Friday, October 6, 2000
Sessions 8:30 AM 10:15 AM
1. On Being Different in Post War Austria: Peter Henisch's
New Novel Schwarzer Peter
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Grand Ballroom A
Moderator: Günter Bischof, University of New Orleans
"Facts and Fiction: Schwarzer Peter Recherchen zum
Eva Schobel, University of Vienna
"Schwarzer Peter A Literary Perspective"
Jennifer E. Michaels, Grinnell College
"Schwarzer Peter A Historical Perspective: Henisch
and the Postwar Austrian Occupation"
Ingrid Bauer, University of Salzburg
Commentator: Peter Henisch, Vienna
2. Hitler's Pope? Image, Imagination, and Pope Pius XII
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Grand Ballroom B
Moderator: Michael Marrus, University of Toronto
"Cornwell and Pius XII: What the Author got Right"
Richard L. Rubenstein, Bridgeport College
"Sicilian Vespers Revisited"
Michael Phayer, Marquette University
"Reflections on Pius XII and the Third Reich"
Hannah Decker, University of Houston
Commentator: Francis R. Nicosia, Saint Michael's College
3. Re-membering the Past: German-Jewish Memory of the Shoah
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Grand Ballroom C
Moderator: Leslie Adelson, Cornell University
"Before the Memory Industry: The Final Solution in German
Consciousness, 1960-1975"
Y. Michael Bodemann, University of Toronto
"Voices and Masks, or, Post-Holocaust Authorship in Goes,
Johnson, and Walser"
Julia Hell, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
"Surfeits of Memory: Popular Cinema and the Revision of
the German-Jewish Past"
Lutz Koepnick, Washington University
Commentator: Stephan Braese, Universität Bremen
4. Sound Politics: The Use and Abuse of German Music at Home
and Abroad, 1870-1945
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Grand Ballroom F
Moderator: Celia Applegate, University of Rochester
"Shadows of the Modern in the Music of Gustav Mahler"
Jonathan Koehler, University of Rochester
"Music and Modernity in German-American Relations, 1870-1920"
Jessica C.E. Gienow-Hecht, Harvard University/ Martin-Luther-Universität
"Symphonic Aspirations, Operatic Redemption: Mathis der
Maler and Palestrina in the Third Reich"
Karen Painter, Harvard University
Commentator: Celia Applegate, University of Rochester
5. Fe/Male Perversions: Castration, Masochism, Homoeroticism,
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Grand Ballroom G
Moderator: Karin Bauer, McGill University
"Ich wollte etwas anderes sagen, aber es ist ohne Bedeutung:
(Fehl) Kommunikationen zwischen weiblichen Figuren in Ingeborg
Bachmanns Erzählung Das Gebell"
Imke Myer, Bryn Mawr College
"The Dialectics of 'Erkenntnis': Aesthetic and Sexual
Desire in Leopole von Andrian's Der Garten der Erkenntnis"
Heidi Schlipphacke, University of Illinois at Chicago
"Die Liebe zu den Kindern ist immer eine unglückliche:
Paternity and the Crisis of
Language in Turn-of-the Century Vienna"
Silke-Maria Weineck, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
Commentator: Andrea Gogröf-Voorhees, Western Washington University
6. Zwischenbilanz der Deutschen Politik in der Mitte der Legislaturperiode
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Grand Ballroom H
Sponsor: Hanns-Seidel Foundation, München
Moderator: Gerhard Hirscher, Hanns-Seidel Foundation
"Perspektiven deutscher Politik im 21. Jahrhundert"
Arnulf Baring, Freie Universität Berlin
"Die kommende demographische Entwicklung Deutschlands"
Tilman Mayer, Universität München
"Reformperspektiven des deutschen Föderalismus"
Ursula Männle, Staatsministerin a.D., München
"Handlungsspielräume deutscher Politik im Zeitalter
der europäischen Einigung"
Roland Sturm, Universität Erlangen
Commentator: Clay Clements, College of William and Mary
7. The Vicissitudes of Memory: Reconfigurations of Memory and
Trauma in the Post-Holocaust Era
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Briarpark 1
Moderator: Leslie Morris, University of Minnesota
"Disciplining Traumatic History: On Goldhagen's Impropriety"
Karyn Ball, University of Minnesota
"Reconfiguring the Witness. Marianne Rosenbaum's Peppermint
Susanne Baackmann, University of New Mexico
"Creating Address: German-Jewish Survivor Testimonies
and the Problems of Memory and Representation 55 Years Later"
Pascale R. Bos, University of Texas at Austin
Commentator: Leslie Morris, University of Minnesota
8. The Protestant Churches and the Cold War, 1945-1990
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Briarpark 2
Moderator: Derek Davis, Baylor University
"The World Council of Churches, the German Churches, and
the Cold War"
Armin Boyens, Bonn
"American Protestantism and the German Churches During
the Cold War"
Gerhard Besier, Universität Heidelberg
"The Christian Peace Conference and the World Council
of Churches"
Gerhard Lindemann, Universität Heidelberg
Commentator: Robert Ericksen, Pacific Lutheran University
9. Constructing Identity: Cold War Policies and the Promotion
of Community in German-American Relations, 1950-1970
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Briarpark 3
Sponsor: German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C.
Moderator: Thomas A. Schwartz, Vanderbilt University
"Das Abendland, Anti-Materialism, and Ideological Community:
The Federal Republic and the United States"
Maria D. Mitchell, Franklin & Marshall College
" 'To Rally to the Defense:' Berlin's Freedom Bell, the
Crusade for Freedom, and the Formation of Cold War Community,
Andreas Daum, German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C.
"A Test Case for the 'Free World:' Amerikanische Vietnam-Informationspolitik
in Deutschland"
Wilfried Mausbach, German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C.
Commentator: Thomas A. Schwartz, Vanderbilt University
10. U.S. Military Service in Post-World War II Germany: Seedbed
of Scholarship, 1945-1970
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Westchase 1
Moderator: Robert Whealey, Ohio University
"What I Observed, 1945-1947"
Edward N. Peterson, University of Wisconsin at River Falls
"U.S. Army Service in Germany, 1957-1959: A Passion for
German History and Culture"
Gary Shellman, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee
"Observations of a Soldier-Scholar in the 1960s"
Donald B. Saunders, Appalachian State University
Commentator: Jonathan Steinberg, University of Pennsylvania
11. Educational Reform in Post-World War II Germany
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Westchase 2
Moderator: James Albisetti, University of Kentucky
"Constructing the Model Socialist Professor: The Greifswald
Kristian Blaich, Agnes Scott College
"Scholarly Silences: The Marburger Hochschulgespräche
and West German University Reform"
Craig K. Pepin, Western Carolina University
"A Revolution that Failed to Begin: Writing Reforms and
other Educational Policies in the Soviet Occupation Zone, 1945-1949"
Benita Blessing, Universität Mainz
Commentator: John G. Rodden, University of Texas at Austin
12. Broch, Canetti, and Celan: Ethics, Form and Topographical
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Westchase 3
Moderator: Meike G. Werner, Vanderbilt University
"Ethics and the Novel of Form"
Stephen D. Dowden, Brandeis University
"Sprache und Rettung in Elias Canettis autobiographischem
Vladimir Sabourin, Saint Kyrill and Method University, Sofia,
"Language Tracks: Paul Celan and Berlin's Anhalter Bahnhof"
Todd Samuel Zalek Presner, Stanford University
Commentator: Hinrich C. Seeba, University of California at Berkeley
13. Cultural Capital and a 'Capital of Culture': Exhibiting
German Art
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Westchase 4
Moderator: Mark W. Rectanus, Iowa State University
"Notes on the Reclamation of an Avant-garde Tradition
in Postwar German Art"
Dennis Raverty, Iowa State University
"Contesting Art in Weimar: An art Exhibit in the 1999
European Cultural Capital"
Barbara Wolbert, University of Texas at Austin
"The Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg and Volkswagen: Exhibition
and Cultural Politics"
Mark W. Rectanus, Iowa State University
Commentator: H. Glenn Penny, Harvard University
14. The Transformation of the German Welfare State?
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Richmond 1
Moderator: Angelika von Wahl, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Globalization and the Social Transfer State"
Martin Seeleib-Kaiser, Duke University
"From a Wage Earner-centered to a Family-oriented Welfare
Peter Bleses, Universität Leipzig
"German Welfare Capitalism and the Alliance for Jobs-Concertation
without Consent"
Sven Jochem/Nico Siegel, Universität Bremen
"Activating and Enabling Social Policy: A New Normative
Holger Backhaus-Maul, Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Commentator: Roland Czada, Fernuniversität Hagen
15. Nationalists Against the State: The Political Culture of
the Radical Right in Weimar Germany
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Richmond 2
Moderator: Konrad H. Jarausch, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Radicalizing Bismarck: The Iron Chancellor as Counterrevolutionary
Icon and the Struggle Against the Weimar Republic"
Richard Frankel, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Die deutsche Gegenrevolution 1918-1923"
Martin Sabrow, Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, Potsdam
"Putschism in Weimar's 'Golden Years': Heinrich Class,
Extremist Politics, and State Authority in Prussia and the Reich,
Barry Jackisch, State University of New York at Buffalo
Commentator: Ernst Piper, Berlin
16. Rethinking Civil Society
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Richmond 3
Moderator: Jonathan Sperber, University of Missouri at Columbia
"Civil Society and Popular Political Culture in the Rhineland,
James Brophy, University of Delaware
"Civil Society, Republicanism and Crime in Eighteenth-Century
Mary Lindemann, Carnegie Mellon University
"Bourgeois Society and the Insane Asylum in the Nineteenth
Ann Goldberg, University of California at Riverside
Commentator: Friedrich Lenger, Justus-Liebig-Universität, Giessen
17. Grenzmarken: Negotiating National Identity on the Borders
of Germanness
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Executive Boardroom
Moderator: Lorie A. Vanchena, University of Redlands
"Threads Intertwined: German National Egoism and Liberalism
in the Austrian Consciousness of Adolf Fischhof, 1848-1888"
Ian Reifowitz, Long Island University-Brooklyn
"A Polish Mitteleuropa? Upper Silesia's Conciliationists'
and the Prospect of German Victory, 1915-1918"
James E. Bjork, Georgetown University, Center for German and European
"On the Borders of the Nation: Jews and the German-Polish
National Conflict in Poznania, 1886-1914"
Elizabeth A. Drummond, Georgetown University
"Betwixt and Between: Exploring Alsatianness, 1870-1914"
Wendy Leigh Norris, University of Chicago
Commentator: Nancy M. Wingfield, Northern Illinois University
18. Goethe and the Ego I
Fri 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Diplomat Boardroom
Sponsor: Goethe Society of North America
Moderator: Fritz Breithaupt, Indiana University
"Other Relations: The Pre-History of the I in Rousseau
and Moritz"
Anthony Krupp, Johns Hopkins University
"Pressing Matters: Moritz's Models of the Self in Das
Magazin zur Erfahrungsseelenkunde"
Elliott Schreiber, Indiana University
"Goethe's Ego and the Subject of Poetry"
Volker Kaiser, University of Virginia
" 'Der Helden Söhne werden Taugenichtse': Goethe's
Children and the Fear of Fatherhood"
Karin Schutjer, University of Oklahoma
Commentator: Jonathan M. Hess, University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill
Friday, October 6, 2000
Sessions 10:30 AM 12:15 PM
19. Keep Them Apart? Treatment of German and 'Austrian' POWs
in American and Soviet Camps during and after World War II
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Grand Ballroom A
Moderator: Günter Bischof, University of New Orleans
"Rediscovering Austria: 'Austrian' POWs in America, 1942-1946"
Robert D. Billinger, Wingate University
" 'Ostmärker' oder Österreicher? Nationale Differenzierung
zwischen Deutschen und Österreichern in sowjetischer Gewahrsam
während des Zweiten Weltkriegs"
Rüdiger Overmans, Universität Freiburg
"Islands of Faith: Culture and Ideology in German POW
Camps in the United States, 1943-1946"
Rafael A. Zagovec, Universität Heidelberg
Commentator: Arnold Krammer, Texas A & M University
20. The Cold War and the Nazi Past: New Perspectives
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Grand Ballroom B
Moderator: Agnes F. Peterson, Hoover Institution
"Vergangenheitsverwendung: How German Soldiers Remembered
(and Used) the Second World War"
Jay Lockenour, Temple University
"Death in Spandau: Cold War Diplomacy and the Representation
of the Nazi Past"
Norman J.W. Goda, Ohio University
"Rubble as Cold War Metaphor for German Historical Memory:
Berlin's Friedrichshain and Teufelsberg"
Michael Hayse, The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
Commentator: Robert E. Herzstein, University of South Carolina
21. The Return of the Repressed: The Failure of "Vergangenheitsbewältigung?"
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Grand Ballroom C
Moderator: Mariatte C. Denman, Duke University
"Bernard Schlinck's Der Vorleser: Coming to Terms with
the Holocaust?"
Sabine Smith, Kennesaw State University
"Franz Schroenghamer--The Honorable?"
Anna Rosmus, Freelance Writer/ Subject of Film "The Nasty
"Telling of Great Disasters: The Gory Fairy Tale and the
Peter Arnds, Kansas State University
Commentator: Amir Eshel, Stanford University
22. Early Modern German Prose
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Grand Ballroom F
Moderator: Thomas Nolden, Wellesley College
"The Poetics of Masquerade: Clothing and the Construction
of Identity in Grimmelshausen's Simplicissimus"
Peter Hess, University of Texas at Austin
"Novels and Other French Vices: The Reception of French
Nouvelles in German Lands"
Bethany Wiggin, University of Minnesota
"Private Letters-Public Crucification: Friedrich Heinrich
Jacobi/ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe"
Monika Nenon, University of Memphis
Commentator: Christopher Wild, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
23. Writing Reunification: Responses from the East
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Grand Ballroom G
Moderator: Keith Bullivant, University of Florida
"Thomas Rosenlöcher's Harzreise im Sommer"
Karl-Heinz Schoeps, University of Illinois at Urbana
" 'Hoppla Humor ist nicht mehr eingeplant!': East German
Satirical Responses to Reunification"
Jill Ellen Twark, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Commentator: Marc Silberman, University of Wisconsin at Madison
24. Imagining Mass Tourism: Leisure Travel and Political Mobilization
in Inter-war Germany
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Grand Ballroom H
Moderator: Alon Confino, University of Virginia
"Germans at the Wheel: Cars and Travel between the Wars"
Rudy Koshar, University of Wisconsin at Madison
"Between Fordism and Proletarian Milieu: Nazism, Tourism,
and the Problem of Mass Desires"
Shelley Baranowski, University of Akron
"Mass Tourism, Fordism, and the Third Reich"
Hasso Spode, Freie Universität Berlin
Commentator: Celia Applegate, University of Rochester
25. Fascism and Paramilitarism: New Perspectives on the SA
of the NSDAP
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Briarpark 1
Moderator: Gerald D. Feldman, University of California at Berkeley
" 'Not Stennes, nor Hitler, Scheringer Shows You the Way!'
Working Class Stormtroopers and the KPD"
Tim Brown, University of California at Berkeley
"Squadristi and Stormtroopers: Political Violence and
the Rise of the Fascist Movements in Italy and Germany"
Sven Reichardt, Freie Universität Berlin
"Faust als Funker: The SA, Radio and Technological Modernity"
Bruce Campbell, College of William and Mary
Commentator: Dirk Schumann, Emory University
26. Germans and Slavs Face to Face: Forced Labor in the Third
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Briarpark 2
Moderator: Doris L. Bergen, University of Notre Dame
"Foreign Workers and their Marginal Existence: The Fate
of Polish Forced Laborers in Munich's War Economy, 1939-1945"
Andreas Heusler, Stadtarchiv München
"'Enemy Aliens' at Close Quarters: Germans, Slavs, and
the Burden of Work in Rural Württemberg in Second World War"
Jill Stephenson, University of Edinburgh
"Nazi Racial Policy in the Home and on the Farm"
John J. Delaney, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Commentator: Alf Lüdtke, Max-Planck-Institut, Göttingen
27. The Structural Transformation of East and West German Public
Spheres between 1957 and 1969: The Example of Youth Culture
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Briarpark 3
Moderator: Axel Schildt, Universität Hamburg
"Konkurrierende Konzepte von 'Öffentlichkeit' in
der Bundesrepublik der 60er Jahre"
Christina von Hodenberg, Universität Freiburg
"Die Politisierung des Privaten in der populären
Jugendkultur der Bundesrepublik"
Detlef Siegfried, University of Copenhagen
"Marching or Loitering: The Street as Battleground between
the Official Youth Organisation and Informal Youth Groups in East
Germany's 1960s"
Dorothee Wierling, University of Michigan
Commentator: Uta Poiger, University of Washington at Seattle
28. U.S. Military Service in Post-World War II Germany: Seedbed
of Scholarship, 1970-1990
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Westchase 1
Moderator: Douglas C. Peifer, Air Command and Staff College, Maxwell AFB
"Reflections of a Soldier-Scholar"
Dewey A. Browder, Austin Peay State University
"A Different Perspective: From Sword to Syllabi"
Robert S. Rush, Ohio State University
"A Family Member's Perspective"
Anni Baker, Wheaton College
Commentator: William R. Mauter, Quincy University
29. Rehearsing the Past--Practicing the Future: Post-Unification
Strategies in Politics, Literature and Lived Experience
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Westchase 2
Moderator: Rita Chin, Oberlin College
"Memory Minefield: The Quest for the Past Golden Age in
Contemporary German Political Rhetoric"
Matthew Levinger, Lewis & Clark College
"'Ein Stück erbeutetes Leben': Monika Maron's Autobiographical
Erika Berroth, Lewis & Clark College
"A Second Life for East German Women"
Dinah Dodds, Lewis & Clark College
"The Omnipotence and Impotence of the Stasi in Thomas
Brussig's Helden wie wir and Brigtte Burmeister's Unter dem Namen
Kerstin T. Gaddy, The Catholic University of America
Commentator: David Goury, University of Wisconsin at Green Bay
30. Sex, Death, and Decadence in Fin-de-Siècle Vienna
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Westchase 3
Moderator: Susanne Baackmann, University of New Mexico
" 'Eine kleine Welt': Riegl Expressionism, and The Recovery
of Painting"
Kimberly Smith, Southwestern University
"Reshuffling the Deck: Gender Discourse in Militant Modernism"
Douglas Brent McBride, Indiana University
"Die Dialektik der sexuellen Aufklärung: Illustrierte
Sittengeschichte der deutschen Moderne"
Frederick A. Lubich, Old Dominion University
Commentator: Katherine Arens, University of Texas at Austin
31. The Legacy of Expressionism
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Westchase 4
Moderator: Jutta Arend, College of the Holy Cross
"Beyond Expressionism: Hans Henny Jahnn's Aesthetics of
Erk Grimm, Barnard College
"A Rediscovered Legacy: Second Generation Expressionist
Poets after 1945"
Francis Michael Sharp, University of the Pacific
"Oskar Loerke als Vorbild Karl Krolows"
Neil H. Donahue, Hofstra University
Commentator: Carol Anne Costabile-Heming, Southwest Missouri State University
32. Marginalized Masculinities: Jewish and Homosexual Constructions
of Manhood in Twentieth-Century German Culture
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Richmond 1
Moderator: Atina Grossmann, Cooper Union College
"From Max Nordau's Muskeljude to Dana International, Transsexual
Diva: Jewish and Homosexual (De)Constructions of Jewish Masculinities"
Jeffery Peck, York University/University of Montreal
"Re-fashioning the German-Jewish Male: Military Masculinity
in the Jewish Community of the Weimar Republic"
Gregory A. Caplan, Georgetown University
"Masculinity and Homosexuality and the Early Federal Republic"
Clayton J. Whisnant, University of Texas at Austin
Commentator: Dagmar Herzog, Michigan State University
33. A Forest of Signs: Dreamer, Player, and Flaneur in Arthur
Schnitzler's Works
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Richmond 2
Moderator: Felix W. Tweraser, Idaho State University
"Splendor and Misery in Arthur Schnitzler's Viennese City
Eva-Marie Kuttenberg, University of Dallas
"The Final Sign: Dreamer and Flaneur Meet Death in Traumnovelle
and Eyes Wide Shut"
Julie M. Johnson, Utah State University
"Marionette or Puppenspieler: Arthur Schnitzler's Pierrot"
G.V. Weinberger, Central Connecticut State University
Commentator: Susan Anderson, University of Oregon
34. The New Government Coalition in Austria
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Richmond 3
Moderator: Francis R. Nicosia, Saint Michael's College
"The Austrian Political Parties and the Nazi Past"
Hans Safrian, Historikerkommission der Republik Österreich
"Der Erfolg der FPÖ: ein 'Modernisierungsprozess'
auf österreichisch"
Walter Manoschek, Universität Wien
"Austria and the EU Sanctions"
Michael Gehler, Universität Innsbruck
Commentator: Kurt Tweraser, University of Arkansas at Fayetteville
35. Agrarian Enclosure in Germany: New Research Perspectives
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Executive Boardroom
Moderator: David M. Luebke, University of Oregon
"What Factors Are Responsible for the Long Duration of
the Reform Process in Germany?"
Stefan Brakensiek, Universität Bielefeld
"Enclosure during German Industrialization"
Karl H. Schneider, Universität Hannover
"Government and/or Commercial Influences on Enclosures"
Hartmut Zückert, Universität Potsdam
Commentator: Marion W. Gray, Kansas State University
36. Goethe and the Ego II
Fri 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Diplomat Boardroom
Sponsor: Goethe Society of North America
Moderator: Volker Kaiser, University of Virginia
"Weislingen: Goethe's Politics of the Ego"
Horst Lange, University of Nevada-Reno
"The Wounded Subject in Goethe's Classical Dramas"
Clark S. Muenzer, University of Pittsburgh
"Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre: Recreating the Subject and
the Novel"
Ingrid Rieger, University of Virginia
" 'Lebenskunst': Das sich selbst schreibende Ich in Novalis'
Gespräch mit Goethe"
Marion Schmaus, Universität Tübingen
Commentator: Martha B. Helfer, University of Utah
12:30 PM 2:00 PM
Andrei S. Markovits
University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
"The European and the German Left: Evolution and Transformation"
Friday, October 6, 2000
Sessions 2:00 PM 4:30 PM
37. Verfolgung und Ausbeutung nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Grand Ballroom A
Sponsor: Hannah-Arendt-Institut für Totalitarismusforschung
an der TU-Dresden
Moderator: Erich Pohl, Universität Heidelberg
"Deportierte Deutsche in die Sowjetunion 1945-1949"
Günther Wagenlehner, Institut für Archivauswertung,
"Verfolgung in der Sowjetischen Besatzungszone 1945-1949"
Ute Schmidt, HAIT der TU-Dresden
"Arbeitseinsatz der Kriegsgefangenen in der Sowjetunion
Andreas Hilger, HAIT der TU-Dresden
Commentator: Armin Mruck, Towson University
38. Business as Usual? Conceptions of German-American Economic
Relations under Hitler
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Grand Ballroom B
Sponsor: German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C.
Moderator: Christof Mauch, German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C.
"Coca-Colonization in the Third Reich? The Americanization
of Germany and the Germanization of Coca-Cola"
Jeff R. Schutts, Georgetown University
"Keine rein geschäftliche Angelegenheit: Zur Diskussion
um die amerikanischen Investitionen im Dritten Reich"
Philipp Gassert, Universität Heidelberg
"The Morgenthau Plan Reconsidered: On the Limitations
of American Prescriptions for German Economic Disarmament"
Regina U. Gramer, Temple University
Commentator: Mary Nolan, New York University
39. Contemporary German Cinema
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Grand Ballroom C
Moderator: Heidi Schlipphacke, University of Illinois at Chicago
"Germany's New Ghetto Aesthetics"
Barbara Mennel, University of Maryland at Baltimore
"Running Out of Time: Desire in Lola rennt"
Ingeborg Majer O'Sickey, State University of New York at Binghamton
"Genre and Nation: The 'Road Movie' in Recent German Cinema"
Mary Wauchope, San Diego State University
Commentator: Nora M. Alter, University of Florida
40. From Germanics to German Studies--The Evolution of a Discipline:
IV. Cultural Contexts
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Grand Ballroom F
Moderator: Gerhard H. Weiss, University of Minnesota
"The Spanish Are Coming (1901)"
Brent Peterson, Ripon College
"Cultural Exchange: The Historical Context of German Kulturpolitik
and German Studies in the US"
Hinrich Seeba, University of California at Berkeley
"The Constituencies of Academics and the Priorities of
Jeffrey L. Sammons, Yale University
"Three Decades--and What a Difference They've Made"
Sara Friedrichsmeyer, University of Cincinnati
Commentator: Patricia Herminghouse, University of Rochester
41. Occupation and Military Justice: A Comparative Perspective
on German and American Military Policies in Two World Wars
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Grand Ballroom G
Moderator: Robert Gellately, Clark University
"Culture on the Eastern Front: German Occupation Policies
in World War I"
Vejas G. Liulevicius, University of Tennessee
"The Court-Martialling of German and U.S. Deserters in
World War II: The German 18th Army and the U.S. Third Infantry
Steven Welch, University of Melbourne
"The Persecution of Homosexuals in the Nazi and the United
States Militaries in World War II"
John C. Fout, Bard College
Commentator: Gerhard Weinberg, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
42. Roundtable on the New Government Coalition in Austria
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Grand Ballroom H
Moderator: Henry Friedlander, Brooklyn College, City University of New York
Anton Pelinka, Universität Innsbruck
Günter Bischof, University of New Orleans
Helmut Pfanner, Vanderbilt University
Bruce F. Pauley, University of Central Florida
43. Political Economy in Postwar Germany
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Briarpark 1
Moderator: Reiner Pommerin, Technische Universität Dresden
"The Origins of the Social Market Economy Revisited: The
Failure of Planning, 1945-1947"
James Van Hook, Trinity University
"Business Against Free Markets: The Opposition of the
Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie to Ludwig Erhard's Kartellgesetz,
Alfred C. Mierzejewski, Athens State University
"The Moral Economy at Home with Capitalism: Artisanal
Corporate Life in the Federal Republic"
Frederick L. McKitrick, Monmouth University
" 'Die Herren aus dem Westen': Struktur und Semantik der
Wirtschaftselite des Ruhrgebiets 1930-1970"
Stefan Unger, Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Ruhrgebietsforschung,
Commentator: Wolf Gruner, Universität Rostock
44. Whiteness and German National Identity
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Briarpark 2
Moderator: Gundolf Graml, University of Minnesota
" 'We are Germans, we are white, and we want to stay whites':
African Germans and Citizenship in the Early Twentieth Century"
Fatima El-Tayeb, Amsterdam
"The 'Black Horror' and the Women's League of the Rhineland:
Constructions of Identity of White Feminists in the Weimar Republic"
Sandra Mass, European University Institute, Florence, Italy
"Intermarriage, Class, and Whiteness in West Germany in
the 1950s and 1960s"
Elizabeth Heineman, University of Iowa
"Are the East Germans to West Germans like Blacks to Whites?"
Anke Pinkert, Macalester College
Commentator: Sara Lennox, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
45. Deutschland, Nato und der Doppelbeschluß
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Briarpark 3
Moderator: Arthur Gunlicks, University of Richmond
"Zur Semantik der Nachrüstungsdebatte"
Josef Klein, Universität Koblenz-Landau
"Die deutsch-sowjetischen Beziehungen als Rahmenbedingung
des Nato-Doppelbeschlusses"
Wolfgang Pfeiler, Universität Koblenz-Landau
"Die Nachrüstungspolitik von Helmut Kohl"
Wolfgang Bergsdorf, Universität Erfurt
"Europäische Sicherheitspolitik in den neunziger
Jahren vor neuen Herausforderungen"
Hans-Adolf Jacobsen, Universität Bonn
Commentator: Forest Grieves, University of Montana
46. The Politics of Memory in Contemporary German Culture
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Westchase 1
Moderator: Klaus Mladek, University of California at Santa Barbara
"The Grammar of Loss in Barbara Honigmann's and Hans Ulrich
Treichel's Works"
Amir Eshel, Stanford University
"The Aesthetics of Memory in Botho Strauss's Ithaka"
Mariatte C. Denman, Duke University
"Emotional Intellectualism of the 90's: Strauss-Walser-Sloterdijk"
Markus Hallensleben, University of Tokyo
"Preisreden als Wiedergutmachungen? Fritz Stern, Peter
Gay und Martin Walser"
Jay Rosellini, Purdue University
Commentator: Britta Kallin, University of Cincinnati
47. New Research on the Process of Revolution and Transformation
in the GDR 1989/90
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Westchase 2
Sponsor: Gesellschaft für Deutschlandforschung e.V.
Moderator: Manfred Wilke, Berlin
"Der Wendeprozeß in Sachsen und Sachsen-Anhalt"
Günther Heydemann, Universität Leipzig
"Der Wendeprozeß in Thüringen"
Gunther Mai, Pädagogische Hochschule Erfurt
"Der Wendeprozeß in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern"
Werner Müller, Universität Rostock
Commentator: A. James McAdams, University of Notre Dame
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Westchase 3
49. Eighteenth-Century Music and its Audiences
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Westchase 4
Moderator: Matthew Dirst, Moores School of Music,University of Houston
"Baroque Church Music Audiences in Leipzig"
Tanya Kevorkian, Millersville University
"The Rise of Musical Idealism in Late Eighteenth-Century
William Weber, California State University at Long Beach
"The Dilemma of the Popular: The Volk and the Culture
of Music in the Late Eighteenth Century"
David Gramit, University of Alberta
Commentator: Matthew Dirst, Moores School of Music, University of Houston
50. Güenter Grass: Untersuchungen zu dem Späetwerk
des Nobelpreisträgers
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Richmond 1
Moderator: Kerstin T. Gaddy, The Catholic University of America
"Ein weites Feld: als historischer Roman"
Volker Neuhaus, Universität zu Köln
"Symbiotische Beziehungen in Grass: Hundejahre und Ein
weites Feld"
M.E. Schurr, Universität zu Köln
"Das Deutschlandbild in Hundejahre und Ein weites Feld
- Zwei Seiten einer Medaille"
Sabine Moser, Universität zu Köln
"Literatur und Medien in Mein Jahrhundert"
Alexander Kerkhoffs, Universität zu Köln
Commentator: Patricia McBride, University of Minnesota
51. Evidence and the Insistence of the Visual from Early Modern
to the Modern
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Richmond 2
Moderator: Peter Hess, University of Texas at Austin
"Evidence and the Somatic/Sacramental Body of Christ:
The Mass of Saint Gregory in Late Medieval Northern Art"
Christine Goettler, University of Washington
"The Force of Gryphius's Examples"
Christopher Wild, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"The 'Improbability of the Probable': Evidence in the
Later Eighteenth Century"
Rüdiger Campe, New York University
"X-Ray Visions and Photographic Facts in Thomas Mann's
Der Zauberberg"
Eric Downing, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Commentator: James A. Parente, Jr., University of Minnesota
52. The Vagaries of Victimhood: The Bourgeoisie and Its Enemies
in Imperial Germany
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Richmond 3
Moderator: James Brophy, University of Delaware
" 'Jesuitical' Victims: The Protestant Bourgeoisie and
Its Jesuit Oppressors"
Róisín Healy, National University of Ireland, Galway
"Victimization and National Salvation in Bourgeois Anti-Anarchist
Elun T. Gabriel, University of California at Davis
"The Victimhood of the Dominant: Prostitution and Power
in Imperial Germany"
Julia Bruggemann, DePauw University
Commentator: Charles E. McClelland, University of New Mexico
53. The Fischer Factor: Continuity and Change in German Foreign
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Executive Boardroom
Moderator: David Kitterman, the Northern Arizona University
"Social Justice and Migration since Unification"
Eva Kolinsky, University of Wolverhampton, UK
" 'Nie wieder Krieg' vs. 'Nie wieder Auschwitz': Germans,
Generations and the Balkans"
Joyce Mushaben, University of Missouri-St. Louis
"The FRG In Search of a New European Security Identity"
Gale Mattox, U.S. Naval Academy
Commentator: William Paterson, University of Birmingham
54. Restitution and International Law
Fri 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Diplomat Boardroom
Sponsor: European Union Center of California
Moderator: Roswitha Burwick, Scripps College
"Making it Whole Again: The International-Law Aspects
of the Postwar"
Richard M. Buxbaum, University of California at Berkeley
"Holocaust Restitution and the Law in the United States"
Michael J. Bazyler, Whittier Law School
"Wiedergutmachung Rechtsanspruch oder moralische
Michael Witti, Attorney at Law
Commentator: Walter Pape, Universität zu Köln
Saturday, October 7, 2000
Sessions 8:30 AM 10:15 AM
55. German University Professors in the Third Reich
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Grand Ballroom A
Moderator: Jeffrey Herf, Ohio University
"The Role and Impact of German Ethnopolitical Scientists
in the Reichssicherheitshauptamt IIIB and VIG"
Michael Fahlbusch, Basel
"Deutsche 'Ostforschung' im Nationalsozialismus: Von der
Weimarer Republik zur 'Endlösung der Judenfrage' "
Ingo Haar, Freie Universität Berlin
"The Swastika in the Ivory Tower: Professors and National
Socialism at Heidelberg University"
Steven Remy, Ohio State University
Commentator: Michael Gruettner, University of California at Berkeley
56. Words and Deeds: The Packaging and Selling of National
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Grand Ballroom B
Moderator: Anna Rosmus, Freelance Author/ Subject of Film "The Nasty Girl"
" 'How to Handle a Woman': or the Socialization of German
Girls for Second-Class Status in the Pre-War Third Reich"
Nancy E. Rupprecht, Middle Tennessee State University
"German Proverbs in the Third Reich and Beyond"
Karin Doerr, Concordia University, Montreal
"The Nazification of a Small German Town: Literary Representations
in Georg Munk's Muckensturm and Ursala Hegi's Stones from the
Sonja Hedgepeth, Middle Tennessee State University
Commentator: Susan L. Pentlin, Central Missouri State University
57. New German Cinema Revisited
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Grand Ballroom C
Moderator: Mary Wachoupe, San Diego State University
"The Ideal Other? Recent Documentaries by Wim Wenders
and Ulrike Öttinger"
Assenka Oksiloff, New York University
"The Scene of Stone: Obsessive Landscapes in Werner Herzog's
Schrei aus Stein"
Bradley Prager, University of Missouri at Columbia
"Sphinx With(Out) A Secret; Representational Economy and
Power in Fassbinder's Die Ehe der Maria Braun and Die Sehnsucht
der Veronika Voss"
Evelyn Preuss, Yale University
Commentator: Willy Riemer, University of Delaware
58. From Germanics to German Studies--the Evolution of a Discipline:
III. Professors and Purveyors
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Grand Ballroom F
Moderator: Jeannine Blackwell, University of Kentucky
"The Development of the Professoriate 1880-1941"
Gisela Hoecherl-Alden, University of Pittsburgh
"Germanists in the Shadow of the Holocaust 1942-l970"
Meike G. Werner, Vanderbilt University
"Democratization of the Profession 1970 to Present"
Arlene A. Teraoka, University of Minnesota
Commentator: John A. McCarthy, Vanderbilt University
59. Vices and Pleasures under Two German Dictatorships
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Grand Ballroom G
Moderator: Leslie Morris, University of Minnesota
"Venereal Disease, Sexuality, and the Propaganda Against
Promiscuity in Two German Dictatorships"
Annette Timm, Freie Universität Berlin
"Cigarette Butts and the Building of Socialism in the
Young-sun Hong, State University of New York at Stoney Brook
"Homosexuality in East German Cinema"
Beth Moore, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Commentator: Elizabeth Heineman, University of Iowa
60. Intersections of Race and Gender in German Cultural Memory
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Grand Ballroom H
Moderator: Angelika Bammer, Emory University
"Imagination und Politik: Else Lasker-Schüler als
Viktoria Schmidt-Linsenhoff, Universität Trier
"Rasse und Geschlecht in Lasker-Schüler's Orientalischen
Herbert Ürlings, Universität Trier
"Displaced, Sacrificed, Repressed, Race and Gender in
Veit Harlan's Opfergang (1944)"
Susanne Zantop, Dartmouth College
Commentator: Leslie Adelson, Cornell University
61. Zwangsarbeit: Forced Labor in Austria's Past and Present
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Briarpark 1
Moderator: Gerhard H. Weiss, University of Minnesota
"Zwangsarbeit: Forced Labor in the Province of Salzburg
during the Nazi Regime"
Nicole Slupetzky, Universität Salzburg
"The Kaprun 'Myth': Forced Labor at the Kaprun Hydroelectric
Margit Reiter, Wiedergutmachungskommission, Austrian Verbundgesellschaft
"Forced Laborers and Jewish Refugees in the Collective
Memory of the Residents of the Village of Puch"
Helga Embacher, Universität Salzburg
Commentator: Donald L. Niewyk, Southern Methodist University
62. Colonial Visions: Theory and Practice
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Briarpark 2
Moderator: Andrea Gogröf-Voorhees, Western Washington University
"Colonialization, Domestication and the Perverse Pleasures
of Power and Emancipation in the Writings of Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche"
Karin Bauer, McGill University
"Sugar Barons and Land Surveyors: Colonial Vision(s) in
Kafka's Das Schloss"
John Zilcosky, University of Toronto
"Hermeneutics-A Colonial Enterprise?"
Carsten Strathausen, University of Missouri
"Postlagernd Floreana-Deutsche auf den Galapagos-Inseln
und die koloniale Legende"
Gabriele Eckart, South East Missouri State University
Commentator: Kamakshi P. Murti, University of Arizona
63. Old Elites in the New Germanies
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Briarpark 3
Moderator: Bernd Rusinek, Universität Düsseldorf
"No Experience Necessary? Change, Continuity, and the
Political Leadership of the CDU/CSU in the Adenauer Era"
Ronald J. Granieri, Furman University
"The Anti-Fascist Elite: Old Communists in East Germany"
Catherine Epstein, Mt. Holyoke College
" 'Zwischen Strafverfolgung und Karriere': Das Personal
der Sipo und SD-Dienststellen während der deutschen Besetzung
Frankreichs und ihre Nachkriegsbiographien"
Bernhard Brunner, Universität Freiburg
"The Personnel Policy of the West German Foreign Office,
Thomas W. Maulucci, Universität Heidelberg
Commentator: Jessica C.E. Gienow-Hecht, Harvard University/ Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenburg
64. Displaced Persons in Postwar Germany: Agency, Community,
and Self-representation
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Westchase 1
Moderator: Omer Bartov, Rutgers University
"The Munich Years: The Jewish Students of Postwar Germany"
Jeremy Varon, Rutgers University
"Another Side of Survival: Testimonies of Jewish Students
in German Universities in Postwar Germany"
Bella Brodzki, Sarah Lawrence College
"The UNRRA University of Munich as a Transnational Displaced
Persons Project"
Anna Holian, University of Chicago
Commentator: Atina Grossmann, Cooper Union
65. Early Modern Discourses on War and Peace
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Westchase 2
Moderator: Gerald L. Soliday, University of Texas at Dallas
"Discourse of Conflict and Cooperation at the Beginning
of the Thirty Year's War"
Karin J. MacHardy, University of Waterloo
"The Conservative, Neo-Stoic and Catholic Nature of Archduke
Carl's Theoretical Military Writings"
Lee W. Eysturlid, The Indiana Academy
"The End of All Things: Kant's Prophecy and the Third
Thomas Auxter, University of Florida
Commentator: Gerald L. Soliday, University of Texas at Dallas
66. Material and Immaterial Goods: A Comparative Perspective
on Consumer Culture in Twentieth Century Germany
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Westchase 3
Moderator: Rudy Koshar, University of Wisconsin at Madison
"Verbrauchslenkung, War Preparation, and Household Consumption
Patterns During the Third Reich"
Nancy Reagin, Rice University
"Rethinking West German Consumerism"
Paul Betts, University of Sussex
Commentator: Alon Confino, University of Virginia
67. Colonial Power and Inter-medial Texts
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Westchase 4
Moderator: Barbara Mennel, University of Maryland at Baltimore
"Containing the Orient in the Midst of Vienna: Colonial
Power and the Inter-medial Text"
Klaus Mueller-Richter, Universität Tübingen
"The Mimicry of Science: Hermann Praeuscher's Menschenmuseum"
Siegfried Mattl, Universität Wien, Institut für Zeitgeschichte
"Inter-medial Mappings: The Colonial Cartography of Interwar
Kristin Kopp, University of California at Berkley
" 'Male mit Foto, Dichte mit Foto': Inter-mediality in
John Heartfield's anti-colonialist Photomontages"
Sabine Kriebel, University of California at Berkeley
Commentator: Paul Michael Lützeler, Washington University
68. Mut zur Mischung? Explaining Change in Germany Ten Years
into Unity
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Richmond 1
Moderator: Graham Timmins, University of Huddersfield, UK
"Perceptions of the GDR after Unification: The Historical
Mike Dennis, University of Wolverhampton
"Subjective Well-being in Unified Germany -- Why East
Germans are less
Jan Delhey, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin
"Socio-Economic Transformation and the Mittelstand"
Chris Flockton, University of Surrey
Commentator: A. James McAdams, University of Notre Dame
69. A Politics of Surviving: The 20th century Experience of
Scarcity and the Limits of State Power in the German Lands
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Richmond 2
Moderator: Martin Geyer, Universität München
" 'In the Whole World, Vienna is the Saddest Off!' How
Scarcity Shaped Politics in Vienna During and After the First
World War"
Maureen Healy, University of Chicago
"Cold War From the Bottom Up: Material Crisis and Political
Conflict in Berlin, 1945-1949"
Paul Steege, University of Chicago
"Dictatorship and Demand: 'Demand Research' and the Relations
between Trade and Industry in East Germany in the 1950s"
Mark Landsman, Columbia University
Commentator: Manfred J. Enssle, Colorado State University
70. Sexuality, Identity, and Exile
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Richmond 3
Moderator: Maike Arends, University of Michigan
"Camping in Hollywood: Edgar G. Ulmer's The Black Cat
Noah Isenberg, Wesleyan University
"Siegfried Kracauer's Exiled Eyes"
Karen J. Kenkel, Stanford University
" 'Wenn ich die Heimat auch nicht wiederfinde': Eroticized
Moments of Longing for Home in the Poetry of Paul Celan"
Timothy Kyle Boyd, University of Hamburg
Commentator: Katja Garloff, Reed College
71. German Women and Culture in 19th-Century Germany
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Executive Boardroom
Moderator: Margaret Eleanor Menninger, Southwest Texas State University
"The Marriage Comedies of Hedwig Dohm"
Elizabeth G. Ametsbichler, University of Montana at Missoula
"The Duchess and the Tramp: Theater Women at a Provincial
Stage in Nineteenth-Century Germany"
Hella Hennessee, University of Dallas
"Reflections on Reflection: Annette von Droste-Hülshoff's
Die Taxuswand"
Heide Witthöft, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
Commentator: Margaret Eleanor Menninger, Southwest Texas State University
72. Goethe and the Ego III
Sat 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Diplomat Boardroom
Sponsor: Goethe Society of North America
Moderator: Birgit Tautz, Lawrence University
"Self-Positing Selves: Autonomy and Artistic Creativity
in Goethe and Moritz"
Edgar Landgraf, Bowling Green University
"Die Kindesmörderin und 'Das Göttliche': Des
grossen Ego geheime Offenbarung in Form des Allgemeinmenschlichen"
Wolfgang Wittkowski, Syracuse University
"Goethe and the Ongoing Quest for the Self: Stage III
Deirdre Vincent, University of Toronto
Commentator: TBA
Saturday, October 7, 2000
Sessions 10:30 AM 12:15 PM
73. Politics of Resentment: The Radical Right and Ethnic Conflicts
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Grand Ballroom A
Moderator: Claus Hofhansel, Rhode Island College
"The Radical Right in Government: Parliamentary and Executive
Action in France , Italy, Germany, and Austria"
Michael Minkenberg, Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt
"Traces of Racism in Postwar Industrial Relations? Problems
and Evidence"
Andrew Lawrence, CUNY Graduate Center, Brooklyn N.Y.
"Ethnic Cleansing, the German Expellees and European Values"
Emil Nagengast, Juanita College, Huntingdon PA
Commentator: Tilman Mayer, Universität München
74. Reconfiguring German-Jewish Identity
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Grand Ballroom B
Moderator: Noah Isenberg, Wesleyan University
"A Different Kind of Biography? Anna Mahler as Woman,
Jew, Refugee, Artist, and Austrian in Marlene Streeruwitz's Nachwelt"
Britta Kallin, University of Cincinnati
"The Reconfiguration of Post-Shoah Identity in German-Jewish
Women Writers"
Anna K. Kuhn, University of California at Davis
"The Grotesque Formation of German-Jewish Identities in
Postwar Germany"
Rita B. Bashaw, University of Minnesota
Commentator: Y. Michael Bodemann, University of Toronto
75. The Production of the Other in German Culture
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Grand Ballroom C
Moderator: Beythe Inners, University of Minnesota
"Questioning Collective Images: Austrians and Gypsy Identity"
Maria-Regina Kecht, Rice University
"Will the Mirror Crack? The Invisibility of Minorities
in Germany"
Kamakshi P. Murti, University of Arizona
"Bildung und Einbildung: Identität und Wahrnehmung
in schwarzer-deutscher Kunst
der 90er Jahre"
Peggy Piesche, Universiteit Utrecht
"The Wrong-Colored Child: Eva Demski's Novel Afra- A New
German Approach to the Notion of Metissage"
Joachim Warmbold, Tel Aviv University
Commentator: Evelyn Preuss, Yale University
76. Decision Making or Public Relations? Germany´s Chancellorship
in Comparative Perspective
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Grand Ballroom F
Moderator: Gerhard Hirscher, Hanns-Seidel Foundation
"The German Chancellorship and American Presidency"
Clay Clemens, College of William and Mary
"The German Chancellorship and British Prime-Ministership"
William Paterson, University of Birmingham
"Politikstile der deutschen Bundeskanzler"
Karl-Rudolf Korte, Universität Köln
Commentator: Roland Sturm, Universität Erlangen
77. Reflections on National Socialism
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Grand Ballroom G
Moderator: Rolf J. Goebel, University of Alabama at Huntsville
"From Pan-Germanism to Austrian National Socialism: The
Case of Max von Millenkovich-Morold"
John Hoon Lee, University of California at San Diego
"Max Beckmann and Wilhelm Hausenstein: the Dynamics of
Twentieth-Century German Art and Publizistik"
Hal H. Rennert, University of Florida
"Max Beckmann's 'Temptation': Four Years in National Socialist
Barbara C. Buenger, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Commentator: Francis Michael Sharp, University of the Pacific
78. The Cultural Politics of Cinema Sound
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Grand Ballroom H
Moderator: Assenka Oksiloff, New York University
"The Castrato's Voices: Word and Flesh in Fassbinder's
Year of Thirteen Moons"
Bridgitte Peucker, Yale University
"Violating Spectator Space: Sound of Michael Haneke's
Funny Games"
Willy Riemer, University of Delaware
"Sound Sells Wim Wenders Buena Vista Social Club"
Nora M. Alter, University of Florida
Commentator: Lutz Koepnick, Washington University
79. How different is the "Berlin Republic"?
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Briarpark 1
Moderator: Susan Bloom, Northwestern University
"After 1989: Advent of a Berlin Republic"
Roland Czada, Fernuniversität Hagen
"Germany: Still a Model of Consensus Democracy?"
Edgar Grande, Technische Universität München
"The 'Strong State': Decline or Revival?"
Rainer Prätorius, Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg
Commentator: David Conradt, East Carolina University
80. Totalitarianism and Its Limits: Case Studies and Theoretical
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Briarpark 2
Moderator: Bernt Schäfer, Hannah-Arendt-Institut der TU-Dresden
"Totalitarian Domination and Society in the GDR: The Example
of the Academic Elite from the Forties to the Sixties"
Ralph Jessen, Freie Universität Berlin
"Revisiting the Nazi-Soviet Comparison: Population Purges
Under Two Dictatorships"
Eric D. Weitz, University of Minnesota
"Between Repression and Tolerance: How the SED Exercised
Mario Kessler, Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, Potsdam
Commentator: Jeffrey Herf, Ohio University
81. Psyche, Social Change, and the Self in Twentieth Century
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Briarpark 3
Moderator: Charles E. McClelland, University of New Mexico
"From Shock to Schreck: German Psychiatry and the Telephone
Operator, 1919-1926"
Andreas Killen, Cooper Union
"Directing 'Endangered' Personalities: The Psychotherapeutic
Turn in East German Policy Toward Anti-Social Behavior, 1945-1975"
Greg Eghigian, Pennsylvania State University
"The End of Socialism and the Reinvention of the Self:
A Study of the East German Psychotherapeutic Community in Transition"
Christine Leuenberger, Cornell University
Commentator: William Woodward, University of New Hampshire
82. German Parties in a New Age: The Smaller Parties
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Westchase 1
Sponsor: Consortium for Atlantic Studies
Moderator: Gerald R. Kleinfeld, Arizona State University
"The PDS"
David Patton, Connecticut College
"The Greens"
E. Gene Frankland, Ball State University
"The FDP"
Christian Soe, California State University at Long Beach
Commentator: Marc Howard, University of California at Santa Cruz
83. Radicals and Refugees: Addressing the Problems of Postwar
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Westchase 2
Moderator: Jay Baird, Miami University of Ohio
"A Berlin Mystery: Otto John"
David A. Meier, Dickinson State University
"Erich Honecker and the Electric Nose: The Commemoration
in East Berlin of Ernst Thälmann's One-Hundredth Birthday"
Russell Lemmons, Jacksonville State University
"The Great Fear: The Anticipated Radicalization of Refugees
and Expellees in Postwar West Germany"
Frank Buscher, Christian Brothers University
Commentator: Edmund Clingan, North Dakota State University
84. Germany on Display: Fashion Shows, Trade Fairs, and Industrial
Exhibitions in the GDR and the FRG
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Westchase 3
Moderator: Shelley Baranowski, University of Akron
"On the Seam between Socialism and Capitalism, Scarcity
and Abundance: East German Fashion Shows in the 1950s and 1960s"
Judd Stitziel, Johns Hopkins University
"Staging the 'Economic Miracle': Industrial Exhibits,
Consumer Culture, and Cold War Politics in West Germany"
S. Jonathan Wiesen, Southern Illinois University
"Showcasing Consumption to East German Women: The Leipzig
and Hannover Trade Fairs in the 1950s and Popular Construction
of Consumer Citizenship"
Katherine Pence, Adrian College
Commentator: David Crew, University of Texas at Austin
85. Different Lefts: The Left Divided in 1960s-1970s West Germany
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Westchase 4
Moderator: Dagmar Herzog, Michigan State University
"The Left on Drugs, 1967-1975"
Robert Stephens, University of Texas at Austin
"Feminism and German Cinema: Looking Back at the Early
Richard W. McCormick, University of Minnesota
"The Left-Wing Split over Violence as Vergangenkeitspolitik"
Belinda Davis, Rutgers University
Commentator: Jeremy Varon, Rutgers University
86. Verfolgung und Ermordung österreichischer Juden in
österreichischen Nachkriegsprozessen
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Richmond 1
Moderator: Patricia Heberer, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
" 'Arisierung' 1938/1939 in Wien und die Volksgerichtsprozesse
nach 1945"
Sabine Loitfellner, Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichischen
"Österreichische und Britische Prozesse wegen Massakern
an Juden bei Kriegsende in Österreich"
Martin F. Polaschek, Universität Graz
"Holocaust vor Gericht: Die Deportation von 50,000 Wiener
Juden in den Jahren 1941 und 1942 und die österreichische
Justiz nach 1945"
Winfried Garscha, Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichischen
Commentator: Henry Friedlander, Brooklyn College, City University of New York
87. Exploding Borders/Boundaries in Storm and Stress and Late
Eighteenth-Century Literature and Society
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Richmond 2
Moderator: Karin Schutjer, University of Oklahoma
"Lenz and Lacan: Recasting Castration"
Carol Strauss Sotiropoulos, University of Connecticut
"False Shame, Transgression, and Satire: Nationalism and
the Cultural Politics of Embarrassment"
Hans Rudolf Nollert, University of Central Oklahoma
"Identity Formation and the Ethical as Boundary Transgression:
A Reconstructive Analysis of J. M. R. Lenz's Writings on Identity
and Ethics"
Kenneth E. Munn, Michigan State University
"Die mißverstandene Projektionsfigur: Christoph
Kaufmann (1753-1795), Grenzgänger zwischen Medizin, Philanthropie,
Geniekult und Brüdergemeinde"
Martin Rector, Universität Hannover
Commentator: Helga Stipa Madland, University of Oklahoma
88. Weimar Culture
Sun 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Richmond 3
Moderator: Carol Anne Costabile-Heming, Southwestern State University
"Evidencing Women's Self-Destruction: Charlotte Salomon"
Darry C. Buerkle, Pitzer College
" 'Else The Beautiful Girls Will Not Know Who They Are':
Women's Modernity and Fashion Photography in Weimar Germany"
Mila Ganeva, University of Chicago
"Ruttmann's Cinematic Face of Modernization: The Persistence
of Description in Berlin: Die Sinfonie der Grosstadt"
Derek Hillard, Indiana University
"Image and Sound in (Dis)Harmony: German Popular Cinema
of the Early Thirties"
Angelika Fuehrich, University of Georgia
Commentator: Eva-Marie Kuttenberg, University of Dallas
89. German Jews and the Question of Assimilation
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Executive Boardroom
Moderator: Ian Reifowitz, Long Island University-Brooklyn
"Sacrifice, Identity, and Assimilation in Heinrich Heine's
Der Rabbi von Bacherach"
Karl-Heinz Maurer, Knox College
"Historical Counter-Narratives in the Diaspora: Nineteenth-Century
German-Jewish Perspectives on History"
Roger F. Cook, University of Missouri
"Stunning Bodies: The Controversy among Animal Protectionists,
Jews and the State in Wilhelmine Germany"
Dorothee Brantz, University of Chicago
Commentator: Angela H. Lin, Williams College
90. Scientific Progress and Traditional Identity: Farmers and
Brewers in 19th-Century Germany
Sat 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Diplomat Boardroom
Moderator: Andreas Daum, German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C.
"Patriotism and Profit: Nationalism and the Agricultural
Sciences in the German States, 1810-1850"
Mark R. Finlay, Armstrong Atlantic State University
"Rationalizing Traditional Privileges: The Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft
and Agricultural Science, 1885-1914"
Sherry Föhr, Georgetown University
" 'Mit dem Schwerte der Wissenschaft, mit dem Panzer der
Praxis': The Response of German Brewers to Scientific and Technological
Innovation at the End of the 19th Century"
John Simmons Ceccatti, University of Chicago
Commentator: George S. Vascik, Miami University
12:20 PM 1:40 PM
Sara Friedrichsmeyer
University of Cincinnati
"The Fate of Difference: National Literature in an Age of
European Unity"
Saturday, October 7, 2000
Sessions 1:45 PM 3:15 PM
91. Public Culture and State Legitimation in the GDR
Sat 1:45 PM 3:15 PM Grand Ballroom A
Moderator: Ralph Jessen, Freie Universität Berlin
"Red Prometheus: The Symbolic Function of Feats of Technology
in 1960's East Germany"
Dolores Augustine, St. John's University
"Voluntarism and Public Culture in the GDR during the
Molly Wilkinson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
"Mobilizing Memories: Early Attempts at Reshaping Memory
Culture in the GDR"
Jon Berndt Olsen, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Commentator: Eric D. Weitz, University of Minnesota
92. The Crimes of the Wehrmacht
Sat 1:45 PM 3:15 PM Grand Ballroom B
Moderator: Geoffrey Megargee, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
"Wehrmacht, War, and Holocaust: The Complexities of Complicity"
Jürgen Förster, Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt,
"The Public Debate in Germany in the 1990s on the Wehrmacht"
Gerhard Hirschfeld, Württembergische Landesbibliothek
"The Wehrmacht Exhibition Controversy: Historical and
Political Context"
Omer Bartov, Rutgers University
Commentator: Ron Smelser, University of Utah
93. Re-membering the Past: German-Jewish Memory of the Shoah
Sat 1:45 PM 3:15 PM Grand Ballroom C
Moderator: Leslie Adelson, Cornell University
"Sites of Memory: Literary Images of Houses in Post-Shoah
German Jewish Writers"
Katja Garloff, Reed College
"The Memory of Architecture: An Analysis of Daniel Libeskind's
'Between the Lines' Project and Paul Celan's Meridian Rede"
Eric Kligerman, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
"A Mother's Courage Betrayed by her Children: George Tabori
and Michael Verhoeven's Holocaust Film My Mother Courage"
Ulrich Baer, New York University
Commentator: Scott Spector, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
94. Places of Memory: Nationalism and Visual Culture
Sat 1:45 PM 3:15 PM Grand Ballroom G
Moderator: Corinna Treitel, Harvard University
"The German Monument as Product and Trademark"
Karen Lang, University of Southern California at Los Angeles
"Dying for the Nation: Representing Queen Luise"
David Ehrenpreis, James Madison University
"Politics, Aesthetics, and Tradition: German Visual Culture
around 1930"
Anna Dempsey, James Madison University
Commentator: Jennifer Jenkins, Washington University, St. Louis
95. Germany in a Changing European Context
Sat 1:45 PM 3:15 PM Grand Ballroom H
Moderator: Forest Grieves, University of Montana
"Germany and the Eastern Enlargement of the EU"
Claus Hofhansel, Rhode Island College
"Elements of Positive and Negative Identity in German-NATO
and EU Relations"
Mary Hampton, University of Utah/ James Sperling, University of
Akron OH
"Deutschland Führungsmacht im europäischen
Beate Neuss, Technische Universität Chemnitz
"Deutsche Sicherheitspolitik Ein Abnabelungsprozess
von den USA?"
Wolfram Hilz, Technische Universität Chemnitz
Commentator: Arthur Gunlicks, University of Richmond
96. Georg Simmel and the Advent of Modernity: The Example of
the Stranger, the Metropolis and Gender
Sat 1:45 PM 3:15 PM Briarpark 1
Moderator: Oliver Schmidtke, University of Victoria, BC
"Coming to Terms with Modern Life: Georg Simmel and the
Metroplis in Turn-of-the-Century Germany"
Paul Notle, Universität Bielefeld
"Georg Simmel and the Social Dimension of Gender in Modern
Dagmar Reese, University of Washington
"The Metropolis and the Crowds: German Appropriations
of French Mass Psychology: The Case of Georg Simmel"
Stefan Jonsson, Getty Research Institute
Commentator: Russell A. Berman, Stanford University
97. Young Vienna Reconsidered: Modernity, Ethnicity, Cosmopolitanism
Sat 1:45 PM 3:15 PM Briarpark 2
Moderator: Sabine Smith, Kennesaw State University
"Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism in Hofmannsthal's Late
Katherine Arens, University of Texas at Austin
"Schnitzler's Deconstruction of the Jewish Question"
Geret Luhr, Phillipps-Universitaet Marburg
"Arthur Schnitzler: Political Activist?"
Richard Sheirich, Ponoma College
"Fin-de-Siècle Vienna: Modernism and the Eruption
of the Sacred"
Robert W. Wahlen, Queens College, North Carolina
Commentator: Peter Arnds, Kansas State University
98. Abwehr und Dialog: Konstruktion und Dekonstruktion (nationaler)
Sat 1:45 PM 3:15 PM Briarpark 3
Moderator: Frank Stern, Ben Gurion University, Israel
"Das Haus, in dem ich hier wohne, ist eine Ruine: Metaphern
des Raumes als Konstituens von kultureller Identität
Walter Pape, Universität zu Köln
"Die Literatur ist die Kehrseite der Geographie. Zur zeitgenössichen
Literatur Südtirols als Littérature mineure"
Anna Campanile, Universität zu Köln
"Be- und Entgrenzungsmechanismen zeitgenoessescher Südtiroler
Ferruccio Delle Cave, Kreis Südtiroler Autoren, Bozen
" '[Sie kommen] und holen Jakob': Tourism, Authenticity,
and Representation in Gstrein Einer"
Nikhil Sathe, Ohio State University
Commentator: Maria-Regina Kecht, Rice University
99. Die Deutschen in Slowenien
Sat 1:45 PM 3:15 PM Westchase 1
Moderator: Sybil Milton, Unabhängige Expertenkommission Schweiz
"On the Destiny of 'Germans' in Slovenia after World War
Du_an Ne_ak, Ljubljana University
"Alma Columbus auf Weltreise: Die geobiographischen Bücher
und die exotischen Erzählungen der 'Staatsbürgerin eines
fremden Staates"
Neva _libar, Ljubljana University
"Das Schicksal des deutschen Sprachgebietes in der Gottschee
nach der Aussiedlung der Gottscheer Deutschen"
Mitja Ferenc, Ministry of Culture, Republic of Slovenia
Commentator: Karl Stuhlpfarrer, Universität Klagenfurt
100. Häftlingsarbeit in den Nationalsozialistischen Konzentrationslagern
Sat 1:45 PM 3:15 PM Westchase 2
Moderator: Elizabeth White, U.S. Department of Justice
"Häftlingsarbeit im KZ-Sachsenhausen"
Thomas Irmer, Gedenkstätte und Museum Sachsenhausen
"Zwangsarbeit für die SS. E. Braminski: 'Baubüro'
des KZ-Sachsenhausen"
Eva Brücker, Gedenkstätte und Museum Sachsenhausen
"Wie 'profitabel' waren KZ-Häftlinge wirklich?"
Joachim Neander, State Museum of Auschwitz-Birkenau
Commentator: Peter Black, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
101. Toward a Multicultural Conception of German Identity
Sat 1:45 PM 3:15 PM Westchase 3
Moderator: Anna K. Kuhn, University of California at Davis
"Expanding the Boundaries of German Identity: Saliha Scheinhardt
and the Debate about Turkish Integration"
Rita Chin, Oberlin College
"Off- Balance: Yearning to be German in Tawada's Fersenlos"
Susan Anderson, University of Oregon
"Mother Tongue, Grandfather Tongue, and Foreign Language:
Linguistic Hybridity in Emine S. Özdamar's Works"
Maike Ahrends, University of Michigan
Commentator: Sabine von Dirke, University of Pittsburgh
102. Social Control and Resistance in Early Modern Germany
Sat 1:45 PM 3:15 PM Westchase 4
Moderator: David Sabean, University of California at Los Angeles
"Earn Your Penny Elsewhere: Banishment, Authority, and
Resistance in Ulm, 1500-1599"
Jason P. Coy, University of California at Los Angeles
"Deadly Motherhood: The Case of Maria Flint"
Thomas Bredohl, University of Regina
"The Limits of Legal Authority: Bureaucratic Responses
to Prussia's Edict on Religion 1788"
Michael J. Sauter, University of California at Los Angeles
Commentator: David M. Luebke, University of Oregon
103. Rethinking Bildung: Gender, Culture, and Everyday Life
of the German Educated Middle Class, 1800-1900
Sat 1:45 PM 3:15 PM Richmond 1
Moderator: Nancy Reagin, Rice University
"Practicing Bildung: Liberalism and the Masculine Public
in Leipzig, 1840-1870"
Páll Björnsson, University of Iceland
"Merit or Honor: The Place of Bildung in the Middle Class
Everyday Life, 1800-1850"
Heikki E. Lempa, Columbia University
"Bildung as Civic Action: Nineteenth-Century Theater Debates"
Margaret Eleanor Menninger, Southwest Texas State University
Commentator: Lars Trägårdh, Barnard College
104. Lectern, Pulpit, and Throne: University, Politics, and
Society in Germany, 1548-1800
Sat 1:45 PM 3:15 PM Richmond 2
Moderator: Fritz Ringer, University of Pittsburgh
"Intra-Lutheran Controversies and the Development of the
Confessional University, 1548-1574"
Susan R. Boettcher, University of Missouri at Rolla
"The University of Halle and the Politics of German Educational
Reform, 1690-1730"
John R. Holloran, University of Virginia
"Productive Knowledge: The Enlightenment University as
R. Andre Wakefield, Dibner Institute (Harvard/MIT)
Commentator: Fritz Ringer, University of Pittsburgh
105. Whither Germany? The Federal Republic in the 21st Century
Sat 1:45 PM 3:15 PM Richmond 3
Moderator: Ingeborg Major O'Sickey, SUNY Binghampton
"Heinz Bude's Defining Construct for the Berlin Republic:
The Generation Berlin"
Margit Sinka, Clemson University
"The Return of Public Discourse? German Television in
the Year 2000"
Michael E. Geisler, Middlebury College
"The Novel in the New Berlin"
Ulf Zimmermann, Kennesaw State University
Commentator: Karl-Heinz Schoeps, University of Illinois at Urbana
106. Knowledge and Nationalism in Imperial and Weimar Germany
Sat 1:45 PM 3:15 PM Executive Boardroom
Moderator: Woodruff D. Smith, University of Massachusetts at Boston
"The Index of Forbidden Books and Catholic Nationalism
in Wilhelmine Germany"
Jeffrey T. Zalar, Georgetown University
"Common Ground: Defining the Nation in Geography Books
and Newspapers"
Troy R. E. Paddock, Southern Connecticut State University
"Representing the Nation in German Schoolbooks, From Kaiserreich
to Republic"
Katharine Kennedy, Agnes Scott College
Commentator: James C. Albisetti, University of Kentucky
107. Science and Literature in Goethe and the Romantics
Sat 1:45 PM 3:15 PM Diplomat Boardroom
Moderator: Deirdre Vincent, University of Toronto
"Constructions of Time: Geology and Romanticism"
Heather I. Sullivan, Trinity University
"The Subjective Eye: Polarity and Creativity in Goethe's
Astrida Orle Tantillo, University of Illinois at Chicago
"A Dynamic Interplay of Organic Systems: The Physiological
Discourse of Goethe's Dichtung und Wahrheit"
Gabrielle S. Bersier, Indiana University/Purdue University, Indiananpolis
Commentator: Michael T. Jones, University of Kentucky
Saturday, October 7, 2000
Sessions 3:15 PM 4:45 PM
108. Rivers as a Topic in German Environmental History
Sat 3:15 PM 4:45 PM Grand Ballroom A
Moderator: David Blackbourn, Harvard University
"Prussia's Inward Expansion: The Draining of the Oderbruch
in the 18th Century"
Martina Kaup, Universität Bielefeld
"The 'Occidental Despotism' of the Prussian State: Re-Engineering
the Rivers of the Rhineland and Westphalia, 1815-1914"
Mark Cioc, University of California at Santa Cruz
"Taming Nature, Creating Culture: The Isar in Bavaria,
Thomas Zeller, Georgia Institute of Technology
Commentator: David Blackbourn, Harvard University
109. Contemporary Austrian Literature
Sat 3:15 PM 4:45 PM Grand Ballroom B
Moderator: Susanne Baackmann, University of New Mexico
"Der Geistesmensch als Geisteskranker Zu den Idiosynkrasien
des Ich-Erzaehlers in Thomas Bernhard Beton"
Gregor Thuswaldner, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Schlechte Voraussetzungen: Zur Prosa von Marlene Streeruwitz"
Gregor Hens, Ohio State University
"Shadows of Haider in Recent Austrian Literature"
Felix W. Tweraser, Idaho State University
Commentator: Miriam Jokiniemi, York University
110. Narrative History and the Trümmerfilm
Sat 3:15 PM 4:45 PM Grand Ballroom C
Moderator: Brigitte Peucker, Yale University
"It's a Wonderful Reich: Helmut Käutner's In jenen
Robert R. Shandley, Texas A&M University
"Umstrittene Vergangenheit. Die frühen Spielfilme
von Wolfgang Staudte und ihre
Rezeption im kalten Krieg"
Ulrike Weckel, Technische Universität, Berlin
"Overcoming the Debris of the Mind: The Humanist Vision
in Artur Brauner's Morituri"
Frank Stern, Ben Gurion University, Israel
Commentator: Barton Byg, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
111. Germans and Others in the Twentieth Century
Sat 3:15 PM 4:45 PM Grand Ballroom F
Moderator: Kristie A. Foell, Bowling Green University
"Schweitzer's Ethical Colonialism and Jasper's Cosmopolitanism"
Joanne Miyang Cho, William Paterson University, New Jersey
"National Socialist Racial Geographies, Domestic and Global:
The Colonial Legacy"
Marcia Klotz, University of California at Irvine
"Anglo-American Post-Colonial Theory and German Studies:
Can't the Two Get Along?"
Rolf J. Goebel, University of Alabama at Huntsville
"Self and Other in West German Human Rights Activism"
Lora Wildenthal, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Commentator: John Zilcosky, University of Toronto
112. Unity, Disunity, and the Public Body in Germany during
World War I
Sat 3:15 PM 4:45 PM Grand Ballroom G
Moderator: David Caldwell, University of Northern Colorado
"The Body of the Enemy: Anthropological Studies of POWs
during World War I"
Andrew Evans, Indiana University
"How Humor Became Physical: Laughter in Berlin's Volkstheater
during the First World War"
Marline Otte, Tulane University
"Children's Bodies, National Unity, and the Declining
Legitimacy of the State, 1914-1918"
Andrew Donson, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
Commentator: Belinda Davis, Rutgers University
113. Germany, Central Europe, and EU-Enlargement
Sat 3:15 PM 4:45 PM Grand Ballroom H
Moderator: Michael Wala, Universität Erlangen
"Eastern Enlargement of the European Union - Germany's
Interests and Fears"
Paverl Cernoch, EU Commission
"Germany, the EU and the US: Contrasting Approaches to
Central European Reform"
Peter Dombrowski, US Naval War College
"The Performance of the EC Phare programm as an Instrument
for Institutional Reform in the EU Member States"
Bertin Martens, EU Commission
Commentator: Wade Jacoby, Grinell College
114. Pacifism, Liberation, Reconciliation: Jewish Roles in
20th Century Germany and Austria
Sat 3:15 PM 4:45 PM Briarpark 1
Moderator: Eric Kohler, University of Wyoming
"Recognizing Violence within Oppression: Weimar Jewish
Pacifists Extending Advocacy to other Issues"
Virginia Holmes, State University of New York at Binghamton
"A German Liberator of Germany: The Life and Times of
K. Frank Korf"
Patricia Kollander, Florida Atlantic University
" 'First' Victims Reconciled: Haider, Waldheim, and Frankl"
Timothy Pytell, Cooper Union
Commentator: Joan Clinefelter, University of Northern Colorado
115. Creating the Cultural Nation in the Regions
Sat 3:15 PM 4:45 PM Briarpark 2
Moderator: J. Doerr, St. Thomas University, Fredricton
"Nation and Consensus-Building: Saxon Schoolbooks and
School Reform in the Early German Empire"
Siegfried Weichlein, Humboldt Universität, Berlin
"Public Festivals in 19th-Century Germany"
Dieter K. Buse, Laurentian University
"The Reich and the Regions: Cultural Politics in Wilhelmine
Hamburg between Localism and Imperialism"
Maiken Umbach, University of Manchester
Commentator: Celia Applegate, University of Rochester
116. German Parties in a New Age: The Volksparteien
Sat 3:15 PM 4:45 PM Briarpark 3
Sponsor: Deutsch-Amerikanischer Arbeitskreis
Moderator: Wolfgang-Uwe Friedrich, University of Hildesheim
"The SPD"
Gerard Braunthal, University of Massachusetts
"The CDU"
Wolfgang-Uwe Friedrich, University of Hildesheim
"The CSU"
William Chandler, University of California, San Diego
Commentator: NO NAME
117. Strategien des Überlebens im Konzentrationslager
Sat 3:15 PM 4:45 PM Westchase 2
Moderator: Y. Michael Bodemann, University of Toronto
"Angst, Anpassung, Abstumpfung: Der Umgang der Häftlinge
mit Gewalt im Konzentrationslager"
Kay Kufeke, Berlin
" 'Was wir alles erreicht haben, damals bei Heinkel!'
Konkurrenz, Beziehungen und Solidarität in den Erinnerungen
der überlebenden Häftlinge"
Rainer Potratz, Berlin
"Strategies of Surviving during and after the Concentration
Christine Ohlrogge, Gedenkstätte und Museum Sachsenhausen
Commentator: Robert Gellately, Clark University
118. New Sources on Nazi Germany and the Holocaust
Sat 3:15 PM 4:45 PM Westchase 3
Moderator: Alan Steinweis, University of Nebraska
"Recently Declassified and Discovered Documents at the
National Archives"
Greg Bradsher, National Archives and Records Administration
"Intelligence Records as a Source"
Shlomo Aronson, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
"Records from the Former Soviet Union"
Ruth Bettina Birn, Canadian Department of Justice
Commentator: Gerhard Weinberg, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
119. The Frankfurt School Revisited
Sat 3:15 PM 4:45 PM Westchase 4
"Beyond Aesthetic Ideology: Adorno's Ruptures"
Gerhard Richter, University of Wisconsin at Madison
"Fascism and the Family: Freudo-Marxism Feminism and Foucault"
Hedwig Fraunhofer, Georgia College & State University
Commentator: Rachel Halverson, Washington State University
120. Public Spheres, Public Cultures, and Urban Social Life
in Central Europe, 1848-1914
Sat 3:15 PM 4:45 PM Richmond 1
Moderator: Dagmar Reese, University of Washington
"Pitched Battles in Public Places: Czechs, Germans, and
the Francis Joseph Jubilees, 1889-1908"
Nancy M. Wingfield, Northern Illinois University
"Public Entertainment and the Construction of a Public
Sphere in 19th-Century Vienna: Creating a Middle Class Audience
in Urban Entertainment Spaces"
Markus Reisenleitner, University of Alberta and University of
"Mass Politics, Öffentlichkeit, and Social Transformation
in Wilhelmine Germany"
Dennis Sweeney, University of Alberta
Commentator: Geoff Eley, University of Michigan
121. From Germanics to German Studies--The Evolution of a Discipline:
II. Curriculum
Sat 3:15 PM 4:45 PM Richmond 3
Moderator: Peter Uwe Hohendahl, Cornell University
"Language, Literature, and Cultural Transfer: The Undergraduate
Russell A. Berman, Stanford University
"Interdisciplinary German Studies in the US: How Much
and What Kind?"
Wolfgang Natter, Unversity of Kentucky
"A Hundred Years of German Teaching in the US: Issues
and Approaches"
Renate A. Schulz, University of Arizona
Commentator: David P. Benseler, Case Western Reserve University
122. Constructing Sociable Space: Chances and Limitations in
the Eighteenth Century
Sat 3:15 PM 4:45 PM Diplomat Boardroom
Moderator: Monika Nenon, University of Memphis
"Salons und Sozietäten: Geschlechterkonfigurationen
in der aufgeklärten Geselligkeit"
Brigitte Schnegg von Rütte, Fachhochschule Bern
"Constructions of a Moral Sociable Ideal: Circumscribing
Peter Foley, University of Arizona
"Transgressing Sociability: The Homosexual/Heterosocial
Border in Schleiermacher's 'Theory of Sociability' and 'Catechism
for Noble Women' "
Margaretmary Daley, Case Western Reserve University
Commentator: Jeannine Blackwell, University of Kentucky
Sunday, October 8, 2000
Sessions 8:30 AM 10:15 AM
123. From Germanics to German Studies--The Evolution of a Discipline:
I. Paradigms of Research
Sun 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Grand Ballroom A
Moderator: Frank Trommler, University of Pennsylvania
"In the Shadow of Berlin? The Rise of Germanics in the
United States"
Peter Uwe Hohendahl, Cornell University
"Marxist and Feminist Approaches in the 1970s"
Sara Lennox, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
"From Deconstruction to Queer Theory"
Irene Kacandes, Dartmouth College
Commentator: Frank Trommler, University of Pennsylvania
124. Mergers and Takeovers as a Challenge for the "German
Sun 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Grand Ballroom B
Moderator: Rainer Prätorius, Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg
"Convergence or Divergence in Germany and France? Elites,
the State and the "Third Way"
Susan Bloom, Northwestern University
"Toward a New Model of German Capitalism? The Mannesmann
Vodafone Merger and its Implications for the German Economy"
Crister S. Garrett, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Commentator: Edgar Grande, Technische Universität München
125. Reassuring Fictions: Metamorphoses of Holocaust Discourse
in Contemporary Films
Sun 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Grand Ballroom C
Moderator: Jeffrey Peck, York University/ University of Montreal
"Fables and Heroic Fictions: Transformations of the Holocaust
in Contemporary Popular Films"
Miriam Jokiniemi, York University
"Popular Film and Elite Reviews: The Case for New Criteria
for Holocaust Films"
William Collins Donahue, Rutgers University
"Reflections of Filmic Holocaust Takes in La Vita e bella
and Europa, Europa"
Claude Desmarais, York University
Commentator: Michael E. Geisler, Middlebury College
126. Envisioning the Exotic, Rewriting the Self: Ethnography
and Cultural Critique in Travel, Colonial and Exile Writing
Sun 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Grand Ballroom F
Moderator: Heidi Schlipphacke, University of Illinois at Chicago
"Envisioning Africa in Travel Writing and Colonial Culture"
David Kenosian, Haverford College
"The Divide between Nature and Civilization: Second Empire
Anthropological and Archaeological Exhibitions"
Peter McIsaac, Duke University
"Musical Encounters in the German South Seas"
Vanessa Agnew, University of Michigan
"'Exiles in the Tropics: Images of Adaption and Acculturation
in Felicia Rosshandler's Passing Through Havana"
Istvan Varkonyi, Temple University
Commentator: Imke Meyer, Bryn Mawr College
127. Paradoxes of Bürger Culture
Sun 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Grand Ballroom G
Moderator: Ann LeBar, Eastern Washington University
"Teaching Thrift: Seeds and Dissemination of a 'Civil'
Virtue in Hamburg in the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century"
Frank Hatje, Universität Hamburg
"Commodities of the Home: Domestic Servants and Prosperous
Households in Early Nineteenth-Century Hamburg"
Katherine B. Aaslestad, West Virginia University
"Alfred Lichtwark, the Hamburg Bourgeoisie and the 'Gentleman
Ideal': The Importation of English Middle-Class Consumer Behavior
to Hamburg during the Wilhelmine Period"
Andrew Bell, Brown University
Commentator: Mary Lindemann, Carnegie Mellon University
128. German Cities in the Twentieth Century: Case Studies
Sun 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Grand Ballroom H
Moderator: Rennie W. Brantz, Appalachian State University
"Swirling Currents: Pollution and Political Ideology in
Hamburg, 1900-1933"
Charles E. Closmann, University of Houston
"Old and New, Local and International: Interwar German
Culture in the City of Göttingen"
David Imhoof, University of Texas at Arlington
"Cultivating an Urban Heimat: The Postwar Relationship
between German Cities and their Wartime Evacuees"
Gregory F. Schroeder, St. Johns University, Minnesota
Commentator: David Lindenfeld, Louisiana State University
129. Between Coercion, Cooperation, and Collaboration: German
Big Business in the Nazi Era
Sun 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Briarpark 1
Moderator: Larry Eugene Jones, Canisius College
"The Allianz AG and the Politics of the Insurance Business
under National Socialism"
Gerald D. Feldman, University of California at Berkeley
"The Reichsbahn in Nazi Germany"
Christopher Kopper, University of Minnesota
"The German Great Banks and the 'Aryanization' of the
Economy, 1933-1939"
Dieter Ziegler, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Commentator: Monika Dickhaus, Univeresitaet Bielefeld
130. Packaging the Past: Retrospective Narratives on Life in
East Germany
Sun 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Briarpark 2
Moderator: Dieter Sevin, Vanderbilt University
"Uncovering the Truth: Jürgen Fuchs' Retrospective
on the Stasi"
Carol Anne Costabile-Heming, Southwestern State University
"Bad Memory, Rich Memories: Thomas Brussig's Sonnenallee"
Kristie A. Foell, Bowling Green University
"Fragments of the Past: Reconstructing an East German
Childhood in Stephan Krawczyk's Das irdische Kind"
Rachel Halverson, Washington State University
Commentator: Julia Hell, University of Michigan
131. Patterns of Memory in Postwar Germany: The Third Reich
and the GDR
Sun 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Briarpark 3
Moderator: Kees Gispen, University of Mississippi
"Coming to Terms with the Past in Postwar Germany: Some
Problems with the Master Narrative"
Eric Langenbacher, Georgetown University
"Germany Bids You Welcome: Guidebooks for Jewish Tourists
in the 1950s"
Guillaume de Syon, Albright College
"Talking about the Past: The Missing Dimension in the
German Sociological Discourse on GDR Nostalgia and East German
Feiwel Kupferberg, Aalborg University
Commentator: Michael Wala, Universität zu Köln
132. Deutschland Einwanderungsland?
Sponsor: Friedrich Ebert Foundation
Moderator: Dieter Dettke, Friedrich Ebert Foundation
"Germany as Immigration State: Limitations, Possibilities,
and Necessities"
Rainer Münz, Humboldt Universität Berlin
"Party-sponsored Protest and the Movement Society: The
CDU Mobilizes against Citizenship Law Reform"
Alice Holmes Cooper, University of Mississippi
"Germany's Immigration Legislation: Recent Developments"
David Conradt, East Carolina University
Commentator: Dieter Dettke, Friedrich Ebert Foundation
133. The Divergent Problems of Mischehen and Mischlinge under
National Socialism, 1933-1945
Sun 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Westchase 2
Moderator: Richard S. Levy, University of Illinois at Chicago
"Victor Klemperer's Diary of an Intermarried Jew"
Nathan Stoltzfus, Florida State University
"Umgangsstrategien sogenannter jüdischer Mischlinge
mit der NS-Verfolgung"
Beate Meyer, Stiftung Neue Synagoge, Centrum Judaicum Berlin
"Regional Aspects of Persecution among 'Mischlinge' in
National Socialist Germany"
James Tent, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Commentator: Doris L. Bergen, Notre Dame University
134. Narrative Strategies in Anna Seghers' Texts: Time, History
and Identity Formation
Sun 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Westchase 3
Moderator: Karin Bauer, McGill University
" 'Sie erzaehlt mit Pausen': Concepts of Time and History
in Anna Seghers' Transit"
Jennifer Marston William, Ohio State University
"Between the Pedagogical and the Performative: Identity
Formation Through Narration in Anna Seghers' Überfahrt"
Marike Janzen, University of Texas at Austin
Commentator: Erika Berroth, Lewis and Clark College
135. Universalism and its Discontents: Discourses of the Berlin
Sun 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Westchase 4
Moderator: Anthony Krupp, Johns Hopkins University
"Moses Mendelssohn and the Mythology of the Text"
Matt Erlin, University of California at Berkeley
"The Orient Writes Back: Saul Ascher's Prolegomena to
a Critique of Jew-Hatred"
Jonathan M. Hess, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Friedrich Nicolais Philosophensatiren"
Alexander Ko_enina, Freie Universität Berlin
Commentator: Robert Bledsoe, Rice University
136. German Literature of the 1990's
Sun 8:30 AM 10:15 PM Richmond 1
Moderator: Erk Grimm, Barnard College
"Die Biotechnologie in der deutschsprachigen Literatur
der neunziger Jahre"
Mark Gruettner, Centenary College of Louisiana
"Enzensberger in the 1990s: Poetry, Literacy, and National
Charlotte Melin, University of Minnesota
Commentator: Glen R. Cuomo, University of South Florida
137. New Perspectives on Urban Culture in the Kaiserreich
Sun 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Richmond 3
Moderator: Andrew Lees, Rutgers University at Camden
"Hamburg's Modernist Past"
Jennifer Jenkins, Washington University, St. Louis
"Civic Identity Between Territory and Reich: Municipal
History in the Kingdom of Saxony"
Robert Beachy, Wake Forest University
"Religion as Urban Culture: A View from Strasbourg, 1871-1914"
Anthony J. Steinhoff, University of Tennessee-Chattanooga
Commentator: Jan C. Palmowski, King's College, London
138. Gaze, Voice, and Representation in German Romanticism
Sun 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Executive Boardroom
Moderator: Jaimey Fisher, University of Utah
The Lancanian Gaze and the Role of the Eye in Early German
Volker Langbehn, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
"Writing, Voice, and the Feminization of Orality in Bakhtin
and Novalis"
Ann Meigs Dickerson, University of Minnesota
"Romantic Distortions: Two Modes of Mediation in the Paintings
of Caspar David Friedrich"
Bradley Prager, University of Missouri at Columbia
Commentator: NO NAME
Sunday, October 8, 2000
Sessions 10:30 AM 12:15 PM
139. Der Weg aus dem Mangel: USA und westdeutscher Wiederaufstieg
nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg
Sun 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Grand Ballroom A
Moderator: Hans-J. Rupieper, Universität Halle
"Scarcity in Postwar Germany in Historical Perspective"
Manfred J. Enssle, Colorado State University
" 'Productivity Key to Plenty': Amerikanische Filmpropaganda
nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg"
Hans-Jürgen Schröder, Universität Giessen
"Anfänge des Wirtschaftswunders und der 'American
Way of Life' "
Hanno Sowade, Haus der Geschichte, Bonn
Commentator: Christian Ostermann, Cold War International History Project
140. Constructing Criminals and Victims: Gender, Class, and
Violence in Germany, 1920-1939
Sun 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Grand Ballroom B
Moderator: Larry Wilcox, University of Toledo
" 'Das Heer der geheimen perversen Wüstlinge': Eine
Untersuchung zum Identitätskonzept des Lustmörders von
Maren Hoffmeister, Universität Oldenburg
"The Carl Grossmann Sexual Murder Case, 1921: Gender,
Class, and Violent Crime in Weimar Berlin"
Sace Elder, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
"Stories of Death: Suicide, Gender, and the Collapse of
the Weimar Republic"
Pamela Swett, McMaster University
Commentator: Silke Wenk, Universität Oldenburg
141. Hitler and Honecker, Nullpunkt and Mauerfall: German Film
in and out of Totalitarian Systems
Sun 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Grand Ballroom C
Moderator: Julia Hell, University of Michigan
"Tanz auf dem Vulkan: History, Utopia and the Social Construction
of Happiness in the Nazi Musical"
Mary-Elizabeth O'Brien, Skidmore College
"From 'Durchhalten' to Dachreparaturen: German Film from
April 1944 to the Nullpunkt"
Glen R. Cuomo, New College of the University of South Florida
"Honecker und der Film. Der DEFA-Spiefilm als Teil der
Jürgen Michael Schulz, Freie Universität, Berlin
"After the Fall: Post-War / Post-Wall Visions of Staudte
and Wenders"
David Caldwell, University of Northern Colorado
Commentator: Katherine Roper, St. Mary's College of California
142. German Anthropology in Colonial Contexts: Africa, Brazil,
and Berlin
Sun 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Grand Ballroom F
Moderator: Geoff Eley, University of Michigan
"Booker T. Washington in German Africa and the Development
of an Anthropology of Colonial Development"
Andrew Zimmerman, Columbia University
"Practicing Anthropology in a Conradian Universe: The
Question of Ambiguity and the Case of A. V. Fric"
H. Glenn Penny, Harvard University
"Pleasures of the Metropolis: Völkerschauen and the
Pursuit of Colonial Efficiency"
Sierra A. Bruckner, University of Iowa
Commentator: Woodruff D. Smith, University of Massachusetts at Boston
143. Representation and Participation in the German 'Länder'
Sun 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Grand Ballroom G
Moderator: Karl-Rudolf Korte, Universität Köln
"What Happened to the East German Bürgerbewegungen?
Citizen Participation in the Eastern Länder Ten Years After
Christiane Olivo, Antioch College
"Land Party Deputies"
Arthur Gunlicks, University of Richmond
Commentator: Michael Minkenberg, Europa Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
144. Deutsche und multkulturelle Europa-Diskurse in Text and
Sun 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Grand Ballroom H
Moderator: Istvan Varkonyi, Temple University
"Europäische Identität und deutschsprachige
Visionen: Europa-Perspektiven, Europa-Kritik"
Dagmar Weinroeder-Skinner, Saint Joseph University
"Pläyer fuer eine europäische Kultur der Hybridität:
Zur nationalen Identitätsdebatte in Deutschland"
Elke Segelcke, Illinois University
"German Film, European Cinema: German Cinematic Identity
in the 21st Century"
David N. Coury, University of Wisconsin at Green Bay
Commentator: Jean Godsell-Myers, Widener University
145. Emigration als Chance: Theoretische Arbeiten deutscher
Juedinnen nach 1933
Sun 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Briarpark 1
Moderator: Meike G. Werner, Vanderbilt University
" 'Mitten auseinandergerissen': Margarete Susman in Exile"
Barbara Hahn, Princeton University
"Women Historians on the Margins: Margarete Rothbarth
and Lucie Varga"
Peter Schottler, Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin
"'Amerika-das politisch Nahe und philosophisch Ferne':
Hannah Arendt and the
Question of Identity"
Ingeborg Nordmann, Evangelische Akademie, Frankfurt
Commentator: Stephen D. Dowden, Brandeis University
146. Hiding, Signs, and Anti-Semitism: Interpreting Stifter's
Sun 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Westchase 1
Moderator: Fritz Breithaupt, Indiana University
"Abdias Absconditus: Enclosure and Exclusion in Stifter"
Eva Geulen, New York University
"Arbitrary and 'Natural' Signs, Anti-Semitism and Epistemological
Anxiety in the Economy of Stifter's Abdias"
Joseph Metz, University of Utah
"Rewriting the Rhetoric of Anti-Semitism: Stifter's Abdias"
Martha B. Helfer, University of Utah
Commentator: Eric Downing, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
147. Nation, the Volksgemeinschaft, and Women's Rights
Sun 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Westchase 2
Moderator: Marion Deshmukh, George Mason University
"Antifeminismus, nationale Frauenarbeit und die Ideologie
der 'Volksgemeinschaft' "
Ute Planert, Universität Tübingen
" 'Volksgemeinschaft' als 'gedachte Ordnung': Zur Geschlechterpolitik
der Deutschnationalen Volkspartei"
Kirsten Heinsohn, Universität Hamburg
"National Solidarity over Interest Politics: The Volksgemeinschaft
Idea of Bourgeois Women Politicians in the Weimar Republic"
Raffael Scheck, Colby College
Commentator: Peter Fritzsche, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
148. Gender and Violence in Eighteenth-Century German Drama
Sun 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Westchase 3
Moderator: Peter Foley, University of Arizona
"Thieving Processions and Subversive News: Masculinity
out of Public-Sphere Bounds in Schiller's Die Räuber"
Jaimey Fisher, University of Utah
"Feminizing (Literary) History: A Reconsideration of Female
Characters in Die Verschwörung des Fiesko zu Genua and Iphigenie
auf Tauris"
Birgit Tautz, Lawrence University
"Friedrich and Anthony and Stanley and Alex: From Schiller's
'geheimes Räderwerk' to the Clockwork Oranges"
Gail K. Hart, University of California at Irvine
Commentator: Thomas Nolden, Wellesley College
149. Constructions of Textual Space and Subjectivity in 20th-Century
German Literature
Sun 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Westchase 4
Moderator: Sonja Hedgepeth, Middle Tennessee State University
"Check in to Tell a Story: The Hotel as Literary Space
of Choice in the First Half of the 20th Century"
Bettina Matthias, Middlebury College
" 'Der unbetretbare Raum': The Mirror as a Literary Space in 19th and 20th Century German Poet