Thursday, October 7, 1999

Cocktail Party Hosted by Emory University 6:00 PM-8:00 PM Ballroom Foyer

Pre-Conference Lecture 6:00 PM-7:30 PM Glenmar Room
Peter Merseburger, TV-Redakteur und Schriftsteller

Friday, October 8, 1999

Sessions 8:30 AM-10:15 AM

1. Zehn Jahre danach: Wann fällt die Mauer in den Köpfen?
Fri 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Barrington
Sponsor: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung

Moderator: Dieter Dettke, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung

"Einheitserwartungen und Enttäuschungen: Die Mauer in den Köpfen der Deutschen in Ost und West"
Peter Schneider, Schriftsteller

"Kein Platz für (N)Ostalgie: Ostdeutsche Identität und Mentalität im vereinten Deutschland"
Alexander Osang, Berliner Zeitung

Commentators: Joyce Marie Mushaben, University of Missouri-St. Louis
Dieter Dettke, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung

2. Martin Walser Stirs it Up Again I
Fri 8:30 AM -10:15 AM Liberty

Moderator: Alexander Mathäs, University of Oregon

"In Search of Private Memory: Martin Walser's 'Ein springender Brunnen' and his 'Friedenspreisrede'"
Peter Blickle, Western Michigan University

"'Ein springender Brunnen': Martin Walser's 'interesseloses Interesse' an der deutschen Vergangenheit'"
Helmut Pfanner, Vanderbilt University

"Refueling Debates on the Holocaust Memorial: Martin Walser's 'Friedenspreisrede'"
Margit M. Sinka, Clemson University

Commentator: Gerald A. Fetz, University of Montana

3. 50 Jahre NATO ­ 44 Jahre Bundeswehr
Fri 8:30 AM -10:15 AM Mimosa

Moderator: Jürgen Förster, Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt, Potsdam

"Deutschland als Schlachtfeld in der nuklearen Planung der NATO 1949-1957"
Klaus A. Maier, Paffenweiler

"'08/15' oder 'Kommiss a.D.'? Die Rolle der Bundeswehr in Belletristik und Film während der fünfziger und sechziger Jahre"
Wolfgang Schmidt, Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt, Potsdam

"'Little America in Germany'. Militärpräsenz als Chance kultureller Begegnung"
Hans-Joachim Harder, Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt, Potsdam

Commentator: David Clay Large, Montana State University

4. Banality of Evil? Nazi Careers
Fri 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Jarrett

Moderator: Peter Black, Holocaust Memorial Museum

"Das System Himmler"
Peter Longerich, University of London

"Rosenberg und das Reichsministerium für die besetzen Ostgebiete"
Ernst Piper, Universität Potsdam

"Brown-Shirted Diplomats and Colonizers: SA-Leaders in the Foreign Ministry and Ministry for Occupied Eastern Territories"
Bruce Campbell, College of William and Mary

Commentator: Ronald Smelser, University of Utah

5. Literature and Nationalism
Fri 8:30 AM -10:15 AM Brampton A

Moderator: Myong Ju Lee, Stanford University

"German Political Poetry and Nationalism: Max Schneckenburger's 'Die Wacht am Rhein'"
Lorie A. Vanchena, University of Redlands

"Cultural Translation and the Foreign in German Linguistic Nationhood: German Philology, 1815-1848"
Kveta E. Benes, University of Washington

"How Wolfgang Became German: Nationalism and Orientalism in Parzival Reception"
Todd Kontje, University of California, San Diego

Commentator: Alan Leidner, University of Louisville

6. Money, Value, Labor
Fri 8:30 AM -10:15 AM Brampton B

Moderator: Richard F. Wetzell, University of Maryland

"Working Beyond Labor"
Jan Mieszkowski, Reed College

"Between Physics, Biology and Mind: Late Nineteenth-Century Cultural Energetics and Proto-Fascist Theories of the State"
Sarah L. Roff, Princeton University

"The Ego-Effect of Money"
Fritz Breithaupt, Indiana University

Commentator: Nicholas Rennie, Rutgers University

7. The Emergence of Mass Culture in Late Eighteenth-Century
Germany and Mass Culture Criticism
Fri 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Brampton C

Moderator: Joseph Knippenberg, Olgethorpe University

"The Valorization of Novelty: The Fashion Journal, Fashion, and the Emergence of Mass Culture in Late Eighteenth-Century
Karin A. Wurst, Michigan State University

"Masse und Ohnmacht: The Emergence of the Mass from the German Enlightenment"
Karen J. Kenkel, Stanford University

"Mode als Geschichte: Cosmopolitan Self-Consciousness in Mass Culture Criticism"
Daniel Purdy, Columbia University

Commentator: Susan Gustafson, University of Rochester

8. Human Rights in Democratic Germany: National Identity, Religion, and Mission Abroad
Fri 8:30 AM -10:15 AM Knollwood B

Moderator: Stewart A. Stehlin, New York University

"Menschenrechte and German National Identity"
Lora Wildenthal, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

"The Jehovah's Witnesses' Request for Acknowledgement of the Status of a Corporation under Public Law in Germany:
Background, Present State of the Case, and Empirical Aspects"
Gerhard Besier and Renate-Maria Besier, Universität Heidelberg

"German Tourists in Kenya: Informal Development Aid"
Nina Berman, University of Texas at Austin

Commentator: Alice Bullard, Georgia Institute of Technology

9. Consumer Cooperatives and the Mittelstand in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Fri 8:30 AM -10:15 AM Glenmar B

Moderator: Peter Steinbach, Freie Universität Berlin

"Von der Allianz zur Gegnerschaft. Konsumgenossenschaften und Mittelstand im Deutschen Reich vor 1914"
Michael Prinz, Universität Bielefeld

"Nationalsozialismus und Konsumgenossenschaften"
Ulrich Kurzer, Göttingen

"Consumer Co-operatives and Mittelstand 1945-54: Popular Organizations, Ideology, and the Cold War"
Brett Fairbairn, University of Saskatchewan

Commentator: Bernd Weisbrod, Universität Göttingen

10. Austausch und Identität: Rollentausch, Kleidertausch, Geldtausch
Fri 8:30 AM -10:15 AM Elizafield

Moderator: Bettina Mathes, Humboldt Universität

"Kleidertausch und Gender-Crossing an der Schwelle der bürgerlichen Moderne: Goethes Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre"
Claudia Liebrand, Universität Freiburg

"Falsches Kleid und bare Münze: Tausch und Täuschung in der Komödie zwischen Shakespeare und Gryphius"
Daniel Fulda, Universität zu Köln

"Kleid, Sprache und Geld als Maske in der Komödie"
Walter Pape, Universität zu Köln

Commentator: Barbara Becker-Cantarino, Ohio State University

11. That Old Time Rock 'n' Roll: Goethe, Bettine von Arnim, Beethoven, and Their Critics
Fri 8:30 AM -10:15 AM Westover

Moderator: Max Reinhart, University of Georgia

"Collecting the Rocks of Time: Goethe, the Romantics, and Early Geology"
Heather I. Sullivan, Trinity Univerity, San Antonio

"Too Many Notes: The Critical Reception of Beethoven's Compositions and Eighteenth Century Aesthetics"
W.M. Senner, Arizona State University

"Bettine's Beethoven and a Million Love Letters"
Ann Willison Lemke, University of Michigan

Commentator: Michael T. Jones, University of Kentucky

12. The Body and Identity in Modern German Literature
Fri 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Barrington

Moderator: Susan Anderson, University of Oregon

"Whose Life is it Anyway? Politics and the Body in the Novels of Monika Maron and Libuse Moníková"
Helga G. Braunbeck, North Carolina State University

"Thomas Bernhard's Brides and Bachelors in Korrektur, Even"
Eva Kuttenberg, University of Dallas

"Trauma and Testimony: Ruth Klueger's 'weiter leben' and Christa Wolf's 'Kindheitsmuster'"
Caroline Schaumann, Middlebury College

Commentator: Britta Kallin, University of Cinncinnati

13. The Kohl Legacy
Fri 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Glenmar A

Moderator: Charles Lees, School of European Studies, University of Sussex

"Kohl's Impact on the CDU/CSU: A Mixed Legacy"
Clay Clemens, College of William and Mary

"Kohl's Legacy for Germany in Europe"
William E. Paterson, University of Birmingham, U.K.

"Das System Kohl"
Wolfgang Bergsdorf, Universität Bonn

Commentator: Peter H. Merkl, University of California at Santa Barbara

14. The New Populism and the Other: Aspects of the Current Debate in Austria
Fri 8:30 AM -10:15 AM Greenwood

Moderator: Gerhard Weiss, University of Minnesota

"Haider's Reach for Power"
Max Riedlsperger, California Polytechnic State University

"Toward a More Inclusive Society: Contemporary Austrian Writers Take Issue with the Politics of Exclusion"
Jennifer E. Michaels, Grinnell College

"Representations of Austrian-Turkish Relations: Barbara Frischmuth's 'Die Schrift des Freundes'"
Renate S. Posthofen, Utah State University

Commentator: Harry Ritter, Western Washington University

15. Construction Sites: Gendered National Identity in the Law, Religion, and Domestic Practice
Fri 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Knollwood A

Moderator: Heide Fehrenbach, Emory University

"The Imagined Hausfrau: National Identity Among Bourgeois Women in Imperial Germany"
Nancy Reagin, Pace University

"Gender, Memory, Roman Catholic Identity and National Identity in Postwar West Germany, 1945-1968"
Mark Ruff, Brown University

"The Legislation of Gender and the Issue of National Identity"
Margaret Crosby, Brown University

Commentator: Rebecca Boehling, University of Maryland-Baltimore

16. Foreign Policy Perspectives at Century's End
Fri 8:30 AM -10:15 AM Bellevue

Moderator: Forest Grieves, University of Montana

"German and American Perspectives on Euratlantic Relations"
Christoph Hanterman, Ventura College

"The American Elite and the Future of German-American Relations"
Jack O. Shafer

"Eine erste außenpolitische Bilanz der Regierung Schröder/Fischer"
Christian Hacke, Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg

Commentator: Mary N. Hampton, University of Utah

17. Dissonant Identities: Sound, Culture, Politics
Fri 8:30 AM -10:15 AM Swanton

Moderator: Vera Stegmann, Lehigh University

"Sound, Realism, and Identification"
Nora M. Alter, University of Florida

"Nina Simone's Performances of Brecht/Weill Songs"
Russell A. Berman, Stanford University

"Cultural Ventriloquism: Dubbed Voices on German Screens"
Antje Ascheid, Florida Institute of Technology

Commentator: Lutz Koepnick, Washington University

Session 8:30 AM-11:00 AM

18. Moralische Entscheidungssituationen in der deutschen Geschichte des 20.
Fri 8:30 AM -11:00 AM Rutherford

Moderator: Peter Hoffmann, McGill University

"Antifaschisten gegen den Hitler-Stalin-Pakt"
Anson Rabinbach, Princeton University

"Orientierungsschwierigkeiten in der Diktatur: Plädoyer für eine Entmoralisierung der Aufarbeitungsdebatte"
Lothar Fritze, Hannah-Arendt-Institut der Technischen Universität Dresden

"Das Verbrechen als historische Mission: Ambivalenzen des Moralischen im Selbstverständnis des Nationalsozialismus"
Wolfgang Bialas, Universität Potsdam

"Recht, Moral, Kalkül: Der 20. Juli als Extrembeispiel einer moralischen Entscheidungssituation in der deutschen Geschichte"
Manfred Zeidler, Hannah-Arendt-Institut der Technischen Universität Dresden

Commentator: Frank Stern, Ben Gurion University of the Negev

Friday, October 8, 1999

Sessions 10:30 AM-12:15 PM

19. Kulturpolitik in Domestic and Foreign Policy in Germany During the Interwar Years
Fri 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Glenmar A

Moderator: Klaus Schwabe, Technische Universität Aachen

"School Teachers, National Socialism, and the Politics of Culture at the End of the Weimar Republic"
Marjorie Lamberti, Middlebury College

"Germany's Kulturpolitik in Palestine, 1920-1939"
Dominique Trimbur, Centre de Recherche Français de Jerusalem

"The Landesgruppe of the NSDAP in Palestine: The Influence of a Local Nazi Party Branch on German Policy Toward Palestine"
Ralf Balke, Free-lance Journalist

Comment: Francis R. Nicosia, Saint Michael's College

20. Historicizing Trakl
Fri 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Brampton C

Moderator: Richard Detsch, University of Nebraska, Kearney

"Grete Trakl's Incurable Condition"
Laura McLary, University of Portland

"Narcissistic Affinities"
Eric Williams, Texas A & M University

"Georg Trakl, Egon Schiele, and the Austrian Tradition"
Karl Webb, Northern Arizona University

Commentator: Theodor Fiedler, University of Kentucky

21. Thoughts on the Atlantic Divide
Fri 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Mimosa

Moderator: Atina Grossmann, Cooper Union

"Germanic and Ango-Saxon Intellectual Styles: Rereading Johan Galtung"
Hanna Schissler, New York University

"Talking at Cross-Purposes: Transatlantic Misunderstandigs"
Konrad Jarausch, University of North Carolina/ZZF Potsdam

"Postmodernity, or the History of a European-American Conflict"
Klaus Milich, Humboldt Universität

"Gender in Transatlantic Perspective"
Renate Hof, Humboldt Universität

Commentator: to be determined

22. Violence and Terror at the End of the Third Reich
Fri 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Barrington

Moderator: Alan E. Steinweis, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

"'The Revolution Devours Its Children': Terror on the Home Front in the Context of Approaching Defeat in 1945"
Robert Gellately, Clark University

"Die Geheime Staatspolizei in der Endphase des Krieges"
Hans-Dieter Schmid, Universität Hannover

"Legenden und Mythen um das Ende der nationalsozialistischen Konzentrationslager"
Joachim Neander, Comité Européen Dora-Ellrich-Harzungen

Commentator: Sybil Milton, Unabhängige Expertenkommission Schweiz - Zweiter Weltkrieg

23. Kulturdämmerung: Sites of Resistance to the Kulturnation
Fri 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Greenwood

Moderator: Jeanette Clausen, Indiana University-Purdue University, Fort Wayne

"Of Hip-Hop and Being German: The Influence of American Subculture on Postwall German Identities"
Leslie W. Batchelder, University of California, Davis

"Comedy Wave Meets Problem Film: Laughing with Afro-German Lesbians"
Randall Halle, University of Rochester

"Rewriting German Orientalism: Michael Roes's 'Rub' Al-Khali' in the Context of Gay Reflection on the Kulturnation in the 1990s"
Claudia Breger, Humboldt University

Commentator: Katrin Sieg, Indiana University

24. Postcolonial Theory and the German-Jewish Experience
Fri 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Jarrett

Moderator: Marcia Klotz, University of Calfornia at Irvine

"De-Orientalizing Judaism, or Moses Mendelssohn and the Pygmies"
Jonathan Hess, University of North Carolina

"From Männerbund to Urhorde: The Colonial and Postcolonial Context of Freud's Theory of Cultural Formation"
Jay Geller, Vanderbilt University

"Fit to be Tried: Roger Casement, Leopold Bloom, and Max Nordau's Jews"
Marilyn Reizbaum, Bowdoin College

Commentator: Susannah Heschel, Dartmouth College

25. Gender Relations in the Republic of Letters
Fri 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Bellevue

Moderator: Daniel Rabuzzi, Luther College

"Gleichheit auf dem Prüfstand. Hippel und Wollstonecraft im Urteil der zeitgenössischen Literaturkritik"
Ulrike Weckel, Technische Universität Berlin

"Rethinking Eighteenth-Century 'Feminism'"
Ruth P. Dawson, University of Hawaii

"'eine vernünftige und beständige Liebe': Geschlechterbeziehungen in der Freundschaftskultur der Aufklärung"
Brigitte Schnegg von Rütte, Universitäten Bern und Basel

Commentator: Marion W. Gray, Kansas State University

26. Exhibiting Germany: Museums, Culture and National Identity
Fri 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Thornton

Moderator: Celia S. Applegate, University of Rochester

"Schaustelle Berlin: Constructing City Space through Museumspeak"
Karen E. Till, University of Minnesota

"Visions of Lebensraum: The Neanderthal Museum and Nature Park under National Socialism"
Thomas M. Lekan, University of Wisconsin-Madison

"Ethnology and the Search for the Self: Pursuing the Enlightenment Project in
Berlin's Völkerkunde Museum"
H. Glenn Penny III, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Commentator: Marion Deshmukh, George Mason University

27. Lies, Sex, and Silence: Revisiting Lessing, Goethe, and Kleist
Fri 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Brampton A

Moderator: Birgit Tautz, Lawrence University

"The Language of Silence as a Principle of Enlightenment in the Works of G.E. Lessing"
Christine Manteghi, California State University, Chico

"Verführung als Inszenierung. Der bürgerlicher Trauerspiel als
(Geschlechter-) Rollenspiel in Goethes Clavigo"
Gaby Pailer, Universität Karlsruhe

"Kleist's 'Die Marquise von O.': The Problem of Truth, Lies and Representation"
Grant P. McAllister, University of Utah

Commentator: Karen Kenkel, Stanford University

28. Formen und Probleme der Literaturgeschichtsschreibung
Fri 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Brampton B

Moderator: Walter Pape, Universität zu Köln

"Schwieriges Erbe: Die Literaturgeschichtsschreibung des 19. Jahrhundert aus heutiger Sicht"
Cornelia Blasberg, Universität zu Tübingen

"Der Sinn der Literaturgeschichtsschreibung und die Herausforderung der Postmoderne"
Peter J. Brenner, Universität zu Köln

"Wie stelle ich eine Epoche dar? Aus der Praxis der Literaturgeschichtsschreibung (am Beispiel der Literatur um 1900)"
Peter Sprengel, Freie Universität Berlin

Commentator: Linda Kraus Worley, University of Kentucky

29. New Developments in Party, Campaign, and Union Politics
Fri 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Knollwood A

Moderator: David M. Keithly, National Defense University

"Union Politics in Postindustrial and Globalized Societies: The Cases of Austria, Germany and Switzerland in the 1990s"
Simon Geissbühler, University of Bern

"Kandidaten als 'political entrepreneurs.' Zur Selbstfinanzierung im Bundestagswahlkampf"
Birgit Oldopp, Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg

"Die PDS vor der Entzauberung"
Heinrich Bortfeldt, Herder-Gymnasium, Berlin

Commentator: Andreas Sobisch, John Carroll University

30. Representations of German and Austrian Colonialism
Fri 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Westover

Moderator: Glenn R. Cuomo, New College of the University of South Florida

"The 'Vertical Colony.' Germany's 'War' in the Himalayas 1929-1939"
Harald Höbusch, University of Kentucky

"'Verloren-aber nicht vergessen': Colonial Propaganda in Weimar Germany and the Beginnings of Multi Media"
Christian Rogowski, Amherst College

"Bukovina: An Internal Colony of the Habsburg Empire"
Valentina Glajar, University of Texas at Austin

Commentator: Rolf Goebel, University of Alabama in Huntsville

31. "After the Party, the Hangover:" Barriers to Reform
Fri 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Knollwood B
Sponsor: Conference Group on German Politics

Moderator: Jutta Helm, Western Illinois University

"Financing the German Federal System: Problems and Prospects"
Arthur B. Gunlicks, University of Richmond

"Pouring Water on a Grease Fire: Red-Green Enviornmental Conflicts"
Caroline King, Georgetown University

"Federalism and its Discontents: The Constitutional Division of of Fiscal and Legislative Competencies"
Karen Adelberger, University of California, Berkeley

"German Workers, German Products: The Adaptability of German Institutions for Vocational Regulations and Industrial Standards"
John Jay Tate, University of California, Berkeley

Commentator: Christian Søe, California State University, Long Beach

32. Educating the Masses: Intersections of Bildung, Consumer Culture, and Nationalism around 1900
Fri 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Elizafield

Moderator: Laurie Johnson, Vanderbilt University

"Mitigating the Sensational: Ethnographic Collections, Commerce and Bildung in Wilhelmine Völkerschauen"
Peter McIsaac, Duke University

"'Vornehme Massenartikel' for All Germans: Langewiesche's Blaue Bücher as Middlebrow Products"
Katrin Völkner, Duke University

"'Frauen-Literatur' um 1900: Leserinnen, Kritikerinnen und der literarische Markt"
Kerstin Barndt, University of Michigan

Commentator: Kirsten Belgum, University of Texas at Austin

33. Secular Dreams? Encounters between Literature and Psychoanalysis
Fri 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Glenmar B

Moderator: Ann Goldberg, University of California at Riverside

"Der Sturm und Drang oder die Geburtstrauma des 'Menschen'"
Franz Futterknecht, University of Florida

"The Search for the Soul: Goethe's Influence on Freud's Literary Approach to the Problem of Naturalism versus Organicism"
Harvey E. Solganick, Missouri Baptist College of St. Louis

"Expressionism and Narcissism: Henriette Hardenberg and Sigmund Freud"
Caroline Rupprecht, Queens College, City University of New York

Commentator: Benjamin Robinson, Stanford University

34. German Language Study and German Studies: A Challenge and
Wake-Up Call
Fri 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Liberty

Moderator: Patricia Herminghouse, University of Rochester

"The Preparation of German Studies Professionals: A View and Challenge from Second Language Acquisition Research"
Heidi Byrnes, Georgetown University

"Updating the Focus of German Studies"
Frank Trommler, University of Pennsylvania

"No German Studies without a Study of German"
Gerhard Weiss, University of Minnesota

Commenator: Lynne Tatlock, Washington University

35. Historical Memory, New Left Violence, and Gender
Fri 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Swanton

Moderator: W.M. Senner, Arizona State University

"Deadly Abstractions: The Red Army Faction and the Politics of Historical Memory"
Jeremy Varon, Rutgers Center for Historical Analysis

"Fassbinder on Gender and the German Autumn"
Christina White, University of Minnesota

"Protest, Violence, and Gender in the New German Cinema: Representations of 'Terrorism' in the Films of Margarethe von Trotta,
Volker Schlöndorff, and Helke Sander"
Richard W. McCormick, University of Minnesota

Commentator: Michelle Mattson, Iowa State University

12:30 PM-2:00 PM

Peter Schneider
"Eduards Heimkehr"

Sessions 2:00 PM-4:30 PM

Friday, October 8, 1999

36. Roundtable on Nazi Germany and the Holocaust: The Status of Research
Fri 2:00 PM-4:30 PM Barrington

Moderator: Claudia Koonz, Duke University

Christopher R. Browning, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Henry Friedlander, Brooklyn College, City University of New York
Alan E. Steinweis, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Harold James, Princeton University

37. Family Ties: Homely, Unhomely, Uncanny
Fri 2:00 PM-4:30 PM Brampton C

Moderator: Jutta Ittner, Case Western Reserve University

"'Und wenn ich morgen früh zufällig tot sein sollte, so wundern Sie sich weiter nicht.' Zur Vater-Tochter-Beziehung in Arthur
Schnitzlers 'Fräulein Else'"
Imke Meyer, Bryn Mawr College

"The Laios Complex: Fatherhood at the Turn of the Century"
Silke-Marie Weineck, University of Michigan

"'Der Herr, nach dem sie sich sehnte': The Spector of the Father in Elfriede Jelinek's 'Die Klavierspielerin'"
Heidi M. Schlipphacke, University of Illinois, Chicago

"No Place Like Home: Modernist Innerlichkeit and Exoticism's Final Frontier"
John Zilcosky, Williams College

Commentator: David Kenosian, Haverford College

38. German Politics in Europe
Fri 2:00 PM-4:30 PM Bellevue
Sponsor: Hanns Seidel Foundation

Moderator: Gerhard Hirscher, Hanns Seidel Foundation

"Deutsche Positionen zur 'Agenda 2000'"
Roland Sturm, Erlangen University

"Demokratiedefizite in der EU"
Heinrich Oberreuter, Akademie für Politische Bildung, Tutzing

"Germany in Europe"
William Chandler/John Leslie, University of California at San Diego

"Die deutsche Politik in Europa im Jahr der deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft"
Jens Hacker, Universität Regensburg

Commentator: Reinhard C. Meier-Walser, Hanns Seidel Foundation

39. Jewish Consciousness and Anti-Semitism in the Nineteenth Century
Fri 2:00 PM-4:30 PM Mimosa

Moderator: Lorie A. Vanchena, University of Missouri

"Memoir or Spiritual Autobiography? The Personal Narrative of the Jewish Salonnière Henriette Herz"
Marjanne E. Goozé, University of Georgia

"Muttersprache and Racial Anti-Semitism: The Case of German-Jewish Writing in the 19th Century"
Roger F. Cook, University of Missouri

"Judaism on Trial: Anti-Semitic Scholarship in the German Courtroom, 1870-1895"
Barnet Hartston, University of California, San Diego

"The Fairy Tale Jew"
Martha Helfer, University of Utah

Commentator: Marilyn Reizbaum, Bowdoin College

40. Figures of Masculinity
Fri 2:00 PM-4:30 PM Liberty

Moderator: James Parente, University of Minnesota

"Querbeziehungen: Reading Sameness in the Early Modern Prose Novel"
Helmut Puff, University of Michigan

"Neros Kaiserschnitt: Das Phantasma der Selbstgeburt aboluter Macht in Lohensteins Agrippina"
Christopher Wild, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

"Protestant Spirituality, Masculinity, and Class: The Pietistic 'Patriarch'"
Ulrike Gleixner, Technische Universität Berlin

"Männer und Frauen. Zwei distinkte soziale Gruppen?"
Andrea Griesebner, Universität Wien

Commentator: Thomas Robisheaux, Duke University

41. German Colonial Studies and the Problem of Knowledge Boundaries
Fri 2:00 PM-4:30 PM Greenwood

Moderator: Katharine Kennedy, Agnes Scott College

"Modeling German Colonial Discourse and the Colonial Process"
Vanessa Agnew, University of Michigan

"'Scientific Colonialism:' Power-Knowledge in the German Empire"
Andrew Zimmerman, Columbia University

"German Colonial Studies and the Crisis of Legitimation"
Marcia Klotz, University of California, Irvine

"The Wild East: German Colonial Discourse and the Case of the Forgotten Eastern Territories"
Kristin Kopp, University of California at Berkeley

Commentator: Geoff Eley, University of Michigan

42. The Myth of Synergy: Jews and Gentiles in 18th and 19th Century
Fri 2:00 PM-4:30 PM Elizafield

Moderator: Maggie McCarthy, Davidson College

"On the Civil Improvement of Women and Jews in Late Eighteenth-Century Germany"
Barbara Fischer, University of Alabama

"Patterns of Childhood: Goethe and the Jews"
Klaus L. Berghahn, University of Wisconsin, Madison

"Filling in the Blank: Isaac Tannhäuser's Autobiography as a Missing Voice in 'Die Judenbuche'"
Peter Höyng, University of Tennessee

"Myth and Nonotheism in the Era of Bismark: Heymann Steinthal and the Problem of Hebrew Mythology"
George S. Williamson, University of Alabama

Commentator: Joseph Knippenberg, Oglethorpe University

43. Goethe and the Question of National Identity
Fri 2:00 PM-4:30 PM Knollwood A
Sponsor: Goethe Society of North America

Moderator: Jonathan M. Hess, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

"Goethe, Hölderlin, and the Task of German Culture: Effacing or Redeeming a National Character?"
John B. Lyon, Colby College

"Deutsche Identität durch Goethe? Mehr Nein als Ja"
Wolfgang Wittkowski, University at Albany, New York

"Goethe's Wandering Germans and Wandering Jews"
Karin Schutjer, University of Oklahoma

"Goethe Hermann und Dorothea: A New Arminius?"
Geoffrey Atherton, University of Virginia

Commentator: Fritz Breithaupt, Indiana University

44. Creating Their Place in History
Fri 2:00 PM-4:30 PM Jarrett

Moderator: Paula Hanssen, Webster University

"Emplotting History: The German Fall as Tragedy and Melodrama"
Sabine von Dirke, University of Pittsburgh

"Where Are We in History?"
Michelle Mattson, Iowa State University

"Brecht and the Critique of Intellectuals"
Marc Silberman, University of Wisconsin, Madison

"Intellectuals East and West: Bertolt Brecht and Karl Jaspers in Divided Germany"
Mark Clark, University of Virginia's College at Wise

Commentator: Richard W. McCormick, University of Minnesota

45. Vergangenheit und Gegenwart: The Analysis of Recorded Memories
Fri 2:00 PM-4:30 PM Glenmar B

Moderator: Bernd Schäfer, Hannah-Arendt-Institut für Totalitarismusforschung

"Vergangenheitsbewältigung: Die Kräfte des Eskapismus + Aktivismus"
D. Wienröder-Skinner, St. Joseph's University

"Her Story as Historian? 'Live' With Simone Shoemaker"
J.E. Godsall-Myers, Widener University

"Collective Memories of the Holocaust: An Analysis of American and German News Magazines"
Karin Böhme-Dürr, Universität Düsseldorf

"Subjective Truths: Oral History Interviews and the Stasi Archives"
M.B. Stein, George Washington University

Commentator: S. Samples, Mount St. Mary's College

46. Grand Ideas, "Little" Genres: Diary, Vignette, Love Letter, and Travelogue
Fri 2:00 PM -4:30 PM Brampton A

Moderator: Helga Schutt Watt, University of Denver

"'Du hast mich nicht verstanden, meine Teuerste': Das Geschlechterverhältnis im 'Liebesbrief' unter besonderer Berücksichtigung
der Korrespondenz zwischen Heinrich Christian Boie und Luise Mejer (1777-1785)"
Folke-Christine Möller-Sahling, Ohio State University

"Im Schatten der großen Namen: über Tageblätter, Taschenbücher und Almanache oder die vergessene Karriere der Minna S.
Lesarten und Kommentare zu Apochryphen der Goethezeit"
Dorothea Böck, Berlin-Brandenbergische Akademie der Wissenschaften

"Fear of the Crowd: Narrative Strategies for the Production of Social Harmony in E.T.A. Hoffmann's 'Des Vetters Eckfenster'"
Kai Evers, Duke University

"Gender Travels, Cross-Modern Selves: Women Traveling in the Nineteenth Century, 'Urnomadic Subjects'"
Cecelia Novero, University of Chicago

Commentator: Jeannine Blackwell, University of Kentucky

47. to be determined

48. A Roundtable on Austria in the Early Cold War: Gerald Stourzh's Use of the New Sources in His State Treaty History Um
Einheit und Freiheit
Fri 2:00 PM-4:30 PM Glenmar A

Moderator: Günter Bischof, University of New Orleans

"The Russian Perspective"
Vojtech Mastny, Cold War International History Project

"The American Perspective"
Thomas Alan Schwartz, Vanderbilt University

"The British and German Perspectives"
Klaus Larres, Queens University of Belfast

"The Austrian Perspective"
Anton Pelinka, University of Innsbruck

Commentator: Gerald Stourzh, University of Vienna

49. Expanding Germandom: Racial Planning and Ideology in the New Order, 1933-1945
Fri 2:00 PM-4:00 PM Brampton B

Moderator: Norman J.W. Goda, Ohio University

"The National Socialist Dream of the German Middle-African Empire, 1933-1943"
Gregory Weeks, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz

"Spaniards into Germans: Himmler, the Falange, and the Visigothic Ideal"
Wayne H. Bowen, Ouachita Baptist University

"Using Landscape to Mold Volksdeutsche into Reichsdeutsche in Annexed Poland, 1939-1944"
Daniel Inkelas, Northwestern University

"Himmler's Search for 'Good Blood': Racial Selection/Germanization in the Occupied East"
Isabel Heinemann, Universität Freiburg

Commentator: Richard Blanke, University of Maine

50. German Dilemmas at the End of the Century
Fri 2:00 PM-4:00 PM Knollwood B
Sponsor: Consortium for Atlantic Studies

Moderator: Gerald R. Kleinfeld, Arizona State University

"No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Exposing German Institutions to New Problems"
Michael G. Huelshoff, University of New Orleans

"The Bonn Republic between Berlin and Brussels: Germany in the European Union"
Wade Jacoby, Grinnell College

"The Changing Face(s) of Citizenship: German Minorities at the Millenium"
Joyce Marie Mushaben, University of Missouri-St. Louis

Commentator: Wolf Gruner, Universität Rostock

51. German Film Directors in Hollywood: Film Emigration from 1933-1949
Fri 2:00 PM-4:30 PM Swanton

Moderator: Ingeborg Majer-O'Sickey, State University of New York, Binghamton

"Fritz Lang in Hollywood"
Barbara Mennel, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

"Lady Luck: Visions of Woman in Weimar Germany and Hollywood Film Noir"
Barbara Hales, University of Houston, Main Campus

"Film Noir and the Experience of Exile"
Anton Kaes, University of California, Berkeley

Commentator: Sabine Hake, University of Pittsburgh

52. Paul Celan
Fri 2:00 PM-4:30 PM Westover

Moderator: Gertrud Pickar, University of Houston

"Kaddish for Spinoza: Secularization and Commemoration in Paul Celan"
Jonathan Skolnik, University of Pennsylvania

"Unleashing the Bears: The Weight of Memory in Paul Celan"
Rochelle Tobias, Johns Hopkins University

"'Deines Vaters Väter Unruhe und Stolz': Paul Celans Allegorien von Vater und Sohn"
Amir Eshel, Stanford University

"Wahnspur: Madness and the Limits of Representation in the Poetry of Paul Celan"
Derek Hillard, Indiana University

Commentator: James K. Lyon, Brigham Young University

4:30 PM-6:00 PM


Hosted Reception
6:30 PM-7:00 PM

7:00 PM-9:30 PM

Presidential Address
Gerhard H. Weiss
University of Minnesota
"German Studies: A Topic for Presidents"

Saturday, October 9, 1999

Sessions 8:30 AM-10:15 AM

53. The Exile Experience: Mallorca, Brecht's Collaborators, and Stefan Zweig
Sat 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Brampton A

Moderator: Dieter Sevin, Vanderbilt University

"Brecht's Collaborators in Exile: Margarete Steffin, Ruth Berlau and Elisabeth Hauptmann"
Paula Hanssen, Webster University

"Mallorca als Exilort deutschsprachiger Schriftsteller in den 30er Jahren"
Reinhard Andress, Saint Louis University

"A Living Memorial to a True European: Stefan Zweig's Autograph Collection and the British Library"
Jean H. Leventhal, Wellesley College

Commentator: Helmut Pfanner, Vanderbilt University

54. Crises at the Austrian Borders
Sat 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Greenwood

Moderator: Rolf Steininger, Universität Innsbruck

"Hungary and Austria 1953-1957: New Evidence from the Austrian State Archives"
Michael Gehler, Universität Innsbruck

"The Austrian Legation in Prague and the Czechoslovak Crisis of 1968"
Klaus Eisterer, Universität Innsbruck

"The Hot Peace after the Cold War: Protecting the Austrian Border during the War in Slovenia, 1991"
Erwin Schmidl, Austrian Ministry of Defense

Commentator: Vojtech Mastny, National Security Archive

55. J.M.R. Lenz: Macht ­ Körper ­ Politik
Sat 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Knollwood B

Moderator: Karen Achberger, St. Olaf College

"Briefe an den Vater: Figurationen des Vaters in den Schriften von J.M.R. Lenz"
Martin Kagel, University of Georgia

"Körper, Bilder, Statuen: Lenz' Body Image"
Uta Bamberger, University of Arkansas

"The Power of Sex: J.M.R. Lenz between Eighteenth-Century Eroticism and Twentieth-Century Identity Politics"
Roman Graf, Middlebury College

Commentator: Helga Madland, University of Oklahoma

56. Nazi Germany from Inside and Out
Sat 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Mimosa

Moderator: David N. Coury, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay

"Thea von Harbou's Position in the Nazi Film Industry"
Ingeborg Majer-O'Sickey, State University of New York, Binghamton

"A Nation Imagined? Three Exile Novels, From the Outside Looking in on Nazi Germany"
James Keller, St. John's University

"'Germany Could be as Happy as Wisconsin': Defining Enemy Culture in America"
Gary L. Baker, Denison University

Commentator: Stephen Brockmann, Carnegie Mellon University

57. German Policy Issues: Between Drift and Direction
Sat 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Knollwood A

Moderator: Clay Clemens, College of William and Mary

"The German Economy: Shocks to the System"
David M. Keithly, National Defense University

"German Security Policy at the Crossrsoads: Mixed Signals Still Point to NATO"
Mary N. Hampton, University of Utah

"Less Than Meets the Eye: A Reconsideration of German Hegemony"
James Sperling, University of Akron

Commentator: Michael G. Huelshoff, University of New Orleans

58. Humboldt, Nietzsche, Dilthey: Ideas and Experience in the 19th Century
Sat 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Brampton B

Moderator: Ross Lewin, Deep Springs College

"Humboldt and Gadamer"
Susan-Judith Hoffmann, University of Guelph

"Nietzsche's Masks and the Masque of Faust II"
Nicholas Rennie, Rutgers University

"Aestheticizing Consciousness or Letting Art Speak to Philosophy: Reconsidering Wilhelm Dilthey's Aestheticism"
Eric Sean Nelson, Emory University

Commentator: Anna Dempsey, James Madison University

59. Einfluß der SED auf die westdeutsche Friedensbewegung gegen den NATO Doppelbeschluß 1979-1983
Sat 8:30 AM -10:15 AM Bellevue

Moderator: Manfred Wilke, Freie Universität Berlin

"The German Peace Movement Across Five Decades"
Alice Cooper, University of Mississippi

"Die Einflußnahme der SED auf die deutsche Friedensbewegung"
Hans-Peter Müller, Freie Universität Berlin

"Die Friedensbewegung in der evangelischen Kirche der 80er Jahre"
Peter Maser, Universität Münster

Commentator: Gerald R. Kleinfeld, Arizona State University

60. Mediated Vision
Sat 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Thornton

Moderator: Arthur Groos, Cornell University

"From Body to Book: Mediating between Performance and the Written (Vernacular) Word in the Thirteenth-Century"
Kathryn Starkey, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

"Der verschriftlichte Blick: Zur Poetik der Visualität in der höfischen Literatur des Mittelalters"
Haiko Wandhoff, Humboldt Universität, Berlin

"Fleischwerden ­ Fleisch malen. Malerei als incarnazion (Cennino Cennini)"
Christiane Kruse, Universität Konstanz

Commentator: Ann Marie Rasmussen, Duke University

61. Outsiders in Early Twentieth-Century German Culture
Sat 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Jarrett

Moderator: Geoff Baker, Rutgers University

"Wissenschaft and the Jewish/German Relationship in the Early Twentieth Century"
Howard Pollack, DePauw University

"Younger and Older 'Friends': Stories from 'Der Eigene'"
James W. Jones, Central Michigan University

"Representations of Alterity: (Homo)sexuality and Economics in Brecht's 'Im Dickicht der Städte'"
Hedwig Fraunhofer, Georgia College and State University

Commentator: Imke Meyer, Bryn Mawr College

62. Visions of the Nazi Holocaust: Sources, Preparation, and Memory
Sat 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Liberty

Moderator: Robert E. Hertzstein, University of South Carolina

"The Pre-Nazi Town That Chose a Jewish Sex Symbol: Gender, Anti-Semitism, and Politics in Passau, 1919-1929"
Anna E. Rosmus, US Holocaust Memorial Museum

"Joseph Goebbels' Use of the Cinema to Prepare Germany for War in 1939"
Andrew R Carlson, Western Michigan University

"Remembering Childhood During the Holocaust"
Tanja Hetzer, Unabhängige Expertenkommission Schweiz - Zweiter Weltkrieg

Commentator: Donald M. McKale, Clemson University

63. Women and Children as Focus of Political Transformation of
Postwar Germany
Sat 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Glenmar B

Moderator: David Meier, Dickinson State University

"Organized Womanhood in the British Zone of Occupation of Germany, 1945-1950"
John F. Flynn, University of the South

"'Russenkinder': Rape Children and the Abandonment of the 'Social Contract' in Mecklenburg in 1946"
W. Karin Hall, Stanford University

Commentator: Maria Mitchell, Franklin & Marshall College

64. Multicultural Germany
Sat 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Westover

Moderator: Dennis R. McCormick, University of Montana

"Outsiders, Foreigners, Aliens: Responses to the German Question in Works by Dohm, Dische, Dörrie, and Ören"
Susan Anderson, University of Oregon

"Sistem gegen süppkültür: Feridun Zaimoglus Koppstoff und die Anti-Rants der Kanakas"
Annette Steigerwald, McGill University

"Der allophone Dichter Cyrus Atabay"
Nima Mina, University of Utah

Commentator: Joanne Miyang Cho, The William Patterson University of New Jersey

65. Strategies of Political and Social Reform in Umbruch Germany, 1890-1933
Sat 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Brampton C

Moderator: Paul B. Jaskot, DePaul University

"Reform and 'the Social' in the Wilhelmine Era: Liberalism, Authoritarianism, and German Modernity"
Dennis Sweeney, University of Alberta

"Conceptions of Old Age in the German and French Labor Movements in the Late Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries"
Karen Schniedewind, Université de Rouen

"Constructing a 'Usable Past'? The Stein Centenary and the Crisis of Local Government in 1931"
John Bingham, Dalhousie University

Commentator: Julia E. Sneeringer, Beloit College

66. Representations of Reality in Film and Cyberspace
Sat 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Swanton

Moderator: Lynda J. King, Oregon State University

"Berlin in the Movies after 1945"
Keith Bullivant, University of Florida

"Propaganda Through Entertainment: Billy Wilder's 'A Foreign Affair' and the Postwar Reeducation of Germany"
Jennifer Fay, University of Wisconsin, Madison

"Virtual Museums: Software for Cyberspace?"
Mark W. Rectanus, Iowa State University

Commentator: Barbara Mennel, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

67. Defining Germany: Discourses of Nature and Technology in German Nationalism
Sat 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Glenmar A

Moderator: Todd Kontje, University of California, San Diego

"Nature and Nation: The 'German Forest' as National Metaphor, 1871-1914"
Jeffrey K. Wilson, University of Michigan

"Technological Nationalism and Masculinities in Germany and Britain, 1890-1930"
Bernhard Rieger, University College, London

"'To Build a Powerful Dam Against the Polish Flood': Technology, Nature and the Struggle for the Eastern Marches, 1886-1914"
Elizabeth A. Drummond, Georgetown University

Commentator: Andrew Zimmerman, Columbia University

68. Domestic Fictions of the Emergent Nation
Sat 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Elizafield

Moderator: Marjanne E. Goozé, University of Georgia

"Domesticity and the Nation in Nineteenth-Century Fiction"
Brent O. Peterson, Ripon College

"Das flüchtig genossene Rheinpanorama"
Kirsten L. Belgum, University of Texas at Austin

"The View from the Margin: Regional History as National History in Gustav Freytag's Die Ahnen, 1872-80"
Lynne Tatlock, Washington University, St. Louis

Commentator: Celia Applegate, University of Rochester
Session 8:30 AM-11:00 AM
69. Martin Walser Stirs It Up Again II: The Recent Walser-Auschwitz Controversy in Context
Sat 8:30 AM -11:00 AM Rutherford

Moderator: Gerald A. Fetz, University of Montana

"Identität und Erinnerung - Eine kulturgeschichtliche Analyse der
Andreas Meier, Bergische Universität-Gesamthochschule

"Martin Walser on Memoirs and Memorials"
Alexander Mathäs, University of Oregon

"'Ein gutes Gewissen ist keins': Überlegungen zu Martin Walsers Roman 'Ein springender Brunnen'"
Heike A. Doane, Independent Scholars' Association

"Martin Walser: 'Ein springender Brunnen.' Language as Life and Literature"
Gertrud Pickar, University of Houston

Commentator: Peter Blickle, Western Michigan University

Saturday, October 9, 1999

Sessions 10:30 AM-12:15 PM

70. Global Human Experience, Capitalism, and Nature: The Construction of New Grand Narratives in History
Sat 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Barrington
Sponsor: German Historical Institute Washington, D.C.

Moderator: Georg G. Iggers, SUNY Buffalo

"World History and Grand Narrative"
Jerry Bentley, University of Hawaii

"It the Theory of Capitalism Still Useful to Conceptualize World History? The Case of the German Historical School of National
Steffen Sammler, Universität Leipzig

"History and Environment: Global Thinking or Empirical Research?"
Franz-Josef Brüggemeier, Universität Freiburg

Commentator: Eckhardt Fuchs, German Historical Institute

71. Rassismus und Gewalt im Nationalsozialismus
Sat 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Mimosa

Moderator: Henry Friedlander, Brooklyn College, City University of New York

"Beraubung, Verteibung, Germanisierung: nationalsozialistische Politik in Slowenien, 1941-1945"
Karl Stuhlpfarrer, University of Vienna

"Die Ermordung der östereichischen Zigeuner"
Florian Freund, Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichischen Widerstandes

"Westjuden im Ghetto in Lodz: Probleme einer Ghettogesellschaft"
Bertrand Perz, Historikerkommission der Republik Österreich

Commentator: Charles W. Sydnor, Jr., Central Virginia Public Broadcasting

72. Skepsis in Literatur und Philosophie
Sat 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Brampton A

Moderator: Klaus Vieweg, Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena

"Humean Skepticism in Post-Kantian Perspective: The German Discussion"
Kenneth R. Westphal, University of New Hampshire

"Ironie und Negativität: Der deutsche Romantiker K.W.F. Solger und die Skepsis"
Timothy C. Huson, Belleville Area College

"Das skeptische Milieu der Moderne und die moderne Literatur"
Gottfried Willems, Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena

Commentator: Bernd Hüppauf, New York University

73. The German Middle Ages in Modern Times
Sat 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Brampton B

Moderator: Max Reinhart, University of Georgia

"Die Herausbildung der Deutschen Philologie im frühen 19. Jahrhundert. Zur Wissenschaftsbildung in der Moderne"
Lothar Bluhm, Bergische Universität Wuppertal

"Das unendliche Mittelalter. Betrachtungen zur Postmoderne unserer Vergangenheit"
Albrecht Classen, University of Arizona

"The Remaking of the Middle Ages and the Making of a Nineteenth-Century Bestseller: Eros and Christian Aesthetics in Josef
Viktor von Sheffel's Ekkehard"
Ernst Ralf Hintz, Fort Hays State University

Commentator: Jean Godsall-Myers, Widener University

74. German National Identity and Music in the Early GDR
Sat 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Swanton

Moderator: Celia Applegate, University of Rochester

"Nationaloper and National Legitimacy in the German Democratic Republic: Hanns Eisler's 'Johann Faustus'"
Joy Calico, Duke University

"'Sozialistische Kultur schliesst nicht das Vergnügen aus': The Formation of a GDR Schlager Public"
Brian Currid, Freie Universität Berlin

"From Mendelsohn to Musik und Gesellschaft: The Search for a Progressive Musical Tradition in East Berlin, 1945-1951"
Elizabeth Koch, Georgetown University

Commentator: Pamela M. Potter, University of Illinois

75. City Scripts: Literary Institutions in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Tiefurt/Weimar
Sat 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Bellevue

Moderator: Daniel Purdy, Columbia University

"A Space of Sensibility: Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi in Pempelfort/Düsseldorf"
Monica Nenon, The University of Memphis

"The Montagsklub and Its Cultural Position in Eighteenth-Century Berlin"
James Knowlton, Austin College

"The Legacy of Duchess Anna Amalia: Ephemorographos in Tiefurt"
Angela Borchert, Princeton University

Commentator: Ann C. LeBar, Eastern Washington University

76. Die Zukunft der "Berliner Republik"
Sat 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Elizafield

Moderator: Peter Pottinger, Universität Koblenz-Landau

"Fünfzig Jahre Bundesrepublik: Auf dem Wege in eine 'Berliner Republik'"
Ralf Altenhof, Technische Universität Chemnitz

"Bündnis für Arbeit: A New Beginning for the Berlin Republic?
Stephen J. Silvia, The American University

"Nationalneutralismus in der deutschen Frage seit 1945"
Alexander Gallus, Technische Universität Chemnitz

Commentator: Josef Klein, Universität Koblenz-Landau

77. Race and Ethnicity in Contemporary German-Language Theater
Sat 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Jarrett

Moderator: Barbara Mennel, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

"Intercultural Dialogue on Stage: Turkish-German Playwrights"
Angelika Führich, Bryn Mawr College

"Racism and Antifacism in Elfriede Jelinek's 'Stecken, Stab und Stangl'"
Katrin Sieg, Indiana University

"Race, Representation, and Resistance: Marlene Streeruwitz's Play 'Bagnacavallo'"
Britta Kallin, University of Cincinnati

Commentator: Susan Cocalis, University of Massachusette, Amherst

78. Challenge and Adaptation in German Federalism
Sat 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Knollwood B

Moderator: James Sperling, University of Akron

"Strength in Diversity? The Changing Nature of German Federalism"
Gunther M. Hega, Western Michigan University

"Bildungstransformation im wiedervereinigten Deutschland: Verlauf - Ergebnisse - Folgen"
Hans-Werner Fuchs, Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg

"Imitation oder Lernen? Die Rezeption von 'zero tolerance' und 'community policing' in der deutschen Polizei"
Rainer Praetorius, Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg

Commentator: Arthur B. Gunlicks, University of Richmond

79. The Culture of Hypnosis
Sat 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Thornton

Moderator: Andreas Daum, German Historical Institute

"The Creative Unconscious: Occultism, Hypnotism, and Art in Imperial Germany"
Corinna Treitel, Harvard University

"Hypnosis, the Occult and the Symbolist Movement"
Michelle Facos, Indiana University

"Woman as Subject: Hypnosis in Turn-of-the Century Popular Culture"
David Ehrenpreis, James Madison University

Commentator: Paul Lerner, University of Southern California

80. Beyond the National Narrative? Political Socialization in Germany, Russia and the United States: Schoolbooks and Curricula
in Transition
Sat 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Glenmar A
Sponsor: The American Institute for Contemporary German Studies

Moderator: Carl Lankowski, AICGS

"Beyond the National Narrative?"
Hanna Schissler, New York University

"Constructing Citizenship in Textbooks"
Yasemin Soysal, University of Essex.

"Jenseits der 'vaterländischen Geschichte': Der europa- und weltgeschichtliche Horizont russischer Schulbuchautoren"
Robert Maier, Gerhard-Eckert-Institut, Braunschweig

Commentator: Daniel Levy, Columbia University

81. Popular Culture: Humor, Science Fiction, Theater, and the Movies
Sat 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Greenwood

Moderator: Keith Bullivant, University of Florida

"The Politics of German Comedy"
Stephen Brockmann, Carnegie Mellon University

"East German Science Fiction as Critical Space: Authors Johanna and Günter Braun"
Sonja Fritzsche, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis

"'Menschen im Hotel' 1929/30 and 1959: From the 'Golden Twenties' to the Wirtschaftswunder"
Lynda J. King, Oregon State University

Commentator: Mark Rectanus, Iowa State University

81. Emigration als Chance: Theoretische Arbeiten deutscher Jüdinnen
nach 1933
Sat 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Liberty

Moderator: Meike Werner, Vanderbilt University

"'Mitten auseinandergerissen.' Margarete Susman in Exile"
Barbara Hahn, Princeton University

"Women Historians on the Margins. Margarete Rothbarth and Lucie Varga"
Peter Schöttler, Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin

"Amerika-das politisch Nahe und philosophisch Ferne. Hannah Arendt and the Question of Identity"
Ingeborg Nordmann, Evangelische Akademie, Frankfurt a.M.

Commentator: Stephen D. Dowden, Brandeis University

83. Sacred Cows and Gored Oxen: The German Economy in Flux
Sat 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Knollwood A

Moderator: Wade Jacoby, Grinnell College.

"Power Politics: The Transformation of the German Electricity System"
Burkhard Eberlein, Technische Universität Muenchen

"Capitalism without Capitalists? A Bottom-Up View of Industrial Tranformation
in East Germany"
Katharina Bluhm, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

"Unification and the Erosion of the 'German Model'"
Roland Czada, Fern Universität Hagen

Commentator: Christian Kleinschmidt, Bochum

84. The 1848 Generation in Old and New Worlds
Sat 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Brampton C

Moderator: Joanne Schneider, Rhode Island College

"Der Dresdener Maiaufstand und die Revolution in Baden: Kommunikation, Wahrnehmung und Mobilität in der Revolution von
Ansgar Reiss, Universität Regensburg

"Froebel the Atheist? The Religious and Political Background of the 'Godless' North German Kindergarten"
Michaela Tomaschewsky, Indiana University Northwest

"The Mass Migration of Germans from Schleswig-Holstein to the United States: Theodor Olshausen and Joseph Pulitzer at the
Westliche Post in St. Louis"
Joachim Reppmann, Carleton College

Commentator: Frederik Ohles, Illinois College

12:20 PM -1:40 PM

Sybil Milton
Unabhängige Expertenkommission Schweiz - Zweiter Weltkrieg
"Sinti and Roma in Twentieth Century Austria and Germany"

Sessions 1:45 PM -3:15 PM

85. Das Schweigen zum Sprechen bringen': The impact of World War II on Three Generations in Austria - Soldiers in the German
Army, Their Children and Grandchildren
Sat 1:45 PM-3:15 PM Glenmar A

Moderator: Jacqueline Vansant, University of Michigan-Dearborn

"'We Were Just Brave Fighters and Saved Europe from the Brutal Communists' ­ The Interpretation of World War II by the Austrian
Veterans Association"
Helga Embacher, Universität Salzburg

"Generationsgeschichte - Children of Perpetrators and Bystanders"
Doris Goedl, Salzburg

"The Third Generation"
Daniela Ellmauer, Universität Salzburg

Commentator: Anna E. Rosmus, US Holocaust Memorial Museum

86. Does the Past have a Future?
Sat 1:45 PM-3:15 PM Liberty

Moderator: Christopher Wild, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

"The Vanishing German Renaissance"
James Parente, University of Minnesota

"Prospects for Interdisciplinary Scholarship in Modern German Studies"
Thomas Robisheaux, Duke University

"Premodern Culture and Postmodern Theory: To Colonize or Decolonize?"
Arthur Groos, Cornell University

"Utility and Medieval German Literature"
Ann Marie Rasmussen, Duke University

Commentator: Lynne Tatlock, Washington University

87. New Perspectives on the German Resistance Against National Socialism
Sat 1:45 PM-3:15 PM Mimosa

Moderator: Erich J. Hahn, University of Western Ontario

"Historicizing the German Resistance?"
Klemens von Klemperer, Smith College

"Ambivalence in the Resistance to Hitler: General Karl Heinrich von Stülpnagel and the Reprisals Against Jews in the Ukraine in
1941 and in France in 1942"
Peter Hoffmann, McGill University

"Failure and Success: Adam von Trott and America, 1939-1940"
Katharine Sams, McGill University

Commentator: Robert E. Hertzstein, University of South Carolina

88. Rethinking Critical Positions Through Goethe
Sat 1:45 PM-3:15 PM Barrington

Moderator: Ruth Dawson, University of Hawaii

"Mapping Goethe's Wilhelm Meister onto Wim Wender's Wrong Move"
Maggie McCarthy, Davidson College

"Butler and Garber-Goethe Style"
Sue Gustafson, University of Rochester

"Biographical Masquerade: Goethe's Confessions of a Public Life"
Evelyn Moore, Kenyon College

Commentator: Alice Kuzniar, University of North Carolina

89. Societal Change and Political Responses in Germany
Sat 1:45 PM-3:15 PM Knollwood A

Moderator: Gunther M. Hega, Western Michigan University

"Germany and the Politics of Cultural Diversity"
Sascha Müller-Kraenner, Heinrich Böll Stiftung

"Challenges to the Politics of Inclusion in Germany"
Jost Halfmann, Technische Universität Dresden

"Changing Democratic Rules through East German Politics"
Claudia Ritter, University of Michigan

"The Globalization of German Environmental Policy"
Kelly L. Kollman, George Washington University

Commentator: Christoph Hanterman, Ventura College

90. Twentieth Century Thinkers: Freud, T. Mann, Benjamin
Sat 1:45 PM-3:15 PM Westover

Moderator: Carsten Strathausen, University of Missouri

"The Limit of Expression in Benjamin's 'Goethes Wahlverwandschaften'"
Monica Birth, Johns Hopkins University

"The Search for the Soul: Goethe's Influence on Freud's Literary Approach to the Problem of Naturalism Versus Organicism"
Harvey E. Solganick, Missouri Baptist College of St. Louis

"Thomas Manns Burleske Tristan: Pastorin Höhlenrauch und Hekabe, die Novellenhandlung und Richard Wagners Ring"
Hartmut Kaiser, Clark University

Commentator: Gerhard Richter, University of Wisconsin, Madison

91. Limits of Herrschaft in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Empire
Sat 1:45 PM-3:15 PM Thornton

Moderator: Charles Herber, George Washington University

"Cultural Tactics of Political Repression in Seventeenth-Century Bohemia"
Howard Louthan, Notre Dame University

"Getting Away with Murder: The Social Tactics of Political Repression in Small Imperial Estates"
David M. Luebke, University of Oregon

"The Ends of Impudence: C.D.F. Schubart, W.L. Wekhrlin and the Limits of Anti-Authoritarian Speech"
David B. Pickus, James Madison University

Commentator: Karin J. MacHardy, University of Waterloo

92. Coming to Terms with the Female Sonderfall: Women's Work and Gender Politics in East and West Germany
Sat 1:45 PM-3:15 PM Jarrett

Moderator: Mary Nolan, New York University

"Technikpolitik als Geschlechterpolitik: Frauenbildungspolitik im Zugzwang technikpolitischer Grundsatzentscheidungen in der DDR"

Karin Zachmann, Technische Universität Dresden

"Normalarbeitstag und Hausarbeitstag: Zur Politik der Doppelbelastung in der DDR"
Carola Sachse, Technische Universität Berlin

"Special Rights for a Special Workforce: The Legal Introduction of Women's Part-Time Work in West Germany, 1955-1969"
Christine von Oertzen, Technische Universität Berlin/GHI Washington

Commentator: Donna Harsch, Carnegie Mellon University

93. East German Responses to the Holocaust
Sat 1:45 PM-3:15 PM Greenwood

Moderator: Peggy Piesche, University of Utrecht

"The Holocaust in East German Film"
Thomas Fox, University of Alabama

"Anti-Fascism, Anti-Semitism, Anti-Zionism: The East German Government's Failure to Respond to the Holocaust"
Jeffrey Herf, Ohio University

"Re-imaging Ravensbrück"
Robin Ostow, University of Toronto

Commentator: Maria Kroll, Mississippi State University

94. Mixing Memory and Desire: West German Cultures of the 1950s
Sat 1:45 PM-3:15 PM Bellevue

Moderator: Rudy Koshar, University of Wisconsin-Madison

"Industrial Design as Moral History"
Paul Betts, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

"Tourism as a Culture of Normalities: Germany, 1933-1950s"
Alon Confino, University of Virginia

"The 'Sexual Misery' of the 1950s"
Dagmar Herzog, Michigan State University

Commentator: Elizabeth Heineman, Bowling Green State University

95. Violence and Identity in Contemporary Literature
Sat 1:45 PM-3:15 PM Glenmar B

Moderator: Jutta Arend, College of the Holy Cross

"Three Media-One Story? Marie-Thérèse Kerschbaumer's Holocaust Narrative"
Maria-Regina Kecht, Rice University

"Anna Priska Kreuz and Her Nightmare Garden of Memories in Mariella Mehr's 'Brandzauber'"
Roger Russi, University of North Carolina, Charlotte

"Power, Violence, and Subjectivity: Herta Müller's 'Herztier'"
Barbara Kosta, University of Arizona

Commentator: Patricia Herminghouse, University of Rochester

96. Austria in the Nazi Era
Sat 1:45PM-3:15 PM Westover

Moderator: Geoffrey J. Giles, University of Florida

"Popular Opinion in Nazi Austria"
Evan B. Bukey, University of Arkansas

"The Heirs of Lueger"
Hans Safrian, Unabhängige Expertenkommission Schweiz - Zweiter Weltkrieg

"A Nazi View of Post-War Austria: Friedrich Rainer and the British Foreign Office"
Maurice Williams, Okanagan University College

Commentator: Sybil Milton, Unabhängige Expertenkommission Schweiz - Zweiter Weltkrieg

97. The Federal Republic of Germany at Fifty
Sat 1:45 PM-3:15 PM Glenmar A

Moderator: William Chandler, University of California at San Diego

"Identity at the End of the Century"
Henry Krisch, University of Connecticut

"The Future of the PDS as a Regional Party"
David Patton, Connecticut College

"The Politics of the New Middle"
Peter H. Merkl, University of California at Santa Barbara

Commentator: M. Donald Hancock, Vanderbilt University

98. Resistance or Integration: the Language of Emancipation in Imperial Germany
Sat 1:45 PM-3:15 PM Brampton B

Moderator: Anna Kuhn, University of California, Davis

"Language, Space, and Representation in Hauptmann's Die Weber"
Myong Ju Lee, Stanford University

"Morphine as Mutiny: Johannes R. Becher and the Intensity of War"
Benjamin Robinson, Stanford University

"Sexual Perversion or Self-Love: Incest, Mimicry and the Question of Antisemitism in Thomas Mann's 'Wälsungenblut'"
Ross Lewin, Deep Springs College

Commentator: Nina Berman, University of Texas at Austin

99. Jewish German Intellectuals Since 1945: Return, Dissent, Revival
Sat 1:45 PM-3:15 PM Swanton

Moderator: Leslie Adelson, Cornell University

"Critiquing the Critics: Broder, Brumlik, and Wolffsohn"
Jeffrey Peck, Université de Montréal/York University

"The Culture of Dissent: Jewish Writers and Filmmakers and the Re-Casting of Germany"
Frank Stern, Ben-Gurion University

"The Jewish Obsession with Things German"
Jack Zipes, University of Minnesota

Commentator: Atina Grossmann, Columbia University

100. Liberalism and Liberal Culture in Imperial Germany
Sat 1:45 PM-3:15 PM Barrington

Moderator: James Retallack, University of Toronto

"Liberal Nation-Builders: German Statisticians and the Measuring of Nationalitites, 1860-1880"
Siegfried Weichlein, Humboldt-Universität

"German Liberalism and the Frauenfrage, Antifeminism, and the Kulturkampf"
Michael B. Gross, East Carolina University

"Kommunen, kommunaler Liberalismus aund kommunale Wahlrechtsfragen: Zur Bedeutung des kommunalen Wahlrechts für die
Kommunalpolitik in Deutschland am Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts"
Karl Henirich Pohl, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel

"Jüdisches Mäzenatum und 'gelebte Bürgerlichkeit' in den Kommunen des wilhelminischen Deutschland"
Simone Lässig, Technische Universität Dresden

Commentator: Larry Eugene Jones, Canisius College

101. Moving from Self to Selves: German Women Writers of the 19th Century
Sat 1:45 PM-3:15 PM Knollwood B

Moderator: Ann Taylor Allen, University of Louisville

"Von Kopf bis Fuß auf Liebe eingestellt: The Construction of (Feminine) Authorship in Bettina von Arnim's Goethe's Briefwechsel
mit einem Kinde"
Catherine Grimm, The University of Notre Dame

"Luise Büchner: Writing in Private and Public Spheres"
Cordelie Scharpf, University of Wisconsin-Madison

"Louise Otto-Peters and Neue Bahnen"
Denise DellaRossa, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Commentator: Lynda Hoffman-Jeep, University of Louisville

Saturday, October 9, 1999
Sessions 3:15 PM-4:45 PM

102. The German/Austrian Jewish Experience in Literature
Sat 3:15 PM-4:45 PM Bellevue

Moderator: Katja Garloff, Reed College

"Reclaiming Heimat: Memoirs by Jewish American Reemigres"
Jacqueline Vansant, University of Michigan-Dearborn

"Costume Jewry: Pose and Parody in Contemporary German-Jewish Literature"
Kathrin Bower, University of Richmond

"In Europe There Was No Jewish Postman: German-Jewish Identity and Anti-Semitism in Martin Gumpert's Autobiographies"
Jutta Ittner, Case Western Reserve University

Commentator: Robert G. Weigel, Auburn University

103. Social Activism and Women's Culture in the Nineteenth Century
Sat 3:15 PM -4:45 PM Glenmar A

Moderator: Martha Helfer, University of Utah

"Problems of Evidence and Interpretation in Late Nineteenth-Century Feminism: The Berlin Socialist Women's Movement"
Anne Lopes, Audrey Cohen College

"Alice Salomon, 1893-1914: A Social Reformer in the Kaiserreich"
Andrew Lees, Rutgers University, Camden

"Auf dem Weg ins neue Frauenleben: Ein Einblick ins Lebensgefühl deutscher Frauen am Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts"
Tiina Kinnunen, University of Tampere, Finland

"Berufsarbeterin der Inneren Mission oder evangelische Sozialarbeiterin? Die Antwort der Inneren Mission auf die Etablierung der
sozialen Arbeit bürgerlicher Frauen durch die bürgerliche Frauenbewegung"
Petra Brinckmeier, Universität Potsdam

Commentator: Ann Taylor Allen, University of Louisville

104. Elites in Nazi Germany
Sat 3:15 PM-4:45 PM Elizafield
Sponsor: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst

Moderator: Dagmar Reese, University of Washington

"Hochschullehrer in nationalsozialistsichen Deutschland"
Michael Grüttner, University of California, Berkeley

"The Banking Elite in Nazi Germany"
Christopher Kopper, University of Minnesota

"Adel und traditionelle Eliten zwischen bürgerlicher Gesellschaft, aristokratischer Lebenswelt und nationalsozialistischem
Wolfgang Zollitsch, Brüssels

Commentator: Jane Caplan, Bryn Mawr College

105. Negotiating Justice: Practice in the Courts of Early Modern Germany
Sat 3:15 PM-4:45 PM Bellevue

Moderator: David Sabean, University of California at Los Angeles

"Negotiating Honor and State Authority: The Settlement of Manslaughter in Zürich 1380-1600"
Susanne Pohl, Cornell University

"Sanktionssystem und 'innerer Gerichtshof'. Peinliche Strafjustiz im Hochstift Osnabrück (1716-1802)"
Harriet Rudolph, Universität Trier

"Honor in Court: Uses of the Ehrverletzungsklage in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Saxony"
Eileen H. Crosby, Cornell University

Commentator: David Luebke, University of Oregon

106. to be determined Barrington

107. Theater and Music, Brecht and Eisler
Sat 3:15 PM-4:45 PM Swanton

Moderator: Kristina R. Sazaki, College of the Holy Cross

"Hanns Eisler's Film Music: Theory and Practice"
Vera Stegmann, Lehigh University

"The Drama of Reconciliation: Between German Genre Theory and American Performance Studies"
Jan Lüder Hagens, University of Notre Dame

"Brecht as Political Entrepreneur in the GDR"
Meredith A. Heiser-Duron, Foothill College

"Of Poor BB-Brecht in the Nineties"
Siegfried Mews, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Commentator: Patrizia C. McBride, University of Minnesota

108. Female Voices, Versatile Angles-Intersections of Biography, Poetics, and Reception in Modern Austrian Literature
Sat 3:15 PM-4:45 PM Knollwood B

Moderator: Jennifer E. Michaels, Grinnell College

"'Kühle Sterne': The Recent Reception of Hertha Kräftner's (1928-1951) Poetry and Prose"
Kirsten Krick-Aigner, Wofford College

"'Solche Frauen wie die Perserin'-Thomas Bernhard und Ingeborg Bachmann"
Gregor Hens, Ohio State University

"Lack of Freedom and a Sentence to Silence-Marlene Streeruwitz' Poetics of Motherhood"
Nele Hempel, University of Memphis

Commentator: Brett R. Wheeler, Georgetown University

109. Visions of History
Sat 3:15 PM-4:45 PM Thornton

Moderator: Janet Lungstrum, University of Colorado, Boulder

"Architects of the Future: Marble, Glass, and the Modernist Imagination"
Douglas Brent McBride, Indiana University

"Anselm Kiefer and the Angel of History"
Gerhard Richter, University of Wisconsin, Madison

"'Picture Album' as Paul Klee's 'Guernica': What the Artist Revealed, What he Obscured in the Painting in 1937"
Erika D. Passantino, Independent Scholar

Commentator: Ingeborg Hoesterey, Indiana University

110. German and American Responses to Globalization: Innovation, Taxation, Immigration
Sat 3:15 PM-4:45 PM Mimosa
Sponsor: The American Institute for Contemporary German Studies

Moderator: Jackson Janes, AICGS

Maryann Feldman, Johns Hopkins University

Hans-Dietrich von Loeffelholz, Rheinisches-Westfälisches-Institut (RWI) für Wirtschaftsforschung, Essen

Klaus Zimmermann, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn

Commentator: Carl Lankowski, AICGS

111. Democracy as Experience: Changes in Germany's Political Culture
Sat 3:15 PM-4:45 PM Glenmar B

Moderator: Hanna Schissler, New York University

"Narrative Refashioning of the Self in the Transition from Dictatorship to Democracy: German Biographies After 1945 and After
Michaela Hönicke, Zentrum für Zeitgeschichtliche Forschung

"West-Ost-Migration im geteilten Deutschland in den fünfziger und sechziger
Jahren: Überlaeufer und Übersiedler in die DDR im Kalten Krieg"
Bernd Stöver, Universität Potsdam

"From the Classroom to the Bedroom to the Streets: The 1960s and the Transformation of the German Political Culture"
Elizabeth L.B. Peifer, Southwestern University

"Die ostdeutsche Demokratiediskussion in der Wende 1989/90"
Stephan Steger, Zentrum für Zeitgeschichtliche Forschung

Commentator: Diethelm Prowe, Carleton College

112. Cultural Divides and Historical Narrative: Interdisciplinary Reflections
Sat 3:15 PM-4:45 PM Liberty

Moderator: Angelika Bammer, Emory University

"Viruses of the Mind in the Racism of the Third Reich"
Alan Beyerchen, Ohio State University

"Vom einsamen Gewissen: Die Walser-Debatte und der Ort des Nationalsozialismus im Selbstbildnis der Berliner Republik"
Amir Eshel, Stanford University

"Touching Tales of Turks, Germans, and Jews: Cultural Alterity, Historical Narrative, and Literary Riddles for the '90s'"
Leslie A. Adelson, Cornell University

Commentator: Lora Wildenthal, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

113. Roundtable: Research Centers in Comparative Perspective. An
International Discussion of the German and European Studies
Sat 3:15 PM -4:45 PM Brampton A

Participants are representatives of the research centers.

Commentators: Brita Baron, DAAD
Volker Gransow, York University

114. The Foreign Policy of Germany Under the Red-Green Coalition
Sat 3:15 PM-4:45 PM Brampton B

Moderator: Reimund Seidelmann, University of Giessen

"Germany's Rule in Peace-Making in the Balkan"
Christoph Lotter, University of Giessen

"Continuity and Change in Germany's Foreign Policy After 1999"
Joachim Krause, German Society for Foreign Policy

"German-American Relations-the Desirability and Feasability of a Transformed Agenda"
Philipp Borinski, University of Giessen

Commentators: Karsten Voigt, Foreign Ministry, Bonn

115. German Protestants Face German Guilt, 1945-1950
Sat 3:15 PM-4:45 PM Jarrett

Moderator: Susannah Heschel, Dartmouth College

"Muß Luther nach Nürnberg? Deutsche Schuld im Lichte der Lutherliteratur 1946/47"
Hartmut Lehmann, Max Planck Institut für Geschichte, Göttingen

"Protestant Evasion: 'Persilscheine' and other Guilt Avoidance Measures"
Robert P. Ericksen, Olympic College

"Did the Allies Make a Concentration Camp out of Germany? Paul Schütz (1891-1985), the Third Reich, and the Question of
German Guilt"
Rainer Hering, Staatsarchiv Hamburg

Commentator: Peter Steinbach, Freie Universität Berlin

116. German-Soviet Economic Relations: The First Forty Years, 1919-1949
Sat 3:15 PM-4:45 AM Knollwood A

Moderator: Edward N. Peterson, University of Wisconsin, River Falls

"The Economic Motivation Behind Rapallo: German Policy Toward Soviet Russia, 1919-1922"
J. David Cameron, Southeast Missouri State University

"The Economic Considerations Behind the Nazi-Soviet Pact"
Edward E. Ericson III, John Brown University

"Which was Trump? Security, Ideology and Economics in Soviet Policy toward Germany, 1945-1949"
Daniel C. Holtrop, Indiana University, Bloomington

Commentator: Edmund Clingan, University of North Dakota

117. Comrades and Criminals: The Politics of War Crimes in Postwar Germany
Sat 3:15 PM-4:45 PM Westover

Moderator: Frank Buscher, Christian Brothers University

"'Ich will schweigen': Justice and Politics in Karl Dönitz' Release from Spandau"
Norman J. Goda, Ohio University

"No Comrades Either: The 'Kamaradenschinder' Trials in West Germany, 1948-1961" Frank Biess, Brown University

"Nazi Crimes on Trial in Germany 1945-1999"
Dick de Mildt, University of Amsterdam

Commentator: Jeffrey Herf, Ohio University

Session 4:30 PM-6:30 PM

118. Special Plenary Session of the Association
The Future of German-American Relations
Sat 4:30 PM-6:30 PM Rutherford
Participants are individuals from the public sector to be announced at the Conference. General discussion follows.

Sunday, October 10, 1999

Sessions 8:30 AM-10:15 AM

119. War Crimes and Political Culture in Germany and Austria After World War I and World War II
Sun 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Liberty

Moderator: Günter Bischof, University of New Orleans

"Die Verbrechen der österreichisch-ungarischen Armee im Ersten Weltkrieg und ihre Nicht-Bewältigung nach 1918"
Hans Hautmann, University of Linz

"Kriegs- und Humanitätsverbrechen im politischen, juristischen und historiographischen Diskurs nach dem 1. und 2.Weltkrieg"
Winfried R. Garscha, Documentation Centre of Austrian Resistance

"Bestrafung und/oder Pardonierung ­ Inwieweit konnte Justiz in Österreich und Deutschland nach 1945 identitätsstiftend sein?"
Claudia Kuretsidis-Haider, Documentation Centre of Austrian Resistance

Commentator: Kurt Tweraser, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

120. Adorno and German Jewish Studies
Sun 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Brampton A

Moderator: Frank Stern, Ben-Gurion University

"Mimesis and Antisemitism, or Rereading Wagner Through Adorno"
Paul Reitter, University of California, Berkeley

"Antisemitism, Distorted Politics, and the Sociology of Religion"
Brett R. Wheeler, Georgetown University

"'Words from Abroad.' Adorno's Theory and Practice of Critical Intervention"
Katja Garloff, Reed College

Commentator: Marc A. Weiner, Indiana University

121. The Shifting Status of the Object: Ordering and Classifying Knowledge in the Late Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
Sun 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Brampton B

Moderator: Susan-Judith Hoffmann, University of Guelph

"'Hüte dich vor Namen-Registern von Würmern': Lichtenberg on Natural History"
Carl Niekerk, University of Illinois

"Chaos and the Organization of Knowledge in Friedrich Schlegel's Transcendental Philosophy"
Laurie Johnson, Vanderbilt University

"Heine's Reading of Romanticism and the Politics of Appropriation"
Jeffrey Grossman, University of Virginia

Commentator: Peter McIsaac, Duke University

122. Dissolving Borders: The Germanies, The Low Countries, and the Baltic 1550-1800
Sun 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Knollwood B

Moderator: Michael T. Jones, University of Kentucky

"Aufklärung in the Baltic: Cross-Border Influences"
Daniel A. Rabuzzi, Luther College

"Importing the Reformation: Dutch Refugees and the Second Reformation in Wesel"
David Fors Freeman, Emory University

"Frauds, Bankrupts, and Stock-Jobbers: Doing Business in Hamburg, Amsterdam, and Antwerp, 1650-1795"
Mary Lindemann, Carnegie Mellon University

Commentator: to be determined

123. Contemporary German Literature
Sun 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Jarrett

Moderator: Helga G. Braunbeck, North Carolina State University

"Romantisierung der Erzählgrenzen: Hans Joachim Schädlichs Erzählungen 'Satzsuchung' und 'Oktoberhimmel'"
Norbert Puszkar, University of Kentucky

"Ingo Schulze's 'Simple Stories': Still Waiting for the Wenderoman?"
Dennis R. McCormick, University of Montana

"Saliha Scheinhardt: Botschafter zwischen zwei Kulturen"
Lori L. Hazlett, Kent State University

Commentator: Nima Mina, University of Utah

124. Social Capital vor Ort: Old and New Networks in the Young Länder
Sun 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Rutherford
Sponsor: Conference Group on German Politics

Moderator: Joyce Marie Mushaben, University of Missouri-St. Louis

"The Communitarian Heritage of the GDR"
Lothar Probst, Universität Bremen

"Ehrenamt und soziale Bürgerinitiativen in den neuen Bundesländern"
Konstanze Billeb, Robert-Bosch-Stiftung

"Social Capital and Institutional Restrictions"
Holger Backhaus-Maul, Martin-Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg

Commentator: Caroline King, Georgetown University

125. Visual Representations of Nazi Racism and Crimes
Sun 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Swanton

Moderator: Harry Ritter, Western Washington State University

"Images of the Jew in Nazi Feature Films: Hans Zerlett's Robert und Bertram (1939), Erich Waschneck's Die Rothschilds (1940),
and Veit Harlan's Jud Süß (1940) "
Andrew Gaskiewicz, SUNY Oswego

"Signifying Absence: Representations of Crime and Guilt in Staudte's Postwar Film The Murderers Are Among Us"
Friederike Emonds, University of Toledo

"The Representation of Nazi War Crimes in Allied Documentary Films, 1945-1946"
Larry Wilcox, University of Toledo

Commentator: Jay W. Baird, Miami University

126. Royalty, Nobility, and Culture in the Kaiserreich
Sun 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Glenmar A

Moderator: Anne Lopes, Audrey Cohen College

"Graf Nicholas von Seebach and the Political Uses of Avant-Garde Opera and Theater in Dresden"
Johan Trygve Has-Ellison, University of Memphis

"First Ladies of the Kaiserreich: A Critique of Recent Historiography"
James C. Albisetti, University of Kentucky

"The Last Hope for a Liberal Germany? Some New Views of the Life of Empress Frederick"
Patricia Kollander, Florida Atlantic University

"Kaiser Wilhelm II als Kirchenpatron und 'friedlicher Kreuzfahrer': die deutschen Kirchen und der Besuch in Jerusalem im Jahre
Edina Meyer-Maril, Tel Aviv University

Commentator: Andrew Lees, Rutgers University at Camden

127. History and Memory in Postwar Germany: War, Scarcity, and US Aid
Sun 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Greenwood

Moderator: Willard Allen Fletcher, University of Delaware

"Wehrmacht und Weltkrieg in der Erinnerungskultur der Nachkriegszeit (1945-1960)"
Jörg Echternkamp, Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt Potsdam

"Literary Truth: The Fictional Portrait of Material Scarcity in Postwar Germany, 1945-1950"
Manfred J. Enssle, Colorado State University

"Weichenstellung zum westdeutschen Wiederaufstieg: Das deutsch-amerikanische Wirtschaftsabkommen vom 15. Dezember 1949"

Hans-Jürgen Schröder, Universität Gießen

Commentator: Klaus Schwabe, Technische Universität Aachen

128. Denunciation in Germany, 1933-1989: A Comparison of Conduct, Legal Standards, Official Regulation, and Agents
Sun 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Mimosa

Moderator: Jens Hacker, Universität Regensburg

"Denunciation in Germany, 1933-1955: Aspects of Historiography, Methodology, and Theory"
Inge Marßolek, Universität Bremen

"From Anti-fascist to Stalinist Interest: Aspects of Denunciation in East Germany, 1945-1955"
Olaf Stieglitz, Universität Bremen

"Stasi Reports as Reflections of Reality?"
Edward N. Peterson, University of Wisconsin-River Falls

Commentator: Robert Gellately, Clark University

129. Fictions of History: (Ab)use of History in Twentieth-Century Literature and Film
Sun 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Westover

Moderator: Jeremy Varon, University of California, Santa Barbara

"Making a Spectacle of Ourselves: The Impolitic End of Thomas Mann's 'Mario und der Zauberer'"
Geoff Baker, Rutgers University

"Hanna and Her Sisters: Bernhard Schlink's 'Der Vorleser' and the Portrayal of Germans as Victims"
William Collins Donahue, Rutgers University

"Acts of Remembering: Recent Holocaust Fictions on Film"
David N. Coury, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay

Commentator: Eva Kuttenberg, University of Dallas

130. Rebuilding Berlin-Architecture, Aesthetics, Power
Sun 8:30 AM -10:15 AM Elizafield

Moderator: Gerd Gemünden, Dartmouth College

"Constructing an Image, Building Berlin"
Wallis Miller, University of Kentucky

"'Berlin aus der Landschaft gesehen': Reflections on Ernst Bloch and on the Contemporary English-speaking Reception of Berlin"
John Czaplicka, Harvard University

"Daniel Libeskind's New Jewish Museum and the Aesthetics of Memory"
Noah Isenberg, Wesleyan University

Commentator: Francesca E. Rogier, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

131. Faith and Politics in Imperial Germany
Sun 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Knollwood A

Moderator: Margaret Lavinia Anderson, University of California at Berkeley

"Body Matters: Religious Diversity and National Unity in the Turnerbewegung"
Svenja Goltermann, Universität Bielefeld

"Unity, Diversity, and Difference: Jews, Protestants, and Catholics in Breslau Schools during the Kulturkampf"
Till van Rahden, Universität Bielefeld

"Civic Pride and National Glory: Faith, Identity and Politics in Frankfurt/ Main, 1866-1914"
Jan Palmowski, Christ Church, Oxford

Commentator: Helmut Walser Smith, Vanderbilt University

132. Reintroducing the Individual: German-American Relations and the German Ambassadors in Washington, 1901-1933
Sun 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Bellevue

Moderator: Gerald R. Kleinfeld, Arizona State University

"Discourses of Powerful Men: The Diplomacy of Interpersonal Relations in US-German Relations during Theodore Roosevelt's
Presidency, 1901-1909"
Raimund Lammersdorf, German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C.

"Peter Reinhold: The Man Who Should Have Been Ambassador"
Edmund Clingan, University of North Dakota

"Weimar's Diplomats in Washington: German-American Relations and Ambassadors Wiedfeldt, Maltzan, and Prittwitz"
Michael Wala, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Commentator: Thomas Alan Schwartz, Vanderbilt University

133. Women's Responses to the Restoration
Sun 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Thornton

Moderator: Alan Leidner, University of Louisville

"The Romance as Political Allegory in the Novels of Caroline de la Motte Fouqué and Karoline Pichler"
Karin Baumgartner, Washington University in St. Louis

"'Ob Traum, ob Wirklichkeit, das fragt sich hier:' Annette von Droste-Hülshoff und die Schauerromantik"
Silke Arnold-de Simine, Universität Mannheim

"Geschichte(n) der Moden: Zur Bedeutung der Kleidung bei Caroline de la Motte Fouqué"
Julia Bertschik, Freie Universität Berlin

Commentator: Birgit Tautz, Lawrence University

134. Sophie von La Roche
Sun 8:30 AM-10:15 AM Brampton C

Moderator: John B. Lyon, Colby College

"Conquering Softly? Women and The New Wold in Sophie von La Roche's Erscheinung am See Oneida"
Elisabeth Krimmer, Mount Holyoke College

"Sophie La Roche and Weimar"
Helga Schutte Watt, University of Denver

"Performances of/as Female Power in Sophie von La Roche's History of Lady Sophie Sternheim"
Wendy Arons, University of California, San Diego

Commentator: Monika Nenon, University of Memphis
Sunday October 10, 1999
Sessions 10:30 AM-12:15 PM
135. Education from Biedermeier to Weimar
Sun 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Greenwood

Moderator: Konrad Jarausch, University of North Carolina

"Serving in the Educational Trenches: Administrative Challenges in Munich's Girls' Schools"
Joanne Schneider, Rhode Island College

"Transplanted Heimat and Colonized People: The German Colonies in Wilhelmine Schoolbooks"
Katherine Kennedy, Agnes Scott College

"Gesundheitserziehung in Deutschland im 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert: Eigendynamiken professionellen und
wissenschaftlichen Wissens im Überschneidungsbereich von Pädagogik und Medizin"
Annette Miriam Stroß, Humboldt-Universität

"Grenzen der Internationalisierung: Ausändische Studenten an deutschen Hochschulen, 1890-1930"
Peter Drewek, Freie Universität Berlin

Commentator: James C. Albisetti, University of Kentucky
136. Indigenous Police Under German Occupation: The Reichskommissariat Ostland
Sun 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Brampton C

Moderator: Alan Beyerchen, Ohio State University

"Estonia's Gestapo: The Estonian Political Police in Tallinn, 1941-1942"
Elizabeth White, US Department of Justice

"The Lithuanian Security Police in Nazi-Occupied Vilnius, 1941-1944"
Michael McQueen, US Department of Justice

"The Latvian Security Police and Nazi Occupation Policy, 1941-1944"
Robert G. Waite, US Department of Justice

Commentator: Martin C. Dean, US Holocaust Memorial Museum

137. The Politics of the German Aristocracy, 1918-1945
Sun 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Westover

Moderator: James Retallack, University of Toronto

"Catholic Conservatives Between the Center and the DNVP: A Study in the Politics of the Rhenish-Westphalian Aristocracy,
Larry Eugene Jones, Canisius College

"Vom König zum Führer? Gründe und Ausmaß der Annäherung des deutschen Adels an die radikale Rechte und the
Nationalsozialismus 1918-1934"
Stephan Malinowski, Technische Universität Berlin

"Aristokraten im Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus"
Peter Steinbach, Freie Universität Berlin

Commentator: Shelly Baranowski, University of Akron

138. "Überhaupt ist vieles viel verschiedener": Resistence in East German Literature
Sun 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Elizafield

Moderator: Thomas Fox, University of Alabama

"Christoph Heins Auffassung von Chronik und die Aufgaben der DDR-Literatur, untersucht am Beispiel von 'Die Einladung zum
Lever Bourgeois' und 'Die russischen Briefe des Jägers Johann Seifert'"
Maria Kroll, Mississippi State University

"'Helena war nie in Troja': The Dismantling of GDR Ideology in Christa Wolf's 'Kindheitsmuster' and 'Kassandra'"
Evelyn Preuss, Yale University

"Erneuter Blick auf ein altes Kapitel: Das Motiv der Republikflucht in Hermann Kants 'Die Aula'"
Peggy Piesche, University of Utrecht

Commentator: Reinhard Andress, Saint Louis University

139. Towards a Cinema of Exile: Crossing Borders, Genders, and National Identity
Sun 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Barrington

Moderator: Angelika Bammer, Emory University

"'Made in 1933'-German-Jewish Directors and the Concept of Exile"
Sabine Hake, University of Pittsburgh

"Paint it Black: Robert Siodmak's Hollywood"
Lutz Koepnick, Washington University

"Notes on Exile Cinema"
Gerd Gemünden, Dartmouth College

"Queer Exiles and Transgender Film"
Alice Kuzniar, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Commentator: Johannes von Moltke, University of Michigan

140. German Culture, Multiculture, and Imperialism
Sun 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Bellevue

Moderator: Maria Mitchell, Franklin and Marshall College

"Benjamin's 'Einbahnstrasse': Cultural Citation and Colonial Authenticity"
Rolf J. Goebel, University of Alabama in Huntsville

"Berlin Architecture: Multiculturalism and Imperialism on Display"
Janet Lungstrum, University of Colorado at Boulder

"The Question of Integration in Multicultural Germany"
Joanne Miyang Cho, The William Patterson University of New Jersey

Commentator: Roland Dollinger, Sarah Lawrence College

141. to be determined

142. Germany and Europe: Between Party Politics and Statecraft
Sun 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Mimosa

Moderator: William E. Paterson, University of Birmingham

"Germany: Between Social Democracy and National Interest"
Charlie Jeffery, IGS, University of Birmingham

"Re-constituting European Social Democracy: Germany's Pivotal Role"
Charles Lees, School of European Studies, University of Sussex

"German Industrial Relations and the Labour Market: The Impact of Unification and the Single European Market"
Graham Timmins, University of Huddersfield

"European Citizenship or a new German Sonderweg? Immigration and Citizenship in the Berlin Republic"
Simon Green, University of Portsmouth

Commentator: Clay Clemens, College of William and Mary

143. In and Out of Austria: Kafka, Bachmann, and Society
Sun 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Brampton B

Moderator: Jean Leventhal, Wellesley College

"Interkulturelle Germanistik im Unterricht am Beispiel von Franz Kafka und Frida Kahlo"
Lynda Hoffman-Jeep, University of Louisville

"'The Metamorphosis of Kafka's Artist': The Transition from Dysfunctional Citizen to Vital Member of Society"
Deanna Tingley Kendall, Vanderbilt University

Commentator: William Collins Donahue, Rutgers University

144. Cultural and Political Production in Weimar and Nazi Germany
Sun 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Thornton

Moderator: Katherine Roper, Saint Mary's College

"'Join the Party of the Contented': Women, Politics, and Advertising, 1924-1928"
Julia E. Sneeringer, Beloit College

"Visions of Work: Hugo Stinnes in the Cultural Imagination of the Early Twenties"
Bernd Widdig, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

"The Position of Music in Weimar and Nazi Cultural Policy"
Pamela M. Potter, University of Wisconsin-Madison

"Cultural Policy and Political Culture: The Example of the SS Barracks in Nuremberg"
Paul B. Jaskot, DePaul University

Commentator: Barbara Copeland Buenger, University of Wisconsin-Madison

145. Rethinking the Premodern
Sun 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Swanton
Sponsor: Frühe Neuzeit International

Moderator: Kathryn Starkey, University of North Carolina

"Clashing Values: The Nibelungenlied and the German Nationalism in the Modern Era"
Susann Samples, Mount Saint Mary's College

"Getting Medieval: The Middle Ages in the Movies"
Richard J. Rundell, New Mexico State University

"Beißender Spott, grenzloses Gottvertrauen und unbändige Unternhemungslust: Sidonia Zäunemanns eigenwilliges Plädoyer für
die 'gelehrten Frauenzimmer'"
Stephanie Ohnesorg, University of Tennessee

"The Querelle des Femmes Debate in the all-female Sprachgesellschaften of Early Modern Germany"
Christine Frei, University of California at Davis

Commentator: Bettina Mathes, Humboldt Universität

146. The Politics of Deviance: Psychiatry and Society from the Kaiserreich to the Third Reich
Sun 10:30AM-12:15 PM Elizafield

Moderator: Geoff Eley, University of Michigan

"German Psychiatry and the Problem of Explaining Criminal Behavior, 1880-1945"
Richard Wetzell, University of Maryland

"The Mellage Case: The Insane Asylum and the Politics of Incarceration in Wilhelmine Germany"
Ann Goldberg, University of California, Riverside

"'Dictatorship of the Psychopaths:' Psychiatrists and Hysterics through Defeat, Revolution, and Inflation, 1918-1924"
Paul Lerner, University of Southern California

Commentator: Doris Kaufmann, Max-Planck Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte

147. Resacrilizing the Secular: Protestantism and the Making of Modern Germany
Sun 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Jarrett

Moderator: Dagmar Herzog, Michigan State University

"Public Ritual and the Bourgeois Religious Project in Imperial Germany"
Edward Mathieu, University of Michigan

"Fight the Good Fight: Protestant Youth and the Battle Against Schund und Schmutz"
Tim Kaiser, University of Michigan

"Apostasy or Religiosity? The Cultural Meanings of the Protestant Vote for Hitler"
Richard Steigmann-Gall, University of Toronto

Commentator: Doris Bergen, University of Notre Dame

148. Ten Years After the Wall: Political-Cultural Foundations of the New German Capital Berlin
Sun 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Liberty

Moderator: Reiner Pommerin, Technische Universität Dresden

"The Political Culture of Cold War West Berlin"
Diethelm Prowe, Carleton College

"'Fleißig, fleißig, fleißig, unsere DDR wird dreißig': Aspekte des Wandels der Festkultur in der DDR"
Gerald Diesener, Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam

"Continuity or Conclusion: The Function of the Holocaust Memorial in the 'Berlin Republic'"
Cary V. Nathenson, University of Houston

"Martin Walser: The Voice of the New German Republic"
David Bathrick, Cornell University

Commentator: Jeffry Diefendorf, University of New Hampshire

149. Technology in German Studies: From Theory to Practical Applications
Sun 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Glenmar B

Moderator: Viola Westbrook, Emory University

"Far From Quiet on the Distance Learning Front: Teaching and Learning German on TV"
Susan Schwaneflugel, University of Pennsylvania

"The Real Issues Surrounding Virtual Cultural Immersion in the German Classroom"
Christa Spreizer, Queens College/CUNY

"Representing Technology in Contemporary German Literature"
Aminia Brueggmann, Old Dominion University

Commentator: Bettina Cothran, Georgia Institute of Technology

150. Brecht in Berlin: Interdisciplinary Aspects
Sun 10:30 AM-12:15 PM Rutherford

Moderator: Stephen Brockmann, Carnegie Mellon University

"The Relation of Brecht's 'Threepenny Opera' to the Zeitoper and Weimar-Era Kulturpolitik"
Barry Salwen, University of North Carolina at Wilmington

"Brecht's 'Kalendergeschichten' and the Politics of Nationhood"
Kristina R. Sazaki, College of the Holy Cross

"Brecht and Film"
Carsten Strathausen, University of Missouri

Commentator: Marc Silberman, University of Wisconsin, Madison


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