Friday, October 5, 2001
Sessions 8:30 a.m. 10:15 a.m.
1. The DAAD in the United States: Past, Present,
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon V
Moderator: Klaus Berghahn, University of Wisconsin at Madison
"American German Studies as a World War
I Casualty: A Challenge for the Newly Founded DAAD"
Cora Lee Nollendorfs, University of Wisconsin at Madison
"The Impact of the DAAD on German Studies
in the United States"
Manfred Stassen, DAAD Bonn
"Perspectives on Current and Future Transatlantic
Frank Trommler, University of Pennsylvania
"Future Challenges for the DAAD in North
Christian Bode, DAAD General Secretary, Bonn
Commentator: Britta Baron, DAAD New York
2. Parliamentary or Presidential System? Representative
or Direct Democracy?
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon II
Moderator: Karl Cerny, Georgetown University
"A Latent Constitutional Conflict in Germany?
Misconceptions of German Parliamentarism"
Werner Patzelt, Technische Universität Dresden
"Direct Democracy as a Challenge to Representative
Hermann Heussner, Katholische Fachhochschule Nord-Deutschland
in Osnabrück
Commentators: Heinrich Oberreuter, Akademie
für Politische Bildung, Tützing
Jürgen Falter, Universität Mainz
3. Racial Science, Radical Theology, and Raunchy
Pop Culture: Cultural Constructions of Jews And Race In Germany,
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon I
Moderator: Leonard Dinnerstein, University of Arizona
"Debating Race and Culture: Central European
Jews Face 'German Science'"
Yfaat Weiss, University of Haifa
"Antination or Antichrist? Reconciling
Secular and Religious Anti-Semitism in German Protestantism, 1918-1945"
James Lichti, University of California at Los Angeles
"A Muscular Macher: The Popular Reception
of Central Europe's 'Invincible' Jewish Strongman"
Sharon Gillerman, Hebrew Union College, Los Angeles
Commentator: Paul Lerner, University of Southern California
4. Trial Records and Other New Sources on the
Nazi Period
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 PM Salon VI
Moderator: Katherine Roper, St. Mary's College of California
"Nazi Crimes Before Austrian Courts: New
Facts and Figures"
Winfried Garscha, Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichischen
"Nazi Persecution and Its Perpetrators
as Reflected in U.S. Court Decisions"
Elizabeth B. White, OSI, U.S. Department of Justice
"New Records at the National Archives
on the Last Stages of the Holocaust and Rescue Endeavors"
Shlomo Aronson, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Commentator: Henry Friedlander, City University of New York
5. Elites against Democracy--oder aus der Geschichte
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon A
Moderator: Peter Hoffmann, McGill University
"Changes in the Political Culture of German
White-Collar Workers in the Twentieth Century"
Walter Struve, City University of New York
"'Juden raus, Lessing raus!' Der Fall
Theodor Lessing als drohendes Vorspiel der Ereignisse von 1933"
Jörg Wollenberg, Universität Bremen
"Hans Rothfels: Geschichtspolitische Doktrinen
im Wandel der Zeiten. Weimar - NS Diktatur Bundesrepublik"
Karl Heinz Roth, Stiftung für Sozialgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts
in Bremen
Commentator: Klemens von Klemperer, Smith College
6. Enabling the Shoah: The Catholic Hierarchy
and the Holocaust from an International Perspective
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon B
Moderator: John Delaney, Kutztown University
"Cardinal Aloisius Muench and the Guilt
Question in Germany, 1946-1959"
Suzanne Brown-Fleming, University of Maryland
"Bishop von Galen and the 'Judeo-Bolshevik
Beth A. Griech-Polelle, Bowling Green State University
"What was Left Unsaid: The Words and Deeds
of Jean Girbeau, Bishop of Nîmes, 1939-1945"
Robert D. Zaretsky, University of Houston
Commentator: Michael Phayer, Marquette University
7. Yiddish in 20th Century Germany and Austria
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon C
Moderator: Jeffrey Grossman, University of Virginia
"An Orthodox Jewish Germanophile in Defense
of Yiddish: Joseph Wohlgemuth's WW I Contributions to Jeschurun"
Elizabeth Loentz, University of Illinois at Chicago
"The Fate of the Golem in Film and Fiction"
Iris Bruce, McMaster University
"Re-inventing Berlin's Scheunenviertel:
Martin Beradt's Novel, Die Strasse der kleinen Ewigkeit"
Noah Isenberg, Wesleyan University
Commentator: Leslie Morris, University of Minnesota
8. The Psychoanalytic Mirror: Reading Body,
Family, and Gender
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon H
Moderator: Andrea Gogröf-Voorhees, Western Washington University
"'Für die Szene ist morgen noch Zeit':
Familiendramen in Birgit Vanderbekes Erzählung Ich will meinen
Imke Meyer, Bryn Mawr College
"The Athletic Man of Steel: Fascist and
Communist Body Politics in Uwe Johnson's Das dritte Buch über
David Kenosian, Haverford College
"Reading and Gender in Bernhard Schlink's
Der Vorleser"
Heidi M. Schlipphacke, Old Dominion University
Commentator: Karin Bauer, Mc Gill University
9. Remembering 1968: Historical Memory and
Political Culture
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon J
Moderator: Dagmar Herzog, Michigan State University
"Die neue Frauenbewegung und 1968: Soziale
Bewegungen und kollektive Erinnerung"
Kristina Schulz, Universität BielefeId
"'Der Kampf geht weiter': Negotiating
the Narrative of '1968'"
Elizabeth L.B. Peifer, Troy State University
"Germany's Second Fischer Controversy:
68, Violence, and Historical Memory"
Jeremy Varon, Drew University
Commentator: Konrad H Jarausch, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
10. "Über die Freundschaft".
Beziehungsspiele, Handlungsräume: Freunde, Kameraden, Kumpel
und Partner
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon K
Moderator: Anthony Steinhoff, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
"'Die Freundschaft ist ein Jüngling
. . .': Freundschaft und Geschlechterbeziehungen in der Aufklärung"
Brigitte Schnegg von Rütte, Universität Bern
"Disharmonien. Intime Freundschaften unter
Genossen und Genossinnen"
Caroline Arni, Universität Bern
"Gefährten, Kameraden, Partner: Zum
Wechselspiel von Liebe und Egalität"
Dagmar Reese, University of Washington
Commentator: Gisela Brinker-Gabler, State University of New York at Binghamton
11. Environments of Healing
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon D
Moderator: Katherine Aaslestad, West Virginia University
"Garden Cities for the Sick: The Hospitals
at Berlin-Buch"
Susanne Siepl-Coates, Kansas State University
"Wer heut ist gsund, ist morgen todt.
Emblems of Sickness, Death, and Healing in the 'Hospital of the
Holy Spirit' in Nuremberg 1626"
Sabine Mödersheim, University of Wisconsin
"Symbolica in Thermas: Taking an Emblematic
Wim van Dongen, Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam
Commentator: Marion Gray, Kansas State University
12. Revisiting East German Subculture: Umsiedler,
Fan and Film Collective
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon E
Moderator: Anke Pinkert, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
"Illegal 'Umsiedler' Activities: The Sub-Cultural
Experiences of 'Re-settlers'"
Amy Aldrich, Ohio State University
"Suberversion or Diversion?: Science Ficton
Fandom in East Germany"
Sonja Fritzsche, Illinois Wesleyan University
"DEFA Futurm oder die Verfilmung der Zukunft:
ein einmaliges Experiment im 'Ostblock' 1970-86"
Gerhard Wiechmann, Carl-von-Ossietzky Universitat Oldenburg
Commentator: Stefan Soldovieri, Northwestern University
13. The Politics of Confessional Culture in
Nineteenth-Century Germany
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon F
Moderator: Maria Mitchell, Franklin and Marshall College
"The Politics of Meat: The Schächtkommission
and the German Kosher Butchering Debates, 1880-1914"
Robin E. Judd, Ohio State University
"Diaspora and Nationalism: German Protestants
and the Gustav-Adolf-Verein, 1832-1945"
Kevin Cramer, Indiana University at Indianapolis
"Re-Positioning the Ghetto Walls: Jewish
and Catholic Educational Strategies in Nineteenth-Century Germany"
Keith H. Pickus, Wichita State University
Commentator: Hillel Kieval, Washington University
14. The Kulturkampf as Historical Springboard
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon G
Moderator: Ronald J. Ross, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee
"Science as Kulturkampf"
Gabriel Finkelstein, University of Colorado at Denver
"Colonial Kulturkampf"
R. Andre Wakefield, Dibner Institute for the History of Science
and Technology
"German State Formation and Newcomer Protests:
The PDS, the BHE, and the Catholic Center in Comparative Perspective"
David F. Patton, Connecticut College
Commentator: Helmut Walser Smith, Vanderbilt University
15. The Formation of Taste in Storm and Stress
Sponsor: International J.M.R. Lenz Storm and Stress Society
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Jackson
Moderator: Angela Borchert, University of Western Ontario
"Frauenzimmerlektüre im 18. Jahrhundert:
Kalender, Taschenbuch und Almanach"
Helga Brandes, Universität Oldenburg
"The Formation of Epistolary Taste: 'Nicht
Manie, sondernGeschmack'"
Margretmary Daley, Case Western Reserve University
"Colonizing the Bourgeois Subject: Self
and Other in Sturm und Drang Drama"
Alexander Mathäs, University of Oregon
Commentator: Karl-Heinz Maurer, Knox College
16. Film Aesthetics and Ethics
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Jefferson
Moderator: Hillary Hope Herzog, University of Chicago
"Jud Süss: A Jewish Mirror of History"
Na'ama Sheffi, Tel Aviv University
"Notes on German Heritage Film"
Lutz Koepnick, Washington University
"Aimée und Jaguar and the Banality
of Evil"
Muriel Cormican , University of West Georgia
Commentator: Angela H. Lin, Vanderbilt University
17. Berlin: Von der Teilung zur Einheit
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Lee
Moderator: Jonathan Huener, University of Vermont
"Der Alliierte Kontrollrat und die Teilung
Günter Mai, Universität Erfurt
"Der Bau der Mauer 1961 und die Westmächte"
Rolf Steininger, Universität Innsbruck
"Der Fall der Mauer und Berlin als Hauptstadt"
Hans-Hermann Hertle, Zeitgeschichtliches Zentrum Potsdam
Commentator: Christian Ostermann, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, D.C.
18. German Drama and Theater Today
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Madison
Moderator: Ingeborg Majer O'Sickey, State University of New York at Binghamton
"Ödön von Horváth and
Other Classical Modernists on the German Stage Today"
Hal H. Rennert, University of Florida
"What If? Max Frisch's Biografie: Ein
Spiel and Variations on Alternate Lives"
Richard J. Rundell, New Mexico State University
"Language as Political Text in Marlene
Streeruwitz's Play 'Sapporo'"
Helga Kraft, University of Illinois at Chicago
Commentator: Astrida Tantillo, University of Illinois at Chicago
19. German Business and Politics
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Mt. Vernon
Moderator: Louise Davidson-Schmich, University of Miami
"Modell Deutschland und Betriebsverfassungsgesetz.
Die Debatte über die Reform des Betriebsverfassungsgesetzes
im Jahre 2001"
Wolfgang Schroeder, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Universität Frankfurt
"Liberalisation of Services and Utilities
in Germany: Tensions Between Federal Ministries, Regulators and
the Competition Authorities"
Christopher Flockton, University of Surrey
"The Borrowers Afield or the German Executive
in America: The Daimler Chrysler Merger"
Susan Bloom, St. Olaf College
Commentator: Gerhard Hirscher, Hanns Seidel Stiftung
20. Special Public Policy Issues
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Manassas
Moderator: Andreas Sobisch, John Carroll University
"Germany's American Inspiration: Economic
Concerns and Immigration Policies in Berlin's Turkish Economy"
Antoine Pécoud, University of Oxford
"Agricultural Policies and Markets in
Unified Germany"
David Keithly, Defense Intelligence College, Norfolk, Virginia
"The Clash of the German Hunting Community
and the Anti-Hunting Movement: Its Political and Social Dimensions"
Gary Anderson, University of Maryland, Schwäbisch Gmünd
Commentator: Steven Silvia, American University
Friday, October 5, 2001
Sessions 10:30 a.m. 12:15 p.m.
21. Roundtable on Germany and the EU after
Sponsor: The Association for the Study of German Politics
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 AM Salon I
Moderator: Charlie Jeffery, University of Birmingham
Jeffrey Anderson, Brown University
Thomas Berger, Georgetown University
Kenneth Dyson, University of Bradford
William Paterson, University of Birmingham
22. Nature in the Atomic Age: Environmental
Perception and Ecological
Politics, 1945-1989
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon II
Moderator: Jeffrey Diefendorf, University of New Hampshire
"Protecting Health and Prosperity: West
Germany's Nature Park Program, 1950s-60s"
Sandra Chaney, Erskine College
"Borderland Ecology: Rhine River Cleanup
and the Imagined Community of Europe, 1945-1970"
Thomas Lekan, University of South Carolina
"'Better Active Today than Radioactive
Tomorrow': The Movement to Halt Nuclear Power on the Rhine in
the 1970s and 1980s"
S. Mark Cioc, University of California at Santa Cruz
Commentator: Sabine von Dirke, University of Pittsburgh
23. The Schroeder Government: Domestic and
Foreign Policy
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon V
Moderator: Forest Grieves, University of Montana
"The Europe of Berlin"
William Smyser, Georgetown University
"The Chancellery under Schroeder"
Phyllis Berry, Georgetown University
"The Political Economy of Gerhard Schroeder:
Negotiating the New Rhenish Consensus"
Crister Garrett, University of Wisconsin
Commentator: Clay Clemens, College of William & Mary
24. Sexuality and Ethnicity in the SS
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon VI
Moderator: David Marwell, Museum of Jewish Heritage, New York
"'Meine Ehre heißtLiebe'? The Problem
of Homosexuality in the SS
Geoffrey J. Giles, University of Florida
"Family Ties: Volksdeutsche Relatives
of Men in the SS"
Doris L. Bergen, University of Notre Dame
"A 'De-Radicalization' of Polenpolitik:
Economics and the Evolution of SS Deportation Policy in the Warthegau,
Phillip Rutherford, Penn State University
Commentator: Geoffrey Cocks, Albion College
25. Round Table on New Paradigms in German
Jewish Studies
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon A
Moderator: Jeff Peck, York University/University of Montreal
Frank Mecklenburg, Leo Baeck Institute
Atina Grossmann, Cooper Union College
Frank Stern, Ben Gurion University
Liliane Weissberg, University of Pennsylvania
Y.Michal Bodemann, University of Toronto
Amir Eshel, Stanford University
Philippe Despoix, Université de Montréal
26. "Sternianer in Deutschland am Ende
des 18. Jahrhunderts: Th. G. von Hippel, Jean Paul, Hegel"
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon B
Moderator: Roswitha Burwick, Scripps College
"von Hippel und die Frauen: Zur Dialektik
des Jungesellendaseins"
Bernd Fischer, Ohio State University
"Laurence Sterne im Spiegel der Erzählkunst
Jean Pauls"
Jochen Golz, Goethe und Schiller-Archiv Weimar
"Die Phänomenologie des Geistes als
Lebenslauf der 'Sophia' von Hippel und Hegel"
Klaus Vieweg, Universität Jena
Commentator: Bernd Hüppauf, New York University
27. Berlin 2001: Literature, History, Politics
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon C
Moderator: Uta Larkey, Goucher College
"Berlin Reinvented: Urban Memory as Architectural
Rolf J. Goebel, University of Alabama at Huntsville
"'Erst mit der Mauer stockte der Zufluß
an Monstren': Rudolf Virchow's Pathological-Anatomical Collection
in Recent Berlin Literature and Art"
Katharina Gerstenberger, University of Cincincinnati
"Ästhetischer Raum Berlin: Peter
Schneiders Roman Eduards Heimkehr"
Klaus Plonien, Ohio University
Commentator: Benjamin Robinson, Ohio State University
28. Catholic Conservatism from Weimar through
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon H
Moderator: Patricia von Papen, Gutsverwaltung von Papen
"Franz von Papen, the German Center Party,
and the Politics of Catholic Conservatism in the Weimar Republic"
Larry Eugene Jones, Canisus College
"A Lion in the Darkness: The Inner Emigration
of Cardinal Clemens August Graf von Galen"
George B. von der Lippe, Saint Anselm College
"The Nazi Trial of Prince Max Karl von
James and Patience Barnes, Wabash College
Commentator: Eric Kohler, University of Wyoming
29. Germany's Relations to the East
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon J
Moderator: David Keithly, Defense Intelligence College
"Germany and the East"
Wayne Thompson, Lexington, Virginia
"Gaining Weight While Keeping a Balance:
The New German-Russian Relationship"
James McCann, Xavier University
"Germany, Central Europe, and the Euroregions"
Jennifer Yoder, Colby College
Commentator: James Sperling, University of Akron
30. A DDR Retrospective
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon K
Moderator: Bernd Schäfer, German Historical
Institute, Washington, D.C.
"Knowledge is not always Power: The DDR Stasi's Limitations"
Edward N. Peterson, University of Wisconsin at River Falls
"New Walls for Old Borders: An Oral History
Project Report on 10 years after German Reunification"
James Stark, Seattle University
"Closure on the Century of Dictatorship?
The Work and Findings of the Second Enquete Commission 'Überwindung
der Folgen der SED Diktatur im Prozess der deutschen Einheit'
of the Deutsche Bundestag, 1995-98"
Herbert Luft, Pepperdine University
Commentator: Raimund Lammersdorf, German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C.
31. The Composition of Difference: Culture,
Identity and Imagination in Germany and Austria, 1900-1930
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon D
Moderator: Elizabeth Loentz, University of Illinois at Chicago
"Ideologische Implikationen der Graphologie
in Thomas Manns Frühwerk"
Yahya Elsaghe, Universität Bern
"Resisting 'bad taste': Arthur Schnitzler
and the Question of Sentimentality"
Angela H. Lin, Vanderbilt University
"'Mein Alabama': Race, Representation,
and Culture in Ernst Krenek's Jonny spielt auf"
Kevin S. Amidon, University of Michigan
Commentator: Laura C. Deiulio, Washington University
32. The Matter of Middlebrow Culture: Leisure
Time, Self-Improvement, and National Identity
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon E
Moderator: Katrin Völkner, Center for Public Intellectuals, Chicago
"The Cultural Significance of Singing:
Nina D'Aubigny von Engelbrunner's Advice to Women"
Celia Applegate, University of Rochester
"The Americanization of Marlitt: Transatlantic
Middlebrow Culture"
Lynne Tatlock, Washington University
"Heroes of Their Own Stories: Julius von
Wickede and the Project of Bourgeois Germany"
Brent Peterson, Ripon College
Commentator: Mary Lee Townsend, University of Tulsa
33. Internationalizing Reform in the National
Age: Race and Gender in a Transatlantic Reform Community, 1880s
to the 1930s
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon F
Moderator: Juliane Jacobi, Universität Potsdam
"Looking into the British Mirror: German
Women Social Reformers Traveling to England, 1880s to1910s"
Iris Schroeder, Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte,
"'How Advanced America Is!' The German
Women's Movement and American Social Reform."
Anja Schüler, Freie Universität Berlin
"Race and Transatlantic Reform: W. E.
B. DuBois, Germany, and American Progressivism"
Axel R. Schaefer, Keele University
Commentator: Andrew Lees, Rutgers University at Camden
34. Unintended Consequences: American Denazification
and Democratization Policies, 1943 - 1952
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon G
Moderator: Larry Wilcox, University of Toledo
"Die amerikanische Demokratie als Vorbild
für die Demokratizierung in Deutschland, 1947-1952"
Felicitas Hentschke, John F. Kennedy Insitut für Nordamerikastudien/
Freie Universität Berlin
"Holocaust Denial and the Failure of Denazification:
An Exploratory Essay"
Jeff Kleiman, University of Wisconsin at Marshfield
"Die Internierungshaft in der US-Zone
1945-1952 im Wandel der Sicherungsverwahrung zur Demokratisierung
am Beispiel der internierten Frauen"
Kathrin Meyer, Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung, Technische
Universiät Berlin
Commentator: Rebecca Boehling, University of Maryland at Baltimore
35. Consumerism, Trancendance and German Culture
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Jackson
Moderator: Alon Confino, University of Virginia
"On the Unruliness of Things"
Jennifer Jenkins, Washington University
"'The Pathos of the Profane': Spirituality,
Consumer Objects and Nazi Culture "
Paul Betts, University of Sussex
"Sexual Consumer Goods and the Search
for Nonmaterial Pleasure in West Germany "
Elizabeth Heineman, University of Iowa
Comment: Nancy Reagin, Pace University
36. Nation and History
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Jefferson
Moderator: Kirsten Krick-Aigner, Wofford College
"Zu Schand und Ehr . . . Literatische
Diskurse nationaler Identitätsbildung im George-Kreis"
Norman Franke, University of Waikato, New Zealand
"Excluding the Political: Agamben on Benjamin
and Schmitt"
William Rasch, Indiana University
"Projections of Patriotism: German Directors
in Hollywood during the '90s"
Christine Haase, University of Georgia at Athens
"Die verratene Revolution: Geschichte
und Aktualität im Schinderhannes-Roman von Gerd Fuchs"
Jürgen Heizmann, Université de Montréal
Commentator: Michelle Mattson, Iowa State University
37. Roundtable on Die Deutsche Verlagsszene
nach der Wende
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Lee
Moderator: Keith Bullivant, University of Florida
Barbara Stang, Aufbau Verlag Berlin
Christoph Links, Christoph Links Verlag Berlin
Martin Hielscher, Kiepenheuer & Witsch Cologne
38. Germany and the Middle East, 1919-1943
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Madison
Moderator: Milan Hauner, University of Wisconsin at Madison
"'Wenn die Kontinente erwachen, werden
die Inselweltreiche zerstört:' Germany and the De-stabilization
of the East, 1919-1923"
Hans-Ulrich Seidt, Deutsche Botschaft, Washington, D.C.
"Griechenland oder der Orient? Klassische
Archäologie und Vorderasiatische Altertumskunde in der Weimarer
Stefan Hauser, Freie Universität Berlin
"Friedrich Grobba und die deutsche Nahostpolitik
der Weimarer Republik und des Dritten Reiches"
Wolfgang Schwanitz, Princeton University
Commentator: Francis R. Nicosia, Saint Michael's College, Vermont
39. German Catholics in the Twentieth Century
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Mt. Vernon
Moderator: Volker Ackermann, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Hauptstaatsarchiv Düsseldorf
"Catholic Nobles and the Creation of the
Bildungsadel in Jahrhundertwende Munich"
Johan Trygve Has-Ellison, University of Memphis
"The Vistula is not the Rhine: German
Catholics and the Polish and French Brethren"
Martin R. Menke, Rivier College
"German Catholics and the Ecumenical Challenges
of the Postwar Refugee Crisis"
Joel Dark, Tennessee State University
"Pius XII and German Refugees after World
War II"
Frank Buscher, Christian Brothers University
Commentator: Christopher Kopper, University of Minnesota at Minneapolis
40. Life into Literature, Literature into Life
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Manassas
Moderator: John A. McCarthy, Vanderbilt University
"Rousseau's Autobiography: Goethe's Life"
Jane K. Brown, University of Washington
"Self-Blame in the Confessions of Young
Ellis Dye, Macalester College
"'To Write is to Be is to Write': Goethe,
Life, and Literature"
Deidre Vincent, University of Toronto
Commentator: Waltraud Maierhofer, University of Iowa
Friday, October 5, 2001
Sessions 2:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m.
41. Making the Race Pure: Policies and Practices
of Nazi Antisemitism
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Salon V
Moderator: Anson Rabinbach, Princeton University
"'Nazi 'chic'? Creating a Purely German
Irene Guenther, Houston Community College
"Constructing Outcasts: the Nazi Campaign
of Jewish Criminalization"
Michael Berkowitz, University College London.
"'Proof of Origin': Enforcing Racial Acceptability
and Genocide"
Eric Ehrenreich, University of Wisconsin at Madison.
"Anti-Semitic Scholarship in the Third
Reich: Methodological and Rhetorical Strategies"
Alan E. Steinweis, University of Nebraska at Lincoln
Comentator: Gordon R. Mork, Purdue University
42. East Germany Revisited: Civic and Monetary
Dimensions of German Transformation
Sponsor: The Institute for German Studies
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Salon VI
Moderator: Stephen Padgett, University Strathclyde
"Social Capital Formation in East Germany"
Jonathan Grix, University of Birmingham
"The Role of the PDS in East German Interest
Peter Barker, University of Reading
"Economic Winners and Losers in Eastern
Irwin Collier/Miriam Beblo/Thomas Knaus, Freie Universität
Commentator: Laurence McFalls, Université de Montréal
43. Russland und Deutschland in Europa
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Salon A
Moderator: Arthur B. Gunlicks, University of Richmond
"Russland und Deutschland in Europa"
Boris Orlow, Institute of Scientific Information, Russian Academy
of Sciences
"Zum Stand der deutsch-russischen Beziehungen"
Heinz Timmermann, Bundesinstitut für ostwissenschaftliche
und internationale Studien
"Zu einigen Voraussetzungen einer europäischen
Hans-Adolf Jacobsen, Bonn
"Deutschland, Russland und Ostmitteleuropa:
gestern, heute, morgen"
Arnulf Baring, Berlin
Commenator: Erich Pohl, Universität Heidelberg
44. Individuality and Early Modern Autobiography
Before 1750
Sponsor: German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C.
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Salon B
Moderator: Vera Lind, German Historical Institute, Washington D.C.
"Individuality and Autobiography in Early
Modern Germany: A Reflection on Merchant 'Ego-Documents'"
Thomas Max Safley, University of Pennsylvania
"Master Johann Dietz: The Author As His
Own Fictional Counterpart"
Tina Löffelbein, Universität Kiel
"The Body, 16th-Century Autobiography,
and Individuality"
Otto Ulbricht, Universität Kiel
Commentator: Kaspar von Greyerz, Universität Basel
45. Austrian Studies in North America: The
Research Centers as Facilitators
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Salon C
Moderator: Gerhard Weiss, University of Minnesota
"Center Austria, University of New Orleans"
Günter Bischof, University of New Orleans
"The Canadian Center for Austrian and
Central European Studies, University of Alberta"
Franz Szabo, University of Alberta
"The Center for Austrian Studies, University
of Minnesota"
Gary Cohen, University of Minnesota
Commentator: Lonnie Johnson, Austrian-American Educational Commission (Fulbright)
46. Political Theory
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Salon H
Moderator: Forest Grieves, University of Montana
"The Paradox of Kant's Individual Autonomy
and National Self-Determination"
Scott Morrison, Columbia University
"The Political Theory of Alfred Weber"
Eberhard Demm, University Jean Moulin
"The Citizen Shopper: Consumption as Civilizing
Process in Germany"
Natan Sznaider, Tel-Aviv-Yaffo
"Addresses Unknown: Hermann Cohen and
J. G. Fichte on Germany's Originary Future"
Martin Donougho, University of South Carolina
Commentator: Hugh West, University of Richmond
47. The Weimar Republic and Eastern Europe
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Salon J
Moderator: Wolf Grüner, Universität Rostock
"Weimar Germany and the Reintegration
of Russia into Europe"
J. David Cameron, Southeast Missouri State University
"Patriotism, Politics, Profits: Weimar
German Europe and the Quest for Polar Redemption"
David Thomas Murphy, Anderson University
"German Foreign Policy and the Danzig
Question: Whose Germans are these, anyway?"
Elizabeth Morrow Clark, West Texas A&M University
Commentator: Edmund Clingan, University of North Dakota
48. Perceptions of Nation: Regionalism and
Nation-Building in Nineteenth-Century Germany
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Salon K
Moderator: Geoff Eley, University of Michigan
"Collective Memory and National Identity:
Remembering the Wars of Liberation in Hamburg, 1813-1913"
Katherine B. Aaslestad, West Virginia University
"Chronicles of (Re)Defining Regional and
National Identity: Theodor Fontane on the Schleswig-Holstein Question"
Arne Koch, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Model for the Empire: Public Festivals
and German Nationalism in German Southwest Africa, 1894-1914"
Daniel J. Walther, Wartburg College
Commentator: James M. Brophy, University of Delaware
49. Theory and Praxis of Gender and Memory
in 20th Century German Culture
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Salon D
Moderator: Katherine Roper, Saint Mary's College of California
"Rhetoriken der Pornografisierung in Erzählungen
über den NS-Terror"
Silke Wenk, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
"'Deutschlands bleiche Mütter': Geschlechtsspezifische
Repräsentationen in
der 'Nationalen Mahn- und Gedenkstätte' Ravensbrück"
Insa Eschebach, Humboldt Universität Berlin
"The Discourse of Silence: Gender and
Memory in Der Ruf"
Mariatte Denman, Duke University
"Memory, Gender, and Identity: Contemporary
German-Jewish Women's
(Re)Writing of Home"
Anna Kuhn, University of California at Davis
Commentator: Azade Seyhan, Bryn Mawr College
50. Erziehungswissenschaft und Lehrerausbildung
in Deutschland zwischen Politiserung, Professionalisierung und
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Salon E
Moderator: Ann T. Allen, University of Louisville
"Deutsche Erziehungswissenschaft im 20.
Jahrhundert: Sonderweg und Normalisierung"
Felicitas Thiel, Freie Universität Berlin
"Images of America in the Current Educational
Discourse in Germany"
Karin Amos, Johann Wolfgang, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
am Main
"Aktuelle Tendenzen der Lehrerausbildung
in Deutschland zwischen Professionalisierung und Reformpädagogik"
Annette M. Stross, Humboldt Universität Berlin
"Professionalität und Geschlechterdifferenz:
Frauen und Männer in Schulleitung und Unterricht an Gymnasien"
Margret Kraul, Universität Koblenz/Landau
Commentator: Jürgen Herbst, University of Wisconsin at Madison
51. Youth Rebellion and State Violence: A Comparative
View on Post War Europe
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Salon F
Moderator: Belinda Davis, Rutgers University
"Genoa, Italy, 1960: Youth Antifascism
and the Police"
Enrica Capussotti, European University Institute, Florence, Italy
"Aufklären zersetzen, liquidieren:
Policing Juvenile Rowdytum in Eastern Germany, 1956-1969"
Thomas Lindenberger, Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung,
"Youth Gangs, Students and Police in Western
Germany, 1965-1973"
Klaus Weinhauer, Universität Hamburg
"Don't Try This at Home: Youth Revolt
of the 1960's in Austrian Media Discourses"
Vrääth Öhner, University of Vienna
Commentator: Eric D. Weitz, University of Minnesota at Minneapolis
52. Hope and the Holocaust in German Culture
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Salon G
Moderator: Johannes F. Evelein, Trinity College
"Der Holocaust aus der Sicht der Tora"
Robert Weigel, Auburn University
"'Wohin schwankt ihr eh noch der Atem
schwand?' German Poetry from Theresienstadt (1942-45) and the
Question (s) of Interpretation"
Sandra Alfers, Dartmouth College
"Heaven and Hell: The Two Endings of Edgar
Hilsenrath's Novel Der Nazi und der Friseur"
Astrid Klocke, University of California at Los Angeles
"Harlequin's Hope and Despair: Carnival
and Fascism in the Visual Art of Albert Block and Anselm Kiefer"
Peter Arnds, Kansas State University
Commentator: Na'ama Sheffi, Tel Aviv University
53. Formen der Ausgrenzung von Juden in Osterreich
im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Jackson
Moderator: Norman Goda, Ohio University
"Antisemitismus und Antimasonismus - Von
der kirchlichen zur säkularisierten
Dieter A. Binder, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz
"The Role of the Vienna City Police in the Exclusion of Jews
from Public Life, 1938-1941"
Gregory Weeks, Austro-American Institute of Education
"Ausgrenzung und Emigration - Die akademischen
Karrierechancen von österreichischen
jüdischen Wissenschaftlern in der Emigration"
Johannes Feichtinger, Karl-Franzens Universität Graz
"Dimensionen des Holocaustmahnmals am
Wiener Judenplatz "
Monika Sommer, Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Commentator: Bruce B. Campbell, College of William and Mary
54. Cross-Cultural Encounters: Hollywood Adaptations
of Austrian Literature
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Jefferson
Moderator: Beate Müller, University of Newcastle
"Reinventing Arthur Schnitzler: Jacques
Feyder's Daybreak"
Jacqueline Vansant, University of Michigan at Dearborn
"Working with Hollywood's Production Code:
Max Ophüls' Adaptation of Zweig's Letter from an Unknown
Woman (1948)"
Helga Schreckenberger, University of Vermont
"Adaptation/Genre and Conversion/Faith
in The Song of Bernadette"
Jenifer Ward, Gustavus Adolphus College
"Vienna Noir, Black Market and Doppelgänger
in Reed's THE THIRD MAN (1949) and Bachmann's 'Der dritte Mann'
Karen R. Achberger, St. Olaf College
Commentator: Maria-Regina Kecht, Rice University
55. Deutsche nationale Identität am Beginn
des 21. Jahrhunderts
Sponsor: Deutsch-Amerikanischer Arbeitskreis (DAA)
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Lee
Moderator: Gregg Kvistad, University of Denver
"'Leitkultur', 'Nationalstolz', 'Verfassungspatriotismus'
Elemente deutsche Identität
Wolfgang-Uwe Friedrich, Universität Hildesheim
"Ost-West Gegensätze in der Bundesrepublik
Jürgen Große, Berlin
"Jüdische Identität in der Bundesrepublik
Michael Friedmann, Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland
Commentator: Gerald R. Kleinfeld, Arizona State University
56. German Literature Crossing Borders
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Madison
Moderator: Gerd K. Schneider, Syracuse University
"Hilda Cohen. Poetry as Sustenance in
the Inferno: A Teenager in the Holocaust"
Marilya Veteto-Conrad, Northern Arizona University
"Unsettling Austria: Geography, Genre,
and German in Handke's Die Wiederholung"
Geoff Baker, Rutgers University
"Canetti on Safari"
William Collins Donahue, Rutgers University
"Dislocated Texts: Günter Grass'
Encounters with German Literature Abroad"
Daniel Reynolds, Grinnell College
Commentator: Britta Kallin, Georgia Institute of Technology
57. The Enigmatic Hans Fallada: Reception,
Memoir and Archival Ownership
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Mt. Vernon
Moderator: Mark W. Clark, University of Virginia's College at Wise
"Fallada's Rude Awakening: A Reappraisal
of the Reception of 'Wir hatten mal ein Kind'"
Thomas Bredohl, University of Regina
"Die Fallada-Odyssee. Beschädigungen"
Sabine Lange, Feldberg/Mecklenburg
"Inner Emigration and Inner Borders: A
New Reading of Hans Fallada's Altes Herz geht auf die Reise"
Geoff Wilkes, University of Queensland
"Hans Fallada's Arrest at Easter 1933:
Fact and Fiction"
Jenny Williams, Dublin City University
Commentator: Veronika Fuechtner, University of Chicago
58. Goethe-Effects
Sponsor: North American Goethe Society
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Manassas
Moderator: Volker Kaiser, University of Virginia
"The Ottilie-Effect: Contradistinctions
of Class-Specific 'Habitus' in
Goethe's Elective Affinities"
Peter J. Schwartz, Columbia University
"Dining Out: Walter Benjamin Meets Goethe"
Liliane Weissberg, University of Pennsylvania
"Die stumme Forderung des Bandes: Zur
Funktion des Fetischs in Goethes
Wilhelm Meister"
Jörg Kreienbrock, New York University
"The Work of Art in 'Wilhelm Meisters
Sean McIntyre, Stanford University
Commentator: Erhard Bahr, University of California
at Los Angeles
Saturday, October 6, 2001
Sessions 8:30 a.m. 10:15 a.m.
59. The Holocaust in the Courtroom: The Historian's
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon I
Moderator: Martin Dean, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
"Beyond Reasonable Doubt? The Problem
of Criminal Justice in an Australian War Crimes Trial"
Jonathan Steinberg, University of Pennsylvania
"The Challenge of Preparing Holocaust
Cases for Trial"
Ruth Bettina Birn, War Crimes Section, Department of Justice,
"Historians and Holocaust Denial in the
Courtroom: The Zundel and Irving Trials"
Christopher R. Browning, University of North Carolina at Chapel
Commentator: Peter Black, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
60. Historical Narratives in Postwar German
Culture I
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon II
Moderator: Omer Bartov, Brown University
"The Past Recaptured: Günter Grass
and Alexaner Kluge at the Turn of the Century"
Amir Eshel, Stanford University
"The War Reconsidered-W.G. Sebald and
Dieter Forte"
Stephan Braese, Universität Bremen
"Authenticity and Its Discontents. The
Figure of Jewish Emigrant in Postwar German Literature"
Katja Garloff, Reed College
"Inside/Out: Spaces of History in Edgar
Reitz's Heimat"
Johannes von Moltke, University of Michigan
Commentator: Jonathan Skolnik, University of Oregon
61. New Approaches to the Long Nineteenth Century
in Prussia
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon V
Moderator: David E. Barclay, Kalamazoo College
"Unruhige Öffentlichkeit: Social
Unrest and Popular Protest in the Prussian Rhineland, 1815-1848"
James M. Brophy, University of Delaware
"Der Regierungsstil Friedrich Wilhelms
IV. zwischen Tradition und Moderne : Revision eines Bildes"
Bärbel Holtz, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
"Faktor Preußen. Politisches System
und Strukturen Preußens als Kern des 'deutschen Sonderwegs'"
Hartwin Spenkuch, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Commentator: Jürgen Kocka, Freie Universität Berlin
62. The Politics of Persuasion: Cultures of
Advertising in 20th Century Germany
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon VI
Moderator: Rudy Koshar, University of Wisconsin
"The Nazi Ad-Man: Ideology and the Refashioning
of German Advertising after 1933"
Pamela Swett, McMaster University
"'The Consciousness Industry': Advertising
and Mass Psychology in Postwar West Germany"
S. Jonathan Wiesen, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
"Selling Socialism: Advertising in East
Germany 1971-1989"
Jonathan Zatlin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Commentator: Claudia Koonz, Duke University
63. Aufbruch der Universitäten in die
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon A
Moderator: Annette Stross, Humboldt Universität Berlin
"Reformansätze an Universitäten"
Wolfgang Bergsdorf, Universität Erfurt
"Der Streit um die Zukunft der deutschen
Josef Klein, Universität Koblenz/Landau
"Fit für die Globalisierung! Der
Studiengang Internationale Beziehungen an der TU Dresden"
Reiner Pommerin, Technische Universität Dresden
Commentator: Ann Phillips, United States State Department
64. Crime, the Criminal, and Society
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon B
Moderator: Thomas Bredohl, University of Regina
"Moosbrugger's Murder and World War One:
Musil's Literary Ethics in the Man Without Qualities"
Klaus Mladek, University of Cincinnati
"Good Times for Detection? Fritz Lang's
Tausend Augen des Dr. Mabuse"
Yogini Yoglekar, Ohio State University
"Nazi Crime Fiction: The Case of the S-Bahn
Todd Herzog, University of Cincinnati
Commentator: Sydney Norton, University of Southern Indiana
65. Constructing Memory
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon C
Moderator: Elizabeth Ametsbichler, University of Montana
"From Deconstructivist Architecture to
the Constructon of Cultural Memory: Libeskind's Jewish Museum"
Ingeborg Hoesterey, Indiana University
"Forests and Cultural Memory or Tracking
Through the Woods with Günter Grass and Anselm Kiefer"
Monika Shafi, University of Delaware
"Benjamin Remembering his Childhood"
Lorna Martens, University of Virginia
Commentator: Daniel Reynolds, Grinnell College
66. Körpergeschichten/Körperkulturen
in Wilhelmine and Weimar Germany
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon H
Moderator: Bruce Campbell, College of William and Mary
"Entweihte Körper. Kriegsversehrung
und katholische Geistlichkeit im Ersten Weltkrieg"
Sabine Keinitz, Universität Tübingen
"'Zeuge pflichtbewußt'. Sexualität,
Körperdisziplin und Biopolitik zwischen Kaiserreich
und Weimarer Republik"
Ute Planert, Universität Tübingen
"Körperkultur 1895-1936: A Tale of
Two Movements"
Christopher Kenway, San Diego State University
Commentator: Kathleen Canning, University of Michigan
67. Holocaust Era Assets and Forced Labor Discourse
in Austria: Opening the
Last Chapter of NS-History?
Sponsor: Bruno Kreisky Foundation
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon J
Moderator: Oliver Rathkolb, University of Vienna
"Forced Labor (Zwangsarbeit) in Ostmark's
Wartime Economy, 1939-1945: A Critical View on the Public Debate
and the Scientific Discourse"
Stefan August Lütgenau, Bruno Kreisky Foundation
"The Changing Structures of Banking Business
in Austria: Liquidation and Aryanization of Jewish Owned Banking
Institutions and Loot of Jewish Assets"
Theodor Venus, Universität Wien
"Restitution Policy in Austria: Latest
Findings on Measures and Practice of 'Reparation'"
Alexander Schröck, Bruno Kreisky Foundation
Commentator: Matthew Paul Berg, John Carroll University, Cleveland
68. Alternative Religiosities in Modern Germany:
Mythology, Occult, and the Volk
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon K
Moderator: Helmut Walser Smith, Vanderbilt University
"The Old Faiths and the New: Secularization
and Sacralization in Nineteenth-Century Germany"
George S. Williamson, University of Alabama
"Religion in a Secular Age: The Occult
in Germany and Britain at the Fin de Siècle"
Corinna Treitel, Claremont McKenna College
"Religion und völkische Weltanschauung"
Uwe Puschner, Freie Universität Berlin
Commentator: Doris L. Bergen, University of Notre Dame
69. History in Remission: Urban Politics in
1990s Berlin
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon D
Moderator: Lutz Koepnick, Washington University
"The Castle's Two Bodies. Metonymies of
Claudia Breger, Universität Paderborn
"Demolition, Traffic, Montage: Tempo Alexanderplatz"
Arnd Wedemeyer, The Johns Hopkins University
"Themepark Memory: The Imaginary Jewish
Past of the Hackesche Höfe"
Elke Heckner, University of Oregon
Commentator: Peter Rehberg , Cornell University
70. Laughter in Modern Germany
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon E
Moderator: Andreas Daum, German Historical Institute, Washington, DC
"'Berliner Witz' und die Erfindung der
Großstadt im Gelächter"
Martin Baumeister, Humboldt Universität Berlin
"Gefährliche Lächerlichkeit.
Ironie, Spott und der Entwurf von Identität in der Moderne"
Martina Kessel, Universität Bielefeld
"Lachend die Wahrheit sagen? Kabarett
und Medienöffentlichkeit in der DDR und in Ostdeutschland"
Sylvia Kloetzer, Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder
Commentator: Mary Lee Townsend, University of Tulsa
71. Writing Death: Literature and Mortality
at the Turn of the Century
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon F
Moderator: Jenifer Ward, Gustavus Adolphus College
"'Writing Death: Literature and Mortality
at the Turn of the Century:' Music, Poetry, and Death in Hofmannsthal
and Adorno"
Carsten Strathausen, University of Missouri at Columbia
"Dead Children: Filicide, Suicide, Writing"
Silke-Maria Weineck, University of Michigan
"The Case against Immortality: Kafka's
Last Testament Revisited"
John Zilcosky, University of Toronto
Commentator: Charity Scribner, Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut, Essen
72. Stabilizing Boundaries: Nature, Material
Culture, and Political Identity in Germany
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon G
Moderator: Celia Applegate, University of Rochester
"'Through the Upper Gate': Town, Country,
and Nature in the Holy Roman Empire, 1600-1750"
Alix Cooper, State University of New York at Stony Brook
"Gäa and the State: Science, Nature,
and Public Culture in Nineteenth-Century Germany"
Denise Phillips, Harvard University
"Living on the Edge: The Politics and
Practice of Daily Life on the Saxon-Bohemian Border, 1900-1933"
Caitlin Murdock, Stanford University
Commentator: Kathryn M. Olesko, Georgetown University
73. Ennui, Murder, Suicide, and Salvation in
18th-Century Germany
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Jackson
Moderator: Alexander Mathäs, University of Oregon
Boredom and Literary Production at the Weimar
Court, or 'Wie ist eine unoccupierte Gesellschaft für die
Langeweile zu bewahren?'"
Angela Borchert, University of Western Ontario
"Suicide by Proxy: Religious Child Sacrifice
in Eighteenth-Century Germany"
Kathy Stuart, University of California at Davis
"The Manipulation of Death: Execution
as Suicide in Kleist's Prinz Friedrich von Homburg"
Gregory Wolf, Saint Louis University
Commentator: Barbara Becker-Cantarino, Ohio State University
74. The German Middle Ages: The Spiritual
Sponsor: Young Medievalist Germanists in North America
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Jefferson
Moderator: Gabriele Strauch, University of Maryland
"Ascetism, Meditation, and Mysticism in
Fourteenth-Century German Dominican Convents"
Amy Hollywood, Dartmouth College
"The Body as Crossroads: Intersecting
Discourses on Self, Culture, and Authority in Mechthild von Magdeburg's
Das Fließende Licht der Gottheit"
David Neville, Washington University of St. Louis
"Oswalds Tochter, Nicolaus Cusanus, und
das 'richtige' Klosterleben"
Eva Cescutti, Universität Wien
"Parallelisms in Form: Christenmensch
unde Jude in Die Erlösung"
Gary C. Shockey, Washington University of St. Louis
Commentator: Sara S. Poor, Stanford University
75. Germany and France
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Lee
Moderator: James McAdams, University of Notre Dame
"Franco-German Relations in Transition"
William Chandler, University of California at San Diego
"Neue deutsche Europapolitik? Deutsche
Führungsambitionen und deutsch-französische Verstimmungen"
Wolfram Hilz, Technische Universität Chemnitz
Commentator: Hans-Adolf Jacobsen, Bonn
76. Challenges to German Citizenship?
Sponsor: The Association for the Study of German Politics
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Madison
Moderator: Christian Soe, California State University at Long Beach
"Youth Perceptions of Security and Citizenship
in Germany"
Kerry Longhurst, University of Birmingham
"Redefining Membership: The Impact of
the New Citizenship Law"
Simon Green, University of Birmingham
"The Case of Trade Unions in Germany"
Karl Koch, South Bank University
Commentator: Charles Lees, University of Sussex
77. Lessing and the Political
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Mt. Vernon
Moderator: William Rasch, Indiana University
"Against Universal Friendship: Ernst und
Falk and the Necessity of Conflict"
Wilfried Wilms, Union College
"Lessing's Politics of Providence: Philotas
and Minna von Barnheim"
Horst Lange, University of Nevada
"Genre, State Power, and Aesthetic Impasses
in Lessing's Emilia Galotti"
Karl-Heinz Maurer, Knox College
Commentator: Patrizia McBride, University of Minnesota
78. Aspects of Lutheran Culture in the Early
16th Century
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Manassas
Moderator: Sabine Mödersheim, University of Wisconsin
"Der Freiheitsbegriff Martin Luthers.
Haben die Bauern ihn missverstanden?"
Anja Lobenstein-Reichmann, Institut für deutsche Sprache,
"Music, Propaganda and the German Reformation"
Rebecca Wagner Oettinger, University of South Carolina
"Die Konzilsfrage in der deutschen reformatorischen
Publizistik 1520-1563"
Thomas Brockmann, Universität Bayreuth
Commentator: Charles Herbert, American University
Saturday, October 6, 2001
Sessions 10:30 a.m. 12:15 p.m.
79. 125 Years of Konrad Adenauer: Visions and
Sponsor: Konrad Adenauer Foundation
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon I
Moderator: Dr. Gerhard Wahlers, Konrad Adenauer Foundation
"Konrad Adenauer Bemerkungen zur Biographie
und zu seinem
Hans Jürgen Küsters, Bundesarchiv, Sankt Augustin
"Konrad Adenauer aus jüdischer Perspektive"
Robert Goldmann, Anti-Defamation League
"Bedeutung Konrad Adenauers für das
politische System der Bundesrepublik"
Michael Mertes, Rheinischer Merkur
Commentator: Clay Clemens, College of William and Mary
80. Contemporary German Cinema: Questions of
Subjectivity and Genre
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon II
Moderator: Barbara Mennel, University of Maryland
"Sex Lessons: The Function of Erotic Imagery
in DEFA Films"
Beth Moore, State University of New York at Binghamton
"Jewish and non-Jewish Voice of Remembrance"
Uta Larkey, Goucher College
"Female Spectatorship and National Cinema
in Post-Unification German"
Hester Baer, Duke University
"Frauen und Gewalt: Volker Schlöndorffs
Die Stille nach dem Schuss, The Handmaid's Tale und Die verlorene
Ehre der Katharina Blum"
Hans-Bernhard Moeller, University of Texas at Austin
Commentator: Ingeborg Majer O'Sickey, State University of New York at Binghamton
81. Rethinking Nazi Ideology, Nazi Practice
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon V
Moderator: Evan Bukey, University of Arkansas
"Ideology without a Center? Defining 'Germanness'
in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia"
Chad Bryant, University of California at Berkeley
"'The True God': Hitler's Conceptions
of Christ"
Richard Steigmann-Gall, Kent State University
"Rethinking Consent and Coercion in Nazi Germany"
Robert Gellately, Clark University
Commentator: Nathan Stoltzfus, Florida State University
82. The Politics of the Alma Mater: A New Look
at German Universities and Students, 1810-1934
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon VI
Moderator: Konrad Jarausch, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Masculinity and the Modern Research University
in Germany, 1810-1900"
Patricia Mazón, State University of New York at Buffalo
"The Secular, Kulturprotestant, University
and Student Life, 1890-1914"
Lisa Swartout, University of California at Berkeley
"Die 'Machtergreifung' als Generationskonflikt.
Zur Lage der deutschen Hochschulen 1933/34"
Michael Grüttner, University of California at Berkeley
Commentator: Roger Chickering, Georgetown University
83. Twentieth-Century Germany from the Year
2000: New "Grand Narratives"
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon A
Moderator: Glenn Cuomo, New College, University of South Florida
"Twentieth-Century Germany as History:
New Narratives of Catastrophe and Happy Ending?"
Alon Confino, University of Virginia
"Empire and Commodity Culture in 20th-Century
Uta G. Poiger, University of Washington.
"Nation, Spectacle, and Automobility in
Germany's Twentieth Century"
Rudy Koshar, University of Wisconsin at Madison.
Commentator: Mary Nolan, New York University
84. Perpetrators, Survivors, Aftermath: New
Studies of the Holocaust
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon B
Moderator: Klaus Larres, Queens University of Belfast
"The Parisian Institut d'Etude des Questions
Juives, 1941-1942"
Patricia von Papen, Gutsverwaltung von Papen
"Zivilcourage im Dritten Reich: Retterinnen
und Hilferinnen aus den Reihen der Wehrmacht"
Rosmarie Papadopoulos-Killius, J.W. Goethe Universität, Frankfurt
am Main
"1 DM für die in Auschwitz vergaste
Ehefrau: Rabbi Lazar Salzberg und die Passauer Neue Presse"
Anna Elizabeth Rosmus, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
Commentator: Robert Herzstein, University of South Carolina
85. Historical Narratives in Postwar German
Culture II
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon C
Moderator: Katja Garloff, Reed College
"Excessive Cure: Tracing War Trauma in
Early DEFA Films"
Anke Pinkert, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
"Schamkultur statt Schuldkultur. Letzte
Texte Heiner Müllers 1990 bis 1995"
Birgit Dahlke, Humboldt Universität Berlin
"Whose Voice? Whose Story? Whose Suffering?
Marcel Beyer's Flughunde [Karnau's Tapes] as New German Memory"
Ulrich Baer, New York University
"The Present is a Foreign Country: The
Uncanny Re-Articulation of Time in/after 1989"
Julia Hell, University of Michigan
Commentator: Lutz Koepnick, Washington University
86. Rechtsextremistische Parteien
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon H
Moderator: Gerard Braunthal, University of Massachusetts
"Soll die NPD verboten werden?"
Eckhard Jesse, Technische Universität Chemnitz
"Extremistische Parteien in den Medien"
Harald Bergsdorf, Thüringer Innenministerium, Erfurt
"Die Extreme Rechte und der Konjunkturzyklus,
1949 - 1999"
Andreas Sobisch, John Carroll University
Commentator: Jay J. Rosellini, Purdue University
87. Die Frauenfrage als Heiratsfrage: Marriage,
Morality, and Maidenhood in Imperial Germany
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon J
Moderator: Nancy R. Reagin, Pace University
"Shrews, Romantics, and Maiden Aunts:
The Old Maid as Cultural Icon in Imperial Germany"
Catherine Dollard, Denison University
"'Marriage-Mad Wenches'on the Namibian
Frontier: Marital and Career Opportunitues and Wilhelmine Women's
Krista Molly O'Donnell, William Paterson University of New Jersey
"'Marriage is the Front, Prostitution
the Back of the Same Coin': Public Debates about Marriage and
Prostitution in Imperial Germany"
Julia Bruggemann, DePauw University
Commentator: Raffael Scheck, Colby College
88. Cultures of Reproduction: Pregnancy, Contraception,
and Infertility in Twentieth-Century Germany
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon K
Moderator: Marion Deshmukh, George Mason University
"Cultures of Hope and Fear: Traditional
and Modern Beliefs about Pregnancy in Germany,
Patricia R. Stokes, Cornell University
"Where Have All the Babies Gone? The Sexual
Revolution and the Critique of Population
Policy in West Germany"
Annette F. Timm, Berlin Program for Advanced German and European
"Reproducing German Turks: Infertility
and Inequality in Germany's Contemporary Social
Medical System"
Lisa K. Vanderlinden, Rutgers University
Commentator: Greg Eghigian, Penn State University
89. Class: The New Taboo
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon D
Moderator: Monika Shafi, University of Delaware
"Are they Represented? Working Class and
Science Fiction"
Vibeke Rützov Petersen, Drake University
"Anna Seghers's Visual Depiction: In Defense
of Truth, Beauty, and the Working Class"
Helen Fehervary, Ohio State University
"The Flaneur Revisited, or: The Invisibility
of Class in the Writing of Urban Experience"
Sabine Hake, University of Pittsburgh
Commentator: Carsten Strathausen, University of Missouri at Columbia
90. Science, Ethics, and the Law in Imperial
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon E
Moderator: Kevin Repp, Yale University
"Darwinism, Monism, and the Secularization
of Ethics in Imperial Germany"
Richard Weikart, California State University at Stanislaus
"Sex, Order, and Freedom: Evolutionary
Sexual Ethics and Christian Responses in Germany, 1900-1913"
Edward Ross Dickinson, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand
"How to Punish in the Age of Science?
German Debates on the Implications of Science for Criminal Justice,
Richard F. Wetzell, German Historical Institute, Washington, DC
Commentator: Kathryn M. Olesko, Georgetown University
91. Commissioning History: Accounting for Austria's
World War II Past
Sponsor: Austrian Cultural Institute in New York
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon F
Moderator: Günter Bischof, CenterAustria, University of New Orleans
"The Austrian Historical Commission: Chances
and Problems"
Brigitte Bailer-Galanda, Dokumentationsarchiv des Österreichischen
"The Schaumayer Commission for the Settlement
of Slave and Forced Labor Related
Martin Eichtinger, Austrian Federation of Industry
"The Austrian Life Insurance Sector and
the Nazi Regime"
Dieter Stiefel, Universität Wien
"Independent Business History and the
Holocaust Era Assets Debate: The Austrian
Experience in International Comparison"
Oliver Rathkolb, Universität Wien
Commentor: Kurt Tweraser, University of Arkansas
92. Sites of Identity: The Negotiation of Local
and National Identity in Cologne from Vormärz to Weimar
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon G
Moderator: James Steakley, University of Wisconsin at Madison
"Imagining the Cologne Cathedral in the
Janet Wiita, Flagler College
"Confessionalizing Catholic Home Space
in Cologne during the Kaiserreich"
Robbie Goodrich, Augustana College
"The Transformation of Political-Cultural
Identities: Street Pageantry and Working-Class Identity in Cologne,
July 1932"
Sara Sewell, Truman State University
Commentator: Ronald J. Ross, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee
93. Subnational Government and Politics in
the 1990s
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Jackson
Moderator: Jutta Helm, Western Illinois University
"Parties, Interest Groups, and Elite Decision-Making
in Germany's Landtage"
Louise Davidson-Schmich, University of Miami
"Parties and Elections in the Länder"
Arthur Gunlicks, University of Richmond
"Representative and Direct Democracy at
the Local Level in the 1990s"
Eckhard Schroetter, Humboldt Universität Berlin
Commentator: Charlie Jeffery, University of Birmingham
94. The German Middle Ages: The Physical
Sponsor: Young Medievalist Germanists in North America
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Jefferson
Moderator: Sara S. Poor, Stanford University
"Gender and Forensic Oratory in Konrad
von Würzburg's The Knight of the Swan"
Sarah Westphal-Whil, University of South Carolina
"Das Lachen der Cunneware: Gesten in der
höfischen Dichtungen des Mittelalters"
Silke Katharina Philipowski, Universität Erlangen
"The Vestimentary Code: Courtly Identity
as Literary Play in Gottfried von Strassburg's Trista"
Andreas Krass, Universität München
Commentator: Kathryn Starkey, University of North Carolina
95. New Challenges in Transatlantic Relations
Sponsor: Consortium for Atlantic Studies (CAS)
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Lee
Moderator: Gerald R. Kleinfeld, Arizona State University
"Electronic Privacy and Transatlantic
Relations: Data Protection Across the Pond"
Larry Martinez, California State University at Long Beach
"Bananas, Beef, and Beans: The Role of
Germany in U.S.-European Trade Disputes"
Michael Huelshoff, University of New Orleans
"NATO and ESDI: From Tension to Transcendence"
Ronald Bee, University of California at San Diego
Commentator: Marc Morjé Howard, University of Maryland
96. German Political Parties after 1998
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Madison
Moderator: Sascha Müller-Kraenner, Heinrik-Böll-Stiftung
"CDU in Crisis: Varying Fortunes East
and West"
Barbara Donovan, Wesleyan College
"Die PDS nach dem Rücktritt von Gysi
und Disky"
Heinrich Bortfeldt, Herder-Gymnasium, Berlin
"Colored, Tinted and Cracked Lenses: Red
and Green Positions and Policies on Human Intervention in the
Brian Rathbun, University of California at Berkeley
Commentator: Joyce Mushaben, University of Missouri at St. Louis
97. Reconceptualizing Europe: Dimensions and
Dilemmas of EU Enlargement
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Mt. Vernon
Moderator: Alice Cooper, University of Mississippi
"EU Enlargement and Social Citizenship:
Transforming Welfare States in East Central Europe in the Context
of European Integration"
Christiane Lemke, Universität Hannover
"Raising the Bar: The Use of Regime Thresholds
in Southern Europe, Eastern Germany, and Eastern Europe"
Wade Jacoby, Brigham Young University
"Exogenous Influence in Path Dependent
Transformation Processes. The Effects of German Foreign Direct
Investments on Work Organization and Labor Relations in Hungary"
Michael Fichter, Freie Universität Berlin
Commentator: Helga Welsh, Wake Forest University
98. Social Break and Cultural Change in Eastern
Germany at the Turn of This Century
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Manassas
Moderator: Jean Godsall-Myers, Widener University
"Zwischen kulturellen Identitäten
und ökonomischen Pragmatismus: Lokale Akteure in postkommunistischen
Helmut Fehr, Humboldt Universität Berlin
"Cultural Lag in Postsocialism? Oder wie
verläuft die kulturelle Modernisierung?"
Michael Hofmann, Technische Universität Dresden
"Der Widerspruch zwischen Öffnung
und Schliessung"
Kerstin Bast-Haider, Universität Göttingen
"Reclaiming Myself as Subject: Power and
Performance in Testimonial Narratives"
Mary Beth Stein, George Washington University
Commentator: Dagmar Wienroeder-Skinner, St. Joseph's University
Saturday, October 6, 2001
Sessions 1:45 p.m. 3:30 p.m.
99. Strategies of Domination and Resistance
Sat 1:45 PM 3:30 PM Salon I
Moderator: Elke Segelke, Illinois State University
"The Fascist Dramaturgy: Riefenstahl's
Tableau Vivant"
Brigitte Peucker, Yale University
"Old Masters and the Discourse of Male
Mastery in Thomas Bernhard"
Fatima Naqvi, Rutgers University
"Analyzing Strategies of Domination in
Torkan's Tufan: Brief an einen islamischen Brüder"
Sydney Norton, University of Southern Indiana
Commentator: Birgit Maier-Katkin, Florida State University
100. Die beiden Freundinnen und ihr Giftmord:
Homosexuality on Trial in Weimar Germany
Sat 1:45 PM 3:30 PM Salon II
Moderator: Todd Herzog, University of Cincinnati
"Sexual Science Fiction: Alfred Döblin
and Hans Magnus Hirschfeld"
Veronika Fuechtner, University of Chicago
"Männer, Frauen, Freundschaft und
Feindschaft: The Homosexual in Weimar Literature"
David Pricket, University of Cincinnati
"Rewriting the Story of Die beiden Freundinnen
und ihr Giftmord: Postwar Adaptations of Döblin's Text"
Hillary Hope Herzog, University of Chicago
Commentator: Thomas Kovach, University of Arizona
101. Misdeeds, Motivations and Memories: Wartime
Criminality and Postwar Apologia
Sat 1:45 PM 3:30 PM Salon V
Moderator: Doris Bergen, University of Notre Dame
"Conflict or Cooperation? Reassessing
German Army Opposition to SS Crimes in Poland in 1939"
Alexander Rossino, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
"'It's As If It Had Never Been': The Motivations
of 'Euthanasia' Perpetrators and Their Memories in the Postwar
Patricia Heberer, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
"Memory as Shield: The Wehrmacht Generals'
Postwar Recollections"
Geoffrey P. Megargee, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Commentator: Ronald Smelser, Unversity of Utah
102. Military and Memory in Post War West-Germany
Sat 1:45 PM 3:30 PM Salon VI
Moderator: Jörg Echternkamp, Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt, Potsdam
"German War Films of the 1950s and the
Shaping of Public Memory"
Jay B. Lockenour, Temple University
"The German Military and their Tradition"
Winfried Heinemann, Bundesministerium der Verteidigung, Bonn
"'Nicht alles anders, aber vieles besser
machen?' Offiziersgenerationen
und Kriegserinnerungen beim Aufbau der Bundeswehr"
Klaus Naumann, Institut für Sozialforschung, Hamburg/Köln
Commentator: Robert E. Herzstein, University of South Carolina
103. Roundtable on Globalization and German
Sat 1:45 PM 3:30 PM Salon A
Moderator: Patricia Herminghouse, University of Rochester
Jeff Peck, York University/Université
de Montréal
Sara Lennox, University of Massachussetts
Jonathan Grix, University of Birmingham
Philippe Despoix, Université de Montréal
Britta Baron, DAAD New York
104. Arab-Germans and Muslims in Contemporary
Sat 1:45 PM 3:30 PM Salon B
Moderator: Deniz Göktürk, University of California at Berkeley
"Arab-German Writers"
Mohamed Esa, Western Maryland College
"Islam in Public Schools?"
Kersten Horn, University of Texas at Austin
"How Ethnic Is It? Reflections in the
Works by Arab-German Writers of the Second Generation"
Nina Berman, Ohio State University
Commentator: Marilya Veteto-Conrad, Northern Arizona University
105. The Historical Avant-Gardes and the Ethnographic
Sat 1:45 PM 3:30 PM Salon C
Moderator: Wilfried Wilms, Union College
"Worringer and Carl Einstein on Non-European Art"
Andreas Michel, University of Connecticut
"Primitivism, Avant-Gardism, Enlightenment"
Douglas Brent McBride, College of St. Benedict
"After the Avant Garde"
Erik Grimm, Barnard College
Commentator: Robert Shandley, Texas A&M University
106. Building a Socialist Countryside: Communist
Policies and Popular Reaction in the German Democratic Republic
Sat 1:45 PM 3:30 PM Salon H
Moderator: Rolf Steininger, Universität Innsbruck
"From Factory to Farm: Mobilizing Workers
to Modernize East German Agriculture"
Gregory R. Witkowski, State University of New York at Buffalo
"Collectivization and Memory. Views of
the Past and Reactions to the Transformation of Rural Society
in the GDR from 1952 to the early 1960's"
Arnd Bauerkämper, Zentrum für zeithistorische Forschung,
"The Land Reform and the Village Milieu:
Some Remarks on Continuity and Change in Rural Society in the
Corey Ross , University of Birmingham
Commentator: Edward N. Peterson, University of Wisconsin at River
107. "Germania in Cyberspace": The
Information Age in German-speaking Countries
Sat 1:45 PM 3:30 PM Salon J
Moderator: Marton Marko, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
"The Structural Transformation of the
Virtual Public Sphere"
Bernhard Debatin, Ohio University
"Was Goethe Right about 'das Maschinenwesen'?
Lessons from Computer-Mediated Communication in German-speaking
Charles Ess, Drury University
"The ,Third Culture' and the ,Fourth Estate':
Cyberspace and the Politics of the German Press"
Scott G. Williams, University of Texas at Arlington
Commentator: Paul Michael Lützeler, Washington University of St. Louis
108. Jews in the Early German Democratic Republic:
Tolerance, Repression, and Memory
Sat 1:45 PM 3:30 PM Salon K
Moderator: Mario Kessler, Zentrum für
Zeithistorische Forschung, Potsdam
"'Einer, den der Blitz fast traf, der aber seine Arbeit fortsetzte':
Problems of Identity in Alexander Abusch's Memoirs"
Peter Davies, University of Edinburgh
"(Re-)Building of the East German Communities
in the late 1940s and early 1950s"
Lothar Mertens, Ruhr-Universität, Bochum
"Jews in Leipzig: Identity, Persecution
and the State in the Early German Democratic Republic"
Robert Allen Willingham, University of Texas at Austin
Commentator: Jeffery Herf, University of Maryland
109. Race, Racial Thinking, and German Colonialism
Sat 1:45 PM 3:30 PM Salon D
Moderator: Krista Molly O'Donnell, William Patterson University
"Mind, Matter, and Race in the Era of
German Idealist Philosophy"
Brian Vick, Stanford University
"Blurred Genres and Critique of Colonialism
in Wilhelm Raabe's Stopfkuchen'
James P. Martin, Georgetown University
"Geographies of Orientalism and Racism
in Deutsch Ostafrika"
Jennifer Kopf, University of Kentucky
Commentator: Joanne Cho, William Paterson University
110. Learning to Be Loyal: Attempts to Create
Dynastic Devotion in Central Europe
Sat 1:45 PM 3:30 PM Salon E
Moderator: Donna Harsch, Carnegie Mellon University
"The Siegesdenkmal in Freiburg: Displaying
the Ambivalent Nature of South German National-Dynastic Loyalties
after 1871"
Pontus A. Hiort, Northern Illinois University
"Promoting 'Austrian' Patriotism: Imperial
Celebrations in Habsburg Austria, 1849-1916"
Daniel Unowsky, University of Memphis
"Böhmerdeutsche or Germans in Bohemia?
Deutscher Michel and the 'Wacht am Rhein' in Pan-German Rhetoric
at the Turn of the Century"
Nancy M.. Wingfield, Northern Illinois University
Commentator: Lorie A. Vanchena, Creighton University
111. Roundtable on Die Berliner Republik
Sponsor: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
Sat 1:45 PM 3:30 PM Salon F
Moderator: Dieter Dettke, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
Joachim Gauck, Ehemaliger Bundesbeauftragter
für die Unterlagen des Staatssicherheitsdienstes der ehemaligen
Alison Smale, The New York Times
Jacob Heilbrunn, Journalist
Michael Roth, Deutscher Bundestag
112. Coming to Terms with the Past
Sat 1:45 PM 3:30 PM Salon G
Moderator: Christian Soe, California State University at Long Beach
"Vergangenheit als Gegenwartsbewältigung:
Coming to Terms with Nazi Gold, Slave Labor and Non-Neutrality"
Joyce Marie Mushaben, University of Missouri at St. Louis
"Occidentalism, History and Memory"
Patrick Jackson/Amy Pike, American University
"Competing Memories? A Quantitative Study
of the Impact of the Past on Contemporary German Political Culture"
Eric Langenbacher, Georgetown University
Commentator: Jutta Helm, Western Illinois University
113. More than Cloth: Noble Fashion in the
Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
Sat 1:45 PM 3:30 PM Jackson
Moderator: Marion Gray, Kansas State University
"Kleidung, Macht, Ordnung: Adlige Selbstdisziplinierung
zwischen Anpassung und Ökonomie am Wiener Hof"
Susanne Claudine Pils, Stadt- und Landesarchiv Wien
"'Vestis virum facit': Fashion, Identity,
and Ethnography on the Seventeenth-Century Grand Tour"
Antje Stannek, Technische Universität Braunschweig
"Die ritterschaftlichen Uniformen im ausgehenden
18. Jahrhundert: Ein letzter Versuch zur Bewahrung der Exklusivität?"
Peter Albrecht, Technische Universität Braunschweig
Commentator Katherine Aaslestad, West Virginia University
114. The Submerged Worlds of Central European
Sat 1:45 PM 3:30 PM Jefferson
Moderator: Gerlinde Ulm Sanford, Syracuse University
"Buried Treasure: Mining as Transformation
in German Romanticism"
Monica Birth, The Johns Hopkins University
"Intimacy and Exclusion in Heine's Die
Bäder von Lukka"
Dorothe J. Bach, University of Virginia
"Song Cycle as Confessional: A New Interpretation
of Schubert's Heine Settings"
Steven M. Whiting, University of Michigan
Commentator: Jeffrey L. Sammons, Yale University
115. Schiller's An die Freude in Beethoven's
Ninth Symphony:
Text and Musical Performance and their Cultural Contexts
Sat 1:45 PM 3:30 PM Lee
Moderator: Greg Wolf, St. Louis University
"'Be considerate and obedient': Beethoven's
Reading of Schiller's An die Freude as an Act of Disobedience"
Peter Höyng, University of Tennessee
"'Polemik im Conzertsaal': Mahler, Beethoven,
and the Viennese Critics"
Kay Knittel, Seton Hall University
"Beethoven, the Beer-Hall, and Hitler?
On Adorno and the Ninth Symphony"
Nicholas Vazsonyi, University of South Carolina
Commentator: Sanna Pederson, Wesleyan College
116. Gender: Questions of Socio-Sexual Identity
in Early Modern Writings"
Sat 1:45 PM 3:30 PM Madison
Moderator: Barbara Becker-Cantarino, Ohio State University
"The Sodomite's Clothes: Gift Giving and
Sexual Excess in Early Modern Germany and Switzerland"
Helmut Puff, University of Michigan
"On Eulenspiegel, Faust, Gretchen, Nele,
and Laura Salman"
Alexander Schwarz, Universität Lausanne
"Ladies -- Maids -- Witches: Johannes
Prätorius (1630-80) on Women"
Gerhild Scholz Williams, Washington University of St. Louis
Commentator: Lynne Tatlock, Washington University of St. Louis
117. Deutschland im europäischen Integrationsprozess
der letzten zehn Jahre
Sponsor: Gesellschaft für Deutschlandforschung e.V.
Sat 1:45 PM 3:30 PM Mt. Vernon
Moderator: Manfred Wilke, Frei Universität Berlin
"Die Euroregionen an den deutschen Aussengrenzen:
Die politischen Rahmenbedingungen für die Entwicklung grenzüberschreitender
Zusammenarbeit Deutschlands im zusammenwachsenden Europa"
Karl Eckard, Gerhard-Mercator-Universität Duisburg
"Das Beschäftigungsproblem in Deutschland
seit dem Wegfall der EU-Binnengrenzen aus prozesstheoretischer
und prozesspolitischer Sicht"
Spiridon Paraskewopoulos, Universität Leipzig
"USA-Deutschland-Russland und der Prozess
der europäischen Integration seit der Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands"
Tilman Mayer, Universität München
Commentator: Karl Cerny, Georgetown University
118. Between Dialog and Dialectic: Germans,
Jews, and the Discourse of Enlightenment
Sat 1:45 PM 3:30 PM Manassas
Moderator: Bernd Fischer, Ohio State University
"Perceptions of Jewish Power around 1800,
or David Friedländer and the Jewish Critique of Modernity"
Jonathan Hess, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Jewish Dislocation and the Discourse
of Enlightenment: the Cases of Salomon Maimon and Heinrich Heine"
Jeffrey Grossman, University of Virginia
"From Monologue to Dialogue, or Enlightenment
after Anti-Enlightenment"
Jonathan Skolnik, University of Oregon
Commentator: Susannah Heschel, Dartmouth College
Saturday, October 6, 2001
Sessions 3:30 p.m. 5:15 p.m.
119. Nazi Propaganda Offensive Against the
Jews, 1933-1945
Sat 3:30 PM 5:15 PM Salon I
Moderator: Shelley Baranowski, University of Akron
"Anti-Semitism as Hatred and Explanation:
Goebbels' Major Public Statements"
Jeffrey Herf, University of Maryland
"Words of Action: Nazi Instruction Manuals
for Party Speakers"
Nitzan Lebovic, University of California at Los Angeles
"Newscasts of Racial Hatred: The Role
of National Socialist Newsreels as Instruments of anti-Semitic
Jürgen Michael Schutz, Freie Universität Berlin/ University
of Sussex
"Nazi Anti-Semitism in East Upper Silesia:
An Analysis of District Newspapers"
Joseph Robert White, University of Nebraska at Lincoln
Commentator: Jay W. Baird, Miami University of Ohio
120. Transatlantischer Perspektivenwechsel
bei Theater und Medien im Übergang zum 21. Jahrhundert
Sat 3:30 PM 5:15 PM Salon II
Moderator: Pia Kleber, University of Toronto
"Perspektiven deutscher Medien im Übergang
zum 21. Jahrhundert"
Wolfgang Mühl-Benninghaus, Humboldt Universität Berlin
"Theaterentwicklung in Deutschland und
Jörg Bochow, University of Toronto
"Robert Lepage und Robert Wilson in Deutschland"
Eleonore Kalisch, Humboldt Universität Berlin
"'Big Brother' in Deutschland und den
Volker Gransow, Frei Universität Berlin
Commentator: Gitta Honegger, Catholic University
121. Germany and Europe in the New Century
Sponsor: Conference Group on German Politics
Sat 3:30 PM 5:15 PM Salon V
Moderator: Karen Donfried, Library of Congress
"Is Germany a Good European? Or, Has Europe
Been Good for Germany?"
James Sperling, University of Akron
"Germany and European Defense and Security
Gale Mattox, United States Naval Academy
"Germany and East Central Europe"
Ann Phillips, United States State Department
Commentator: Andrei Markovits, University of Michigan
122. Turn-of-the Century Aesthetics Revisited:
Self, Identity and Audience in
Arthur Schnitzler
Sat 3:30 PM 5:15 PM Salon VI
Moderator: Helga Schreckenberger, University of Vermont
"Schnitzler's Fink und Fliederbusch: Will
the Real Character Please Stand Up?"
Elisabeth G. Ametsbichler, University of Montana at Missoula
"Acting Out the Self in Arthur Schnitzler's
and Egon Schiele's Moving Portraits"
Eva Kuttenberg, University of Dallas
"The Audience in Schnitzler's Works"
G.J. Weinberger, Central Connecticut University
"Gesellschaftskritik in zensurierten Reigen-Parodien"
Gerd K. Schneider, Syracuse University
Commentator: Iris Bruce, McMaster University
123. Monarchy and Its Discontents in Prussia's
Long Nineteenth Century
Sat 3:30 PM 5:15 PM Salon A
Moderator: Dieter K. Buse, Laurentian University
"Monarchy, the Power Balance, and Political
Culture in Prussia, 1786-1848"
Thomas Stamm-Kuhlmann, Ernst Moritz Arndt-Universität Greifswald
"Lions, Buffaloes, and Baboons! Bettina
von Arnim's Reception of the 'Tierkreis' Motif in Her Political
Kathleen M. Hallihan, Ohio State University
"Constitutionalism or Staatsstreich? Bismarck,
Crown Prince Frederick William, Crown Princess Victoria and the
Succession Crisis of 1880-1885"
Patricia Kollander, Florida Atlantic University
Commentator: Brian Vick, Stanford University
124. Roundtable on German Modernities: Historicizing
Concepts of Change and Continuity
Sat 3:30 PM 5:15 PM Salon B
Moderator: Jane Caplan, Bryn Mawr College
Kathy Pence, Adrian College and Harvard University
Paul Lerner, University of Southern California
Paul Betts, University of Sussex
Bernhard Rieger, Iowa State University
125. Post-Unification Images of Berlin: Reading
Subtext(s) of the City
Sat 3:30 PM 5:15 PM Salon C
Moderator: Gerald A. Fetz, University of Montana
"Living Berlin: Autobiography and the
Rachel J. Halverson, Washington State University
"Falling apart in Reunified Berlin: Helga
Reidemeiser's Lights from Afar"
Kristie A. Foell, Bowling Green State University
"The Changing Topography of Berlin in
Peter Schneider's Eduards Heimkehr"
Carol Anne Costabile-Heming, Southwest Missouri State University
"'If Berlin were Istanbul . . .': Sascha
Stone's City Photomontages"
Daniel H. Magilow, Princeton University
Commentator: Klaus Plonien, Ohio University
126. Reconsidering the Front Community: Masculinity
and National Loyalty During World War I
Sat 3:30 PM 5:15 PM Salon H
Moderator: Helmut Pfanner, Vanderbilt University
"Christmas in Enemy Territory: Soldiers'
Ritual and the Front Community"
Joseph B. Perry, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
"A Palpable Sense of Betrayal: German
Soldiers and the Strikes of January 1918"
Robert L. Nelson, St John's College, Cambridge
"Masculinity and Femininity in the Representations
of War: Soldiers and Mothers in
Popular Youth Literature, 1914-1918"
Andrew Donson, University of Nevada at Reno
Commentator: Maureen Healy, Oregon State University
127. Germany and European Integration
Sat 3:30 PM 5:15 PM Salon J
Moderator: Alice Cooper, University of Mississippi
"Einbindung Deutschlands in die Europäische
Integration--Die Geburtshelferrolle des Amerikanischen Hegemons"
Beate Neuss, Technische Universität Chemnitz
"Surrendering Hegemony: Germany's Role
in European Monetary Integration"
Gerlinde Bernd, University of California at Santa Barbara
"European Integration and German-Polish-Economic
Relations: A Key to European Stability in the Twenty-First Century"
Alison Rios Millett, Miami University
Commentator: Wayne Thompson, Lexington, Virginia
128. Colonial Fantasies, Historical Legacies:
Susan Zantop in Memoriam
Sat 3:30 PM 5:15 PM Salon K
Moderator: Leslie A. Adelson, Cornell University
"The Significance of Colonial Racial Politics
for German History: A Sketch"
Pascal Grosse, Humboldt Universität Berlin
"Colonial Fantasies / Colonial Histories:
From Fiction to Fact to Fiction Again"
Marcia Klotz, University of California at Irvine
"Nefertiti in Berlin: Colonial Fantasies
in German Archaeology"
Claudia Breger, Universität Paderborn
"German Fascism, Women Writers: The Aesthetics
and Politics of Translation"
Jeannine Blackwell, University of Kentucky
Commentator: Gerd Gemünden, Dartmouth College
129. Theodor Adorno in 2001
Sat 3:30 PM 5:15 PM Salon D
Moderator: Peter Hohendahl, Cornell University
"The Splendor and Grandeur of the Uncommodified
Intellectual, or Adorno has no
Karin Bauer, McGill University
"'Melange': Of Reason and Race in Adorno"
Eva Geulen, New York University
"Adorno's Aesthetic Theory: A Bridge Linking
German Studies and Literary Analysis"
Sheila Johnson, The University of Texas at San Antonio
"Weiss/Adorno: German Literature at the
Crux of Globalism"
Charity Scribner, Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut, Essen
Commentator: Gerhard Richter, University of Wisconsin
130. Exile and Imagination
Sat 3:30 PM 5:15 PM Salon E
Moderator: Douglas Brent McBride, College of St. Benedict
"Fritz Strich and the Mission of Jewish
Writers in German Literature"
Tamara Evans, City University of New York
"The Exile as Historian"
Nora M. Alter, University of Florida
"Cities, Islands, Idylls: German Exile
Narratives and the Spatial Conception of Displacement"
Johannes F. Evelein, Trinity College
"'Wir wandern singend durch die Welt':
German-speaking Cinema in Exile (1934-37)"
Angelika Führich, SAIS-The Johns Hopkins University
Commentator: Luke Springman, Bloomsburgh University
131. The "Multicultural Subject"
and the Politics of Identity
Sat 3:30 PM 5:15 PM Salon F
Moderator: Volker Langbehn, Iowa State University
"'Tor zur Welt' or gated community? Ethnic
diversity in early 20th century Hamburg"
Fatima El-Tayeb, Universität Hamburg
"Biedermann vs. Brandstifter, or: The
Question of Identity for an African Asylbewerber"
Joachim Warmbold, Tel Aviv University
"'wasser in der wüste'. Neue Erzählstrategien
Schwarzer deutscher Autorinnen"
Peggy Piesche, University of Utrecht
"Spectacles of Multiculturalism in the
'New Berlin'"
Deniz Göktürk, University of California at Berkeley
Commentator: Kathrina Zippel, Columbia University
132. The Space formerly known as the GDR: Writing
East Germany after
Sat 3:30 PM 5:15 PM Salon G
Moderator: Jutta Arendt, College of the Holy Cross
"'Contradictions are Our Hope!': Sonnenallee
and Epic Filmmaking"
Michael Richardson, Ithaca College
"Contravening Human Nature in the GDR:
Thomas Brussig's Helden wie wir"
Brad Prager, University of Missouri at Columbia
"The Cabinet of Dr. Honecker: Law and
Order in Andreas Kleinert's Wege in die Nacht"
Jaimey Fisher, Tulane University
"GDR Censorship and the German Public
Sphere(s): Jurek Becker's Banned Book Schlaflose Tage"
Beate Müller, University of Newcastle
Commentator: Imke Meyer, Bryn Mawr College
133. Entwicklungstendenzen von Politik und
politischer Partizipation in Deutschland
Sponsor: Hanns-Seidel Stiftung
Sat 3:30 PM 5:15 PM Jackson
Moderator: Gerhard Hirscher, Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung
"Grundfragen deutscher Politik vor dem
Wahljahr 2002"
Michael Glos, Mitglied des Bundestages
"Entwicklungstendenzen im deutschen Parteiensystem"
Jürgen W. Falter, Universität Mainz
"Oppositionsstrategie in Deutschland"
Heinrich Oberreuter, Akademie für Politische Bildung Tützing
"Deutschlands aussenpolitische Orientierung
und transatlantische Verankerung"
Stephan Bierling, Universität Regensburg
Commentator: Reinhard Meier-Walser, Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung
134. Ghettoization in the Third Reich: New
Areas and New Interpretations
Sat 3:30 PM 5:15 PM Jefferson
Moderator: Alexander Rossino, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
"The Case of the Lodz Ghetto"
Karl Stuhlpfarrer, Universität Klagenfurt
"Nazi Ghettoization Practices in Ukraine
and the Onset of the Holocaust"
Wendy Lower, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
"The Ghettoization in Hungary, 1944, and
the Jewish Response"
Christian Gerlach, Universität Freiburg
"Riga's 'Moskauer Vorstadt' 1941-1943:
Towards a Definition of Ghetto in the Third Reich"
Katrin Reichelt, Humboldt Universität Berlin
Commentator: Hans Safrian, Historikerkommission der Republik Österreich
135. Gender and Bio-Politics, 1900-1933
Sat 3:30 PM 5:15 PM Lee
Moderator: Jeffry Diefendorf, University of New Hampshire
"Sexualkrise und Rasse: Feminist Eugenics
at the Fin-de-Siècle"
Kevin Repp, Yale University
"Feminism and Eugenics in Germany and
Britain, 1900-1933: A Comparative Perspective"
Ann Taylor Allen, University of Louisville
"Castration of Sexual Delinquents in Wilhelmine
and Weimar Germany"
Willem de Blécourt, University of Essex
"'Blocked Blood,' or 'having fallen pregnant:'
Unwanted Pregnancies and their Terminations in Weimar Germany"
Cornelie Usborne, University of Surrey Roehampton
Commentator: Andrew Lees, Rutgers University at Camden
136. Knowledge Formation in the 18th Century:
The Rise of Disciplines
Sat 3:30 PM 5:15 PM Madison
Moderator: Mary Lindeman, Carnegie Mellon University
"Humboldts Universität: ein poetisch-philologisches
Christoph König, Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach a.N.
"Kant and the Systematization of Philosophy"
G. Felicitas Munzel, Notre Dame University
"Disciplining History: Schiller as Historian"
John A. McCarthy, Vanderbilt University
"Vergleich, Apologie, Charakteristik:
Zur Differenzanalyse eines literaturkritischen Fachprosadreiecks"
Carsten Zelle, Universität Bochum
Commentator: Paul Michael Lützeler, Washington University of St. Louis
137. Urban Epistemologies: The Case of Berlin
Sat 3:30 PM 5:15 PM Mt. Vernon
Moderator: Lilian Friedberg, University of Illinois at Chicago
"Eighteenth-Century Berlin and the Dialectics
of Urban Sociability"
Matthew Erlin, Washington University
"Berlin Alexanderplatz and the Narrative
Epistemology of Weimar Police Authority"
Sara Hall, University of Illinois at Chicago
"In Search of Origins: A Journey through
the Berlin Phonogram Archive"
Eric Ames, University of Washington
Commentator: Nancy C. Erickson, Bemidji State University
138. Modernist Ethics: Irony or Tragedy?
Sat 3:30 PM 5:15 PM Manassas
Moderator: Sara Lennox, University of Massachusets
"The Rebirth of Tragedy: Nietzsche's Play
for Noble Spirits"
Azade Seyhan, Bryn Mawr College
"Karl Kraus's The Last Days of Mankind:
Modernist Aesthetics between Tragedy and Travesty"
Paul Reitter, Ohio State University
"A Eugenic-Aesthetic Peripetie: Gottfried
Benn's Currency (1933-36)"
Kirk C. Allison, University of Minnesota
"Ironic Impediments: Overcoming Modernism"
Brett R. Wheeler, Georgetown University
Commentator: Astrid Klocke, University of California at Los Angeles
Sunday, October 7, 2001
Sessions 8:30 a.m. 10:15 a.m.
139. Nazis, War, and Jews
Sun 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon I
Moderator: Wendy Lower, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
"Jews and War: U.S. Military Attachés
in Nazi Germany"
Joseph W. Bendersky, Virginia Commonwealth University
"Abschied von der 'Chaos-Theorie': Strukturen
im Auflösungsprozeß der nationalsozialistischen Konzentrationslager"
Joachim Neander, State Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau
"Nazi Vocabulary of the East in the Reichskommissariat
Vejas Gabriel Liulevicius, University of Tennessee at Knoxville
Commentator: James Tent, University of Alabama at Birmingham
140. Social Reform and Social Science in the
Sun 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon II
Moderator: Nancy M. Wingfield, Northern Illinois University
"Common Ground: Prostitution and the Women's
Movement of the 1880s"
Anne Lopes, Audrey Cohen College
"Discourses on Work in Wilhelmine Germany,
1888-1900: From Arbeiterkaiser to Schutz der nationalen Arbeit"
Teague Mims, Columbia University
"Beyond Anti-Modernism and Pathological
Modernity: German Social Science and Japan, 1880-1914"
Erik Grimmer-Solem, University of Chicago
Commentator: Dieter K. Buse, Laurentian University
141. Polycracy and Networks of Cooperation
Sun 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon V
Moderator: Gerald D. Feldman, University of California at Berkeley
"The 'End-Phase' of Mass Production and
Flexible Barbarism: The Jägerstab and the German War Economy"
Michael Thad Allen, Georgia Tech
"The Cooperation of the SS, Police and
Government during the 'Ethnic Reconstruction' of the Occupied
Isabel Heinemann, Universität Freiburg
"From Emigration to Deportation: Co-operation
and Rivalry Between the Financial Administration and the Security
Police in the Confiscation of Jewish Assets, 1938-1943 "
Martin Dean, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Commentator: Wolfgang Siebel, University of Konstanz
142. German Universities in Transition: From
"Stronghold of National Socialism" to Postwar Reckoning
Sun 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon VI
Moderator: Reiner Pommerin, Technische Universität Dresden
"The Theological Faculty at the University
of Jena as a 'Stronghold of National Socialism'"
Susannah Heschel, Dartmouth College
"Denazification at Göttingen: A Strange
Exercise in Transition "
Robert P. Ericksen , Pacific Lutheran University
"The Nuremberg Trials and the Universities."
Hans-Joachim Dahms, Universität München
Commentator: Hartmut Lehmann, Max Planck Institut für Geschichte,
143. Neoconservatism and Nazism: Brothers,
Allies, or Enemies?
Sun 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon A
Moderator: Walter Struve, City University of New York
"Übereinstimmungen und Gegensätze
zwischen NSDAP und DNVP 1929-1933"
Manfred Weißbecker, Thüringer Forum für Bildung
und Wissenschaft, Jena
"The Ludendorff Movement during the Weimar
Steven Naftzger, City University of New York
"Carl Gustav Jung and German Neoconservatism"
Jay Sherry, Brooklyn High School for Global Studies
Commentator: Larry E. Jones, Canisius College
144. Leitkultur: Eine Diskussion aus internationaler
und kulturwissenschaftlicher
Sponsor: European Union Center of California
Sun 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon B
Moderator: Roswitha Burwick, Scripps College
"Hamburger, Döner und Hämmchen.
Essen, kulturelle Identität und Leitkultur"
Walter Pape, Universität zu Köln
"Leitkultur oder Kanaksprak? Parallellaufende
Diskurse in der deutschen Öffentlichkeit, Popkultur und Gegenwartsliteratur"
Anna Campanile, Universität zu Köln
"Radikalismus und Sensibilität pur:
Repräsentation deutsch-türkischer Grossstadtkultur seit
40 qm Deutschland"
Mine Eren, Wellesley College
Commentator: Yvonne Houy, Scripps College/Pomona College
145. Questions of German Modernity
Sun 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon C
Moderator: Patricia Mazón, State University of New York at Buffalo
"Governing the Social in Wilhelmine Germany:
Rethinking German Modernity"
Dennis Sweeney, University of Alberta
"Neither Singular nor Alternative: Modernity
and Narratives of the German Welfare State"
Young-Sun Hong, State University of New York at Stony Brook
"The Meanings of 'Reform' in Wilhelmine
Geoff Eley, University of Michigan
Commentator: Pieter M. Judson, Swarthmore College
146. Popular Culture and the Memory of Nazism
in Postwar Germany
Sun 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon H
Moderator: Volker Berghahn, Columbia University
"The World the Nazis Never Made: Alternate
History and the Memory of
Nazism in Postwar German Popular Culture."
Gavriel D. Rosenfeld, Fairfield University
"Murder and Memory at the Munich Olympics."
Noel Cary, College of the Holy Cross
"Exhibiting the Nazi Past in Berlin: A
Guided Tour"
Kristin Semmens , University of Cambridge
Commentator: Marion Deshmukh, George Mason University
147. Immigration and Citzenship: Policies and
Sun 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon J
Moderator: Sascha Mueller-Kraenner, Heinrich Böll Stiftung
"The Population Crisis Revisited: Nationhood,
Welfare Statism and Democracy in Sweden and Germany"
Lars Tragardh, Barnard College
"Rhetorics of Integration in the U. S.
and Germany: Americanization and Germanization"
Pavo Lutomski, Stanford University
"Amerikanischer Multikulturalismus und
deutsche Interkulturalität: Zur Rezeption der Migrationsliteratur
in den USA und in Deutschland"
Aglaia Blioumi, Freie Universität Berlin
Commentator: Peter O'Brien, Trinity University
148. Reexamining the Legacies of the Third
Reich: West German Debates on National Socialism during the 1960s
Sun 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon K
Moderator: Alan E. Steinweis, University of Nebraska at Lincoln
"NS---Vergangenheit in der populären
Jugendkultur der 60er Jahre"
Detlef Siegfried, Institut forTysk og Nederlandsk, Kobenhavens
"'Der Nazi-Kanzler': Kurt Georg Kiesinger
und die Auseinandersetzungen um die NS-Vergangenheit in den späten
1960er Jahren."
Philipp Gassert, Universität Heidelberg
"Violence, the Rhetorics of Fascism, and
the Radical Left: 1965-1977 West Germany."
Belinda Davis, Rutgers University
Commentator: Dagmar Herzog, Michigan State University
149. Pariah Pleasures: The Circus, the Tattoo
and the Horse in Germany Since the 1880's
Sun 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon D
Moderator: Shelley Baranowski, University of Akron
"What Women See. Gender in the Circus"
Marlene Otte: Tulane University
"The Trade of Tattooing in Germany, 1890-1933"
Jane Caplan, Bryn Mawr College
"The German-American Equine Market: Sport,
Culture, Mystique, and Money"
Susan M. Schürer, Susquehanna University
Commentator: Deborah Cohen, American University
150. The Power of Money in the Nineteenth Century
Sun 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon E
Moderator: Andreas Daum, German Historical Institute, Washington, DC
"Assignaten in Goethes Faust II: Pros
und Cons"
Gerlinde Ulm Sanford, Syracuse University
"Breaking the Bank: Risk and Chance at
the German Casino-Spas"
Everett Carter, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
"Ethnic Conflicts and Monetary Integration
in Austria-Hungary, 1867-1914"
Jürgen Nautz, Universität Kassel/Universität Wien
Commentator: Troy R. E. Paddock, Southern Connecticut State University
151. New Perspectives on Heinrich Kleist
Sun 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon F
Moderator: Todd Kontje, University of California at San Diego
"Kleist's Penthesilea: Inscribing Self-Definition
on the Female Body"
Grant P. McAllister, Wake Forest University
"Binding, Bending, Breaking: The Politics
of Caesura in Penthesilea"
Joseph D. O'Neil, Indiana University
"From Zero to Infinity in Kleist"
Michel Chaouli, Indiana University
Commentator: Jeffrey Grossman, University of Virginia
152. Beyond Human and Machine: Technology and
Literary Texts from Romanticism to Contemporary Literature
Sun 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Salon G
Moderator: Astrida Tantillo, University of Illinois at Chicago
"The Inorganic Body in Romanticism"
Heather I. Sullivan, Trinity University
"'Stimmtund stimmt nicht!' Treatments
of Technology in Expressionist Drama"
Christa Spreizer, City University of New York
"Searching for Ruins: Memory and Computer in Novels by Urs
Widmer and Martin Walser"
Aminia M. Brueggemann, Brown University
Commentator: Katharina Gerstenberger, University of Cincincinnati
153. Media of Memory: Representations of Nazism
in German Radio, Theater, and Television
Sun 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Jackson
Moderator: Heide Fehrenbach, Emory University
"New and Familiar Tunes: Radio Presentations
of the Past in Post-War Germany"
Inge Marszolek, Universität Bremen
"Korrekturen der Vergangenheitsbewältigung:
Borcherts, Heimkehrer im Radio, Theater, Kino und Fernsehen"
Ulrike Weckel, Technische Universität Berlin
"Screen Memories: The Reinvention of Nazism
and the Holocaust on West German Television"
Wulf Kansteiner, State University of New York at Binghamton
Commentator: Christhard Hoffmann, University of Bergen
154. Roundtable on Publishing Our Profession:
The State of Our Journals I
Sun 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Jefferson
Moderators: Thomas Nolden, Wellesley College
Meike Werner, Vanderbilt University
Kenneth D. Barkin, Central European History
Willi Goetschel, Germanic Review
Dagmar Lorenz, German Quarterly
Carl Niekerk, Journal of English and Germanic Philology
Cora Lee Nollendorfs, Monatshefte
Diethelm Prowe, German Studies Review
155. Imagination in the Works of Elfriede Jelinek,
Anna Mitgutsch,and Elisabeth Reichart
Sun 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Lee
Moderator: Imke Meyer, Bryn Mawr College
"Chasing Ghosts: Revisiting and Revising
the Nightmare of History in Elisabeth Reichart's Nachtmär"
Kirsten Krick-Aigner, Wofford College
"What shape history? Anna Mitgutsch's
'Haus der Kindheit'"
Nancy C. Erickson, Bemidji State University
"'Der Mythologe dagegen ist zur Metasprache
verurteilt' (Roland Barthes): Elfriede Jelinek's Sarcastic Attitude
Toward Gender and Language in Krankheit oder Moderne Frauen and
Oh Wildnis, oh Schutz vor ihr"
Marc-Oliver Schuster, University of Toronto
Commentator: Brett Wheeler, Georgetown University
156. Redefining German Security: Policy Implications
of German Military Reform for U.S.-German Security Relations
Sponsor: American Institute of Contemporary German Studies
Sun 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Madison
Moderator: Stephen Szabo, Johns Hopkins University
"American Views of Bundeswehr Reform:
Implications for the Atlantic Alliance"
Ronald Asmus, Council on Foreign Relations
"Sensible but Sustainable? An Evaluation
of the Bundeswehr Commission Reform Proposals"
Kori Schake, National Defense University
Commentator: Wallace Thies, Catholic University
157. Berlin from the Blockade to German Unity
Sponsor: Freie Universität Berlin
Sun 8:30 AM 10:15 PM Manassas
Moderator: Wedigo de Vivanco, Freie Universität Berlin
"Ernst Reuter and the Berlin Blockade
in the Context of Cold War History"
David Barclay, Kalamazoo College
"The Outgoing GDR as an Imploding State
in 1990"
Ulrich Albrecht, Freie Universität Berlin
"Der Mauerfall und der Ernstfall der deutsch-amerikanischen
Manfred Wilke, Freie Universität Berlin
Commentator: Gerhard Weinberg, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Sunday, October 7, 2001
Sessions 10:30 a.m. 12:15 p.m.
158. Changing Partners: German-American Relations
and the Second Bush Presidency
Sponsor: American Institute of Contemporary German Studies
Sun 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon I
Moderator: Jackson Janes, Johns Hopkins University
"Domestic Roots of Foreign Policy in German-American
Karen Donfried, Congressional Research Service
"The New Economic Dialogue in German-American
Steven Silvia, American University
"Clashing and Converging Societies: German-American
Relations in Transition"
Daniel Hamilton, American Institute for Contemporary German Studies
Commentator: Stephen Szabo, Johns Hopkins University
159. German Feminisms in the New Europe: Paradigm
Shifts, Challenges, and Opportunities
Sun 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon II
Moderator: Barbara Drescher, University of Minnesota
"Gender Democracy as a New Paradigm of
the Women's Movement: Watered Down or Third Wave Feminism?"
Silke Roth, University of Pennsylvania
"'Mainstreaming' Sexual Harassment/ Feminist
Politics of Mobbing and Anti-Discrimination in Germany"
Kathrina Zippel, Columbia University
"Feminist Mobilization on Abortion: Transnational
Issue, National Opportunities"
Myra Marx Ferree, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Commentator: Barbara Mennel, University of Maryland
160. Changing Historical Narratives on the
Fate of the Habsburg Monarchy in the Successor States
Sponsor: Society for Austrian and Habsburg History
Sun 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon V
Moderator: Charles W. Ingrao, Purdue University
"German Historiography on the Habsburg
Monarchy since World War II"
Peter Heumos, Collegium Carolinum Munich
"Hungary, the Habsburgs, and Europe: The
Habsburg Monarchy in Inter-war Hungarian
Intellectual Life"
Paul Hanebrink, University of Nebraska at Lincoln
"Defining the Nation Through Historiography:
Polish Historians Look at Austria During the Partitions and Beyond"
Keeley Stauter-Halsted, Michigan State University
"The Habsburg Monarchy in the Historiography
of Serb, Croats, and Bosniaks"
Robert J. Donia, University of California at San Diego
Comment: Catherine Albrecht, University of Baltimore
161. Germany in the Cold War Since the 1960s
Sun 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon A
Moderator: Raimund Lammersdorf, German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C.
"The GDR and Poland's Response to Bonn's
Douglas Selvage, Independent Scholar, Washington, D.C.
"Paying for the American Defense Guarantee?
The Vietnam War's Influence on the West German--American Offset
Negotiations in the late 1960s"
Alexandra M. Friedrich, Stiftung Landheim Schondorf
"The Question of Bundeswehr Out-of-Area
Activities, 1955-1999: From Strategic Necessity to Constitutional
Doctrine and Back"
Thomas W. Maulucci, University of Maryland/University College,
Schwabisch Gmünd
Commentator: Bernd Schäfer, German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C.
162. Austria after February 2000: From "Konsensdemokratie"
to "Konfliktdemokratie"
Sun 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon B
Moderator: Alexander Motyl, Rutgers University
"From Quadripartite Tutelage 1945-55 to
the Wise Men's Report 2000: The Perception of Austria's Stereotypic
Behavioural Patterns and its 'National Character'"
Josef Leidenfrost, Österreichischer Austauschdienst
"The Second-and-a-Half Republic of Austria:
The Dynamics of Change"
Lothar Höbelt, Universität Wien
"Modern Austria Between Consensus and
Conflict: Historians as Creators of Myths"
Emil Brix, Österreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft
Commentator: Günter Bischof, University of New Orleans
163. The PDS in Germany's Evolving Party System
Sponsor: Conference Group on German Politics
Sun 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon C
Moderator: Helga Welsh, Wake Forest University
"East German Party Elites: The PDS and
its Rivals"
Thomas Baylis, University of Wisconsin at Madison
"The PDS: Leadership Strategies, Social
Base and Electoral Dynamics"
Henry Krisch, University of Connecticut
"Small Steps, Big Challenges: PDS Local
Politics in Western Germany"
Jonathan Olsen, University of Wisconsin at Parkside
Commentator: David Patton, Connecticut College
164. German Writing in a Minor Key: The Literary
Hybridity of Hilsenrath, Zenocak, Tabori, and Özdamar
Sun 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon H
Moderator: Joanne Cho, William Paterson University
"Hybridity, Sex, Scatology and the Cultural
Jew in Edgar Hilsenrath's Bronskys Geständnis"
Peggy Reimchen, University of British Columbia
"Mule Minus Forty Million Acres: Topographies
of Geographic Disorientation and Redface Minstrels in George Tabori's
Weisman und Rotgesicht"
Lilian Friedberg, University of Illinois at Chicago
"Hybride Identitäten: Zafer Zenocaks
Romane Gefährliche Verwandtschaft und der Erottomane"
Roland Dollinger, Sarah Lawrence College
"The Moral Work(ing) of Art in Özdamar's
Das Leben ist eine Karawanserei"
Roderick M. Stewart, Austin College
Commentator: Sonja M. Hedgepeth, Middle Tennessee State University
165. Soldiers and Society: From Mercenaries
to the Citizen-Soldier in Germany, 1780-1848
Sun 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon J
Moderator: Thomas Stamm-Kuhlmann, Ernst Moritz Arndt-Universität Greifswald
"Schiller, der Herzog und der Soldatenhandel"
Otto W. Johnston, University of Florida
"With or Without the Assistance of the
People: The Archduke Carl's Theoretical and Practical Reaction
to Popular Forces in the Revolutionary Period and After, 1793-1847"
Lee W. Eysturlid, The Indiana Academy, Ball State University
"'Was bedeutet Landwehr und Landsturm'.
Overestimating Patriotism: The Prussian Citizen-Soldier in 1813"
Michael V. Leggiere, Louisiana State University at Shreveport
Commentator: Geoffrey D. W. Wawro, U. S. Naval War College
166. Krisenerfahrung in der deutschen Literatur
des 20. Jahrhunderts
Sun 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon K
Moderator: Richard J. Rundell, New Mexico State University
"The Insider as Outsider: Thomas Mann
in Germany, 1945-1950"
Mark W. Clark, University of Virginia's College at Wise
"Krisenerfahrung: der Fall Dieter Wellershoff"
Keith Bullivant, University of Florida
"Krisenerfahrung am Beispiel von zwei
Autoren aus der DDR nach dem Ende der DDR"
Bernhard Spies, Universität Mainz
"Jelineks Haider. Zur Krise der literarischen
Jay Rosselini, Purdue University
Commentator: Michael E. Geisler, Middlebury College
167. Women, Literature, and Politics
Sun 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon D
Moderator: Carol Anne Costabile-Heming, Southwest Missouri State University
"The Perils of Politics: the Case of Daniela
David Coury, University of Wisconsin at Green Bay
"Reconfiguring the Past. Women's Memories
of War: Bachmann's Der Fall
Franza and Rosenbaum's Peppermint Frieden"
Susanne Baackmann, University of New Mexico
"Artistic Intervention into Politics;
Elfriede Jelinek's Political Essays and Her Play Das Lebewohl"
Britta Kallin, Georgia Institute of Technology
"Schweizerinnen schreiben die Schweiz:
Manifestations of an Emerging Political Agenda in the Fiction
of Gertrud Leutenegger, Margrit Schriber and Laure Wyss"
Richard R. Ruppel, University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point
Commentator: Kerstin Gaddy, Catholic University
168. Post-war Women Authors Explore the Place
of the Individual in History
Sun 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon E
Commentator: Beth Moore, State University of New York at Binghamton
"Feminism and Politics in Ilse Langner's
Mythological Plays"
Lynne M. Kutch, Rugers University
"Searching for Missing Pieces Around Us:
Christa Wolf's Nachdenken über Christa T. and Ingeborg Drewitz's
Wer verteidigt Katrin Lambert?"
Michelle Mattson, Iowa State University
"'Meine Geschichte und die große
Geschiche': Individuelle Lebensgeschichte und politische Zeitgeschichte:
Ingeborg Bachmann aus postkolonialer Sicht"
Monika Albrecht, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
"'Und wenn es doch wahr ist . . . ' The
Radicalization of History in the 1960s: The Case of Ulrike Meinhof"
Bettina Becker, University of North Texas
Commentator: Helga Kraft, University of Illinois at Chicago
169. Cultural Memory and Historical Representation
in Early Nineteenth-Century Germany
Sun 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon F
Moderator: Arne Koch, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"In Defense of Hellas: K. O. Müller
and the Orientalization of German Nationhood, 1806-30"
Kveta E. Benes, University of Washington
"Der letzte Ritter: Goethe's Goetz von
Yasser Derwiche, Stanford University
"The Middle Ages and the Orient in German
Romantic Literature"
Todd Kontje, University of California at San Diego
Commentator: Brent Peterson, Ripon College
170. Dietrich Bonhoeffer: New Perspectives
Sun 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon G
Moderator: Robert Ericksen, Pacific Lutheran University
"Dietrich Bonhoeffers Rolle in der protestantischen
Kirche vor Beginn des Zweiten Weltkrieges"
Gerhard Besier, Universität Heidelberg
"Bonhoeffer and the Wartime Response of
International Church Leaders to Nazism"
Victoria Barnet, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
"Bonhoeffer's Ethics and the Two Kingdoms
Clifford Green, Hartford Seminary
Comentator: Peter Hoffmann, McGill University
171. SS Principals and the Evolution of the
SS Imperium
Sun 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Jackson
Moderator: Ronald Smelser, University of Utah
"Heroic Imagery in the Literature of the
Third Reich: Kurt Eggers and the SS Ideal"
Jay W. Baird, Miami University of Ohio
"Creating Conditions for a Final Solution?
Reinhard Heydrich in 1940"
Charles W. Sydnor, Commonwealth Public Broadcasting (Richmond,
"Odilo Globocnik, Nazi Eastern Policy,
and the Implementation of the Final Solution"
Peter Black, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
"Broker for the Unthinkable: Friedrich-Wilhelm
Kruger, SS Genocide, and the Consequences of
Treue und Schwierigkeit"
Larry V. Thompson, United States Naval Academy
Commentator: George C. Browder, State University of New York at Fredonia
172. Roundtable on Publishing Our Profession:
The State of Our Journals II
Sun 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Jefferson
Moderators: Meike Werner, Vanderbilt University
Thomas Nolden, Wellesley College
David Bathrick, New German Critique
Theodore Fiedler, Colloquia Germanica
Patricia Herminghouse, Women in German Yearbook
Andrei Markovits, German Politics and Society
Jeff Mellor, Unterrichtspraxis
173. The Legacy of Thomas Bernhard
Sun 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Lee
Moderator: Matthias Konzett, Yale University
"The Stranger Inside the Word: From Thomas
Bernhard's Plays to the Anatomical Theater of Elfriede Jelinek"
Gitta Honegger, Catholic University of America
"Deluge Fragments: The Theater of Thomas
Bernhard's Prose"
Mark M. Anderson, Columbia University
"Thomas Bernhard's Strange Attractors"
Willy Riemer, University of Delaware
"Dissenter, Critic, and Accomplice. Thomas
Bernhard as a Participant in the Construction of Contemporary
Austrian Culture"
Dagmar C. G. Lorenz, University of Illinois at Chicago
Commentator: Heidi M. Schlipphacke, Old Dominion University
174. The Critique of a Form/Category: "Testimony"
and "Memory" in German Studies
Sun 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Madison
Moderator: Hans-Bernd Moeller, University of Texas at Austin
"Making the Best of What you Have"
Andrew Stuart Bergerson, University of Missouri at Kansas City
"The Social Construction of the Self:
Two Autobiographies of German Childhood"
Janet Swaffar, University of Texas at Austin
"Delinquents at the Bench History: Outlaw
memories of German Underdevelopment"
Benjamin Robinson, Ohio State University
"Expulsion and Expropriation: Vergangheitsbewältigung
in Ilse Tielsch's Erinnerung mit Bäumen"
Valentine Glajar, Ohio State University
Commentator: Eva Kuttenberg, University of Dallas
175. Aesthetics and Politics in Eighteenth
Century Literature and Culture
Sun 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Manassas
Moderator: Jonathan Hess, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"The Goethe Society in Weimar during the
Erhard Bahr, University of California at Los Angeles
"Wie realistisch ist ästhetisches
Denken? Zu den Entstehungsbedingungen von Schillers ästhetischer
Franz Futterknecht, University of Florida
"'Hüte dich vor dem Spielmann:' The
Male Muses of Romanticism"
Martha Helfer, University of Utah
Commentator: Nicholas Vazsonyi, University of South Carolina
176. Relationships and Social Crisis
Sun 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Salon VI
Moderator: Brigitte Peucker, Yale University
"Love and Community after the War: The
Literary Responses of D. H. Lawrence and Thomas Mann to World
War I"
Karin L. Crawford, Stanford University
"Liebesfluchten and Paradiesträume:
German-Jewish Love Affairs in Contemporary German Literature"
Caroline Schaumann, Middlebury College
"Love in the Shadow of the Holocaust:
Bernhard Schlink's Der Vorleser"
Mark E. Cory, University of Arkansas
"The Beautiful Losers of '67 or How to
fail and still come out as the winner Uwe Timm's Heisser
Volker Langbehn, Iowa State University
Commentator: Peter Arnds, Kansas State University
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