:30 PM ­ 6:00 PM

Stratford Room

6:00 PM ­ 7:00 PM

Ballroom Foyer


7:00 PM ­ 9:30 PM


Presidential Address

Henry Friedlander
"Eine Berliner Pflanze: An Unusual Kristallnacht Story"

Saturday, October 5, 2002
Sessions 8:30 AM­ 10:15 AM

51. Popular Music and Historical Memory in Post-War Germany Garden Salon One
52. Queer Berlins: Screening Sexual and Ethnic Topographies Hampton
53. There and Back Again: The Production of Knowledge in
Turkish-German Encounters Crescent
54. The Cultural Politics of Publishing in Modern Germany Fairfield
54a. Harry Graf Kessler Ascot
55. From weiter leben to Still Alive: Ruth Klüger's Holocaust
Remembrances Clarendon
56. Im Schatten der Niederlage: Deutsche Übergänge vom Krieg
zum Nachkrieg Pacific Salon Four
57. "Zwischen Ohn- und Weltmacht: Die Bundesrepublik in der
Ära Adenauer ­ Teilsouverän und weltweit gefordert" Pacific Salon Five
58. Modernity Begins at Home: Domesticity, Consumerism, and
Technology Windsor
59. Holocaust und Finanzverwaltung: Neue Forschungen Sunset
59a. Liberalism, Bismarck, and Gender Garden Salon One

60. National Trauma in the Post-Colonial State: New Approaches
to the Weimar Republic Eaton
61. Women in Right-Wing Movements: Zwischen 'Arterhaltung'
und 'Karriereleiter' Pacific Salon Six
62. Universitätsreform und Zivilgesellschaft: Persepktiven der
aktuellen Universitätsreform in Österreich Stratford
63. Populism and Party Politics in Germany: Strategic Campaigning,
Issue Salience, and the 2002 Bundestag Elections Dover
64. German Foreign Policy in a New World Sunrise
65. Competing Voices of Patriotism in Late Nineteenth-Century
Germany Garden Salon Two
66. Aesthetic Education and Secularization in the Enlightenment Brittany
67. Marriage and Sexuality in the Nineteenth Century Ascot
68. Not So Plain as Black and White ­ New Perspectives on Afro-
German History and Culture Sheffield
68a. East Meets West: Dialogue on the Future of German Studies Pacific Salon Seven
in Europe
Saturday, October 5, 2002
Sessions 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM

69. The Nation on Display: Contemporary Museum Culture Sheffield
70. Judging the Past: Nazi Crimes and Judicial Proceedings in
Germany and Austria Pacific Salon Six
71. Mimesis at Sixty Clarendon
72. Imagining Catastrophe I: German Culture After 1914 Garden Salon One
73. Youth, Family, National Socialism in Film Hampton
74. Germanizing the Polish Periphery: "Volkstumskampf" in Silesia,
Masuria, and Poznania after The First World War Crescent
75. The Fight for the Files: Captured German Records After World
War II Pacific Salon Four
76. Universities, Historians, and National Identity in the Shadow
of the Nazi State Pacific Salon Five
77. Re-Nazification and/or Amnesia: Holocaust and Austrian
Politics of Memory after the Withdrawal of the Allies in 1955 Dover
78. Roundtable on the 2002 Election and German Foreign Policy Sunrise
79. German's First Red-Green Government in Retrospect: A Critical
Review of the Red-Green Project Stratford
80. The Incestuous Imagination in German Literature Eaton
80a. Nazi Crimes and Private Assets in WWII Pacific Salon Seven
81. The Art of Living: Ästhetik und Metaphorik des Wohnens Garden Salon Two
82. Nineteenth-Century Representations of the Foreign Brittany
83. Language, Gender, and Power Windsor

84. Die Archivlandschaft Deutschlands nach der Wiedervereinigung Sunset
85. The City and the Poor Fairfield

12:30 PM ­ 1:45 PM
Grand Ballroom

Speaker: William E. Paterson, FRSE
University of Birmingham, UK

"The German Bundestag Elections of 2002"



Saturday, October 5, 2002
Sessions 2:00 PM ­ 3:45 PM

86. Martin Walser at 75 Windsor
87. Pathology, Physiognomy, Performativity: Body Cultures in Weimar
Germany Eaton
88. German-Jewish Popular Fiction Fairfield
89. Revision of Socialist Cinematic Modernity: East German Film
in the 1960s Sheffield
90. To See or Not to See: Kafka and the Cinematic Imagination Hampton
91. The Periphery as Center: Region, Nation, and Cultural History
in Modern Germany Crescent
92. "The Red Hoard"/"The Russians"/"The Soviets" ­ Moscow's
Presence in Austria after April 1945: Historical Observations,
Current Commentaries, and New Findings Dover
93. Germany Views the East: New Perspectives Pacific Salon Four
94. Imagining the Nazi State Pacific Salon Seven
95. Deutschland nach den Wahlen: Analyse und Ausblick Sunrise
96. Can Innovation Save Rhenish Capitalism? Stratford
97. Self-Representation in Literature and the Arts Brittany
98. Freud and German Literature Garden Salon Two
99. From Domestic Bliss to Domestic Violence Ascot
100. Human Relations in Medieval German Literature Clarendon
101. Lies, Spies, and Traitors: Jewish Women in Compromising Positions Pacific Salon Six

Saturday, October 5, 2002
Sessions 4:00 PM ­ 5:45 PM

102. New Theoretical Approaches to Weimar Cinema Sheffield
103. Americanization and Anti-Americanism in German Culture
after 1945 Windsor
104. Cultural Appropriations: Assimilation, Adaptation, Colonization Hampton
105. Theology as Ideology in Nazi and Post-war Germany Pacific Salon Four
106. 'Stasi-Täter': Selbst- und Fremdbild einer Gruppe Crescent
106a. Stories from Austria: New Perspectives on the Work
of Lilian Faschinger Pacific Salon Six
107. The Limits of 'Eigen-Sinn': The GDR in the 1950s Dover
108. Strangeness and Being Strange in the GDR: Foreigners and "Others"
in State Socialism Sunset
109. Roundtable: How Jewish are German Studies? (II) Pacific Salon Five
110. A DAAD Centers Roundtable: Germany at the Polls--An
Analysis and Discussion of the 2002 National Elections Sunrise
111. Gender and Violence in Turn-of-the Century Austrian Literature Eaton
112. The New Berlin: Reading the Phenotype Garden Salon Two
113. Ritual, Culture, and Knowledge in Late Medieval Germany Brittany
114. Adorno and the Return to Aesthetics Fairfield



Sunday, October 6, 2002
Sessions 8:30 AM­ 10:15 AM

115. Goethe and Style Hampton
116. Out of Bounds: Questioning German Identity and Citizenship Windsor
117. Shadows and Echoes: The Work of W. G. Sebald Sheffield
118. Communicating Gender in the Two Postwar Germanies Pacific Salon Seven
119. Germany United? The Stalin Note of 1952 Revisited Sunset
120. Disenchantment or Reenchantment? Weber, Jung and Heidegger
on Modernity Dover
121. Wertewandel, Minderheiten, Mehrheitskultur, Bürgerbild und
Identitäts-Debatte nach fünf Systembrüchen im 20. Jahrhundert Pacific Salon Five
122. Political Information and its Consequences Crescent
123. Der semantische Streit um Faschismus und Antifaschismus I Eaton
124. New Questions on German Federalism Stratford
125. Shaping Consciousness: Literary Didacticism and Civic Pedagogy Clarendon
126. Poetry and the Arts Brittany
127. Race, Language, Science, Philosophy Pacific Salon Six
128. From Modernity to Empire: Symptoms of German Passage Ascot
129. Romanticism: Schlegel, Kleist, Hoffmann Garden Salon Two
130. Grants for Scholars in German Studies Sunrise

Sunday, October 6, 2002
Sessions 10:30 AM­ 12:15 PM

131. Ingeborg Bachmann and the Cold War Hampton
132. Künstlerische Europa-Konzepte im Kontext nationaler
Identitätsdebatten Windsor
133. Ethics and Social Criticism ­ German Fiction and Non-Fiction:
Kaschnitz, Grass, Bremer Sheffield
134. The Twentieth-Century Body Transformed Garden Salon Two
135. Religious Institutions in the Nazi Era Pacific Salon Four
136. German Zeitgeschichte after the Holocaust Pacific Salon Seven
137. Biowissenschaften und NS: Neuere Forschungsergebnisse über
die Geschichte der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft Dover
138. Der Semantische Streit um Faschismus und Antifaschismus II:
politische Auswirkungen Eaton
139. Transformations in the Political and Constitutional Environment
of the Federal Republic: Contributions to the Debate on Federalism
and Constitutionalism Stratford
140. Nineteenth-Century Culture: Sacher-Masoch, Hauptmann, Nietzsche Brittany
141. Issues in Gender Politics in the Berlin Republic Clarendon
142. Violence and the Law on the 18th ­Century Stage Pacific Salon Five