Call for Papers

Twenty-Fifth Annual Conference

German Studies Association

The Twenty-Fifth Annual Conference of the German Studies Association will be held in Greater Washington DC from Thursday evening, October 4, through Sunday noon, October 7, 2000 at the Crystal Gateway Marriott Hotel, located at 1700 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, Virginia 22202. The Conference Program will be available on this web site during June (or earlier) 2001, and will be published in hard copy in August, when it will be mailed to participants and members of the German Studies Association.

Individuals who wish to present at the Conference must submit a proposal to the appropriate member of the Program Committee no later than February 15, 2001. It is important to indicate in the proposal whether audiovisual equipment is requested, because no audiovisual requests after the proposal is submitted will be considered. Owing to the high cost of rental of audiovisual equipment, individuals are informed that not all requests will be honored and that they should be prepared to present in case their request is denied. All audiovisual equipment use must be explained and justified because of the cost factor involved.

The GSA Conference has no unified theme because of the large number of sessions, nor can the Association permit a disproportionate number of sessions to address a single theme to the exclusion of others. The selection process requires not only an examination of the quality of the proposals, but also a determination of balance among many factors.

Non-North American participation is welcomed. The Association has no external funds to support travel for non-North American participants. However, GSA has limited funds of its own, provided by the voluntary donations of members and other contributors. If a participant is rejected by other sources, the GSA Executive Director should be informed, so that it can be determined if GSA can provide travel assistance. These funds are not available to students.

Application for participation in the conference should be made to the Session Coordinator on the Program Committee appropriate for the theme.

The members of the Program Committee for the Conference are listed below. Program proposals are due to the appropriate Session Coordinator no later than February 15, 2001. Proposals must be complete, and are required to conform to the regulations and specifications of the German Studies Association.

It is necessary to be a member of the German Studies Association in order to present a paper or to serve as moderator, commentator, or member of a round table discussion at the Conference. A membership form is available on this web site.

Program regulations and specifications are also available on this web site. They are periodically updated, and the latest update governs all proposals. A Proposal Form is also available on this web site.

It is necessary to read the Program Proposal Guidelines before filling out the proposal form. Please read the Guidelines carefully. This is critical to having a proposal accepted.


The Program Committee for 2001

Program Director:
Francis Nicosia
Department of History
St. Michael's College
Colchester, VT 05439
Tel 802-654-2249


Session Coordinators:

20th Century History:
Eric Kohler
History Department
University of Wyoming
Laramie, WY 82017
Tel 307-766-6348

20th Century Literature:
Dagmar C. G. Lorenz
Department of German (MC 189)
The University of Illinois at Chicago
1500 University Hall
601 South Morgan Morgan Street
Chicago, IL 60607-7115
Tel 312-413-2376

Political Science:
Arthur Gunlicks
Department of Political Science
University of Richmond
Richmond, VA 23173
Tel 804-289-8532

19th century history and literature:
David E. Barclay
Department of History
Center for Western European Studies
Kalamazoo College
1200 Academy Street
Kalamazoo, MI 49006-3295
Tel 616-337-7056


18th century and earlier history and literature:
Karin Wurst
Department of Linguistics, Germanic, Slavic,
African, Asian Languages
A 644 Wells Hall
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824-1027
Tel: 517-353-7870